Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 24

by Gloria Conway

  I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until I smelled the scent of wild animals running about. I took many down, basking in the victory of actually killing something. I despised being this monstrous but this was the only way to regain my mentality. Knowing if I had a clear head I would think of something to help her pull through this phase.

  Back at the castle, I walked down the hallway to Faith's room. Celeste stopped me when I approached the door. She told me through her thoughts that Faith was up. Pushing her to the side I opened the door.

  Mother was leaning over Faith in the corner of the room speaking in Latin. I drew near and she told me to wait. Faith was in a fetal position terrified and rocking back and forth. I wanted to pick her up and comfort her, but I realized at this point she probably didn't know who I was anymore.

  Mother was telling Faith a story about a frog. I had no clue why she was telling this story but I waited, till she finished. Mother stood up and told me to put faith back on the bed. I gently cradled her in my arms and she glanced up at me. Her eyes were a different color. Her yellowish brown eyes were burning into mine. I smiled at her as I placed her weightless body down on the bed. I glanced at mother asking her with my mind if Faith knew who I was. She shook her head. I asked her when and she replied, soon. I was okay with that answer, as long as her memory would come back.

  Faith wouldn’t take her eyes off me so I smiled at her. She smiled back showing her small canines. She thought I was familiar but she was still hesitant. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her head. She jerked back, hissing at me. It startled me, I wasn’t used to that kind of reaction.

  “Love, I wont hurt you. Faith its me Daniel.” I said, hoping to calm her. She slowly closed her mouth and came towards me, holding her hand out. I gently placed her hand into mine and closed my eyes. I began directing images into her mind, hoping it would help her remember our relationship. I heard her giggle and opened my eyes. She tried mouthing something but nothing came out. She held her hands around her throat implying she had no voice.

  “Talk with your mind love,” I said. She placed her hand back into mine.

  “Daniel, I can't talk. I cant hear myself. I remember you now. I'm sorry I forgot. My mind felt like it was washed away of everything I’d ever known. I know you and me but everything is still a blur. Please help me. I hate this.”

  I had to try and help her remember everything. I wanted to help her get her voice back somehow. So I thought of the first time she spoke to me. Closing my eyes, I gripped her hand. “Love, I'll try to give you your voice back. I'm sorry you're going through all of this. I love you so much Faith. I will help you remember everything so you can come back to me completely.”

  I concentrated on the way her voice sounded and placed it into her mind as clearly as I could. I also showed her everything we’ve done together up until that point. She released my hand, grabbing at her throat. Her face became red like she couldn’t breath. I hopped on the bed and started to breath into her mouth. Mother quickly pushed me off and pulled off Faith's night gown. She placed one hand on Faiths throat and the other on her chest. She pressed down firmly on Faiths chest and mumbled some words. One more pump and mother let off. Faiths body began to float above the bed and her body went limp.

  “What the hells going on!” I yelled, helplessly.

  “You gave her voice back son. Now it has to register.”

  Everything seemed more complicated then it should be and I now understood that I knew nothing about the process. I didn't remember much from when I changed but I was born as a shifter so I didn’t have to go through this process, only the vampire part. Faiths body slowly drifted back down to the bed.

  “So now what?” I asked.

  “That’s all son. As soon as she’s awake, this part is over.”

  I punched the window breaking it into pieces.

  “And another?! She has to change into a demon leech too! Isn't this enough already?!” I yelled, looking for something else to hit. Mother ran to me, and picked up my hand. “Son, you're bleeding all over the room. Go wash up now.”

  “It will heal in about…. Now.” I said, looking down at my hand already healed.

  “But your blood is still dripping. Go wash your hand. Faith doesn’t need the smell of blood all over her room.”

  I went in the bathroom. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Eyes blood shot, yellow skin, I felt hideous. I haven’t slept since all this happened and I looked like the walking dead literally. I turned on the shower and threw my clothes to the floor. I closed my eyes and let my mind go blank as the scolding water worked it's magic on my grotesque skin.

  I woke on the shower floor. Cold water jabbing at my face. Standing up, I had no clue how long I was out. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I opened the bathroom door back to Faiths room. Celeste sat on the bed forking raw meat into Faiths mouth. Her eyes quickly found mine. She leaped from the bed into my arms in an instant. She held the back of my head and pressed her lips to mine. Holding her close, I passionately kissed her back.

  “I love you. I'm glad you came back to me Faith,” I said, gazing into her eyes. She smiled, her canines exposed again. “I love you too. I was so scared, thinking I was dead the entire time.”

  I shook my head. “You can't die. I wont let you.” Pressing her to my chest. “Faith, you do realize there is one final thing you must go through?”

  Her expression changed, worried as she backed away from me.

  “No. Please, I don’t want to go through anymore. Can't I just stay this way?”

  “Faith, it's out of my control. You can either fight it knowing it will take longer or you can accept the change and let it become apart of you. It's easier if you embrace it.”

  I tried reasoning with her but I she wasn’t buying it.

  She shook her head. “It’s the vampire stage next right? You said when you went through it, it’s the worst pain you can imagine and it broke everything in you. Is there something you can give me to knock me out or something if I have to go through this?”

