Roses For Katie

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by Dilys Xavier

  Roses For Katie

  Dilys Xavier

  © Dilys Xavier 2007

  Dilys Xavier has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

  First published by The Wild Rose Press in 2007.

  This edition published 2014 by Endeavour Press Ltd.

  I dedicate this to my husband, Francis, my daughter, Deborah, and her husband, Fred, and my two granddaughters, Ellen and Leah. I am grateful to my editor, Rhonda Penders, for her invaluable help, support, and encouragement.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Extract from Family Secrets by Jenny Lane

  Chapter One

  Katie Turner cupped her hands around the large, yellow rose, and closed her eyes as she buried her face in the pink-edged petals. As she inhaled the delicate fragrance, her mind went back to the times when she and her late husband would sit in the garden and enjoy the evenings together. She remembered how the delightful scent from the rose-bed would fill the air on a summer’s day.

  As though it were yesterday, she recalled how Greg had smiled mischievously, and taken her by the hand to show her the surprise he had just planted for her—a bed of hybrid tea roses.

  ‘It’s called ‘Peace’,’ he had told her, ‘and it’s been around for a long time. That beautiful rose was named to commemorate the day Berlin fell to the allies in the Second World War.’ He had put his arms around her to hold her close. ‘I chose it especially for you… because it’s perfect, just like you.’ Then he had kissed her tenderly, and looked into her eyes. ‘Every time you smell this beautiful rose, you’ll think of how much I love you, my Katie.’

  Greg had been right. The roses did remind her of how much he had loved her. Being in the rose garden was the closest way she could find to be with her beloved husband now. With a deep sigh, she opened her eyes and wiped away a tear.

  Katie wandered into the rest of the rose bed, gently touching the blooms as she passed them, when she suddenly had the feeling she was being watched. She glanced up to see her daughters looking through the sitting room window. From their expressions, she guessed they were talking about her. Well aware they had come to spend some time with her, she felt guilty because she had left them inside while she wandered alone in her garden. She waved, then picked up the trug of cut blooms, hung it on her arm and headed toward the back door.


  ‘I want to see our Mum full of the joys of life again.’ Sam swung around to face her sister. ‘Look at her… wandering through that old rose garden again; it’s always the same.’ She turned back to watch her mother again. ‘After three years, don’t you think she’d be starting to come to terms with the loss of Pop?

  Tanya shook her head. ‘Ah, but he was the love of her life… her idol.’ She joined her sister at the window and curved her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. ‘It’s okay for her to spend time with her roses if she wants… they’re her favourite flowers, and that’s why Pop planted them for her. She’ll come out of it in her own good time.’

  Sam shook her head. ‘Can’t we do something to help?’ She gave her sister a pleading look. ‘She doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t do anything, and the most upsetting thing is that she doesn’t want to. Honestly, I think she’s too young to shut herself away, isolated in this huge house. It isn’t healthy.

  Tanya gave her sister an encouraging smile. ‘Come on, Sam, we shouldn’t try to live her life for her. We come to see her regularly. Don’t worry, she’ll be just fine.’

  ‘Think so?’ Sam sighed. ‘You could be right, but what bothers me is that she doesn’t even seem to need us. Look at her.’ She pointed to her mother. ‘We’ve come to see her, so why is she out there?’ Sam stretched her neck to look out through the window again. ‘Whatever you say. In my book her behaviour is a sign of depression, and someone’s got to do something about it.’ Then her eyes brightened, and she nudged her sister. ‘What Mum needs is someone to take her out of herself… someone to help her live again.’ She giggled. ‘Let’s find her a man.’

  ‘You’re joking!’ Tanya laughed heartily.

  ‘No, I’m serious. That’s what she needs. A nice man to take her out, or whatever.’

  ‘Or whatever?’ Tanya raised her brows. ‘Sam, you’re impossible, and Mum’s not stupid. If we tried that on, and she found out, she’d get upset and think we’re trying to run her life.’ She picked up a framed photograph of her parents and smoothed her fingers lovingly across the image. ‘Anyway, Mum’s pretty enough to find a man herself, if ever she wants one.’

