Book Read Free

In a Lifetime

Page 22

by Ariadne Wayne

  “How do you know what our bed is like?” Ella asked, bemused.

  Vanessa tapped the side of her nose. “Anyway, I want to get going. Connor is meeting me at my place. His car’s in almost as bad shape as mine is. I don’t know if it’ll survive the drive out here.”

  “Want a lift home?” I stepped out of the car, holding a hand for Ella to grab.

  “I’m fine, I’ll call a taxi. What are you going to do? Drive me home in your sex car?”

  “Nessa,” Ella said, emerging from the back seat.

  Vanessa shrugged. “Okay. Nearly sex car.”

  “Get in the front, and I’ll take you home,” I said. Ella held onto my hand, and I turned to her, pecking her on the lips. “And you, get inside, check on our babies, and we’ll pick up where we left off when I get back.”

  She grinned, kissing me, lingering on my lips. “You betcha.”

  “I’ll grab my bag,” Vanessa said.

  I leaned against the driver’s door, and Ella wrapped her arms around my waist, giving me a quick hug before letting go. “Don’t be long,” she whispered.

  “As long as it takes to make sure Vanessa’s safe inside, and I’ll be straight back to you.”

  “Thank you for tonight.”

  I ran my fingers through those long, dark curls. “We need to do this more often. I love being at home, all four of us. But, sometimes, it’s nice to get Matt and Ella time.”

  She nodded.

  “Get inside where it’s warm.” I bent my head, kissing her tenderly, and watched as she walked to the front door, crossing paths with Vanessa on the way out. The two women hugged briefly before Ella went inside and shut the door, leaving me to take Vanessa home.

  Vanessa walked around the car, climbing into the passenger seat as I opened my door.

  “So when are you two getting married?” she asked.

  “Shouldn’t that be up to us to decide?” I teased, flicking the key in the ignition, the car rumbling as it started. I backed down the driveway and onto the street.

  “Well, yeah, but I want to be a bridesmaid.” Vanessa poked her tongue out at me. All I could do was roll my eyes

  “We have to wait for Ella’s divorce to be final. When the final papers are through, I’ll ask her.”

  “You could ask her now.”

  “I just want her to be free, Ness.” I glanced at her. For once she didn’t have that cheeky grin on her face, and was looking down at her hands in her lap. “It’s okay. I’m impatient, too. But this whole thing was so messy. We’re together, that’s all that matters,” The light ahead was red, and I slowed to a crawl before stopping.

  “I know I give you crap, but you always were the right one for her.”

  Maybe it was time, regardless of Ella’s marital status. I’d found the perfect engagement ring for her months before, stashing it away for the right moment.

  I met Vanessa’s gaze, nodding at the honesty in her face. “You know, I never did find out why your dad didn’t like Sam so much. He talks, but he doesn’t like opening up.”

  The light went green, and we moved on.

  “He never respected her. Dad hated that. You know, my mum does everything for Dad. At least it seems that way. But they’re real partners. They never do anything big without talking to one another, and they pick each other up if the other one is down.”

  She shrugged. “Sam never did that with Ella. He might not have been mean at the start, and he seemed to really love her. But he was happy for her to get wound up running around after him. He wasn’t there for her.”

  I frowned. “They always seemed happy. Before I went away, anyway.”

  “That day you helped Dad on the farm? I think that was one of the best days of his life. He had me and Ella. I think, deep down, he wanted a boy to help him out, learn the ropes. I know that either of us could work on the farm, and we did when we were growing up, but you were everything Sam wasn’t. And you took better care of Ella at times than Sam did.”

  “I tried so hard to hide the way I felt.” I had no reason to keep that secret now. How I felt about Ella was out there.

  “That was why I gave you such a hard time. I kind of hoped that you would push her to make a choice, make her realise more than Douchebag was out there. Maybe she would have denied it at the time, I never asked, but I think she loved you both.”

