Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3)

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Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3) Page 2

by Tricia Wagner

  Unfortunately, when I got to my car, Brantley was standing in front of my door. “Goin somewhere?” I look around wondering how in the hell he knew, and he answers my unspoken question with, “Cameras?” Oh shit. Security measures. “Brantley, I really have to go.” He shakes his head, “You really don’t. Actually, you really can’t.” To this my mouth drops, “How about you fuckin watch me, Mr. President.” His eyes flare, but he makes no other reaction. Not even a muscle twitch. Usually my bitch mode gets them in gear.

  “You can be a bitch all you want. At least it’s you showin some sort of emotion. The only time you show that is when you’re sleepin, or at the grave. Don’t think we don’t have eyes on you all the time.” My eyes snap to him, “People in the tree line?” His head tilts to the side, “Huh?” I sigh, “Nothing.” He shakes his head, “No, what did you just ask me?” I clear my thoughts, “Sometimes, at the gravesite I see him. Standing at the tree line. I thought maybe it was actually one of your guys.”

  Brantley gets close, “My guys wouldn’t be seen. Are you seeing Trance, or are you actually seeing someone watching you?” I run my hand through my hair, “I would swear to you with one hundred percent certainty that it’s Trance. He’s really there. I really would, but I haven’t slept well, so I’m sure it’s just in my head. Brant, I swear he stands over my bed at night sometimes. Those are the worst dreams. I can almost smell him in the room.” Brantley closes his eyes, “I get it. I just need you to trust us enough to take care of you while you’re going through this loss. We all are going through it, and we’re waiting to go through it with you.”

  I shake my head, “I have to leave. I can’t stay here. I’ll never move on. Everywhere I go, Brant. He’s everywhere.” I try to shove passed him, but he grabs a hold of me and in the process, knocks my purse out of my hand. My stuff goes flying, and I frantically begin picking up the stuff that’s scattered everywhere. Looking for my little stick that proves the life growing inside of me, I can’t find it anywhere. Crawling on my hands and knees, until I come to my little stick in the hands of a very big, mean biker President named Brantley. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I don’t stand. I instantly let my head fall to my hands on my knees, and sob. I sob for many reasons. I was going to have to face my life here. I was going to have to tell people about the little piece of Trance that I got to keep. I was going to have to share. I didn’t want to share. This was mine. All mine. He left this for me. He knew I couldn’t do this alone. I felt arms swing around me and pull me from the ground as I hear him mutter a whole slew of words that shouldn’t be spoken in front of a baby.

  Of course, I know that the baby isn’t really here, but I still sob through, “That’s your Uncle Brantley. Don’t ever repeat anything he says.” I pat my belly as he lets out a bark of a laugh. I was talking to my stomach. I’m a crazy person. “Kris, look at me.” I swing my eyes to him as he says, “You’re having Trance’s baby?” I nod, “Of course it’s his.” He shakes his head, “That’s not what I meant. I just meant…you’re pregnant?” I give him a slight nod, “I literally just found out. You weren’t supposed to find out.” His head snaps back, and I realize I must’ve said that out loud. Well, that wasn’t going to go over well.

  “You were gonna leave and not tell us?” I nod, “You should be moving on. Living your life. Instead, I keep bringing the family down. A family that feels obligated to me. A family who should leave me to do what I need to do.” He sighs, “You have a piece of our brother, growing inside of you. I know you. You want this baby to know the man that fathered him or her. The people who can do that for you, are right here. You can’t leave us with a missing piece. Now, with two missing pieces.” Looks like I was never leaving Missouri.

  “I’ll just take your bag back inside. I need you to follow me to the clubhouse. We’ll go there now.” I close my eyes, and take in a soothing breath. I didn’t have a choice. I nod, and get in my car to head to the clubhouse. There wouldn’t be many of them there now, but a few. Including Falcon. That’s when it hit me. This morning he said, “If what I think is going on.” Did he know? He could’ve clued me in!

  Pulling down Brantley’s long driveway I see his and Melanie’s house come into view. Beautifully designed, and the additions that Mel had made, only made it better. I see Connor come out onto the back deck with Mel’s hands in his holding him up, walking for him. She looked worried, and I knew that that look was caused by me. I’m not sure if Brantley told her that I was packing, or if he said anything when he left, but I knew that I had caused that look on her face for the last six weeks.

