Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 27

by Gloria Conway

  I stuck to the plan Adrian had. There was nothing I could do just yet. Months went by and Daniel was still blowing up my phone, I ignored it. I knew he was coming to find me soon and Adrian had been training my mind in my dreams to get me ready.

  He knew I hated him but that didn’t make him less obsessed with me. He told me he would stop kissing me until I asked him to and I told him he would be waiting until I was a corpse in the ground. He thought everything I said was funny. I amused him. He told me later I was to meet him somewhere in person, so he could teach me to fight and fly in real life. I made up an excuse, telling Chris I was going to see my Mom. He let me use his truck and I set off for my meeting.

  I turned down the dirt road. He was giving me directions in my head as I drove. I couldn’t believe how strong he was mentally. He must have a lot of training. Mentally, and spiritually, he was a master. He even showed himself to me in spirit once when me and Chris went out to eat. It freaked me out and I started choking on my food as though I seen a ghost. I knew there was nothing I could do to overpower him mentally. And it bothered me knowing that fact.

  I drove to the spot he told me to and got out of the truck. He told me to run up this hill and he’ll be waiting. I ran up as fast as I could and there he was. His back facing me, looking up into the sky. “Thank you for coming Faith,” he said, turning around.

  “Like I had a choice,” I said, shaking my head. I folded my arms and kicked the dirt under me.

  He chuckled. “That’s true. I wont be this cruel forever you know. It’s just tough love for now,” he said, smiling.

  “Whatever, can we get on with it?”

  “Yes, first I must ask you. Do you know how to fight at all?”

  I laughed. “You tell me, can't you just read me or something?” He narrowed his eyes, clicking his tongue. “Alright… you want to be difficult? That’s fine. I don’t blame you. Why don’t you use all this frustration built up and come at me?”

  I raised a brow. “You want me to attack you?” I asked, hopeful. He smiled and nodded.

  “My pleasure,” I said, dropping my keys. I thought of everything he'd done to me my anger turning to rage. I screamed as I launched at him. I knocked him to the ground and pinned him down, my hand to his throat, squeezing as hard as I could. He tossed me into the air, falling down I landed in the dirt.

  “Good girl… your quite strong but not strong enough,” he said looking down at me.

  I laughed and launched at him again with everything I had. This time I had him in the air and we were taking shots at each other. I punched him in the throat and he went down. I jumped on top of him and continued to beat him, I didn’t want to stop. He was bleeding everywhere. He grabbed me by my hair and tossed me into a tree, hitting the back of my head, everything around me began fading and I was out.

  I opened my eyes, Adrian sat by the fire. “Good morning sunshine!” He said happily. “What happened?” I asked.

  “You gave me a good run. You were pounding away at me, I didn’t think you’d stop so I knocked you out,” he said chuckling.

  “Wow, thanks!” I said, sarcastically.

  He sighed. “I know you don’t quite like me Faith. And I'm sorry for putting you though all of this but deep down I'm a good person.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, right…”

  “You know, it pains me, the way you see me and it pains me hurting you but do you realize I have no choice?”

  “There's always a choice Adrian.” I said, crawling closer.

  He shook his head. “If he didn’t find you first. None of this would have happened. I didn’t know you would be back.”

  “You realize I have no clue about what your talking about? You never tell me exactly what this is all about. So, if you want me to respond in a certain way, I think you need to help me understand what you mean.”

  He turned his head in my direction. “Your right. Alright, I'll tell you the whole story then,” he said smiling.

  “Great,” I mumbled under my breath, wishing I would have kept my mouth shut.

  “A long time ago, I too had a gem, her name was Leah. We were completely in love. I’d done the process and we had a great life together. Soon she became pregnant and I knew from the beginning she might not survive the birth, she knew it too. She died quick. I didn’t even realize it, until it was too late… I would have changed her if I knew this was going to happen. She was like you only half human half shifter. I gave the child up that she birthed and was angry for years. I wanted to die. I went to the hunters to have them kill me but they just laughed in my face. I tried killing myself by starving but some vampires took me in and nursed me back to health. I cursed them but they grew attached. They didn’t want me to die and they kept me safe. I grew to love them like family. When I eventually went back to the castle. I brought home some random girl saying she was my gem. I could tell no one believed me but they didn’t question me either. Through out the years Daniel was as happy as can be. I really didn’t like him to begin with because I knew Father loved him more.

  Anyways, he found you. I followed him curious. When I seen you I knew… that you were her. I often went into your dreams tapping into your inner spirit and found Leah there deep down in your soul. She told me what your telling me now. She knows… who she was and who we were, once together. But she told me to leave her alone. But I cannot, and will not give up. Yes he found Faith first, but I found Leah first… And she’s my gem, your my gem.” He started crying.

  I shook my head. “It’s not the same Adrian, so she’s like, what reincarnated into my soul somehow? But I'm controlling my own soul, not her I'm not her and will never be. And if she told you the same thing, why are you making my life hell!?”

  “I don't know! I can't let her go!”

  “Adrian, you have to. I mean, you know there's no way I would ever… unless you--” He looked up at me. “Yes, I know. And I didn’t want to have to resort to that. I just hope you can grow to love me one day.”

