Jamie Hill Triple Threat (A Cop In The Family)

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Jamie Hill Triple Threat (A Cop In The Family) Page 34

by Jamie Hill

  "Hi there, sexy. What are you grinning about? Did you know I was coming over?"

  "Nope, but that does make me smile." He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the house, closing the door and locking it. Pressing her up against the door, he teased her lips with his before moving on to other areas of her face and neck. "My friend Jack just called. We always get all macho with each other on the phone. Lots of 'fuck that' talk."

  "Mm," she bent her head to allow him access to her neck. "Sounds like a great guy. Can't wait to meet him."

  "You'll have to wait, because I have something else in mind right now."

  "Oh yeah?" She raised one leg and pressed her thigh into his crotch.

  His erection bulged against her. "What are you doing here? I didn't think I was going to get lucky tonight. I'd just started working out before the phone rang."

  "I got off early and wanted to surprise you. Working out sounds like fun. Can I play, too?"

  He nuzzled her neck. "I don't know. We might get all sweaty."

  "Then we'd just have to take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll risk it."

  He smiled and reached for her hand. "Come on."

  Brady led her to his home gym, where she immediately went to the weight machine. "I've wanted to try this."

  He stepped up behind her. "Here, let me show you how…" He paused as Gina set the weight at a fairly high number. "I think that's too heavy, sweetheart."

  "Oh yeah?" She sat and began lateral presses, pushing the weight forward with ease.

  Brady watched and forced his jaw to remain closed. After twelve reps she stopped and took a breather. "I guess I don't need to show you how."

  Gina smiled. "I've been around a few weight machines before. I think I can handle it."

  He grinned and stepped onto the treadmill. "Go for it."

  She continued lifting weights and he started walking, then jogging. With his peripheral vision he could see her smooth movements, and noticed a small circle of sweat form on her T-shirt just above her breasts.

  He slowed back to a walk as his erection grew. Falling off the treadmill would not look good, so he struggled to keep focused.

  She adjusted the bench and lay back on it, her knees bent so her feet touched the floor. He watched her bench press a decent size stack of weights with ease, her breasts rising and falling with the pressure of each lift.

  Brady was done. He stopped the treadmill and stepped off. "Be right back." He grabbed a drink of water from the kitchen then went to his room and took a condom from his nightstand drawer.

  She glanced at him as he returned. "Quitting already?"

  "Not exactly." He straddled the weight bench so his legs touched hers. "Switching to another form of exercise."

  "Oh, yeah?" Her eyes lit with interest.

  "Watching you on this machine is a little more than I can take. Have to do something about that, right now." He reached for her shorts and panties.

  She raised her hips so he could tug them down and maneuver them off her legs.

  Brady shoved her T-shirt up and suckled one breast with vigor. She tasted salty and spicy at the same time, and his erection throbbed.

  "Mm, more," Gina moaned.

  He switched breasts, giving the second equal time. When he was satisfied but not nearly sated, he shoved his own shorts down and ripped open the foil packet he'd been palming.

  She gazed at him hungrily, her eyes never leaving his body as he rolled on the condom. "A man who's prepared. I love that." She widened her legs, feet still on either side of the bench.

  "If you love that…" He nudged his tip to her opening. "Then you're really going to love this." He slipped inside her tight channel and groaned when he discovered how wet she was. She was as aroused as he was. Mounting her on the black leather bench was sexy as hell, and he felt sure he wouldn't last long.

  But hopefully, long enough. He thrust in and out, planting his knee for better purchase. He wanted to close his eyes and sail away, but watching her was too exciting. Her breasts bobbed with each thrust. The look on her face was already one of pure bliss. When she grasped the handles above her head and held on tight, he knew she was close. "Come on, baby," he urged.

  "Fuck!" She rolled her head from side to side. As her body tensed and released, Gina emitted a low groan of pleasure.

  "Oh, yeah." He drove into her repeatedly until he was sure she was good and satisfied. When she gazed up at him with half-closed, lust filled eyes, he knew he was good to go. His body shuddered and spent, pulsing waves of pleasure tearing through him. He rode them for as long as he could then collapse onto her sweat-slicked form. "Fuck me," he muttered, exhausted.

