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Bloods Gem

Page 18

by Gloria Conway

  Adrian I had no clue. If I’d known I’d--

  You’d what? Go cry to dad? Beg him to release me? There was nothing anyone could do for me. His mind was made up when I was first born that he hated me. Do you know the story or should I tell you?


  Yeah. Mom ran way with another ill-suen before we were born. He had her under his spell, but that was before Dad unolded her and before he found her. She got pregnant with me and Dad tried to get me out of her, but she wouldn’t let him, so I was the bastard he always hated. But he kept me around because Mom loved me!

  I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to scream and run back to father and ask him how he could do this, to my…. half brother… I couldn’t believe father would do this. I have never heard anything about the story he told me.

  I’m sorry. I really didn’t know any of this until now. I will address Father when I get back and tell him exactly what I think.

  There’s no point. He’ll deny it all like he has for years. If you don’t believe me, ask Mom. She wont lie. And it won’t change anything. The way you think about him might change. There’s no point to you getting in the middle of all this. I’m sorry too for hating you. It’s not your fault this happened. I just want to be left alone, forever and live the way I want.

  I'll leave you be Adrian. I won't bother you again. Sorry it came to this and I’m sorry for what he’s put you through. I would have probably taken the same route as you, but a lot sooner. Goodbye brother….

  My mind raced with everything he told me. I was angry at the pain I felt coming from him that Father had inflicted. How could he? I never saw my father as anything, but controlling. He was never abusive or spiteful. I felt Adrian's pain. I loved my brother and took back all the bad thoughts I had against him prior to this meeting. I loved my father, but hated the things he did. I didn’t know what to do and what to tell the others. I thought they would side with my father since he was the leader along side Ahmed.

  I couldn't protect Adrian against the whole clan. I was powerless in this situation. I would have to lie to save my brother for at least one more day. I had to talk to Mom about this. I would tell her everything he told me and hope that somehow she could stop Father from going after him.

  After I told them my lie I had to sleep. I was exhausted and hadn’t slept for days. Plus, I needed to check on Faith. I knew it would be around the time she was going to bed, so I could make sure she was okay and leave her alone. Laying my head down and falling asleep, I entered her dream. She wasn’t at the waterfall. Instead, she was at a place I once took her. A mountain in the United States, covered in snow. She sat at the top, crying, but I couldn’t get myself to go to her. I was still hurt at what she had done and didn’t want to give in so easily. My form of tough love.

  It hurt me to see her so upset, but this was for the best. I made sure there was no threat around her, ran around Arkansas and found no new scents that would concern me. I fell into a deep sleep.

  When I woke we all headed back to the castle. We told everyone that Adrian was coming back soon, and everyone believed it. It was almost too easy. No one would ever think I would cover for him, or that I was capable of defying my father’s wishes.

  I went to find mother to talk to her about everything Adrian told me. I needed to know the truth from her, so it would ease the guilt of lying to everyone.

  I found her out back in her garden planting flowers. Walking up to her I took seeds from the bucket and started helping her plant. She smiled and begun humming. We planted for awhile before I decided to talk about Adrian. Done with my last plant, I decided it was the right time.

  “Mother, may we go and sit, I would like to discuss something with you about Adrian?” She put down her gardening tools without looking at me then followed me to the gazebo.

  We sat and she seemed to already know what I wanted to talk about.

  “I know what you want to talk about son,” She said looking at me sorrowful.

  “Would you like me to start from the beginning?” She asked. I nodded.

  “A long time ago, before any of you were born, I met a man named Dennis. He was a kind and loving man and took me in so. See, when I was human, I had a very hard life. I ran away from home because my mother was a drunk and my father beat me and my mother. My mother never was in her right mind to do anything about it. When I ran away from home I begged on the streets for food and money. I was only sixteen when Dennis found me. I didn’t know was his intentions.

  “For about a year I lived with him and his three wives and children. He fed me and put me in school, and I had a roof over my head. I fell in love with him. His kindness and the way he spoke made me feel good. I realized the people I lived with were not what they seemed. One of his wives attacked me when I cut myself on a knife from peeling potatoes. He saved me from the attack and told me what they were. I didn’t know what to do. I was horrified when I found out, but decided to stay because they were the closest thing I had to a real family. When I turned seventeen is when he started approaching me. I would accept his gifts, but soon after he wanted more. I refused him and he became very angry. One night while I slept he came in and put his hand to my head. I thought he was lighting me on fire because he wouldn’t take his hand off and it was burning through my scalp. I became willing, but I knew deep down inside I didn’t want this. He used his mind control to bed me, and I was soon pregnant. Under his control for about six months, until your father found me. I was your father's gem and he saw what Dennis had done. He killed Dennis and his Vampire wives. I screamed when he started toward the children, so he let them go. He took me with him to the castle and unold on me so I wasn’t under Dennis control anymore.

