Avenged by a Highland Laird (The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Book 4)

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Avenged by a Highland Laird (The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Book 4) Page 13

by Sky Purington

  “I would like to think I would’ve done the same,” she conceded. “I guess I worried for so long about how things might go that I started to assume the worst.”

  “’Tis understandable,” he replied. “But you dinnae need to do that anymore. Instead, you need to see what’s right in front of you so we can find what belongs to us. So that we can find this great MacLomain, Broun connection.” He dusted her forehead with the pad of his thumb. “And dinnae keep all your thoughts and concerns locked away. Though it seems I can hear you quite readily I dinnae want to miss anything. I want you to communicate so that we better ken one another, aye?”

  She nodded and offered a small smile. “I’ll try.”

  “Aye, then.” He brushed his lips across hers, took her hand and they headed upstairs.

  Though the sky was murkier than the day before, the gusty wind and choppy sea had hardly changed. She knew that would not be the case soon enough though. What they faced ahead might be more than any of them could handle.

  “Good morn to ye both,” Angus said in greeting as men rowed, adding extra speed to that which the sails already offered. He tossed them each an apple. “To break yer fast, aye?”

  They nodded thanks as Angus eyed the sky then the ships sailing alongside. “We’ve made good time and should be approaching the North of Scotland soon. With so many men under my command this journey, ‘twould be best to avoid the Pentland Firth and mayhap travel round the north of the Orkneys or even further north around Shetland.”

  “No.” Jessie shook her head, well aware of the timeline they were on even if Angus wasn’t. “It will take too much time.”

  “Mayhap a day or two,” he began before she shook her head again and interrupted. “I know the tide current in the firth is incredibly strong, but my friends and I will get you through safely.”

  Due to the shallow water through the firth, the tidal currents increased more than usual. In all actuality, they were some of the fastest in the world.

  Angus’ brows flew up. “Ye realize with a storm the likes of the one we’re heading into the tidal currents alone could end us.”

  She nodded, amazed how calm she felt knowing full well those currents would likely be even stronger considering the strength of the warlock controlling the storm. Worse yet, the waves would be far taller. “We have to go that way.” She shook her head with conviction. “We’ve no choice.”

  He frowned, crossed his arms over his chest and considered her. “Might ye give me a little history lesson then because yer asking a lot of my men and me.”

  She glanced at Bryce, unsure. While she might have hoped Angus would be convinced of the power behind them with Christina’s actions the night before last, it seemed he needed more.

  “What would prove my lass tells the truth?” Bryce said. “Me telling ye that ye might verra well lose our beloved Scotland to the Sassenach if ye dinnae do this?” He shrugged and allowed a flicker of fire in his eyes. “Or should I show ye what I’m capable of becoming?” He laid it on the line. “If I show ye right now, ‘tis verra likely yer men might abandon ship. If I wait and only do it if ‘tis necessary, ‘twill be in the thick of it when yer men are busy trying to battle the elements. It could be verra distracting.”

  She had to give Angus credit for not flinching when Bryce gave him a glimpse of his inner dragon. Rather he appeared intrigued as he considered his choices.

  “I suppose I need more information.” Angus stroked his beard. “What precisely is it ye become?”

  “A dragon.” Bryce didn’t sugarcoat it. “A rather large and ferocious one at that.”

  “Och, nay.” Angus chuckled and shook his head as he gestured at a man nearby to do something for him. “I dinnae believe ye.”

  “I didnae think ye would but ‘tis true,” Bryce responded. “’Tis also why Jessie recommended Sven be put on one of yer most vulnerable ships as a back-up plan.”

  Incredulous merriment lit Angus’ eyes. “So he’s a dragon too?”

  Bryce nodded, perfectly serious. “Aye.”

  Though Angus appeared to mull it over, it soon became clear he had already decided. Hence the gesture he’d made to his crewmate. John’s ship had been signaled to come closer.

  Angus jumped up on a bench, cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed to his son. “Our wee lassie claims we must ride the storm through the firth if we’re to help King Robert and save our country. What say ye to that?”