  ‘Yes, but we could help her; put opportunities in her way. You know what I mean?’ When there was no immediate response, Sam went on. ‘One thing is for certain; she rarely goes out, and she ain’t gonna find a decent guy by wandering aimlessly through this old garden.’ Tanya became thoughtful and twisted her fingers through her fair hair.

  Sam reached for a magazine and flipped it open. ‘Hey, listen to this. Professional male, tall, good-looking, late forties, solvent, easy-going, seeks special lady for day trips, dining out, romantic cozy nights in, age unimportant. Here’s another. Attractive, well-off businessman, under 50, great sense of humour, likes holidays abroad, quizzes, walking, dancing, seeks cuddly single lady for loving relationship, age unimportant.’

  ‘Where did you get that?’ Tanya grabbed the magazine. ‘There’s no telling who they are. Could be a crook, a rapist, a murderer even.’ She flung the periodical onto the coffee table. ‘There’s all sorts out there just waiting to pounce on a poor, forlorn female — and they’d be looking for a wealthy one at that.’ She gazed up at the ceiling and tightened her mouth. ‘No, Sam. Forget it!’ Tanya’s voice sounded more than a trifle impatient now.

  ‘I was only passing them by you for a giggle.’ Sam bit her lip while she thought. ‘But there must be ways.’ She went quiet, picked up the magazine again, and looked idly through the pages. ‘Margie is always finding herself a new man.’ She gazed into the distance for a few moments, and then the sparkle returned to her eyes. ‘Hey, I know, we’ll find Mum a man ourselves, vet him, and… ‘ Her voice was vibrant with excitement.

  ‘No, we won’t do anything of the kind.’ Tanya looked aghast and turned sharply to her sister. ‘Trying to vet a man for Mum could invite all sorts of problems.’ She paced the room, and then stared at Sam in amazement. ‘And as for using a dating agency idea for our mother… forget it. Right now!’

  ‘It works for Margie.’ Sam looked sideways at Tanya as though waiting for the next verbal blow. ‘She does it all the time.’

  ‘Yes, but that’s different,’ Tanya said, flopping into one of the big easy chairs. ‘Our big sister’s a law unto herself, and she’s smart enough to cope with any man she meets.’

  ‘Maybe so, but she hasn’t found one who’s convinced her to change her ways and settle down, has she?’ Sam said, wagging a finger under Tanya’s nose. ‘She’s still looking.’

  ‘I know, but in the meantime, she’s having a whale of a time.’ Tanya looked pointedly at her younger sister. ‘Margie’s no easy cop either — she’s too canny to be taken in by any man. But I think Mum would have difficulty knowing who’s genuine and who’s not. Anyway, to think that you could find someone to replace Pop is shocking.’

  ‘That’s not wha
t I mean, Tanya. I know we could never replace him, but someone new and different can help fill the void, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’

  ‘Sorry, Sam, but your ideas are just not on.’

  ‘So what would you do? Stand on a corner, lasso a likely candidate, haul him before Mum for inspection, and wait for the adjudication?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

  The girls continued to watch their mother move around the garden, cutting rose blooms one by one. That garden had always been his pride and joy — now it was Katie’s refuge.

  ‘I don’t know why you’re so worried about Mum. I think things will work out all right, left as they are,’ Tanya said.

  Sam straightened her mouth in a stubborn line. ‘Pop’s sudden death was a shock for Mum, and for all of us, but I don’t want to see her like this any longer. Living in the past isn’t good for anyone, and she’s got to get out and about again.’ She folded her arms protectively against yet another possible rebuke from her big sister, then she stole a sideways glance at Tanya. ‘I’m quite serious about this. Obviously Mum isn’t going to do anything about it, so we must give her a little push.’

  ‘Okay, maybe you’re right.’ But there was a tone of reluctance in Tanya’s voice. ‘It’s your crazy idea, so you’d better start the ball rolling. As for my part, I’ll watch out for someone nice.’ She seemed deep in thought about what she had just said. ‘Mind you, if we find someone we think is suitable, he’s not to be allowed within a mile of Mum until we know everything about him. Okay?’