  I smiled. Vanessa had always supported me, had been there even when all it seemed was that she was giving me a hard time. I loved her like a sister, and would always be there to protect her if she needed me.

  “I always feel safe with you.”

  That confused me. “Did you not feel safe with Sam?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think he meant anything, but he creeped me out from time to time. The odd thing he’d say made me uncomfortable. You don’t do that.”

  “What did he say, Vanessa?”

  My blood boiled at the thought of her feeling that way. Sam had always seemed to be such a good guy; now it seemed he’d gone off the rails in more way than one. How could we be two years past his betrayal of Ella and there to be still more bad?

  “He’d make comments about my body. You, I could walk around half-naked and you’d be worried about me being cold. Him, I covered up because he was having a look.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Connor waited outside her building, and I pulled over to the side of the road.

  “Thanks, Matt.” Vanessa opened the door before I could respond, stepping out of the car, and made her way toward him.

  “Vanessa, wait.” I pushed my door open and ran around the car, grabbing her into a bear hug.

  “What gives, Bro-in-law?” She laughed.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that Sam made you feel that way, and I’m sorry I wasn’t here to stop it. I hope you know I’ll never be that creepy man.”

  “Let go of me and I might believe you.”

  I dropped my hands to my side. “Good night, Ness. Night, Connor.”

  She pushed herself up onto her toes, kissing me on the cheek. “Good night. Now go have some wild monkey sex with my sister. You know that’s what you really want to do.”

  I laughed.

  She was right.



  I pulled into the garage at home, letting out a big breath as I turned off the car and pulled the key from the ignition. Tonight had been perfect; now to go in and be with the woman I adored.

  Inside, the gentle light of the lamp in the hall lit the way inside, our bedroom dark with no sign of Ella. Confused, I turned, walking back down the hall and into the children’s room.

  There she was, snuggled up with Finn, fast asleep with him in her arms. His head nestled into her shoulder, and her arm looped under his neck. They looked so peaceful and so content, I couldn’t bear to wake her.

  I turned back to the bedroom, stripping off my shirt and throwing it in the laundry basket. Closing my eyes, I reached up, rubbing my neck. Today had been tiring, and now deprived of my partner, I’d just settle in and catch some sleep.

  Ella’s palms landed on my pecs, and I opened my eyes to her running her hands up to my shoulders.

  “You’re awake,” I said.

  She smiled. “Finn woke up not long after you left. I climbed into bed and sang to him until he went to sleep. Guess I must have dozed off, too.”

  “You both looked very comfortable. I wasn’t about to disturb you.” I kissed her on the nose.

  “Thank you for taking Vanessa home.”

  “It’s never a problem.” I swallowed. “She asked me when we were getting married.”

  Ella laughed. “What did you say?”

  “I said I just wanted you to be free.”

  Her eyebrows dipped, her eyes sad at the words. She wanted that, too. We’d talked around marriage a lot, given that she was still married to someone else, and would be until we got that little piece of paper saying it was over.

  “It got me thinking, though. I’ve g
ot something for you.”

  One of those eyebrows crept up as I pulled away from her, fishing for a small box in my bedside table. We’d been through so much, and I’d waited long enough to do this.

  She gasped as I went down on one knee, opening the box. Inside was a sapphire ring, the sapphire surrounded by diamonds. It was the same colour as her eyes, changing shade as it moved in the light.

  “Matt?” she whispered.

  “I don’t want anyone else, Ella. Only you. I knew the moment I saw you—you were the one for me. And I would have waited however long it took for you to see it too. Will you please marry me?”

  I took the ring out of the box, and she held out her hand so I could slide it onto her finger. I’d been sneaky and taken a ring from her jewellery box for the size. Now the new one fit perfectly.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want so much to be your wife.”

  “I know we have to wait a while longer, but let’s do this soon.” I stood, taking her in my arms. “I want to be your husband. I want to grow old with you.”

  I bent my head and kissed her, tasting those lips I loved, deepening the kiss until it left her panting.