  "I think I just did." She ran a hand up his back and cradled his neck. "And as hot as this was, I'm getting a leg cramp like you wouldn't believe. Let's move to the bedroom and continue from there, please."

  He looked at her and grinned, grinding one more thrust into her pelvis. "That was hot. Damn, you're gorgeous. I could watch your tits bounce around all night."

  "Pig." She pushed him off her and sat up, smiling. "Come with me. We're going to see what I can make bounce on you."

  Brady scrambled back, holding the rubber so it stayed in place until he got to the bathroom. "Right behind you."

  She glanced over her shoulder and winked.

  * * * *

  Around ten-thirty they showered and ate leftover chicken standing in front of the sink. When they finally crawled back into bed, Brady extended his arms and she slid into them. She dragged the covers up to their necks. "Can you stay?" he whispered.

  She yawned and nuzzled her face into his chest. "Yep. I don't have to be anywhere until tomorrow afternoon."

  He kissed the top of her head. "I have to work at eight in the morning, you know."

  She closed her eyes. "Then you'd better set your alarm for about six-thirty. That should be just enough time."

  He cradled her tight. "I already did."

  Eyes still closed, Gina smiled.

  Chapter Six

  Gina checked herself in the mirror, one more time, before Brady arrived. He'd told her to dress casual for the backyard picnic at Jack's house, but she wanted to make a good first impression on the man and his wife. They seemed like important people to Brady.

  She'd chosen a turquoise blouse with a beaded neckline over black jeans. It looked good to her. The look in Brady's eyes when he saw her would be her best way to tell.

  He arrived a few moments later, letting himself in and coming straight to the bedroom. "Hey gorgeous," he popped off then paused to check her out. He inhaled and released the breath before grinning like a fool. "Holy cow. You really are gorgeous. How do you do that?"

  Still smiling, he folded her into his arms.

  "Do what?" Shivers ran down her spine as he nibbled the spot behind her ear.

  "Look more stunning each time I see you," Brady whispered.

  "Scemo," she muttered, but relished the sweet talk all the same.

  "I am a fool. A fool in love with you." He tipped her chin up and kissed her tenderly.

  Gina's heart soared with happiness. She never, in a million years, expected to feel this way about a man, let alone a cop. "I love you too, caro. If you think I look okay, I'm ready."

  He slid one hand around her waist and led her out. "You look fabulous. Jack and Crystal will go gaga over you." They left the apartment and climbed into the Explorer.

  "Remind me about the kids, again." Gina fiddled with her bracelets nervously as they drove.

  "Mark is the oldest, he's nine. A really great kid. He loves sports of all kinds. He plays football and baseball, with his folks right there to cheer him on. I think Jack even helps coach his little league team."

  "Jack sounds like a really good dad."

  "He is. He met Crystal and the boys working a case a couple of years ago. I think it was love at first sight for all of them. They had some rough patches, because the boys had just lost their dad. I know they all did family therapy. But I gu
ess the guy was a drug dealer, and hadn't been much of a parent. Those boys are thriving with two people who obviously love them so much."

  "The little one's name is Dave?"

  "No, no, no. God, don't make that mistake. Dave was their old man's name. Devon is the seven year old."

  "Devon, seven," Gina repeated, and discovered they rhymed.

  Brady chuckled. "There you go. Easy way to remember. I have to admit, Devon is my favorite. He's the sweetest kid. He's been missing teeth from one spot or another since I met him. There's just something about the kid. He loves animals and science. He just got these black-framed glasses that make him look so cute. He's a little touchy about them, though, so watch that."

  She nodded. "And the baby?"

  "Cynthia. Cindy. She's a cute, chunky baby with red hair like her mama."

  "Okay, I think I've got it."

  "Relax! There won't be a quiz." He reached out and squeezed her hand.

  "I just want to get it right."

  Brady brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "I'm not worried in the slightest. Please just relax and enjoy yourself. This is going to be fun."

