Everly (Striking Back #1)

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Everly (Striking Back #1) Page 11

by S. M. Shade

  “It’s okay, love. You’ve had a terrible week. Just let me take care of you. Everything will be okay. I’m right here beside you.” His strong arms wraps around my waist and he leads me to the couch in the living room, already made up with pillows and a blanket. “We’ll just hang out and watch movies while you rest. Ian will be coming by in a few hours.”

  “Mason.” I grab his arm, pulling him down beside me before he can walk away. “I love you, too.” His eyes light up and a wide smile blooms across his face. He pulls me into his lap, kissing me in that long slow way I love, and I feel something inside me loosen and relax. I’m in love with him. He loves me. We’ll be okay. We spend the next few days together while I recover.

  Mason settles in beside me on the couch, a worried expression on his face. “Everly, I need to talk to you about something. I was going to wait until you were well, but I think you need to know.”

  Turning to press my back against the arm of the couch, I pull my knees to my chest. This doesn’t sound like good news.

  Mason scoots closer, refusing to allow me to put any space between us. “Since the night your car was vandalized, I’ve had my…people investigating.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Not everything they do is strictly legal. I didn’t want to involve you. I have friends who’ve worked in Military Intelligence and for Homeland Security.”


  “Professionals. Anyway, they discovered something. It’s about your father.”

  “What about him?”

  “Sweetheart…he’s not dead.”

  I laugh at the absurdity of it. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve seen his death certificate, been to his grave.”

  “The U.S. Marshals helped him fake his death. He’s in the Witness Protection Program.” He slips his hand into mine and stares into my eyes. “He’s alive, Evie.”

  My head is spinning. There has to be some mistake. “Why, though? Who’s after him?”

  Mason lowers his head. “From the information I have, it could be a number of people.” His reluctance to tell me is stamped on his face, but with a sigh, he says, “Your father was a Mob boss. The car accident was an attempt on his life.”

  “No, he would’ve taken me into Witness Protection with him. There must be some mistake.”

  “Maybe he thought you’d be safer with a new family. Where you wouldn’t be connected with him if he were found.”

  “So, he left me? The money!” I cry, realizing what all this means. “He sent me the money. It wasn’t an inheritance. God, Mason, I’m living on dirty Mob money!”

  “You don’t know that, baby. I’m sure he wanted to know you’d always be taken care of.” Mason embraces me, but I can’t stop shaking. My father can’t be alive. And the Mob? Christ, it’s like something out of a bad movie.

  I don’t know what to do with this information. I don’t even remember him, really. Just a vague picture of a dark headed man with my eyes. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “You don’t have to do anything. I just wanted you to know. I don’t want you to fight me on security. You being targeted probably has nothing to do with your father, but we need to be sure. You can’t be alone until we figure out who’s behind this. And I will, Everly. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I just…I don’t want to think about this right now.”

  “Okay. Just rest. We’ll talk about it when you’re ready.”

  After three days, I feel much better. The dizziness and headache are gone. My ribs will take longer to heal, but the pain is manageable. “Go to work, Mason. I swear I won’t leave the house.” It’s the third time I’ve tried to convince him. I feel bad he’s missing work because of me.

  “Tell you what, I’m supposed to teach a children’s class at four, followed by a private sparring lesson at five-thirty. Come with me and watch.”

  “You don’t want to be seen with me like this, with big ugly bruises. I’ll embarrass you.” My black eye has turned an unattractive greenish yellow.

  His fingers pinch my chin and he stares me in the eye. “You’re begging for me to spank that sweet little ass of yours, Evie. I’d never be embarrassed by you. You’re coming with me.”

  My hands seem to have a mind of their own, sliding to squeeze his firm ass. “Hmm, I think there’s a deal to be made here.”

  Lust darkens his eyes as he grinds his hips into mine. Finally! He’s been totally hands off since I got out of the hospital. “A deal, huh?”

  “Don’t worry, it’s a win-win. I hang out at your gym today.” A low groan rumbles his chest as I rub my fingers over his crotch. “And you give me a workout tonight.”