  ‘Great.’ Sam’s face lightened up, and she was about to discuss the idea further, when Tanya pointed to the garden.

  ‘Hold it. Mum’s on her way in.’

  Katie walked in with the roses she had cut for the centrepiece of the sitting room table. Sam watched her mother take a deep breath of the scent, and couldn’t help but appreciate how pretty she was. Looks all of ten years younger than her forty-eight years, she thought, surreptitiously studying her mother’s peaches and cream complexion — and a figure that every woman in the village envied. The twinkle in her eyes has gone, though, Sam thought, so it’s time we helped put things right.

  As she placed the vase of roses on the centre of the table, Katie sighed, and brushed back a swirl of fair hair that had fallen over her forehead. ‘Shall I make coffee, or shall we wait for Margie?’ she asked.

  ‘Wait for Margie? Oh, no. She’ll be hours,’ Sam said. ‘You know what she’s like, always running late. I bet she’s spending money right now in some exclusive boutique. In a day or two, she’ll announce that she hasn’t got a stitch to wear and go off shopping again.’

  ‘Sour grapes,’ Tanya said. ‘You’re only jealous because she’s earning enough to buy whatever she fancies. You’d be earning the same if you hadn’t listened to Steve, and had Claudia so soon.’ She stared straight at her younger sister. ‘You’re the brightest of us, but I doubt you’ll ever find such another well paid job. You should never have left the computer world, so it’s your own fault.’

  ‘It’s all very well for you to talk,’ Sam retorted. ‘You had Becky and Mark close together, so why shouldn’t I have a baby as well?’ She folded her arms stubbornly. ‘You’re well set up now, especially since Philip doesn’t want any more kids.’

  Just then Margie breezed in, casually threw her Gucci handbag onto the table, kissed Katie hello, and greeted her sisters effusively with energetic bear hugs. Suddenly the room was noisy. She tossed back the long, blonde hair that draped over her shoulders, accentuating her tall, lithe figure in the stunning apricot two-piece she was wearing. Unlike her sisters, Margie had no responsibilities and spent money freely, satisfying her every whim.

  ‘Take a look at this little number, Mumsy—girls, look, look,’ Margie said excitedly, tipping a multicoloured gossamer dress out of a shiny, green box, just as Katie was about to go and brew the coffee. ‘Isn’t it super? New in, and I got it for half price.’

  ‘What’s the occasion?’ Sam asked. ‘A date with a new man?’

  ‘Yes. I’m meeting George for the first time tonight.’ Margie chuckled as she shook out the garment. ‘He’s divorced. A bit older than I am, but he looks real good in his photo.’ She tried the dress against herself, and whirled around before putting it back in the box. ‘He’s a merchant banker.’ Margie changed her mind about men as often as the wind. She smiled wickedly, and winked. ‘We’ll soon see if he passes the test.’

  ‘Here’s your coffee, girls, the black for Tanya.’ Katie put the tray on the low teak table and gave a big sigh as she sank into her favourite chair. ‘My poor garden is so neglected,’ she said softly. ‘Your father would have a fit if he could see it now. It needs a lot of work. I should phone that man in the next village—the one who’s advertising gardening services at a reasonable charge. Maybe he’ll fit me in.’

  ‘Is it the Irishman who’s doing my neighbour’s garden?’ Sam asked. ‘She says he’s really nice and most presentable.’

  ‘I’ve no idea who the man is, but I’ve got his telephone number somewhere,’ Katie said, with a wave of her arm. ‘I’ll look for it later. Oh, and by the way, Elspeth phoned; she’s coming to stay a few days.

  ‘ I don’t know why you put up with her, Mum,’ Tanya said. ‘She is so bossy; always trying to tell you what to do… how to organize your life.’

  ‘She’s an old friend, means well, and anything’s better than wandering around this place, talking to myself.’