  I felt sad for him. He was all screwed up in his head. I sat closer to him and rubbed his back. “Listen, you know I belong with Daniel and I can’t force myself to love someone truly. It will never happen.” He looked into my eyes and I couldn’t look away. He spoke in a different language, chanting. I felt weak and my body began floating, so did his. He held me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. We embraced, I kissed him back. I wasn’t Faith anymore, it was as if I was now Leah in this moment. The Leah who loved him immensely, the Leah who was his gem forever…

  I woke up on Chris’s bed. I looked around the room and saw the light shining through the window. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror trying to remember what happened last night but nothing came. All I remembered was fighting Adrian and being knocked into a tree. I noticed a few bruises on my arm but nothing I couldn’t cover up.

  I walked downstairs and seen Chris cooking breakfast.

  “Hey babe, you hungry?”

  “Um, yeah sure but would you mind making me a steak? Remember my special diet?”

  “Oh yeah. Well, good thing these steaks were dropped off on the porch this morning. I guess my dad ordered them or something,” he said, pulling a steak from the fridge. “Rare, please.”

  “Um, Okay,” he said, scrunching up his face.

  I was craving blood and meat. I didn’t understand why all of a sudden I wanted blood. As he cooked the steak all I could smell was him. I watched his blood pumping through his veins. I slammed my fist into the bar trying to calm myself as my mouth started to water.

  “Something wrong?” He turned around and asked me.

  I shook my head. “No, just hit my hand on the bar, an accident.”

  He turned back around and grabbed a plate. He put my steak in front of me. He came around the bar and grabbed me around my waist. He kissed my lips. I grabbed him tightly. I kissed back hard and he tried jerking back. I held him closer, he was scrambling to break free. “Faith your hurting me, Faith stop!” He yell

  I quickly released him. “I'm sorry,” I said. I knew why I was acting that way. I wanted his blood so bad.

  I scarfed up my steak to try to satisfy my cravings.

  “Whats gotten into you Faith?” He asked.

  “It’s nothing. I just want you so bad sometimes. I over did it I'm sorry.” It was kind of the truth I did want him but not in that way. He smiled. “Oh, yeah?” He said, rubbing his shoulder, smirking as if he was hot stuff.

  I smiled back at him. “I will try to restrain myself from attacking you,” I said laughing.

  “Well, you know we have this house to ourselves.”

  “Yeah we do,” I said, walking towards him, thinking about my new plan.

  “But, I want to be married first. You know, before we.”

  His mouth flung open. “Uh, really? Wow, um okay,” he said.

  I held his face in my hands. “Yes, I want to marry you,” I said, smiling, making him believe every word.

  “Iu.hh you…” he started stuttering.

  “It’s okay, if you think it’s too soon… we can wait.”

  “No!” He yelled.

  I smiled and kissed him on his lips. “Just say the words…” I whispered in his ear and started kissing on his neck.

  “Yeah, now, Please.”

  I knew I had him wrapped around my finger, I felt his desire for me.

  “We can start making the arrangements then,” I said.

  He nodded, picking me up and wrapping my legs around him. I felt his entire body shaking. He started making these strange movements as he held me closer to his body and quickly stopped. “Shit…” He mumbled.

  I felt puke come up my throat again. “It’s fine…” I said, embarrassed for him.

  “No it’s not, this is embarrassing!” He said.

  “It’s not a big deal. I'm sure it happens all the time to guys, don’t be embarrassed.” I put my hand on his trying to make him feel better. He smiled at me and ran upstairs. “I'll be back!” He yelled.

  I scratched my head and couldn’t believe everything was happening so fast. Being dry raped and mentally raped against my will had me seriously contemplating suicide. I hated every moment and I felt disgusted for being this close to another man. I fell down on the sofa holding myself. I gotta keep it together, gotta keep this together, damn it!

  This was going to be impossible, acting for god knows how long, I felt like a whore, and I was disgusted at myself. I started crying, rocking myself back and forth again.

  Out of nowhere, I heard his voice. Faith.Love. Please meet me somewhere. I don’t want to cause a scene in front of Chris.

  It was Daniel. Crap, what if he seen, this is bad, horrible but if he did He might believe me then. I hate this!

  I responded. Fine. Where do you need me to meet you? I asked, through my mind. Our house, he said.

  Okay, I replied and started crying again. I was lost… I just wished I would die already. This was all just too painful and I knew if I seen him, I didn't know if I could hide the pain. He would see right through me. All I could do was my best. I already knew how to block him out completely, courtesy of Adrian.

  I ran upstairs and told Chris I would be back later. He handed me his truck keys and kissed me goodbye.

  I drove as fast as I could. I needed to see his face, to show me this was worth all the pain. Everything I was doing was worth saving him at least. My life was hell and would be forever. I needed to be reassured in some way.

  I pulled up along side the house and he was waiting outside. He looked depressed. His eyes bloodshot like he hasn’t slept in weeks. I hopped out of the truck, staring at him. He grit his teeth. “His truck?” He asked. “Couldn’t you at least run here?”

