Lost and Found

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Lost and Found Page 2

by Megan Fields

  “It was okay I guess. Bit awkward to begin with and definitely not easy keeping my dick in check, but we had a good chat. Okay, so she ran off at the end, which wasn’t good, but how do I know if it was because of me?” I didn’t know for sure, but I damn well was going to find out.

  “She ran off? What happened exactly?” He asked cocking his eyebrow at me.

  “I bumped into her in the coffee house. We hugged, we chatted and...”


  “That’s it. She got a text message and the next thing I know she’s disappearing into the crowd.”

  “What did you say to her?”

  I hold my hands up in defence. “I didn’t say anything. I told you, she got a text and all of sudden she was gone before I could stop her.” He eyes me suspiciously. Ella was like a sister to him and he’d always been very protective over both her and Charlotte.

  “Hmmm, okay. Tell you what, why don’t you invite her to the studio opening? If she comes, you’ll know it wasn’t you and if she doesn’t... well.” Alex pats me on the shoulder and heads downstairs.

  I decided to start unpacking boxes and settle into the studio, but I couldn’t get Ella off my mind. Especially the way she’d looked and felt in my arms. She was a perfect fit. She always had been.

  “Jack stop...please” I loved to tickle Ella and hear her laugh. Her laughter sounded like heaven to me.

  “Kiss me and I will stop.” I let up momentarily and she wraps her hand around my neck pulling me down so our lips meet in a searing kiss. We wrap our limbs around each other, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.

  I needed to find out what was going on with her.

  Chapter 2


  It only takes me five minutes to walk to where I live and as I cross through the park opposite my apartment, I enjoy the rare glimpse of sun poking through the clouds. Pushing through the heavy doors into the foyer, I check for any mail before making my way upstairs. I open my door and close it quickly behind me. Taking a moment, I lean back against it and close my eyes, letting out a deep breath.

  “Hey sis.”

  “Lottie.” I sigh looking toward the front room where I see her sitting, feet up, TV on and my secret stash of chocolate in her lap. She looks a little guilty, but pops another piece in her mouth and smiles at me. I go to the kitchen and pour a cool glass of water, gulping it down as if I’m going to die of thirst.

  “Hey, do you mind if a few friends come over tonight to watch a movie on the big screen?” She asks.

  I face her and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand; she’s looking at me with puppy dog eyes. “Lottie, why ask when you always do what you want anyway?” I grumble.

  “I just thought I better check if you were working tonight.”

  I walk to the sofa and place my hands on the back of it. Glimpsing up at the TV to see Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s on. Buffy and Angel are locked in a kiss and all I can think of is how good it felt when Jack wrapped his arms around me. Lottie offers me a piece of chocolate, “How thoughtful of you,” I say sarcastically. “I was supposed to be having the night off, but Izzy’s just asked me to come in. So you can have your friends over, but please clean up after yourselves.”

  She salutes me and says jauntily, “Yes Mistress.” I shake my head and go to my room to take a shower. I love how loyal and supportive she is of my lifestyle.

  In the shower my thoughts turn to Jack. God he’d smelled and felt so good. As I run my soapy hands over my body I can almost imagine they’re his. I drag my nails up my thighs and a small moan escapes my lips. I haven’t thought about Jack in a sexual way for a long time and these new feelings running through me make my body hum. I wash the shampoo from my hair and let my hands glide down the sides of my neck and over my breasts. My nipples are hard and as I pinch them my head falls back. I leave my left hand caressing my breast and slide my right hand down to my clit, which has started to throb with need. I think back to the one and only night I slept with Jack; my first time. As my finger rubs my sensitive nub I can see Jack’s face as he went down on me and made me come for the first time. I pretend it’s his tongue now on my clit, I picture him knelt before me in the shower worshipping my body. Imagine him slipping a finger inside me as his tongue does wicked things to me. I gasp as an orgasm suddenly rips through me. It pulses through my body and it’s so strong I have to lean back against the tiled wall, to keep myself from falling. My knees are ready to buckle. Shaking from the aftermath, I stand there panting hard, my heart beating so loudly I can hear it in my ears. The hot water beats down on my side, as I let it wash over my sensitive skin. Standing there I let my emotions get the better of me and the tears come before I can stop them. When I’m all cried out I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel and get ready for work. I need to focus and keep Jack out of my head and my heart. I won’t let myself get hurt again.