  When I pulled back, Ella looked at me with so much love.

  “Get undressed and get on the bed.” Ella grinned, reaching for the buttons on the front of her dress.

  Laughing, I kicked my shoes off, dropping my pants to the floor and doing as I was told. “Now what?”

  Naked, she climbed on the bed, straddling my hips, rubbing her body against me. “I’m in control now.”

  I reached up, running my fingers through her hair, pulling out the clips that stopped it from falling down around her shoulders.

  “You were so beautiful, that first night I saw you. I had that image of you in my head for so long afterward.” I ran my hands down her shoulders, cupping her breasts as I ran my thumbs over her nipples. “And now, you’re all mine.”

  “For always,” she whispered.

  “For always.” I pulled her down to kiss her, her tongue pushing into my mouth as I stroked her back, gripping her arse as she rocked against me. Feeling her wetness, I grew harder as she rocked faster, getting herself off pressed against me.

  “That feels so good, baby,” I said.

  “I like making you feel good.” She leaned over to kiss me again, and I was lost in the scent of her arousal, the feel of her skin against mine. I wanted this for the rest of my life. Nothing and no one else. Just Ella and I until the end of our days.

  She sat up and I slipped my thumb in, stroking her clit and finishing her off as she threw her head back, calling my name. Pushing her back, I slid into her, groaning as her warmth enveloped me. I closed my eyes while she rocked again, taking control of the situation. Her palms pressed hard against my chest, and she moaned with every stroke.

  “You’re my dream come true,” I whispered, taking in the overwhelmed expression on her face. Her eyes flickered open, and she smiled. “I love you.”

  Her face was so open, every emotion she had written all over it, and she scanned my features as if taking in every detail. She didn’t need to say it back at that moment for me to know she felt the same.

  She overwhelmed me, and I came, deep inside her, where I belonged. Ella leaned over, kissing me again with all her tenderness. What we had was on a whole other level than anything I’d ever enjoyed with a woman. We were bonded in every way possible.

  She was mine.

  Ella flopped down on the bed beside me, and I pulled the blanket up to stop the cool air that flowed over me with the loss of her body warmth. She grinned as I rolled over to face her, and for a moment we gazed at one another, our eyes meeting in mutual adoration.

  I lifted a hand, pushing back stray locks that had fallen over her face, and in silence we took in one another’s features. It didn’t matter what happened in the world around us—I could look at her face for hours.

  Georgia’s cry pierced the stillness, and I grinned, Ella shrugging.

  “I’ll get her,” I said.

  “No. You stay here. I’ll bring her back to bed.” Ella kissed me on the nose and leapt out of bed, grabbing her bathrobe as she went. I rolled onto my back, closing my eyes and smiling at what had just happened. Every time was like the first time for us, the thrill of being together.

  Minutes later, Ella returned, Georgia in her arms and that content smile on her face. At that moment, I knew more than ever that this would be our life—making one another happy forever.

  I couldn’t wait to marry her.



  We were married on the farm. Ella’s dream had always been to have her wedding at that little church down the road, but she’d had that. We wanted only good luck for our special day.

  I held Finn in my arms, and Ella held Georgia as we promised to love one another forever. Vanessa and Connor stepped in so we could exchange rings, and I shared a little smile with the young woman who was about to become my sister-in-law. I was as proud of Vanessa as I was of my children.

  And then I held hands with my beautiful blue-eyed girl, slipped a ring on her finger, and I swore to be hers forever. In return, she placed a matching gold band on my finger and vowed to love me all the rest of her life. The best part of it all was holding my wife in my arms and kissing her, as if nothing had existed before us.

  Afterward, I held Finn on my hip as I slipped my arm around Ella’s waist, Georgia cradled in her arms. We greeted our friends and family as husband and wife.


  Connor slapped me on the back. “Congratulations, man.” He was part of our family too now, having slotted into our little group quite nicely. Connor was still besotted with Vanessa, and I was confident they’d have their dream day at some point. Knowing Vanessa, her wedding wouldn’t be held in the country.

