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Page 86

by Tarah Scott

  “You think he is dead?” I asked.

  “Of course he's dead. Lord Mallory is correct, were Mason still alive, he would have contacted me."

  “Indeed,” I replied, “given the two of you are in the same business, you would be the most logical choice.” This, I saw, surprised him.

  “You are well suited to your profession,” he remarked. “And I applaud your loyalty to a man you believe has been innocently condemned.”

  This was simply too much. “You're saying he is guilty?” I demanded.

  “Tell me,” Redgrave said, “if he is innocent, how might it be proved? Even the information you have indicates the only man who can exonerate him is Lord Mallory. Why hasn’t he done so?”

  Here I put myself in an even more precarious position and told him that I believed it had something to do with Lord Harrington, and told him of the brute's involvement. I was befuddled as to what Harrington's part could be, he hadn't been part of the Cabinet during the assassination attempts, but there was no doubt he was involved.

  “What do you want from me?” was Redgrave's reply.

  I stared, suddenly more unsure of my position than at any other time in this investigation. I had enjoyed a prosperous career. If he ended it for me now, I could retire in the country and live a simple life. Perhaps take on a position as a local constable.

  “To give this man back his life,” I said.

  Redgrave released a sigh. “The criminals you deal with are nothing like Harrington. He has power and connections that are unimpeachable. Has it occurred to you that to stir the pot is to take away what little life Wallington has left?”

  I could barely conceal my excitement. So Harrington was involved. “Are we to simply let his accusers get away with this crime?" I demanded.

  “How do you propose to stop them?” Redgrave asked.

  “Mallory had Doddard falsely accuse Wallington,” I said. "Once we interrogate him—"

  Redgrave's laugh cut me off. "Doddard wouldn’t live long enough for you to interrogate," he said.

  "Why did Lord Mallory have Doddard falsely accuse Wallington?" I shot back. "What is he hiding?"

  Redgrave smiled. “Come now, surely you of all people know?"

  "I know because I was there?" I retorted, but immediately relented. Lord Redgrave was not responsible for my mistakes. "Lord Mallory wasn't one of the men Thistlewood planned to murder," I said. "He was in no danger."

  "Do you believe anyone in the government would have survived Thistlewood's revolution?"

  That included Mallory, Harrington… and me. I didn't reply.

  “We all make mistakes, Stafford. You're an honorable man, but I pray you understand this isn't your affair. Leave it be.” He gave me a last look, then left.

  This has brought my investigation to an end I wouldn't have thought possible. Perhaps Redgrave is right. I am accustomed to dealing with baser criminals, the dregs of society, those we have no trouble identifying as men deserving of our contempt, or those, like Thistlewood, who dare defy their overlords. Men like Harrington are beyond my reach. I can save us from men such as Thistlewood, but who might save us from the Harringtons of the world…or from men like me?

  Phoebe let the hand that clutched the letter fall to her lap. She knew what she had to do.


  At just past noon the following afternoon, Phoebe looked up from her desk at the sound of a knock on her study door. The door opened.

  “Excuse me, Miss,” Gaylon said, his voice graver than usual. “You have a visitor.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She had wondered how she would elude Kiernan MacGregor when she sneaked away to Scotland to follow Redgrave's trail, forgetting that she must avoid him between now and then, as well.

  “Need I ask who it is, Gaylon?”

  “I don’t know if you do, Miss,” he replied as if answering a perplexing question.

  “Have I the honor of a visit from the man who insists I marry him?”

  “Indeed, Miss, he does insist you marry him.”

  She eyed Gaylon. “I would rather avoid seeing him.” The butler remained mute. “Might he barge into my study should you tell him I'm not at home?”

  “He does seem determined, Miss.”

  “Is my uncle home?”

  “I regret to say, he is not.”

  She sighed. “Please inform my—him—I shall be down directly.”

  Gaylon took his leave and, ten minutes later, Phoebe entered the drawing room only to stop dead in her tracks at sight of the man awaiting her.