  Leaving my sister and her friends to enjoy their movie, I grab a taxi to the club. There’s a slight chill in the air, but it’s March and hopefully spring is around the corner, though you never know in England. I’ve known London to have snow in April in the past.

  Traffic is fairly light for rush hour and as the driver winds his way through the streets I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes. I wonder what’s in store tonight and why Izzy wants me to come in. I run through my calendar in my head for the week and can’t fathom what could’ve popped up. I have some training sessions set up for next week with some new subs and need to make sure I line up some Dominants to help out with one of the classes. I make a mental note to speak to a couple of them tonight. The weekends are all about playtime though, so I’m intrigued.

  I pay the driver and head to the entrance, where I’m faced with two very large bouncers. “Ms Blake.” Tony says, while Steve opens the door. They are like cold stone statues, they definitely found their calling. Velvet is a large club with three floors and a basement. On the outside it looks like a typical Victorian house, but inside, it’s anything but.

  As I step inside, my posture changes. My back straightens and my stride becomes more focused. Being here puts me in the right frame of mind and I welcome the distraction. I head straight for Izzy’s office and find her with a submissive buried between her legs. Her eyes are dark with arousal and her tongue slips out to moisten her deep red lips.

  “So what do you need? I thought tonight was my night off?” I sit cross-legged in the chair opposite her and glance at the man between her legs. He’s a home-grown sub trained here at the club and, if I didn’t know Izzy better, I’d think she had a soft spot for him.

  “How’d coffee go?” She asks.

  “It was fine thank you.” I should’ve known she’d want the low down, but all I want to do is forget about it.

  “So who was he?” She really isn’t going to let this go.

  I take a deep breath. I may as well tell her now and get it over and done with. “He was my high school sweetheart and first love. His parents dragged him to America ten years ago and I haven’t seen or spoken to him since. There’s nothing more to it.” She looks at me disbelievingly and the sub stops, sensing something’s up.

  “Continue.” She commands without looking at him; he obeys immediately. We stare at each other for a beat longer and she drops the subject for now. “We have a pro Dom coming for a tour of the club and I need you to show him around. He’s just moved to the city and comes recommended from Raul in New York.” I raise my eyebrow in interest. Being recommended by Raul is a great honour.

  “Is the club ready?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she says almost panting. Dean must be hitting the right spot. Izzy’s hand grabs his hair and pulls him tightly to her. “The crew has worked hard all day in preparation.” I need no further information at this point, so I head to my office to change. As I close her door I hear her scream loudly as her orgasm hits her.

  Entering my office, I flick the lights on and lock the door behind me. It’s a good size space and I throw my pur
se on the large sofa, as I walk to my desk. Plugging in my iPod, I select my favourite playlist and hit shuffle. I love listening to music while I dress and as I walk to my wardrobe my speaker’s hiss into life. Justin Timberlake starts to play and I strip out of my clothes. This new Dom sounds important, so I better dress to impress. I go for my knee high black boots, a black skirt that barely covers my ass along with a purple thong and a purple corset to match. I let down my hair and add some extra curls to enhance my look. I’m just putting the finishing touches on my light pink lipstick when there’s a knock at my door. Dean stands before me wearing only black leather trousers with his hands behind his back and his head bowed.

  “Yes?” I ask.

  “Mistress Isobel has asked me to inform you that the Dom will be here in 10 minutes.”