  While the small wedding reception was in full swing in the house, I took Finn for a drive to see the sheep before the sun went down. He loved it when we came here. He was eighteen months old, but so clever. He had quite a few real words in his repertoire, and he knew how to make animal noises.

  “Baa,” he said as we drew close.

  “That’s it, buddy. We’re going to see the sheep. Not that long ago I came down here with your grandfather to see if there were any lambs. We’re too late for the first one, but I bet there are a few in the paddock now.”

  Finn grinned, showing all the tiny teeth that he had, and the odd gap. I loved this kid so much it hurt. He was so like his mother, but every so often I’d see a glimpse of Sam in him. The way he used to be.

  I stopped the four-wheel drive, jumping out and going around to let Finn out of his car seat. We’d put his gumboots on in the house, and his legs were so small they nearly reached his knees. But he was happy, out with Dad on the farm.

  We were in luck. Right near the fence was a lamb. Mostly white, but with black patches, it had found a good little spot of thick grass to nibble on. Finn’s eyes widened. “Baa, baa.” He waved excitedly as we drew near. The lamb stopped chewing, raising its head to look at him. It was smart enough to realise that the fence was between us and there was no way this little human was getting near.

  “What do you think? Do you like that one?”

  Finn stuck his index finger in his mouth, sucking on it as he nodded.

  “Maybe we should ask Grandpa if we can keep him. We’ll make a little pen for it.”

  Finn reached up, and I scooped him into my arms so he could be high enough to look at the rest of the animals. “This is going to be our life one day soon. You, me, Mum and Georgia. We’re going to be so happy here. I love you all so much.”

  I pressed my lips to his forehead, kissing him softly. He giggled, pushing away and wriggling so that I’d drop him on the ground to take one last look at the lamb.

  “Come on, let’s go see your mother. We can tell her all about what you’ve found.”

  My heart swelled as I helped Finn back in the car and buckled him in. Whether or n
ot Sam ever cooled down enough to be in his life, it didn’t matter anymore.

  Our little trip down to the farm had tired him out, and Finn was nearly asleep in my arms as I made my way back into the house.

  “Here, let me.” Mum took him from my arms, kissing her first grandchild. “Let’s get you into your pyjamas and into bed.” He wrapped his arms around her neck, and I bent to kiss his face one more time before my mother disappeared with him. All the grandparents would be helping watch over him and his sister tonight.

  I loosened my tie, sitting down and surveying the room. Ella stood with Vanessa, the two of them animated as they talked. My heart swelled watching Ella; the shine in her eyes that had disappeared when I’d returned from overseas had been back since we’d been together. Today, she was positively glowing.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I plucked it out. Who on earth could be calling me? Everyone I loved was right here in this room.


  “Don’t hang up.”

  I froze. I’d know that voice anywhere.


  “I heard today was your wedding day. I had a look on Facebook and Ella changed her profile pic. You look happy.”

  I swallowed hard. “I am. We are.”

  “I really screwed up, Matt. I kept blaming Ella, but it was all my fault. The better man got her in the end. Congratulations. You don’t have to tell her I called.”

  I’m well aware of that.

  “The kids are gorgeous, too.” He paused, and there was a moment of uncomfortable silence until he continued. “Take good care of my boy.”

  He knew.

  “Sam, I …”

  “I did the math. Ella had something to tell me that day. I didn’t want to listen. You’ll be a better dad than I ever would have been. I couldn’t even be faithful to my wife. Promise me you’ll be good to her, or you’ll have me to answer to.”

  My chest ached. Despite not having seen Sam since the day he left Ella, he’d been my best friend. I thought all the pain had passed; now it all floated to the surface.

  “I will,” I whispered.

  I raised my eyes and locked gazes with Ella. Her brows were furrowed in concern and she started moving, making her way toward me.


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