  I get out of my car and Brantley comes to me. “I’ll leave you two to the house. You do this your way. Just remember, you’re family. We all love you, and we will take care of family. That baby is the closest we have to having Trance back. Give us that chance.” I give him a slight nod and swipe at the tear that threatened to fall down my face. He pulls me in for a hug, and I feel him kiss the top of my hair. My best friend was one lucky son of a bitch. This man was fiercely loyal, and loved her with all his heart. He also came back for what was his. Eternally jealous, I turned and headed up the stairs.

  Mel looked at me, and took me inside. No words were spoken until she said, “Coffee?” I shake my head, “Do you have water?” She smiles, “Of course. I’ll grab one. Go ahead and sit down on the couch.” I head into her great room, and sit down on the floor to play with Connor. I didn’t know the first thing about raising a child. Connor was the closest thing I had to a nephew. My parents wouldn’t be involved, not that I wanted them to be. Trance only had his mom left, and I had met her for the first time at the funeral.

  I wasn’t exactly in the mood to schmooze up to the woman, since I was mourning the loss of her son. She seemed pleasant enough, and I could tell that she loved her son. I would have to tell her that I was going to have her sons baby. She would want to know that, right? Crap. First, I was going to have to tell Mel. “Hey can you maybe call Sophie?” Mel came around the corner, “Yeah. I sure can. Everything okay?” I look to her, “As okay as it can be.” She nods, “I’ll get her to drive over.” I played roll the ball with Connor while Mel made the call. When she came back in with my water, we settled in waiting. Sophie would be here soon, and I would only have to do this once.

  Twenty minutes later, Soph walks through the door. “Girl, where is the fire? Why did I have to hurry over here?” She came around the corner, and saw me sitting there. I guess Mel didn’t tell her I was here. “I need to talk to you two.” They both get closer, and I sat there staring at Connor. I can tell they’re growing anxious with the silence, so I don’t look up. Instead, I stare right at Connor and say, “I’m pregnant.” I was met with something I didn’t expect. Total silence.

  I finally tear my eyes from Connor, and look up into the shocked eyes of my best friends. “I know. I haven’t wrapped my head around it yet either.” Mel gets close, and then I’m engulfed in four arms. “Kris, this is a miracle.” Whispered niceties and excitement. I pull back and put my hand to my tummy, “It’s my miracle. Trance has found a way to leave a piece here with me. He knew I couldn’t do this on my own.” Sophie gets close, “Kris, you’re the strongest out of all of us. You for sure would’ve gotten through this on your own. Now, you don’t have to. Even though, we’ve been attempting to be there for you for some time now.”

  I knew that was true. “I just couldn’t drag you both through the crap.” At that point, I hear someone clear their throat. We all turn and see Jason and Brantley standing there. “Kris, can you come with us?” I look to my girls and give them a nod. Standing up, I head to the clubhouse with the guys. I had no idea what I was walking into. I figured that Brantley wanted me to tell Jason. That’s when I stepped into a hot mess.

  Chapter Three

  Standing in front of a group of guys, and telling them that you’re pregnant with their dead friend’s baby is not something I ever pictured myself having to do. Yet, here I am. I never got to tell Trance, and I
now have to tell all of his brothers. They were his family until the end, and now they were mine. Falcon came walking out of the back room of the club house. A room that women weren’t allowed in. Behind him followed Doc. When Falcon caught my eye, he gave me a questioning look. He didn’t know I was here?

  “Brothers. I need quiet. Kris has something she needs to talk to us about.” I look to Brantley scowling. I hadn’t even gone to the doctors, and I didn’t even have time to wrap my head around any of this. Why do I need to give them this now? That’s why when everyone started to stare at me I said, “I’m leaving Missouri.” Before any of them could stop me, I turned on my foot and left the club house.

  I almost made it to my car when I heard, “Kristina. What the hell?” I swing back around at Brantley’s sharp voice. He was a big mother fucker, and normally I would not go toe to toe with the look on his face. Today? I needed to flip the fuck out. “Yeah, Brantley. What the hell? I just found out today that this is happening. I haven’t been to the doctors. You have me in front of a group of guys about to share some really personal information. What did you think I was going to do?”