  Lots of nays and ‘tis a death wish’s arose.

  “Aye, that’s what I said,” Angus agreed, embellishing. “But, in addition to the certain mystical powers I know she and her friends possess, her lad here claims to be something fierce indeed. Something far more than the man ye see standing before ye.”

  “Aye?” John yelled, eagerness for a good show twinkling in his eyes. “And what is that?”

  As Angus responded, he directed his words to his men as well. “The sort ye willnae believe until ye see it with yer own eyes.” He made a grand flourish at Bryce. “Our new friend Laird MacLeod and his Viking friend, Sven claim they’re mighty dragons.” A wide smile split his face. “What say ye to that?”

  Chuckles and nays arose on both ships.

  “Aye, that’s what I said too.” Angus met their chuckles before he glanced at Bryce then back to his men, his countenance suddenly very serious. “Yet he claims ‘tis true, and the wee lassie says he and the Viking will help us face what dangers await us in the firth so that we might save our beloved country.” He cocked his head in question as he eyed his men. “What say ye again? If he can become something as mighty as a dragon and is willing to defend and protect ye, will ye travel those dark waters with me? Will ye sail straight into Hell? Because ‘tis bound to be just that.”

  Some men nodded while others chatted amongst themselves before nodding as well. A man who was likely Angus’ first mate responded for them all. “Aye, captain. We’ll follow ye if we truly have dragons at our backs.”

  Soon after John and his men agreed it was relayed to the next ship then the next.

  Jessie spoke into Bryce’s mind. “Are you sure about this?”

  “I am.” His eyes met hers. “We’ll figure out how to handle what they witness afterward.”

  She rested her hand on his arm and nodded. “Be careful. They have a lot of weapons and who knows how they’ll react.”

  “All that matters is how you’ll react, lass.” His eyes searched hers. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I am.” I have to be. When his eyes held hers, she realized he was waiting for the whole truth. He wanted her to share her thoughts openly rather than try to keep them to herself. “I fear for your safety not what you’ll become, Bryce. I trust your dragon as much as I do you.”

  She had left the village in Happrew before he shifted, so she never saw him embrace his dragon that day.

  “Dinnae worry about me.” She felt his gratefulness as their eyes held. “The weapons these men possess cannae hurt me.”

  “But maybe what the warlock throws at you eventually will.”

  He pulled her into his arms and murmured in her ear, “’Twill be dangerous for us all, lass but we will defeat this creature then the next, aye? Because we’ve the power betwixt us all to do it. You’ve got the power.”

  She nodded as she met his eyes again, glad to see such confidence there. Such strength. A strength that filled her before he pulled away and turned to Angus. “So I’m to show ye my beastie, aye?”

  Angus nodded, skeptical. “Aye then, Laird MacLeod.”

  “And Sven?” Bryce asked. “Do ye wish to see him as well?”

  When Angus glanced at his men, they nodded, so he roared it to John who relayed it to the others. She knew full well Bryce had already been speaking within Sven’s mind though.

  “Be safe Sven,” she said to the Viking, thankful they could communicate this way. “Please.”

  “Do not worry about me,” Sven assured. “And do not be afraid of what happens next.”
  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  No response.

  Bryce met her eyes one more time before he set aside his apple, jumped up on the side of the ship then leapt overboard only for colors to swirl around him. Moments later, a massive black dragon launched into the air, his feet dragging in the water briefly before he gained altitude. The sheer power of his wings caused enough wind that the ship listed back and forth.

  “Bloody hell,” Angus whispered, in complete awe. “Will ye look at that.”

  Eyes were wide as some men fell to their knees and made the sign of the cross over their chest while others clutched their weapons. Others roared with approval while some scrambled back to the opposite side of the ship.

  All she could do was stare as she walked to the railing closest to Bryce. He was absolutely stunning. Powerful. Huge. When his golden dragon eyes met hers a most unusual rush went through her.

  What was that?

  “Can ye hear me, lass?” he said into her mind. Though hearing his dragon’s voice within her mind was titillating it was not the feeling she had just experienced.