  "You're right." Gina squeezed his hand in response. Butterflies still zipped around her stomach, but it wasn't like he was leaving her there alone. She'd be with Brady. I can handle anything as long as I'm with him.

  He pulled into the driveway of a nice, ranch style home. Toys were scattered on the front porch and two bikes leaned up against the railing. "This is it." Brady parked and went around to open the door for her. He grabbed the bottle of wine he'd brought, and tucked in under his arm. "Ready?"

  "Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled and squeezed his hand.

  He planted a kiss on her temple and said into her ear, "You'll do fine. You're beautiful, interesting, funny, and smart. Oh, did I mention beautiful?"

  "I don't think so," she teased and gazed at him, her heart swelling with love.

  "Come on." He led her to the front door and rang the bell.

  Gina recognized Jack from a photo Brady had of the family. Handsome, with dark hair and a solid build, he was slightly shorter than Brady. His smile was equally wide, though. "Hey you guys! Glad you could make it."

  Brady nodded. "Thanks for having us. Jack, this is Gina Morris. Gina, my good buddy Jack Dunlevy."

  Before she could speak, Jack grabbed her hand and pumped it. "I've heard great things about you."

  "You too. Great to meet you." She smiled at him and for one second, it seemed his eyes clouded. A wrinkle creased his brow. As quickly as it happened it was over.

  "Please, come in. The boys are dying for you to get here. I hope you're up for a quick game of catch, Brady. I'm not sure they'll let you eat if you aren't."

  "Pretty sure I can handle that." Brady placed one hand on the small of Gina's back and guided her into the house.

  "Brady! Brady!" two squeaky voices got louder as they approached.

  "Watch out," Jack advised Gina, and stepped back himself.

  Both brown-haired boys catapulted at Brady to hug his waist. He scooped them up and carried them deeper into the house, spinning in circles.

  Gina could only chuckle in amazement.

  Jack grinned at her. "My kids love him. What can I say?"

  "Cute kids."

  He extended a hand for her to follow them. "Let's go meet them."

  She strolled down the hall and found Brady extracting himself from the boys in the kitchen.

  "Careful, I almost forgot about this wine." He snatched the bottle that had been slipping from under his arm.

  "Better not drop my wine!" The pretty, red-headed woman reached out and grabbed the bottle. "Ooh, good stuff. Thanks, doll." She stood on tiptoes to kiss Brady's cheek but didn't come anywhere close. He leaned down to make it easier, and gave her a light squeeze.

  "Hey, Crystal. Looking lovely as always. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Gina Morris." He turned back and smiled at her. "Gina, this is Crystal."

  "Pleased to meet you!" Crystal moved over and shook hands. To Brady and Jack she mouthed, she's cute! and waggled her brows.

  Gina grinned. "I'm happy to meet you, too. Brady speaks fondly about all of you."

  Devon Dunlevy faced Gina. "He took a bullet for us, you know."

  Gina smiled at the cute, sincere child. "I heard about that, Devon. I'm really glad everyone came out okay."

  "It was pretty scary," he agreed.

  "I bet it was. I can't even imagine how you made it through that. Hey, nice glasses. I love a man with cool black frames."

  Devon blushed but she could tell he liked the comment. "Really? Thanks."

  She gazed at his older brother. "And how are you, Mark? Ready for warm weather so baseball season can start?"

  "You bet." Mark nodded, obviously impressed by a woman who understood sports. "I'm playing soccer right now. My team is three and oh."

  "Excellent!" Brady held out a hand for a high five, and Mark obliged. "You'll have to let us know your schedule. We might be able to make a game."

  The baby monitor on the counter squawked and Gina heard snuffling noises.

  Crystal grabbed the receiver and waved it. "That would be the third member of the chorus. I hate to disappear, but I'll need to feed her before we eat."

  "Lucky kid." Jack swatted his wife's ass as she walked by.

  Crystal rolled her eyes at him but Gina saw true devotion in her glance. "Why don't you all go out back and relax before dinner? Jack, open that wine, would you? The potatoes will be done in thirty minutes, so time the steaks accordingly, babe."