  He dips his head, his breath warming my ear and murmurs, “You aching for it, Evie? Aching for my cock inside you?”

  “Since the second you pulled it out of me.”

  He closes his eyes. “Fuck. You can’t say things like that when I can’t fuck your brains out.”

  “You started it,” I tease, trying to slow my breathing.

  “Get ready to go, baby. I promise to make you scream tonight.”

  * * * *

  Reed’s gym is much bigger and nicer than I expected. I pictured a stinky sweaty room with a boxing ring and a few punching bags. “This place is great,” I exclaim, squeezing Mason’s hand as he leads me inside. It’s a large open floor half covered by mats. A floor to ceiling mirror runs the length of one wall, making the room appear even larger. A few rows of chairs are tucked into one corner, waiting for the parents of his students.

  I’m led past the mats where two men in sparring gear are fighting. “Point! Try me again, brother. You’re still leaving yourself open with that back leg roundhouse.” I laugh as I recognize the two guys when they remove their helmets, jogging toward us.

  “Hey, how are you feeling, honey?” Alex asks me, studying my bruised face.

  “It looks worse than it feels. I’m good.”

  “He’s going to be in his own hell when we find him,” Parker assures me. Their concern touches me. They barely know me. “We can cover your schedule, bro. You don’t have to be here.”

  “Evie wanted to watch me whip some ass today,” Mason says, showing me to a leather couch in the corner. He turns to his brothers. “Keep an eye on her while I’m teaching.”

  “Yeah,” I scoff. “I may wander off and stick a penny in an electrical socket.”

  “You do like to put things in your mouth,” Mason teases with a smirk, and I smack him. “Just stay close to one of them, okay? So I don’t have to worry.”

  “I’ll be good and stay in the yard, I promise.” I drop a quick kiss on his lips as his students start trickling through the door. “Go do your thing.”

  Parker and Alex sit on either side of me while Mason greets his students and chats with the parents. “Fuck me, who’s the new MILF?” Parker asks, staring at a tall slender redheaded woman.

  “Don’t even think about it, Park. Mason will beat the shit out of you,” Alex warns.

  “Why would Mason care who he hits on?”

  “Because he’s a tramp and when he screws the mother, then moves on, we lose a student.”

  Parker holds up his hands. “I make it clear from the jump I’m just looking for some fun.”

  “Yeah, well, they don’t get the joke.” Alex shakes his head, reminding me of Mason. They all share that response when they’re frustrated or amused. “We lost three students last year, not to mention that psycho woman smashing our window.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You’ll give Everly the wrong idea about me. She’ll never hook me up with her friends.” Parker scoots closer to me, flashing a sideways grin I’m sure usually gets him his way. “Are your best friends hot, Ev? Want to introduce me?”

  Alex grins at me as I laugh. “My best friend is definitely hot. Dark brown eyes and thick gorgeous hair. Ass you could take a bite out of.”

  “Holy shit. Single? You want to hook me up?”

  “I’ll ask, but I
don’t think Ian’s into guys. You might get lucky, though.” Alex laughs aloud, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

  Parker smirks. “Great. A smartass. You’ll fit right in around here. Stay with her, Alex. I’m going to meet Ms. Perky Tits.” He bounds from the couch and saunters over to sit beside the woman, flashing a charming smile.

  When she blushes and smiles back, Alex groans, “There goes another one.”

  “Has he always been that way?”

  “A woman screwed him over when he was young. It’s no excuse, but since then, it’s been a revolving door of pissed off ladies.” I wonder if Mason whored around before we got together, but I know his brother would never tell me.

  My gaze wanders to Mason, standing in front of the mirrors, demonstrating kicks and punches to a room of eight year olds. They gaze at him, held rapt by his authoritative nature. He’s in his element, joy shining in his eyes as he does what he loves.

  Alex laughs. “You’ve got it bad, honey.”


  “Uh huh. You can’t take your eyes off him,” he teases, making my face heat. “He’s the same with you. It’s a delight to see.”

  “He can be a bossy bastard, but I think I’ll keep him.”