  I looked over at Mother and Celeste, they shook their heads.

  “I'm sorry love, medicine wont work with these things.”

  She fell down to the floor. “How long do I have?” She asked.

  “It should have already begun,” Celeste answered.

  “You need to eat as much as you can before it happens,” Celeste said, gesturing the plate towards her. Faith ran over, quickly shoving raw meat down her throat.

  “Pace yourself child, you don’t want to choke,” Mother said.

  I sat next to her and held her hand. “Our engagement party?” she asked softly.

  “We rescheduled,” Celeste said.

  Faith glanced down at her ring finger. “Don’t worry, I have it in a safe place my Love,” I said, caressing her hair. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

  “I love you forever, now and always,” she whispered.

  “I love you and if there was a way I could take your place and take the pain myself, I’d gladly do it and smile the whole time knowing you're not suffering anymore.”

  Faith glanced up at me, shaking her head. “That would be much worse. Seeing you in pain would hurt me more. I would rather die then see you suffer.”

  “Where you go, I go Love. Don’t say that.” I kissed her lips softly pulling her closer to me.

  “Okay love birds. I think we’ll give you some time alone. This mushy stuff is depressing me,” Celeste said.

  “Love, I must apologize to you. If I’d known making love to you would be considered unolding on you, I would have never done it.”

  “Don’t take it back. I don't regret it. Even though this wasn’t what I wanted. Well, what I thought I didn’t want. Now I know I do want this. I choose this life with you forever and would never take it back no matter how much pain it may cause. I don’t care.”

  I was surprised. She appeared confident. But I knew she was easy to change her mind. There were times she's to
ld me she wanted to be like me. Then there were times where she said she wanted to remain human. It was often confusing.

  “This is what you want now?” She nodded. “You're not lying to make me feel better?”

  “No, really, I'm telling you the truth. I don’t know why I changed my mind. But I have a feeling this is my destiny, strangely enough. I actually feel as if I belong, there was a reason for my miserable, depressive life. Now I understand why I’ve felt empty my entire life. I was waiting for you to find me and you did, now I'm complete with you in my life. I want it to be like this forever and never end.

  “As long as this is what you truly want, then I can eventually forgive myself for what I’ve done,” I said.

  “So when am I supposed to change into a vampire?” She asked again.

  “Uh.” Gritting my teeth, I hated thinking about her becoming one. Knowing she would have to endure the process of her entire body and mind breaking once more, just more physical this time.

  Also having to keep Faith from trying to kill everyone around her including me when the process begins, would be difficult to watch. Faith's thoughts would be consumed with blood, until we teach her how to control her thirst. Possibly taking five years. I didn't want to tell her what she would become, or see her even more upset.

  I needed more time with her, before it starts. The real her, the way she is now before changing into a demon.

  “Whats wrong Daniel?”

  I shook my head forcing a smile. “Nothing. I think you should be starting any time now Love, like they said, it should have already happened.”

  “Well, stay with me and don’t leave then. I cant do this without you.” She said, holding onto my arm tightly.

  “I wont leave you, my Love, I promise. But, do you mind coming with me to get some clothes from my room? I need to get dressed.” She nodded.

  Walking into my room, I let her go first. I came in behind her and she dug for something in my dresser.

  “Do you mind if I wear one of your long shirts, instead of this nightgown?” She asked.

  I shook my head. “You can wear whatever you like, what’s mine is yours.”

  Faith smiled and tossed me clothes to wear and picked something for herself. She stood in front of the long mirror and slipped off her gown. She glanced at her reflection and began crying loudly. I knew what bothered her, and cussed myself for letting her look.

  Her body wasn’t as it once was. Her bones were visible from lack of nutrition. I made a quick dash over to her and she dropped to the floor.

  “Love, Faith don’t worry. There was nothing we could do about this. Your body wasn’t responding to normal food so you were starving. I promise you we will fatten you up as soon as this is all over.”

  I knew that humans, especially girls had body image issues. And Faiths body was now a skeleton version. I was the cause of all this pain Faith felt. When will I stop and think, use my mind for what it's made for. I decided now was the time to use my power in the way she needed. Placing my hand on her head I remembered her naked body as it once was and placed it into her mind. Erasing the image she seen in the mirror. I got her dressed before letting my hand off her head. Making sure to surround her with positive thoughts. I let go.

  She glanced at me smiling. “So what do you think?” She asked, showing me my shirt that engulfed her.

  “Sexy as ever my Love. You're so beautiful,” I said.

  She smiled back and jumped into my arms like nothing ever happened. Happy my plan worked, knowing she too was able to use her mind and block things out if she wanted. But she never blocked me from controlling her mind or thoughts. Which was a good thing in this situation. I was glad she was happy again.

  “Can we stay in here tonight? I don’t want to go back to that room. I want to stay in here with you and sleep together like we used too.”

  “Of course Love. Anything you want,” I said, smiling down into her beautiful eyes.

  I laid down on the bed and she climbed in too. She straddled me. “So, do I seem the same or?” She asked.