  After the girls had gone, Katie was at loose ends again. Her days dragged, and the nights were worse. Sometimes she would lie awake for hours before sleep came. Tonight was one of those nights. Maybe it was her walk in the garden that had made her even more morose and missing Greg more than usual. She tossed and turned until the middle of the night and then fell into a fitful sleep. She awoke early the next morning, relieved that a night of unhappy dreams was over.

  At one o’clock sharp her son, Richard, swept into the drive that circled the front of Katie’s spacious 17th century, timbered Tudor house. She watched him step out of his white Mercedes and swallowed hard at how very much like his father he looked; more and more as he grew older. Even his walk was Greg’s. She smiled as he hugged her, happy that she couldn’t be more proud of him. He was the youngest executive of a thriving electronics business. His wife, Angie, was like another daughter, and three year-old David, their only child, was healthy, bright and mischievous.

  ‘This looks as good as it smells, Mother,’ Richard said, inhaling the inviting aroma, and rubbing his hands together as Katie placed a large homemade quiche and salad on the table in front of him.

  ‘I hope Angie doesn’t make the same for you tonight,’ she said, joining him at the table. ‘Now tell me all your news. What have you been up to?’

  ‘I pulled off some big deals last week,’ he said, proudly. ‘And that little imp of a son got himself stuck halfway down a large pipe in the garden. We thought we’d have to call in the fire brigade, but we managed to drag him out eventually.’ He took a few mouthfuls and then began again. ‘And by the way, we think there’s another baby on the way, so young David will have something other than drain pipes to think about when it arrives.’

  ‘That’s exciting. Oh, that’s super.’ Katie’s eyes shone with pleasure. ‘You’ll let me know the moment you’re certain, won’t you?’ She placed a hand on Richard’s arm. ‘Is Angie all right? I mean… she’s got her hands pretty full with David. If she needs any help, tell her to call on me without hesitation.’

  ‘She’s not having morning sickness this time, and we feel sure this pregnancy will be pretty straight forward.’

  Katie nodded. ‘I don’t have any news for you, except that Elspeth is visiting again for a few days. I know how much she annoys you, so I thought I’d better warn you.’ She laughed. ‘You might not want to come to lunch while she’s here.’

  ‘How right you are. How long will she be staying?’ Richard asked.

nbsp; ‘Only a few days.’

  ‘Good, so in that case, maybe you’ll be free to help me out. We’re inviting some people for dinner next Friday… mostly my business acquaintances.’ He stopped for a moment, as though to make sure he had Katie’s full attention before he continued. ‘Rex Charteris, one of our consultants, is coming, and he doesn’t have a partner.’ He cocked an eyebrow, and smiled at Katie then. ‘So what about it… would you make up the number?’ He paused. ‘I know Rex can be hard work, but he’s really a pleasant sort of guy. I think you’ve met him before… he’s a professor at the university.’

  Katie thought for a moment or two, then her eyes brightened. ‘Yes. Of course I remember him… tall, good-looking man, with a full beard and a shock of hair. Likes to talk a lot.’

  ‘That’s him. You don’t mind?’ Richard seemed delighted. ‘It’ll help enormously if you can take his attention for some of the time. He’s a nice fellow, but he does tend to monopolize the conversation, especially when he starts going on about his exotic holidays.’ He gave a chuckle. ‘It was Angie who suggested that you might be willing to tolerate him.’ Richard drew his hand over his chin, and looked slightly troubled. ‘Rex is a bit of a ladies’ man, if you know what I mean. He’s not exactly what I’d call your cup of tea.’ His brows were raised, but there was the quirk of a smile on his lips. ‘I have some reservations over the wisdom of partnering him with you, so watch him, Mother.’

  ‘Nonsense, of course I’ll partner him. It’ll be a light relief for me. I know how charming he can be… and I’m well aware of how he can prattle on. I’ll be happy to do that for you, so don’t worry.’

  Richard glanced at his wristwatch. ‘Hey, I’d better get moving. Got a meeting in a half hour.’ He pushed back his chair, got to his feet, and gave her a peck on the cheek. ‘Thanks for the quiche, Mother. It was great. I’ll see you again soon. Take care, now.’


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