  “Something tells me you can handle him,” Alex says with a laugh.

  “Tell me about your boyfriend. Is he cute?”

  Alex’s eyes light up. “Cooper is great. We’ve only been dating a few weeks, but I really like him. He’s funny and sexy. A bit on the bossy side too.”

  “I’d love to meet him.”

  “We’ll have to plan a night. I’ve met his family, so he’s pushing to meet mine.”

  “Mason told me about your mom. I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to lose a parent so young.”

  “Thank you. Mason had as big a hand in raising Parker and me as our aunt and uncle did. I don’t know what we’d have done without him.”

  “Can I ask what happened to your dad?”

  Alex gazes at me with regret, the corners of his mouth tucked in. “There’s a long story there with a bad ending. Mason should be the one to tell it. Give him time, though. He hates to talk about it.”


  Mason dismisses his class and joins us on the sofa. “What are you talking about?”

  “Just telling her all your secrets.”

  “So, does he still wet the bed?” I ask, turning to Alex.

  “I think he outgrew it.”

  Mason slaps him in the back of the head and he jogs away, laughing.

  I cuddle into his side. “Your brother is really nice.”

  “I take it you mean, Alex.”

  “Parker’s nice too, but he’s kind of a pig.”

  “No ‘kind of’ about it, love. I’ve got a half hour sparring match. Will you be okay? Is your back hurting?” He runs a hand down my spine.

  “I’m fine. Go kick some ass.”

  Mason strips off his t-shirt and winks at me while he tightens up his gloves. I’m glad to see him put on headgear, though it won’t protect his handsome face.

  The guy Mason is sparring with is a little shorter and kind of skinny. I learn quickly that thin and wiry also means fast. His punches and kicks are a blur. Mason taps gloves with him, congratulating him for getting a punch through. He seriously laughed and praised the man for punching him in the face. These guys are crazy.

  I focus on Mason’s body to distract from the ache that tightens my stomach when I see him get hit. The way he moves, so graceful yet aggressive, is mesmerizing. Broad shoulders give way to a perfectly sculpted chest, lightly dusted with hair. I remember how soft it felt against my cheek when I rested on him.

  Sweat trickles down to his toned abs, running between the defined muscles and soaking into the waistband of his shorts. His back flexes as he lands another punch, knocking the other guy on his ass.

  When he bends to offer his hand to help him up, my eyes are drawn to the dimples in his lower back. I’m so going to lick them next time he’s naked. The match ends with Mason showing the man some counterstrikes and suggesting moves he should work on before his next match.

  I just want to get him home so he can use those graceful moves on me.

  * * * *

  Mason laughs and pulls me into bed with him when I admit I don’t like watching him fight. “I cringed every time the guy landed a punch.”

  “He didn’t hurt me, baby, but I love that you worry about me.”

  “Could you watch someone punch me in the face?”

  “I’d kill them.” He brushes a strand of hair from my forehead. “Seeing you hurt like this tears me apart.”

  “I’m okay. I believe we had a deal, Mr. Reed.” I strip off my clothes and reach to pull off his shorts.

  “Oh no you don’t. We’re doing this my way tonight.”

  “And what’s your way?”

  “You’re going to lay back and do what I tell you. And I’m going to make you come until you lose your voice.”

  I’ve already lost my words. Anything I say will just come out as nonsensical babbling. Mason’s devious grin shows he recognizes the effect he’s having on me. I scoot up the bed and lie back, tucking my hands behind my head.

  Mason crawls up my body and murmurs in my ear. “Good girl. I don’t want to hurt your ribs, so relax and let me love you.”

  Warmth washes over me when he runs his tongue down my belly, dipping it into my navel. “I’m going to take my time with you, Evie. You’re going to beg me to fuck you.” His words enflame me almost as much as the sensation of his fingers sinking into me. Curling them, he massages the spot that simultaneously shuts off my brain and drives me insane, grinning when I groan. “Tell me when you’re close, baby.”

  The next few minutes are filled with constant pleasure and unbearable torment. I get right to the edge so many times just to have the feeling abate as he lightens his strokes. “Mason…please.” I twist away from him. “Just fuck me.”

