Blaylock's Bride

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Blaylock's Bride Page 18

by Cait London

  “I want all your wishes to come true, Kallie,” Roman said sincerely against her palms.

  “Come here,” she whispered, sliding her fingers through his hair and drawing him down for her kiss. “I want you again, now and always....”

  For a man who had had little loving in his lifetime, Roman Blaylock quickly made up for lost time....

  October covered the jutting Rocky Mountains with snow. Cindi was adjusting to being a member of the extensive Blaylock family, and to her new school, and the addition was warm with Kallista’s touch. Roman smiled as he repaired the barn’s stall; the uses of a futon were many. Kallista’s fiery temperament set off his own, but the advantages of a genuine relationship also had the benefits of making up after quarrels. He treasured each day now, and Rio had agreed to help with the ranches because—Roman’s smile grew——because his bride wanted more of him.

  He had more in his life than he’d ever expected, ever dreamed...

  “Roman!” Kallista’s curt tone raised the hair on his nape, and he straightened slowly. The offenses of a husband were many and frequently defined by his bride, he’d discovered, and Kallista was still shy of him, and the large Blaylock family.

  At the sight of her black shiny jacket, jeans, combat boots and big bag slung over her shoulder, Roman’s body went cold. There in the shadows of the barn, she would tell him she was leaving. He’d expected this somehow, feared it.

  “Do you like my outfit?” she asked in none too sweet tones.

  “No, I don’t,” he returned and stripped away his leather gloves. It was her traveling gear and soon she’d be leaving....

  She came closer, eyeing him, the huge silver combs gleaming in her hair. He quickly checked her hands, tension easing as he noted her wedding ring. He braced himself for the pain; she would tear herself from him.

  “You should be wearing a wedding ring, Roman. You’ve been in our bed without one. In fact, you’ve made love to me in this barn, in the cabin, in the woods, and in the kitchens and various other places without one.”

  “There’s a framed marriage certificate over the bed, sweetheart,” he reminded her and waited for her to say how easily a marriage paper could be torn apart, just like happiness.

  She placed the flat of her hand on his chest and pushed him back a step, her green eyes gleaming up at him. Wary of this new mood of his bride, Roman let himself be pushed back into the haystack. He caught her jacket and she toppled over him. “What’s this about, Kallie?”

  She braced her hands on his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt. She kissed his chest and Roman groaned unwillingly, already aroused beneath her. “Kallie?”

  She eased a gold band onto his third finger, left hand and kissed it. “There. I love you, you’re wearing my ring, the certificate is over the bed and, dear heart, I’m going to have a baby—and I won’t be able to wear this outfit forever, so I might as well make use of it while I can...and I’ve got flower bulbs for next spring in my bag and seeds, too, and I like potted plants, but I thought next year a flower bed, or a vegetable garden and—”

  She rummaged in her bag and plopped a ceramic bassinet splayed with flowers on his chest. “This is for you, Dad.”

  While she fought tears of happiness, Roman stared at her and swallowed heavily. “All I want to know is if you’re happy.”

  “Very. I’ve found what I’ve wanted all my life. I’m home, Roman...with you. home,” she repeated, her heart filling happily with the words.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kallista watched her newly showered husband slide into their bed.

  She welcomed him into her arms and smiled as Roman whispered, “Now tell me everything again and we’ll take each item, one by one.”

  “My, you’re such a thorough man.” Kallista fluttered her lashes at him; she loved to flirt with her husband. He reacted so wonderfully—all steamy and hungry. That was one of the many reasons she loved Roman Blaylock, who was peeling back the sheet to reverently fit his hand over the new life within her, tears glistening in his soft dark eyes.

  Don’t miss the exciting, dramatic stories in

  Cait London’s upcoming continuation of

  her popular miniseries THE BLAYLOCKS:

  RIO: MAN OF DESTINY in August 1999,

  TYPICAL MALE in December 1999

  —only from Silhouette Desire.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-5807-5


  Copyright © 1999 by Lois Kleinsasser

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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