  Adam faced her. The two stared at one another for a moment before he spoke. “Allow me to offer my felicitations.” Before Phoebe could say a word, he went on. “Kind of you to allow me to read about your engagement in the papers, Phoebe. While I was away, no less.”

  “Adam,” she began.

  “No, madam, you needn’t explain. I understand fully.”

  “Do you?” With a sigh, she walked to the sofa near the window and sat down. “If that is so, why the agitation?”

  He stiffened. “I understand you mean to put me in my place."

  “You presume too much, Adam.”

  “Perhaps,” he replied. “But is it too much to ask why you would turn down my proposal of marriage, only to return from Scotland no more than a month later betrothed to another?”

  “Yes,” she said, “it is too much to ask.”

  Adam blinked as if he’d been struck.

  “Mr. Branbury, you knew perfectly well I wouldn't marry you. What has your proposal to do with the events that took place afterwards?”

  “I don't intend to let this pass, Phoebe.”

  “What do you propose to do, have me abducted against my will?”

  He gave her a look of such surprised horror that Phoebe knew she'd been right. He wasn't associated with the men who tried to abduct her the night Kiernan had done the same. Who was the other would-be kidnapper?

  Adam came to stand before her. “I know who this Ashlund is. Rich as the devil himself. So that’s it, is it?”

  “I don't find this side of you very becoming, sir.”

  “There is no other explanation.”

  “Aside from being tiresome, Mr. Branbury, you border on insulting. The affair is none of your concern.”

  “I wouldn't have thought it of you,” he said.

  She regarded him. “What are you saying?”

  “You know perfectly well what I am saying. All the while playing the innocent with me, you were—”

  “Adam,” Phoebe cut in, “I understand you feel slighted, though, God knows, you have no call, but I won't sit in my own house and be insulted.”

  A sharp rap sounded on the door. Gaylon opened the door and stepped inside. “Pardon the intrusion, Miss, but you have another visitor.”

  “Good Lord, who—" Phoebe halted, realizing that the newest arrival was in all likelihood Adam’s rival. She stood. “Perhaps you should have the visitor shown into the parlor, Gaylon.” Even as she spoke, Gaylon stepped aside and a finely dressed woman entered the room.

  “Elise MacGregor,” Gaylon announced, “the Duchess of Ashlund.”

  Phoebe gaped at the woman who looked nothing like the duchess she had expected. She knew the duke to be at least fifty, but the dark haired woman standing before her could be no more than thirty-six, maybe thirty-seven, and she radiated a youth that belied even that age. A faint twitch at the duchess’ mouth told Phoebe her thoughts reflected on her face.

  “Your Grace.” Phoebe dipped into a deep curtsey, then rose. “Please, Your Grace,” she looked toward Adam, “may I introduce Mr. Branbury.”

  Adam strode to the duchess and bent over her hand in a formal bow. “Your Grace.” He released her and stepped back.

  “Have I come at a bad time?” the duchess asked.

  “No, Your Grace,” Phoebe said, “not at all.”

  “I will ask two favors,” the duchess said.

  “Anything you wish.”

sp; “First, don't address me as ‘Your Grace.’ I tolerate that only at court and certain parties. You may call me Elise.”

  “But you—madam,” Phoebe said, genuinely shocked, “I couldn't.”

  “You can. As for the second favor, may we sit down?”

  “By heavens, yes.” Phoebe motioned to the sofa. “Gaylon, please have tea sent in. Mr. Branbury," Phoebe gave him a curt nod, "I believe our visit is finished.”

  “I have come at an inconvenient time,” Elise said.

  “I assure you, Your-er, Elise, you have not.” She turned to Adam. “Mr. Branbury, Gaylon will see you out.”

  Adam gave her a hesitant glance and Phoebe feared he might force a scene, but he nodded and followed Gaylon out of the room. Phoebe seated herself next to her guest.

  “Please forgive me for coming unannounced,” the duchess said. “To be honest, I didn't want to give you the opportunity to avoid me.”

  “I assure you, I would have done nothing of the kind.”

  Elise laughed. “Maybe not, but I wouldn’t have blamed you, if you did.” She added, “I am a surprise to you?”

  “I hadn't expected you, ma’am."