  “I can,” she replied as Sven’s dragon launched into the air as well. He was black too with icy blue eyes.

  They flew alongside each other as they continued to gain altitude, up and up, nearly to the clouds, then they swooped down and around the ships. Men fell back in a mixture of awe, and roars of approval. Surprisingly enough, few screamed in fear.

  This truly was a brave lot. Just the sort they needed for what lie ahead.

  Seconds later, Bryce and Sven roared fire along the water leaving a row of boiling ocean and steam in their wake. The sharp scent of burnt salt gusted on the wind as they began to gain altitude again, clearly enjoying themselves.

  “You should show them how you intend to help them in the storm,” she said to what she hoped was both of them. Though it wasn’t far-fetched that she could speak to Bryce’s dragon, she was somewhat shocked when Sven’s dragon responded.

  “I think it would be too much right now.”

  “I agree,” Bryce said.

  She frowned, not in agreement at all. To her, it made perfect sense and should happen.

  Moments later, it seemed they felt the same because both shot down, their eyes blazing. That same sensation that had rolled through her when Bryce first shifted rolled through her again. This time, however, it was far stronger. Powerful in a way she couldn’t explain.

  “Are ye all right, my wee lassie?” Angus asked.

  “Of course,” she murmured, watching the dragons closely. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “’Tis yer eyes,” Angus murmured.

  Her eyes were still glued to Sven and Bryce. “What about them?”

  “They arenae right,” he replied. “They glow a mixture of gold and blue. The exact shades of the dragons’ eyes if I’m not mistaken.”

  “What?” she whispered, still watching the dragons as they landed on the backs of two ships, flapped their wings and began steering them.

  “Och, they have great control of these vessels, aye?” Angus said, impressed. “Even in high winds, I imagine...” He frowned. “But we have several ships and only two dragons. What of the rest of my fleet?”

  When Jessie finally tore her eyes away from them, the powerful sensation that had been building within her vanished. Half a breath later, both dragons launched into the air. All she heard were Bryce’s frustrated muttered words garbled in her mind. Why was he upset? Better yet, what had just happened between her and them? Because something clearly took place.

  “Lass, are ye all right?” Angus frowned. “I see yer eyes have returned to normal, but ye dinnae look like yer feeling all that well.”

  “I’m fine,” she assured, swallowing hard as she gripped the railing. “I’m sorry, what did you ask me before?”

  Angus eyed her with concern for a moment before he continued. “I was asking about the dragon to ship ratio.”

  “Oh, right.” She nodded then shook her head. “It will only really be one dragon at first assisted by me, Christina, Graham and possibly Aðísla. Remember, Sven’s your back-up plan. But don’t worry, all your ships will be protected.”

  “Right,” Angus said. “Against what exactly?”

  “Very bad stuff,” she murmured.

  He eyed the sky ahead then her. “Worse than the weather?”

  She nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  He chewed on that information for a moment before he spoke. “Well, I suppose I’d believe anything by now.” He sighed. “Witches and wizards and dragons.” He shook his head. “Then ye with yer strange dragon eyes.”

  She frowned. “Dragon eyes?” She shook her head. “I’m not a dragon.”

  But Erin was.

  He shrugged, muttering as he turned away and saw to his men. “Mayhap not but yer something along those lines, my wee lassie.”

  “Aye,” Bryce said after he shifted and landed. “Something I didnae imagine existed until Sven just shared it with me.”

  She met his curious but troubled eyes and shook her head. “I’m sure that was just your mother’s dragon magic coming through somehow.”

  “No,” Sven said into her mind. “It was not Bryce’s mother but your own inner dragon blood. A lineage that dates all the way back to the ancient dragon, Níðhöggr. Jessie, your bloodline makes you something very special.” He paused for a moment, perhaps letting the enormity of what he had said sink in before he dropped the next bombshell. “You are without a shadow of a doubt, a controller of dragons.”