  “He wanted to take the child from inside of me, but I cried and begged him not to. He couldn’t refuse me, so I had Adrian. Your father barely looked at him when he was a child. When Adrian grew older he payed more attention to him, but he still didn’t like Adrian. When I found out about the beatings, I tried leaving him, but he begged me and said he would never touch Adrian again. I stayed, but your father continued to resent him. There was nothing I could do to make him see Adrian as his son. After I had your sister and he had one to call his own, he backed off of Adrian. Adrian was alone a lot and didn’t want to be around anyone. I tried to comfort him, but he hated me too. He wished he was never born. I had many sleepless nights crying over this.

  “Then you came along. Your dad’s eyes lit up when you were born. He had his own son to teach and feel close to. I know what your father did wasn’t right and I don’t condone anything he’s done to harm Adrian, but there was no saving him. He had so much pain and anger in him, no one could get close to him. Not even me. So now he’s run off and I do think he’s better off living his own life for once. No one can hurt him anymore.

  “But your father has gone crazy. After Adrian threatened your life there was no stopping him. He didn’t want Adrian coming after you or your gem, so he set out to get him back home and try to make amends, or take him to the healers to see if they could heal his broken spirit. Your father knows he’s in pain and feels bad for all he’s done. He wants Adrian's wounds to heal, but he can’t do this alone. I know you’ve gone to him and you need to tell your father where he’s at so he can help him.”

  I shook my head, “NO! I don’t trust him now mother. I won’t give him a chance to hurt Adrian anymore. Let him be, and let him heal in his own way! There’s no need for this circus act. I won’t let him harm my brother no matter how much my brother hates me. I love him and always will. He’s part of me, and I him.”

  Mother sat silent. “Well Son, there’s nothing more I can do either. I can't stop either of them and this is out of my control.”

  “So you’re going to sit by and let father do what he wants to him? How can you be so trusting? He could just tell you anything and you’d believe him.”

  “Because I know your father. I see his mind everyday and know his thoughts. Remember, I too am part of your f
ather now. If there was reason for me to be concerned about your father's intentions, I would put myself in front of him. I would die for my children any day. You children are my world and a mother and child’s bond is unbreakable.”

  I got up and headed to my room so I could think. I believed what she was telling me, was how she felt. But there was always a way that father could deceive her. The power he wields and his mind are not to be taken lightly. My mother believed that father had the best intentions. But I wasn’t so sure and I wouldn’t allow myself to believe he wasn’t going to harm my brother. I would just have to do what I needed to do to make things right. The only thing that concerned me with my plan was Faith. If I was to… Die doing what I needed to do, then she would die too. I couldn’t decide what was more important: mine and faith's lives or my brother's. What was I willing to sacrifice for him? And would it be worth it? The only way for my plan to work was to unold on Faith and get her pregnant. Once I knew her life wasn’t at stake I could forfeit mine. But how long did I have? And what if she decided since leaving her she didn’t want me anymore. Then I’d have to make her see it my way. Force her to save her own life. I was giving up a lot to save my brother's life. And for what? I wasn’t even certain his life was at stake. I assumed the worst of my Father. I would bring Faith in the middle of everything by risking her life or her freedom. This just wasn’t right. There was no better plan I had. I couldn’t save everyone, yet I wanted to.

  While I was sitting there thinking Celeste popped her head into my room.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Yeah sis.”

  “Daniel, I’ve been listening to you, but I’m not sorry that I did. I heard your plan and it makes perfect sense. But, instead of you sacrificing yourself and Faith, well let me do it.”

  I stood up. “No! I wont allow it.”

  She put her hand on my shoulder. “Let me explain. I don’t have as much to lose. Daniel there’s nothing here for me. I don’t have a husband, children, or even a boyfriend. There’s nothing really tying me to this world except for you and Mom. You have everything to live for. You and Faith, your future children, Mom, our brother.”

  “Not going to happen! Now sit down and we can try to come up with something together. No one needs to die if we can come up with a plan,” I said.

  She looked down thinking hard. “First off, we have no way of knowing Father's intentions. He shuts everyone out except for Mom. If we can somehow get around that barrier, then we would know what we’re up against.”

  I shook my head and started pacing. “No. He lets mom see what he wants her to see. I doubt it’s what’s really in his head. Him and I are alike in that way. If we don’t want someone knowing something, we switch to something else letting them believe something more positive. If I can stay close to him for a bit I might be able to tap into his thoughts. If I can get the negative emotion he has for Adrian, the one that set's him off, I would be able to tap into that and hear his thoughts. Once I know what his intentions are then we’ll have a plan.”

  She agreed to my new plan and went off to make arrangements for father to come home. Going to father in spirit she told him to come back immediately, that I had some news to tell him about Adrian. He fell for it and got back in less then two days.

  I waited for father in his office, knowing it wouldn't be long before he arrived. Pacing the room and alone with my thoughts the door suddenly flung open. He walked towards his desk ignoring my presence. Sitting down, he propped his feet up on his desk and reached for the box of cigars next to him. Extending his arm, he offered me one, I shook my head. He lit his cigar. “So son. What news do you bring with you?” He asked

  “Well father, first off I would like to speak with you about something.” He bowed his head once. I began with my knowledge of my mother's story trying to get some sort of reaction or emotion from him. He listened.

