Demons End (Tremble Island)

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by Lewis, Lynn Ray

  Demons End

  Tremble Island [3]

  Lynn Ray Lewis


  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contain language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. Extreme violence. Ménage – MFM

  In book three of the Tremble Island Series: Leroi, the resident Demon Prince of Morlien Hall, is fed up with always being used as the scapegoat for the overlord’s cruelties. He sends word to the Lord of Tremble Island asking for permission to take matters in his own hands.

  Lion, Lord of Tremble, deals with issues involving a certain banshee named Wensel, and a tiny siren. Since both problems seem to stem from Morlien Hall, he makes plans to journey there to sort it out. Having already dealt with one demon, if necessary, he would deal with another.

  Travel to Morlien Hall where destiny awaits an unsuspecting woman. An overlord needs removed, but has plans of his own, and two demons fight to win the love of their woman while they take on the dark souls.

  Demons End

  Tremble Island

  Book Three

  by Lynn Ray Lewis

  © Copyright June 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

  ISBN # 9781311068378

  All cover art and logo © Copyright June 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Caroline Kirby

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  To my own personal Demon.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Books by Lynn Ray Lewis

  Excerpt from Regina’s Men

  Excerpt from A Place for Her

  Excerpt from A Dragon’s Heart

  Chapter One

  Rane was certainly going out of her way to show them that she was a necessary addition to the planned trip to Morlien Hall. He had to pull her off his thick prick or she would be swallowing it down her throat and he wanted to empty his seed into her tight little body. He and Nord had decided to double their efforts to impregnate their mate since she mentioned she would love to have a child soon. So far there had been no sign of her with pregnancy related symptoms. The light scrape of her teeth running the length of his shaft as he pulled away was almost enough to make him give up his juices before the thick head popped from her beautiful mouth. She was his world, and he wanted to indulge her every whim, but she would be forced to curb her energies once she was with child.

  That was yet another worry for him to ponder. Both his and Nord’s mothers had died in childbirth. The brothers had been blamed for the early deaths of the women due to the fact the male babies were such large infants. Each time he looked at Rane, imagining her belly swollen with his child, there was a shadow hanging over his happiness at the hope for a new generation. Would she perish soon after bringing a new life into their world? She swore to them she would be around to gift them with many children to spoil and coddle, but the worry persisted, and the proof would be in the doing before he would believe that she would be as fit as she promised them she would be.

  For now, she was going to be fucked until she screamed in pleasure and he felt the tight clasp of her muscles pulling his seed from his body. He clamped his hands over her shoulders to draw her up from her knees, picked her body up at the waist, and tossed her onto the big bed. She giggled, which made him smile, before he lowered himself between her spread thighs. The little woman was playfully, offering him her breasts with their pink nipples hardened in anticipation of his mouth. He ignored the invitation and zeroed in on the tiny hooded trigger to her pleasure. “Oh no, sweet, I have my thoughts on sucking this shy nubbin that likes to play peek-a-boo with me each time I see you bared to my sight.” He lay down with his shoulders pushing her thighs further apart, and his fingers slid between her slick lips to pull them apart for his mouth to lick at her wet flesh. “You are delicious; each time I taste your cream, I notice changes in your flavor. Give me your pleasure, and I will give you mine.” His lips pulled on the hooded muscle and she screamed as he sucked hard, vacuuming the tiny nub between his teeth. His thumb was covering her mons and pulling up, revealing the object of his attention even more. Her hips jerked as she grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pulled him closer.

  “More, I want you inside of me, now. Come into me, Lion, You tease me and I can no longer think, I can barely breathe.” His tongue tortured the little nub between his teeth and two fingers were deep within her woman’s tunnel, when she exploded. She ground her crotch into his face with both fists of hair for leverage. Her feet were planted firmly onto the mattress to aid her body lifting for more of him to be deeper inside of her needy body. “Now, Lion, now, please, I need you to fill me.”

  Her words
made him smile against her slick sex. He could feel her tunnel clutch and release on his fingers. She was more than ready to receive his heavy cock. He reluctantly let go of the treasure in his teeth with a smacking kiss, and let his lips trail a path up her belly and chest, pausing at each nipple to give them a sucking kiss. His prick waited at the entrance to her still clenching pussy as his kisses found her lips, and proceeded to mimic the slow slide of his cock entering her body. No matter how hard she sucked at his tongue, he kept both his appendages to a bare snail’s pace until he was seated as far as he could go inside her orifices. He felt the flinch of her body signaling that he was as deep as he could go without forcing the issue and hosing his seed into her birthing chamber. He waited for her body to adjust, and like the smoothest transition, his prick was allowed to slide deeper as she relaxed to take him at his fullest. His head felt like it would burst with pleasure as her passage clamped down on his cock, squeezing the semen from his balls into his prick. She dug her fingers into his scalp and back as she lifted her hips to take him deeper still, screaming as she did so. He could not hold back his gift of seed any more than he could stop the way her tunnel grabbed at his prick, squeezing it until he’d emptied himself deep inside of her. His cock began to retreat as it softened, but she was not finished with him until his flesh rubbed over the rough patch of skin inside of her channel for her pleasure, and she held him as she rode out the mind shattering orgasm.