  Gently, he scoops me up to straddle his lap. His eyes sparkle with mischief as they stare into mine. “Just can’t hold still, can you?” His fingers resume stroking me inside and out, faster and faster. I’m overcome with heat and I can feel the first pulses of my release begin. I also really have to pee. Like bad.

  “Mason, stop. I need the bathroom.”

  “No, you don’t love. Trust me. Relax your muscles. Let it go.”

  Suddenly, I’m gripped by the most powerful orgasm of my life. It tears through me, spreading out from my sex, racing to every inch of my body. I hear myself scream as another wave crashes through me, and I tear my eyes open in time to see a blast of liquid soak Mason’s hand.

  He doesn’t stop and the spasms go on and on. When they fade, I fall forward on his chest, swallowing hard and fighting to catch my breath. “Don’t let go of me.” His arms tighten around my back while I bury my face in his neck. “Fuck. I didn’t think I could do that.”

  His chuckle makes me sit back, and I feel his hard cock beneath me. He grabs my hips when I rise to take him in. “No, baby, you’ll hurt yourself riding me. Lay on your belly.”

  Trying to ignore the huge wet spot on the bed, I scoot over and stretch out on my stomach. Mason’s firm hand runs down my back, then lifts my hips to slide a pillow beneath them, raising my ass a few inches. “So fucking sexy,” he murmurs, and I gasp as he smacks the curve of my ass. “You like that?” He spanks the other cheek, and I’m mortified at the groan that escapes my throat.

  “Oh, Evie, so naughty. I can’t wait to put you over my knee when you’re healed. Right now, I’m going to take you.” He buries himself completely, making me cry out as I stretch to accommodate his size. My neck and back are covered with passionate open mouthed kisses as he fucks me in long slow strokes. Within minutes, I’m coming again, and this time he joins me, groaning into my neck.

  Collapsing beside me, he cuddles me close, entwining our limbs. God, sex with this man just gets better and better. After a few minutes, he kisses my neck and
heads to the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth.

  I have to look away when he spreads me open, running the wet cloth between my legs. “Evie,” he teases, “You let me spank you, and spray all over my hand, but this is too intimate?”

  “Shut up. I didn’t let you. You just did it.”

  “I’ll do it again, too.” I curl into his side, planting my face in the crook of his arm so he can’t see the heat in my face. “Don’t hide from me, love. There’s no reason to be embarrassed, or hide what feels good. You can be anyone you want with me; my naughty girl, my princess, my brave fighter. I want to know you. All of you. Every angle and nuance of that beautiful brain and firm little body. I want all of you, Evie.”

  “Do I get all of you in return?”

  “What you see is all of me. I’m not that complicated.”

  “Will you tell me what happened to your dad?”

  Mason sighs. “He’s in prison. I really don’t like to talk about it.”

  Holy shit. I didn’t see that coming. He looks so unhappy I can’t question him further though I’m dying to know what crime his father committed. “Okay, just one more question, then.”

  The corners of his mouth tuck in, showing his reluctance. “Go ahead.”

  “Where did you learn to fuck like that?”

  A relieved laugh fills the room. “I grew up with my aunt and uncle who were…well, hippies. They taught a weekly tantric sex class, and my brothers and I may have eavesdropped a few times on the lesson plan.”

  Chapter Nine

  The police have turned up nothing in my attack, and Mason’s investigators have drawn a blank as well. Mason stays stitched to my hip for the next week. He and Ian insist I stay with him until the guy is caught. Amy agrees. “Jesus, girl, I can’t leave you for a fucking second, you’re trying to get yourself killed,” she says, nearly yelling into her phone.

  “I’m fine, Amy. How are things going? Do you like New York? How is Wendy?”

  “New York’s amazing, things are great, and Wendy and I are fine. Are you staying close to the tattoo god?”

  “His name is Mason. And yes, I’m staying with him. The Striking Back waterpark and carnival is tomorrow, so don’t worry if you can’t get a hold of me.”


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