  “I know that must have been hard on you raising a bastard child and trying to keep mom happy,” I continued. “And Adrian threatening to end me--”

  His laugh roared through the room startling me. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling or thinking. He stood up and walked toward me.

  “Nice try son, but you do realize who trained you don’t you?” He started me dead in the eyes. I looked down at my feet feeling trapped and angry.

  “If you ever touch Adrian again I'll--” I couldn’t hold my anger in any longer.

  “Listen son. the things I’ve done to your brother I’m very sorry for. I’ve treated him poorly. This was long ago though, and since then I’ve realized all the pain I’ve caused not only him but your mother. I must confess when he did threaten your life, I did want to hurt him. I went after him immediately. But I was able to stop myself and regain control of my emotions. I let myself feel the pain in which he felt. That pain was deep. I only want to help him heal. I don’t want him to suffer anymore.”

  “I felt his pain too when I spoke to him and if I were Adrian, I would want to be left alone to heal. This you can do for him, set him free father, let him go on his own way. If you really don’t want to cause him anymore pain, then leave him alone. This is what he wants most; you should at least give him that.”

  He walked back to his desk and sat down. “Son, I would like to do this, but I too have heard him. I know his plans for you”

  “What plans for me?” I asked.

  He shook his head in disgust. “Are you sure you want to hear this? You will make your own mind up, to believe me or not.”

  I glanced at him wondering what lie he’s going to feed me.

  “He plans to unold on Faith get her pregnant and hope you or myself will kill him.”

  I started pacing the room. “No, he wouldn’t, there’s no way… he wouldn’t hurt me…this way…” I didn’t want to hear anymore. I closed my eyes and forced my hand out in front of me, gesturing for father to stop talking.

  “Son, I know this is hard to believe but he wants to die. He’s in pain and he wants us to kill him.”

  “Why doesn’t he just go to the hunters then?” I asked, glaring at him.

  “He has. They laughed at him and thought it would be entertaining watching him suffer. It’s no fun for them when the hunt is too easy. Plus, they know this plan he has would hurt me in some ways too. Anything that hurts you hurts me son… everyone knows this.”

  I grabbed the back of my head and wished this would all just go away. I was searching father’s thoughts and everything seemed clearer now. Father stood up and walked closer, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Son, you haven’t much time. You must go and take your gem, if you love her and want to keep her, you must unold quickly. You don’t have time to wait around until he gets a hold of her. The instant he knows you’re not around, he will unold her.”

  I was confident Father was telling me the truth. I was able to read his mind and feel his emotion, and knew with certainty these thoughts were legit. I was still upset with Father about what he did to Adrian in the past but the pressing issues were now more important. I was left with no choice, I didn’t want her to be under his control and forced into pregnancy like mother was. I would have to go unold Faith and hope my instincts were right.

  Chapter Twenty-three


  I've missed five days of school because It was impossible to get out of bed. Mom was worried sick about me and upset at Daniel for leaving me. I told her it was all my fault. He seen me with Chris and that hurt him, but she didn’t care. Hearing me cry myself to sleep every night, she knew there was nothing she could do to help. But that didn't stop her from trying.

  Chris still came around. Mom told him everything that happened. He tried making me feel better by saying he would explain to Daniel that we were just friends. I told him it was more complicated then that and wouldn’t be a good idea for him to approach Daniel. I hated myself for letting Chris come over that day Daniel left me. I should have known he would be watching. I wasn't really thinking anything was wrong with it until I got his tex
t. And by then it was too late.

  I sent Daniel many text messages, voice mails and I got no response. He hasn’t called or visited my dreams. I figured I deserved this because I hurt him by deciding to believe and forgive Chris. I knew he wouldn't forgive me easily.

  I went back to our house. Laying down on Daniels side of the bed sniffing the pillow his head once occupied. Being there made the pain worse, but I felt as though the memory was still alive. Reassuring myself that I didn't imagine this all up in my head, that Daniel was and still is real. I wanted him back in my arms, and there was nothing I could do or say to make him come back. I wasn't sure if or when he would come back to me. I wished there was a signal to summon him so I could give him my explanation. I decided later I would try to dream him up or call upon him in my sleep. I would do anything just to see his face again, to feel him again.

  Opening my eyes I was laying on a white bed with a canopy draped over. Rose peddles covered my naked body. Not wanting to be exposed, I placed my arm across my chest and cupped my breast.

  Daniel walked into the room and I didn’t feel the need to shield myself from his gaze. His luring eyes pierced through me, making my body tingle. He smirked as he drew closer. His white button up shirt was open at the top, exposing his masculine chest. My desire consumed me, I yearned for his touch.

  The moon shining through the glass windows illuminated his masculine body, as he tossed his clothing to the white floor below. Climbing on the bed his eyes burned with lust. My body freely floated into his as he summoned me. Our bodies pressed tightly together. He gently bent me over and firmly pressed on my back. His hands freely roaming my body as he penetrated me. Making every inch of my body tremble in pleasure.


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