  “Well. your personality is the same but your eyes, they’re enhanced.”

  She turned her head back towards the mirror. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. Trying to distract her from the mirror again. It worked. We rolled around on the bed kissing but she was the one to stop us from going any further this time.

  “I guess we need to cool off. I might change in the middle of making love and try to kill you,” she said, laughing softly.

  I laughed with her. “Yeah, you just might.” We rolled over on our backs and let our eyes close.

  I was expecting to wake up and see her going through the next phase but it didn't happen. Faith sat at the end of the bed watching television, laughing. I sat up and put my hand on her back. She glanced back at me. “Morning sexy man,” she said. I shot her a confused look and fell back down on the bed.

  “Your naked!” She said, laughing.

  I peeked down and quickly covered myself. “Faith…. Why am I naked my love?” She shrugged. And looked back at the television again.

  “Faith White, why am I naked?”

  “Geez! Crabby! Calm down. Last night we kind of… while we were sleeping. Don’t you remember?”

  I shook my head, trying to remember. She must have done something to trick my mind, I thought.

  “I don’t remember Love, what did you do to my head?”

  She giggled. “Oh, come on. You already purposed, what's the harm in me having a little fun?”

  “No harm in it. It’s just.Would be nice to remember it so I could feel the affects after. Why would you erase it? And did we do it here or in our dream?”

  She smirked. “Well, I thought you would be mad that I kind of bit you and all. So I just decided to erase your memory of it and you would only do it in our dream. You kept saying something about not yet, almost begging.”

  “You… bit me? Why?” I stood up and went to the mirror.

  “Oh don’t worry, you healed pretty quick and it was only in our dream.”

  I shook my head not understanding her logic.

  “You’re a strange one,” I said, staring at her as I went into the bathroom and the door behind me. Why would she bite me and why cover it up? Makes no sense. She was acting strange, I thought. But, I was glad she didn’t force the sex in reality because I still haven't told her the truth about our love making. I searched my body for any marks. I Didn’t find much except a little residue on my leg from last nights fun.

  Walking back into the room I stood in front of the television naked. “So, are you going to tell me why you decided to bite me and cover up the evidence?” I asked, glancing down at her.

  “I'm fixing to bite that thing dangling in front of me, if you don’t move out of my way,” she said, hissing under her breath.

  I tackled her to the bed and held her down. “Bite it off,” I said, laughing

  “You think I'm not strong but don’t under estimate me already,” she said, showing me her teeth.

  “Bring it,” I encouraged.

  She suddenly had me pinned down underneath her. I couldn’t move.

  “Now, you're going to apologize for disturbing my show and thinking I'm weak Love,” she said, teasingly.

  I chuckled loudly. I couldn’t believe how strong and quick she was.

  “Alright honey. You win. You're right. I'm sorry for letting my penis ruin your brilliant show and supposing you're still a weak human. Happy now?” I asked, fake smile across my face.

  She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I can feel how sorry you are.”

  I tossed her beneath me, ripping off her shirt. “This time I'll be the one remembering,” I said grinning. I placed us in spirit form and set up the illusion, just as before.

  We peered over the bed scanning the messy room.

  “Wow, looks as if a tornado rolled through here,” Faith said, giggling.

  I yawned and extended my arms in the air. “Yeah, I'll re
place the stuff we broke later.”

  “You're still tired?” She asked.

  “Uh, after that yea. I guess I am. I need to drink, you want some?”

  “I can drink some now?” She asked, hopeful.

  “I don’t see why not, do you prefer blood or water?

  “Well, it's not like I'm craving it but I'm thirsty. Let me try water first then I'll try blood.”

  “Alright,” I shrugged.

  “Wait. I have a question to ask you first,” she said, her head cocked.

  “What it is?” I asked curious.

  “What would happen if I drank your blood? Or vampires blood?” She asked.

  “Uh, A strange but good question. No clue,” I said, wondering myself.

  “It was just a thought,” she said.

  “I'll have to ask about that one because I would like to know too.”

  We tossed on some acceptable clothes to go down to the kitchen. Walking barefoot through the halls, a few people stuck their heads out of their rooms hooting and hollering. We stared down at the floor and picked up our pace.

  Entering the kitchen area, Kevin, Cesar and a few of my other friends were sat down at the table. I opened the fridge and they started in on us.

  “Hey we heard you two from down here, next time keep the howling in check man!” “Yeah man, your high pitched squealing sounded as if you were being decapitated. Did she kill you and bring you back or what?”

  I pitched some eggs in their direction to get them to shut up.

  “Alright guys chill, we get it.”

  I grabbed a pitcher of blood and two glasses.

  Kevin whistled at what Faith was wearing, my long black t-shirt. Faith went over to him placing her hand on his head, then released. He began pulling on his tongue. She pranced back towards me smiling. “wh th F.ak…. Sh……meh.” He tried to spit and started dry heaving on the floor. We all busted out laughing.

  She shrugged. “I just gave him something yummy to smell and eat.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. I poured our drinks and handed her one.

  “Water first,” she reminded me.


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