  The duchess laughed. “Of course you didn’t.” She leaned forward, a twinkle in her eye, and said in confidential tones, “I don’t think my husband did either.” She raised her eyes heavenward in a fashion that said she found the whole thing humorous. “And Kiernan was most surprised of all.” Elise gave her an impish look. “Serves him right, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “I couldn’t say, ma’am,”

  “Phoebe,” Elise paused. “May I call you Phoebe?”

  “Of course.”

  “Phoebe, my husband has explained how you and Kiernan became acquainted. Kiernan deserves to be thrashed.” She snorted. “Don’t think his father didn’t consider it. The only consolation was the rogue didn't try to weasel out of his responsibility.”

  A knock sounded on the door. Both women looked up as the door opened and a maid entered with a tea tray. She set the tray on the table in front of the sofa.

  “That'll be fine,” Phoebe said. “I’ll pour.”

  The girl bobbed a curtsey, then backed out of the room.

  Phoebe lifted the teapot and poured. “Sugar?” she asked.

  “Lemon,” Elise replied, “no sugar.”

  Phoebe complied, then handed the cup to her.

  “Now,” the duchess said, “what were we talking about? Oh, yes, Kiernan not weaseling out of his responsibility.”

  “Indeed,” Phoebe replied, pouring cream into her cup of tea.

  The duchess sipped the tea, then replaced her cup on the saucer. “And we have arrived at the heart of the reason for my visit.” She smiled. “Aside from wanting to meet you, of course. I understand you aren't keen on marrying Kiernan.”


  “Please, Phoebe, don't call me ma’am, or madam. I despise the formality. You're going to be part of the family, and it’s bad luck for us to start off as if we intend to be anything but friends.” Her eyes twinkled. “Perhaps even allies? Therefore, call me Elise. Yes,” she went on, “when we're in public you must adhere to formalities, but here, in the privacy of your home, we don't need to act like strangers. Now, I'll be honest, I don't care for British formality. A woman can't go here, a woman can't do this. I can’t tell you how often my husband and I have disagreed over that foolishness. However, what happened with you and Kiernan goes beyond these petty constraints.”

  Phoebe sighed. “Yes, though I'm loath to admit it, you're right.”

  “Good.” The duchess took another sip of tea before saying, “You have decided to marry him, then?”

  There was something in her manner that made it impossible to be anything but straightforward. “I'm beginning to wonder if I have any choice,” Phoebe said.

  “Phoebe!” The duchess laughed in a hearty manner that would have made British nobility scowl. “You're an honest woman. I like that. Still, it’s not quite as bad as walking the plank. All men can be a trial, but Kiernan is a good man. To be frank, I had wondered what sort of woman would catch his eye.”

  “I did not exactly catch his eye, ma-Elise.”

  “Not in the usual sense, true, but he is enthusiastic about the marriage.” She halted, her expression turning speculative. “You don't really know anything about him, do you?”

  Phoebe lifted her teacup to her lips. “No, I don't.” She took a sip of the tea.

  “Well, the fun in your marriage will be getting to know him, but I'll tell you one thing, he doesn’t form attachments easily. Oh, there is the occasional infatuation,” Elise smiled broadly, “but nothing he doesn’t get over within a month or two.”

  “I see.” Phoebe leveled her teacup on her lap. “So you and the duke had begun to despair of him marrying?”

  Elise laughed again. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but his father hasn’t thought much about it."

  “But how is that? He is no young man.”

  The duchess’ expression softened. “His father and I didn't marry until he was forty. I was nearly thirty myself.”

  “How long have you been married?”

  “Nearly thirteen years.”

  “Forgive me for saying so, ma-er, Elise, but I can't believe that.”

  “So I’ve been told before,” she replied. “Though, I don’t mind hearing it again.” She set her tea on the table. “You realize, Kiernan isn't my son?”

  “I knew the duke remarried.”

  “Marcus married young, and Kiernan was born when he was twenty-one. Marrying you at thirty, Kiernan is ahead of Marcus' forty years. Don’t you think? Still, this isn’t what you had planned, is it?”