  “Sorry,” I said.

  He had his hands in his pockets, looking down. He was blocking me out of his head as well.

  “So Are you happy?” He asked, looking up at me.

  I swallowed hard and whispered, “Yes.”

  He glared at me, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you. I mean, I knew exactly how you felt before I took off to try to find Adrian, how can it change so fast?” He asked, searching my thoughts.

  I found an quick answer. “I only showed you what I wanted you to see.”

  He breathed in deeply. His eyes focused straight ahead. I was in immense pain, being this close to him, holding back all the feelings emotions. I had to stand my ground.

  “I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that I have these feelings for Chris,” I said, trying to make him believe.

  “And you have no feelings for me?” He asked, starring at me again. He caught me off guard. I didn’t know how to respond without seeming so heartless but it was the only way. “No,” I answered, starring him back.

  He shook his head then suddenly pulled me into him and kissed me.

  My body went limp in his arms, he made me weak. My body dropped under me, I was in spirit form instantly and didn’t know how. He stood in front of me in spirit.

  “I knew it. You realize you can’t block me out completely just yet? Not in spirit. You haven't mastered it. I can read all your thoughts and emotions this way. Sorry I pulled you out of your body but I had to know the truth.”

  My mouth dropped. I didn’t know what to do or say. I couldn’t talk myself out of it and I had no power to do anything else, he was above my training. I dropped to my knees and started crying.

  “Come out Adrian, I know you're behind this! You didn't train her well enough to keep me out completely, You bastard!”

  Daniel was enraged, as he cursed Adrian. Daniel picked me up. “I'm so sorry for not protecting you better then this Love. This is all my fault, he wont touch me, your family or anyone for that matter, I promise you. No matter what he told you Faith, I will give my life willingly for you and I will kill him for doing what he has done to you. He went to his knees and started crying.

  “I'm sorry. I had no other choice. I couldn’t let you or my family… I didn’t have a choice!” I yelled.

  He took my hand in his. “I know Love, I know. I'm not holding anything against you, even though I seen everything that you. You did it with the best of intentions and I would have done the same.”

  “But what do we do about Chris? I mean, I hurt him too.”

  “We will go speak to him and tell him the truth.”

  “He’ll think we're crazy and he’ll never forgive me!”

  “He will, he loves you Faith. Even though that’s hard for me to say or even… He will forgive you.”

  “I hate myself… I can’t.You don’t deserve this!” I yelled.

  “No Faith, I don’t deserve you. I didn’t protect you. I left you and on top of that you were willing to risk everything for me. I don’t deserve that, not for what I let happen.”

  I felt him getting angry again. He stood up, cursing again.

  “I swear, I will kill you. Show yourself! Man to man, lets do this!”

  I placed my hand into his. “He's not going to show himself, he's gone for now,” I said, softly.

  “Um… how do I get back--” I pointed to my body. He looked up at me and sighed. “Yeah, sorry. You just, jump back in,” he said.

  He looked as if he was listening to something and seemed confused. He pushed me closer to my body. “Hurry, we need to go,” he said.

  I went to my body and leaped back into it. It was like a vacuum, sucking me in. I was back up on my feet within seconds, he was standing there waiting for me. “Come here,” he said, holding his arms out. I ran into his arms and he held me tightly.

  “Please forgive me,” he cried.

  I shook my head. “It’s my soul that needs to be forgiven not yours.”

  “No, I have no soul if I could let this happen. I don’t deserve to be near you.”

  I glanced up at him. “Please stop talking like that.” He gazed down at me and kissed my head. “I'm sorry,” he replied.

  He told me to get in the truck. We had to go tell Chris everything
and my stomach was in knots. He started driving.

  “I can’t Daniel….” He stopped in the middle of the dirt road.

  “Alright, I should be the one to do it anyway. I can drop you off at your Moms.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that Daniel… I'm the one who made him believe--”

  “Wait,” he said, thinking. “I can always--” He said, staring at me.

  “Um.,Are you serious?” I asked, reading his mind.

  He nodded. “It would be easier and he wouldn’t have to know what we are.”

  “So you can just erase the part from when I called him?”

  “Yeah. I'll erase it all love. I'll make this go away. I can do the same for you.”

  I shook my head. “No you cant!”

  “You're going to hate yourself forever. You're hurting.”

  “And so are you. What about you?!”

  “I deserve this. Don’t worry about me.”

  “No, then… I wont let you!”

  “You cant stop me,” he said, pain in his eyes.

  “Please don’t. I mean, I can’t live knowing I hurt you like this too!”

  “Faith, this is the only way for me to learn and understand my mistakes. I need to feel this so I can protect you better. I'm sorry faith but when you hurt it kills me. I can‘t bare it.”

  I seen his hand coming towards me and I quickly flew out of the truck. “Stop Daniel!”

  He stepped out. “Please don’t make this harder then what it is Love. You can’t stop me and I wont hurt you either. So please, just calm down and lets get this over with.” “Okay wait first, hear me out?”

  He shrugged.

  “Okay you said, you want to remember this right? So you can learn from it?”


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