  I heard footsteps behind Brantley and I look to Falcon. He gets close and stands beside me. I was just about to say something else to Brantley when I caught a smell in the wind. I swing my eyes to Falcon. “What are you wearing?” He gives me an odd look, “Huh?” I sigh, “Your cologne, or shower gel, or deodorant. You smell just like…” I start shaking my head as the tears fall down my face. He smelled just like Trance.

  I took a step back as Falcon says, “I don’t wear cologne. I’m sorry, I have no idea what it could…” He’s interrupted with, “Enough. We’re going back in there and you’re going to tell them. Then one of us is taking you to the doctors.” Falcon got closer, and I could smell Trance everywhere. “Are you sick?” I shake my head, “You’re pregnant.” I nod. “But you already knew that.” He nods once, “You could’ve clued me in.” He laughs, “I just thought of it this morning. You caught on pretty quick.” I close my eyes smelling for Trance again, but the scent was gone.

  I started sniffing at Falcon and oddly the smell was completely gone. What the heck was wrong with me? He gives me a weird look and I say, “It’s gone. It’s like he was here and now he’s not.” Brantley growled something at Falcon and then guided me back inside. “Brothers. Kris is not leaving. She has something she needs to tell us, and I need you all to listen.”

  Still baffled by the smell of Trance I just stand there looking at Falcon. He looks at me like he wants to say something to me, but instead he gives me a reassuring smile and nods to the guys. I sigh and look at them as I say, “I’m pregnant.” Everyone sat there for a minute and then all of a sudden, I was being pulled out of the way. Falcon moved me behind him as Jason came at him. He clocked Falcon in the jaw and then yelled toward me, “You slept with him? Already? Trance hasn’t even been gone two months, and you’re pregnant with Falcon’s child.” My mouth drops as Brantley pulls Jason off of Falcon, and says, “It’s Trance’s baby, you dumbass. She’s almost two months along.” Jason looks at me, and I look away from him.

  Why would he even think I could move on. Ever. I can’t even think to be with another man in my lifetime, let alone two months after the love of my life was killed. I feel a tear slide down my cheek, and I turn to walk out. Falcon and Brantley stop me, as the other guys in the room all start to hug me. They all start giving me their well wishes, and telling me if I need anything they have my back. I was still stunned at the fact that Jason thought I could do that.

  When I finally was met with doc, I caught it again. I looked around the room, not understanding it. Brantley got close, “Kris, what is it?” I sigh, “I smell him again.” He looks frustrated as he pulls me into his side. “Kris, everything is going to be okay. I promise.” I shake my head, “You can’t promise me that. He promised me that, and look where I am. I am so far from okay it isn’t even funny.” I feel Falcon get close. “Are we going to the doctor now?” I look up to him, “You want to go with me?” He nods, “I’ll drive you. Let’s get out of here.” When he says it, he doesn’t say it to me, he says it to Jason.

  I see Jason walking over to me, but I can’t handle him right now. This is why I put my hand up, “Please. Just not right now.” I hear him sigh, but he does give me a nod. Falcon walks me out, and I head in to let the girls know I would talk to them later. This was one hell of a weird day.

  Walking into my doctor’s office, I wasn’t sure how long it would take for them to see me. I obviously didn’t have an appointment. When we sat down, it had only been about five minutes, and I could tell Falcon was getting uncomfortable. “Falcon, you can wait outside.” He smiles over at me, “I just don’t want you waiting.” I smirk, “It’s a doctor’s office. Even with an appointment I’d probably be waiting.” He shakes his head, and then stands up. I assume he’s just going to wait outside, until I see him walk up to the front desk.

  What the heck was he doing? When he got back to his seat, the nurse was calling my name. I looked to him, and he shrugged his shoulders. We walked back to the room, and she got me a gown to slip into. While Falcon waited behind the curtain, I changed, and got up on the table. He came and sat beside me, as the doctor walked into the room. “Well, Miss Skull Shifter?” I snap my eyes to Falcon, “Please, just call me Kris. I apologize, I didn’t realize he was going to say anything to get me back here faster.” He gives me a smirk, “It’s okay. Let’s go ahead and get started with the exam. How far along do you think you are?” I look to Falcon uncomfortably. I try to think back to what day Trance left me.