  “In truth, no.”

  “Pardon me for asking, but do you plan on marrying here, or in Scotland?”

  Phoebe started. “I-I hadn't thought of it.”

  “We have a wonderful home in Scotland. It is large—immense, actually—just the sort of place for a wedding. Before deciding, perhaps you would like to see it?”

  “See it?”


  Scotland. Could it possibly be this easy? Why not? It was only fair that Kiernan MacGregor help her out of the mess he'd gotten her into.

  “That is most kind of you, Elise.”

  “Not at all,” she replied. “It's the least I can do. And if you decide you want to have the wedding there, you can leave the arrangements to me.”

  The door opened and Lady Albery entered the room. Her gaze fell on the pair sitting on the sofa and she stopped.

  “Phoebe,” she said, “you didn't tell me we had a guest.” Lady Albery crossed to the sofa and curtsied. “Your Grace,” she murmured, and rose. “Please forgive my niece for not informing me of your arrival.”

  The duchess regarded her with an unconcerned air. “Don't trouble yourself, madam. I came to see your niece.”

  “But of course.” Lady Albery sat in the chair nearest Phoebe. “You must have been most anxious to meet your future daughter-in-law.”

  “Tea, Aunt?” Phoebe inquired.

  “Yes,” she replied, “if you please,” then turned back to the duchess. “I hope you find London to your liking.”

  “London is always to my liking,” she replied.

  “Aunt.” Phoebe handed her the tea.

  “Thank you, my dear.”

  “Your niece and I were just discussing her visit to our estate in Scotland,” the duchess said. Phoebe caught the surprise on her aunt’s face. “We may go at your convenience, Phoebe,” Elise added.

  “What is this?” Lady Albery asked. “You’ve only just returned to us, Phoebe, and already you're leaving?"

  Phoebe paused in lifting the cup to her lips. What had her aunt cared one wit for her being at home?

  "What about the wedding?" Lady Albery cried. "Surely, you can't consider a journey before your marriage. What will your husband think?”

  Phoebe took the sip of tea, then set the cup on the table. “I hav
e no husband yet, ma’am. Therefore, that isn't a consideration.”

  “I am sure you would do well to consult Lord Ashlund before making any plans,” she insisted.

  “I have informed Lord Ashlund that if I marry him, I will not be consulting him on anything. Why should I do so now?”

  “Phoebe.” Lady Albery set her cup onto her saucer with such force, the china rang. "I am sure your uncle wouldn't approve of such a philosophy.”

  “Forgive me, Aunt, but I suspect my uncle will be pleased if I simply make it to the altar.” Phoebe turned to Elise. “Forgive us, madam. As you may have guessed, there is some doubt as to the outcome of this affair.”

  “Phoebe,” her aunt scolded. “Really.”

  Phoebe ignored her and said to the duchess, “I warned the duke that I might not be the sort of wife he wants for his son, but he wouldn't listen. Having met me, you may feel the need to warn him. I would fully understand.”

  The twinkle returned to the duchess' eyes. “Far be it from me to contradict my husband.”

  Phoebe nodded politely. “You're the epitome of womanly virtue, ma’am.”

  A look of comical horror crossed Elise’s face. “You probably shouldn't repeat that to my husband or Kiernan. Well, I believe I have overstayed my first visit.”

  Lady Albery came to her feet. “No, indeed, Your Grace. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.”

  Elise looked at Phoebe. “Decide when you would like to visit Ashlund. Though I’ve only just arrived, I will be glad to return.” She smiled. “My decision to come to London was a bit hurried, therefore, my children didn't accompany me.”

  “I imagine you miss them.”

  “Very much.” She rose and Phoebe followed suit as the duchess addressed Lady Albery. “Madam.”

  “Your Grace.” Lady Albery curtsied.

  Phoebe escorted the duchess to the door.

  “If I might suggest, ma’am,” Phoebe said as she opened the door “Don't wait for me to return to Scotland.”

  Elise stopped. “I assumed we would travel together.”

  “Don't stay in London on my account. Return home and your children,” Phoebe said. “My uncle will see to my travel arrangements.”


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