  “Very well.” I close the door and give myself a final check in the mirror. I make sure my office is tidy in case he wants to see the operational side to the business and go down to the bar where Izzy’s talking with a tall man, his back to me. He must be the new Dom and I walk over to introduce myself.

  “Ah Master Cole, let me introduce you to Mistress Blake.” The man turns to me and I stop abruptly, my hand flying to my mouth.


  “Alex?” He looks as shocked as I am. The new Dom is Jack’s brother!

  I stand facing him, unable to break eye contact. “You two know each other?” Izzy sounds amused by the situation I find myself in.

  “Um yes.” I stutter. “Alex, I mean Master Cole is...” I struggle for the right words and he fills in the blanks.

  “Mistress Blake and I are old friends, shall we say?” He looks at me, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

  “Yes... old friends.” I repeat, plastering a fake smile on my face as I look over to Izzy.

  “Okay. Well then you’re in good hands. I’ll leave you to it. If you need anything further please don’t hesitate to let me know.” He shakes her hand and she leaves to monitor play in the dungeon. If it wasn’t so disrespectful I would drag him to my office, but I can’t; especially in front of gathering clients.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you around.” I snap. He nods dutifully and gestures for me to lead the way. I walk to the top of the club, with him following closely behind. “Here on the top floor, we have a large meeting area with a stage and some private rooms that members can use.” I turn to walk back down wanting this to be over as soon as possible.

  “Hold on.” He walks into the centre of the large room, folds his arms across his chest and looks around. “What do you use this area for?” His eyes meet mine and I know he’s challenging me.

  I prop my hands on my hips and slowly move to stand in front of him. “We use this room for monthly auctions and some of the classes that we run for training. Happy?”

  “Ecstatic. Let’s continue shall we?” His arms drop to his sides and he walks to the entrance, waiting for me to lead the way. I narrow my eyes at him, as I pass by and head down to the first floor.

  “As you can see, we have various zones set up for play here, with seating in the centre for patrons to observe. Would you like to take a look around?” I ask a little sardonically.

  He raises his eyebrows at the tone in my voice. “No, it’s fine. I understand the purpose of this area. I may have some more questions at a later date, but nothing that needs answering right this minute.”

  We make it back to the ground floor and I walk up to the bartender. “Usual please Dan; anything for you Master Cole?”

  “Scotch. Neat.” He leans his hip into the bar and peruses the floor. “This is your social area?”

  I lean my back against the bar. “It is. This is the main bar and we have one out in the back, leading to a private garden. In the far corner over there we have a small stage set up for Dom’s who want their subs to perform for them and others.”

  “Here you go Ms Blake.” Dan slides us our drinks.

  I pick up my brandy, taking a large sip and look over to Alex who’s holding his glass out to me. “Sorry, cheers.” I clink my glass with his and drink the rest.

  Alex takes a sip of his scotch, “Shouldn’t you be taking it easy? Aren’t you on duty?”

  “Not really. It was supposed to be my night off, but I had to come in and escort some new Dom around.” I stare at him pointedly. “Think I deserve a drink don’t you?”

  He tosses back his scotch and places his glass back on the bar. “By all means, let’s continue. I wouldn’t want to keep you longer than necessary.”

  “Follow me.” I head to a corner of the room and down a stone staircase lit by electric candles, to the basement. I love the cool stone of the walls and it gives off a dangerous dungeon vibe. I stop as we enter an open room, which is lit by wall lights on low. “It’s a little dark down here, so let your eyes adjust.”

  “I’m fine.” He replies, walking past me to look around.

  “Welcome to our dungeon. As you can see this area is open to observe play, but down there,” I point to a hallway in the corner, “are private rooms.”

  “This is incredible. I’ve seen some dungeons in my time, but this is one of the better ones. The stone walls make it really cool down here and add to the overall effect. This must really help people get in the right frame of mind.”

  I love that he sounds impressed and I feel a sense of pride for my club. “Come on, let’s go upstairs and we can talk more privately.”