  Chapter Ten

  THOUGH HE WAS frustrated that Jessie had taken control of his dragon against its will again, Bryce couldn’t remain upset with her. Not when he saw the vulnerable, confused look on her face as Sven informed her of her lineage.

  While he got the sense Sven had known about this prior, the Viking seemed just as disgruntled to have his dragon at her mercy. It went against their very natures to be controlled by another. Even their dragon mates didn’t enjoy that luxury unless they gave it to them.

  “I’m so sorry.” Jessie shook her head, trembling slightly. “I had no idea. None at all.” She kept shaking her head. “I never meant to...” She flinched as her eyes held his. “I just controlled you both against your will?”

  “Och, lass,” he murmured and pulled her into his arms. Surprisingly it wasn’t just him but his inner dragon that was quick to forgive her and eager to offer comfort. “Sven will explain everything once we’re past the danger ahead. Until then, ye must not overly worry about it, aye?”

  “Worry about it.” Her wide eyes met his. “I just controlled the most unbelievably beautiful, and independent creatures I’ve ever seen, and you tell me not to worry about it?” Her eyes widened even more as something occurred to her. “So does this mean I’m a dragon too?”

  “We dinnae think so,” he replied. “Though Sven cannae be one hundred percent sure now after having felt your essence so acutely.”

  “Oh, God,” she whispered and rested her cheek against his chest. “I knew I was a lot of things, but that one would take the cake.”

  “Aye,” he agreed.

  As it was, she had a remarkable scent about her. Now he was beginning to wonder if there was more to it. Even if there wasn’t, everything else about her drove him to distraction from the delicious taste of her kisses to her tempting wee body. He had never wanted to possess a lass as much as he did her. Pulling out of her welcoming arms that morning had been almost impossible. Seeing her smooth, soft flesh and dainty curves just about pushed him over the edge.

  Well aware of his thoughts, she offered him one of those blushes he enjoyed so much. Unable to help himself and intending to do it as often as possible, he tilted her chin and brushed his lips across hers.

  “So we’ll sail through the firth then, aye laddies?” Angus roared to his men, interrupting what was fast becoming a much deeper kiss.

  “Aye,” his men roared in response.

  Angus sl
id curious eyes Bryce and Jessie’s way. “Normally, I’d have my men reef the sail at this point, but circumstances are a bit different this time.” He arched a brow at them. “What would ye recommend?”

  “We need all the speed we can get,” she responded. Forty oarsmen strong, this ship might be larger than most, but it would need help. The sort of winds they would be facing would likely tear its sail to shreds. Unless... “Let me try something.”

  Angus nodded as she went to the mast, closed her eyes and murmured. As she had hoped, because both the mast and sail were of materials more directly connected to the Earth she could easily manipulate and strengthen them. Her eyes shot open when a strange warmth rolled through her. Someone else’s magic was at work too.


  Moments later not just her mast and sail glowed as it strengthened but the whole of the fleet’s. As the glow faded, she smiled at Angus and nodded. “No amount of wind will rip these sails now.”

  Impressed, he eyed the material then roared, “Batten down the hatches, laddies, but keep the sail unreefed.” A crazy sort of anticipation lit his eyes. “Men to oar because we’ll be hittin’ her with all the speed we’ve got!”

  Bryce and Jessie stepped aside as men set to task and raced in every direction.

  The skies ahead were black and crackling with lightning. White-peaked waves roiled beneath them.

  Angus met Jessie’s eyes. “By the sounds of it yer familiar with the Pentland Firth, aye?”

  “I am...somewhat.”

  His bushy brows lowered sharply. “Somewhat?”

  “Only what I researched here and there,” she replied. “All I know for sure is with what you’re about to face you won’t have the benefit of some tides being stronger than others depending on the time of day.”

  “Nay?” He frowned. “But that’s impossible.”

  “Nothing’s impossible when it comes to dark magic,” she said softly, her eyes steady with his.

  Angus said nothing for a moment as he let that tidbit of information settle. “Och, then, I suppose that’s all it could’ve been with the likes of ye and yers along, aye?”


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