  "Yes, dear." He motioned to the sliding glass door. "Go ahead you guys. I've got the steaks all ready to go, just need to haul them out."

  "Yay!" Mark and Devon hopped up and down, and each boy grabbed one of Brady's hands.

  He looked at Gina apologetically. "If I play catch with them before dinner, I promise I'm all yours after that."

  She waved him off. "Go, have fun." The three of them hurried into the backyard where a golden German shepherd quickly joined them. "And that would be Zeus, I presume."

  Jack peered over her shoulder. "Oh, yeah. The other hero of the family. He took a bullet for us, too. It was touch and go there for a while."

  "Seems like a really great dog."

  "He is." Jack went to the refrigerator and pulled out a foil-covered tray. He grabbed some tongs and four wine glasses. "Could you get that wine bottle and the door, please?"

  "Sure." Gina did as asked and followed Jack out to the patio. She set the wine on the nearest table.

  "First things first," he told her, and opened the wine. He poured two glasses and passed one over. "We might as well test it out."

  "Certainly." She sipped when he did, and they both nodded. "Very nice. Brady has good taste."

  "He usually does," Jack agreed and began to prepare the grill. "Hope you like a nice, thick steak."

  "Love it." She thought about sitting, but suddenly there was a chill in the air between them and she wanted to address it. "He usually has good taste? Sounds like a dig at me, Detective."

  He stopped working and smiled at her. "It's Jack. I haven't been with the force for a year and a half, now. I miss some aspects of it, but I don't miss the getting shot at parts."

  Gina took another drink. Jack was playing with her, but she couldn't figure out why. "Brady was shot at recently. Grazed his arm. Did he tell you?"

  "Yeah, he did. Totally sucks. He was working the import/export warehouse case."

  "I believe so."

  Jack resumed cooking, placing the meat on the grill. "Was it your father's warehouse? I never asked Brady."

  Gina's heart skipped a beat. "Excuse me?"

  He finished what he was doing and closed the grill lid. He faced Gina and folded his arms across his chest. "I thought I recognized you. It took me a while, but I finally placed you. Genevesia Moretti. Long time, no see, eh?"

  She could only stammer. "I don't know what—"

smiled again, but this one wasn't genuine. "You don't remember me? I'm hurt. I was on duty the night you and your friends rolled that bumsicle. You were pretty wasted, looking for cash if I recall. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you don't remember."

  A bumsicle? She didn't remember. There was some business with the police one night, but her father had gotten her off so quickly Gina had nearly forgotten. "Look, Jack. I'll be the first one to admit I made mistakes in my past. But I've been clean for four years. I have the chip to prove it."

  He paused to watch the raucous game of catch in the yard. One or both of the boys was constantly on Brady's back and the dog jumped and barked, adding to the melee.

  Gina found the scene amusing, but couldn't concentrate on anything except Jack's announcement.

  He turned back to her. "Congratulations on the four years. You know, it's not the drug business that concerns me. The past is the past. I have a few ex-wives and details I'd just as soon wipe clean off my slate, but you know what they say. It is what it is." He sipped his wine thoughtfully. "That bum had already frozen to death by the time you kids found him. If you'd been in, shall we say, an unaltered frame of mind, you wouldn't have bothered to roll him for cash. He didn't have squat."

  "I'm sorry that happened."

  He gazed at her squarely. "I'm sorry your old man got you out of there so fast. I'd have let you sit in the pokey overnight, or a few nights. You don't learn anything when someone else swoops in and solves all your problems."

  "I learned. Believe me, I learned."

  He chuckled. "Learned what? That when your father's a big shot in the Italian mafia, you can pretty much get away with anything? Or that life is easier when you change your name, so no one has to know who your father is?"

  Gina scowled. "That's not fair. My father has never been convicted of any crimes."

  "Convicted, maybe not. Indicted plenty of times, though. You going to sit there with a straight face and tell me the old man is innocent?"

  "You're not a cop anymore, so I don't have to tell you anything."

  He shrugged. "Touche. But you do have to tell Brady. He's investigating the import companies and your father is one of the top names on his list. He got shot, for Christ's sake!"


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