  We finally end up at my office, he ushers me in and locks the door behind us. I swivel to face him. “You’re a Dom?”

  “I am. And you’re a Mistress.”

  I approach him slowly and even in my six inch heels he’s taller. His hair is darker than Jack’s, making his blue eyes pop and he has a similar build. “Does Jack know?” I ask.

  “Not about you, clearly.” He replies.

  “He knows about you?” I’m still in shock; I can’t believe Alex is a Dom.

  “Yes, he knows.” I let out a breath and move over to the one-way window overlooking the first floor. “Ella.” I can tell from the direction of his voice that he’s moved to the sofa. I face him and lean against the glass. “How long?” He asks.

  “Three years.” I reply. “Nearly four if you count my training.”

  He looks a little surprised and shakes his head “I don’t believe it. Little Ella Blake, a Mistress.”

  I walk over to him and stick my heel between his thighs aggressively. “You will refer to me as Eleanor or Miss Blake in the future. I’m a Mistress, this is my club and I deserve respect.”

  His eyes lock with mine and we size each other up. He still has an amused look on his face, but he holds his hands up in a sign of surrender. “As you wish Miss Blake.” I remove my foot and sit next to him.

  “I never thought it’d be you walking through those doors tonight.” We look at each other and suddenly burst out laughing. It helped to dispel some of the tension that had been mounting since his arrival.

  “So,” I say once I’ve caught my breath. “What do you think of Velvet?”

  “I think it’s outstanding, but there’s always room for improvement.” He replies. I’d been thinking the same recently and looked forward to hearing his views.

  “Look...” I pause searching for the right words, but again he fills in the blanks.

  “I won’t tell Jack.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is that why you ran away from him today?”

  “Yes. We were catching up and having a nice chat when I got a text from Izzy asking me to come in and I freaked out about him finding out I’m a dominatrix; seems silly now.”

  “Not silly. Being a Mistress is a way of life and you have to be with someone who understands and accepts that.”

  “Still I shouldn’t have run. It’s just, seeing Jack brought back so many memories.”

  “Of course it would. You loved each other. There are a lot of memories for us all from back then.” I face Alex to find him deep in thought,
our eyes meet and we share a smile.

  “I’m not going to tell him Alex. Not yet, at least. Who knows how often I’ll even see him.”

  “That’s your choice. I think we’re all in new territory here and we’ll have to feel our way. Your secret is safe with me.” Alex stands, offering a hand to help me up. He gives me a brief hug and walks to the door.

  “Master Cole? Welcome to Velvet. It’s always nice to have fresh blood.” He flashes a dark smile and leaves my office. I take a moment to process what just happened and straighten myself up in the mirror.

  The rest of the evening runs smoothly and all the subs are excited about Alex. He moves about the club observing scenes and talking to various people. After an emotional day, I decide to leave early. Its midnight, but the club will be in full swing till at least 3am. On my way out, I spot Izzy at the bar.

  “Hey. I’m going to head on home okay?”

  “Yeah no problem, thanks for coming in tonight. Who’d have thought you’d know him.” She says, nodding toward Alex. “So that’s two old friends you’ve run into today. Funny how they look similar; some might even say they look related. Wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes Sherlock. Some might say they look related. That might be because they’re brothers.” I admit.

  “I knew it! So one brother’s a Dom and one isn’t. Interesting. Does Jack know about Alex?”

  “Yes he does actually. He doesn’t know about me though and Alex has promised not to tell him either.”

  “Okay. Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “For now it is. I’m not planning on getting involved with him anytime soon. I don’t even know if he has a girlfriend.”

  She snorts. “He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “How can you possibly know that?”

  “Because he wanted to eat you up earlier; I was only there for a couple of minutes, but all that man wanted to do was strip you naked and devour you. I could see it in his eyes.”

  I prop my hand on my hips. “Well even if he did, that does not mean he doesn’t have someone or that anything’s going to happen between us.” I say with conviction.


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