  His words whispered over and over to me the morning he was leaving. “I love you, and there is no way I wouldn’t fight with everything I have to come back home to you. I promise. I’ll be okay. It’s all going to be okay.” Falcon clears his throat and brings me back to the room. I feel the tear sliding down my cheek as I give him the date that Trance left me. The doctor looked at me oddly, but left it at that. The first thing he asked me had Falcon freaking out. When the doctor said, “I’m to assume we are keeping this child?” I gasped and Falcon practically jumped out of his chair.

  “Of course I’m keeping the baby.” The doctor looks mortified, as I hold onto Falcon’s arm. “Miss Tessa, would you be okay if I did your check up without your Old Man here.” His words hit me harder than he even knew. My Old Man as he called him was gone forever. I look to Falcon and shake my head. I look back to the doctor and explain the best way I can, “Sir, I appreciate what you’re thinking. Falcon isn’t the father of my baby. My “old man” as you called him, was murdered a little less than two months ago. That’s why he was upset at your question, and that’s why this all seems so weird.” The doctor sat back down, “I am so sorry.” I give him a nod, and he tells me he’s going to get on with the check-up.

  I got to hear my baby’s heartbeat. Strong and steady. All of the measurements came out perfectly, and he told me that my baby is healthy and growing. Leaving there holding a picture of my piece of Trance, Falcon took me back to the clubhouse. He told me I wouldn’t get away too long, not talking to Jason. Especially if Sophie was on the job. He was right, but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this. I was excited. I was also staring at my picture. That’s why when we pulled up I didn’t realize that Brantley was standing at my door.

  He opens it as and as I look up at him he gives me a smile, “Can I see?” I don’t let go of the picture. I just turn it to face him. He squats down to my level and smiles at me. I can see the little tears in his eyes. “Did you get more than one picture?” I nod, “The doctor gave me a bunch.” He smirks, “Can I have one?” I turn my head to the side, He nods to the clubhouse, “The guys all want to see.” I roll my eyes wondering if that was just his way to show Jason. I reluctantly hand over a picture of my baby as Brantley says, “You’ll have to talk to him ya know. He didn’t mean it. He’s been hurt too.” I nod, “I just can’t right now. Is Mel inside? I want to show her and then
go home.” He nods, “Go ahead. She’ll be excited to see.”

  Heading inside, I hear Mel in the kitchen. “Don’t push her Soph. Jason was dumb, that’s not her fault. Let her deal with this in her own time. She has a lot to get through.” I turn the corner, “I’m also right here. Sophie, I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ll eventually get to that, but I just came in to show you guys my little peanut.” They both turn and beam smiles at me. “Let me see! Let me see!” I laugh as they fight over the picture. “Guys, I have one for each of you. Now chill.” They both smirk as they take in my little miracle. I almost feel guilty for the smile on my face. How was I going to make it through this?

  Chapter Four

  “You’re gonna be a daddy.” Staring at the headstone, I tell Trance everything. “You left me with a piece of you. I’ll take care of him or her with everything I have. This baby will know that he or she was made with love. I love you with my whole heart, Trance. I’ll never get over that. Ever. Now, I have the opportunity to have a piece of you with me, and I’m mortified. I don’t know the first thing about having a baby. I didn’t have good parents to show me the way. How are we going to do this without you?” I fold myself over the head stone and hold my stomach as the tears fall.

  “So, you’re having a baby.” I swing my eyes up into the face of one scary looking dude. “I’m sorry, you are?” He gives a smirk, but it’s a mean smirk. I don’t know if this guy would know what an actual smirk was. He was a little older than me from what I could tell. Dark hair, and scary eyes. “You know me.” I look at him carefully, but his face doesn’t look familiar at all. I shake my head, “No, I apologize, you don’t look familiar.” He nods to the grave, “I’m the reason you’re here.” I gasp a little as I hear pipes. “Brandinger?” He lets out a laugh, “Told you, ya know who I am. I promise you, if Trance’s blood runs through that baby’s veins, I will be the one to stop the flow.”


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