  Lion rested his head on her breast as he attempted to regain his normal breathing. Rane had been insatiable for the past few days and had been pulling him and Nord into any empty chamber she found close when she got that gleam in her eyes. He had thought she was attempting to argue her way to being included on the trip. But the way she fell asleep almost instantly, concerned him. He would consult the elders to see if they knew what had gotten into her head. Rane was always passionate, she had never refused either man sexual favors or been reluctant to fulfill her mates desires. This was different, now she was the demanding one. She wanted serviced at her schedule, and refused to listen to their pleas for rest.

  Neither man wanted to harm their mate, she was precious to them, and both men worshiped her to a fault. However, lately she had been watching them like a leopard watches a rabbit. She would be fine one minute, and the next she would pounce, demanding to be fucked and satisfied multiple times throughout the days and nights. Last evening she’d taken Nord while he slept. He had awakened with her seating herself upon his cock, and he bore the small fingernail marks in his lower belly to prove she meant business. Only a few hours before, both men had given her their seed twice, before succumbing to sleep.

  He left her sleeping after covering her naked body with a light blanket, and donning his hastily thrown off clothing. There was much to do to make this planned trip go smoothly. Before they had met Rane, they had enjoyed their travels to the Halls of Care. Now he had little desire to travel around having to police the corrupt Lords of a few of the Halls. This Lord Borland would be a particularly evil bastard to deal with and Lion was not looking forward to what they would find once they got there.

  When Wensel showed himself and his charge at the gates of Tremble Castle, Nord had been the first to hear the tale of depravity going on at Morlien Hall. There seemed to be no line the lord would not cross. It was up to him, Lord Tremble to put a stop to the torturous evil before even more innocents became victims in the evil man’s plots.

  The very idea of torturing and worse to an adult was bad enough, but to even consider harming a child? That was not going to be tolerated. Nord had been acting as a bodyguard to little Aria, and Rane was just as bad. She would sit for hours with the child, playing and making the little one smile. So far the tiny female was still mute, and from what little they could glean, she would remain mute until she was of an age for her voice to come to her. She was a siren, and while such mythical creatures had been spoken of, no one actually knew they existed before now.

  The cruel plans of Lord Borland had been thwarted when Wensel spirited the child away from the Hall and brought her there, to Tremble Castle. The general consensus was to travel to Morlien Hall and kill the lord with no explanation of care. Any man that plotted to harm a child, regardless of the reasons, was writing their death warrant as they hatched the nefarious plans. Claims of demons forcing his actions would not save the man.

  Lion had met a demon one time before. While he might agree that a demon could cause havoc amongst the community he resided, there had never been a hint of any demands to harm children. The demon, Koler, had been a creature so disagreeable that it took himself and Nord to carry the creature onto a ship bound for the mainland. Lion had gifted the fellow with his life, telling him, “You will have a larger land to inhabit and visit your dread upon. We try not to kill beings that are different than we are. Since we cannot live in harmony with you, we will allow you to attempt to live in another land. Hopefully you will find a place that can support your need for chaos and strife. This island is too small to house one such as you.” The Demon refused to give thanks for his life, yet he never cursed Lion as they lowered him into the ship’s hull either. He had to have known that his welcome was worn to shreds on Tremble. He refused to explain his reasoning for creating such disharmony and strife when Nord questioned him. He was an arrogant bastard for sure. A nod was the only acknowledgement to his words before the trapdoor had shut, leaving the being in the darkness that he craved.

  He found Nord training with the protectors of Tremble Castle. There seemed to be hundreds of volunteer soldiers in the plot of land set aside for the troops to train in. Nord was shirtless and sweating as he grappled with two soldiers locked with him in mock battle. He spied Lion and Nord sent one of his attackers flying into the dust while the other held fast to his waist. The man was short but powerful, and had he embraced a smaller man than Nord, he might have subdued him. Instead, despite his efforts to squeeze his captive into submission, he was stunned from the blow to the side of his head and fell over, holding his abused skull. He looked at Nord, hoping for at least a small iota of praise for hanging on as long as he had. Nord was greedy with his praise, but the nod of the giant’s head was as good as a pat on the back to his loyal men. The big man reached a hand down to his and grasp to assist him into an upright position. Once he had ascertained that his men had no lasting injuries from the hours spent in the hot sun, Nord walked over to his brother and bowed his head in respect.

  He might be one of the Lords Tremble, but his brother was the eldest by hours, and therefore his superior in front of the soldiers. Lion also had five animals to call, more than any other being known to live on the island. Nord had four. Although he suspected there was a new animal growing deep inside of his being, it would not matter in the pecking order of things on Tremble. He had no envy for his brother’s position, anything he wished for was granted, and the brothers were best friends. They also shared a mate in the form of Rane. The little witch woman had become the solace that each man craved, and would die to protect.

  As the brothers walked from earshot of the men, Nord grinned at Lion. “May I return the favor from this morning when you complimented me on looking like shit? What happened to you? As if I could not guess. Rane has had her way with you and you fought hard to escape her clutches, is the only explanation for your hair to be standing on end and the fresh scratches on your neck.” The two exchanged rueful smiles. “I am not certain, but from the way our mate is demanding her way with our pricks, I would say she is in heat. To my knowledge, she is not a shifter, but it certainly is following the pattern. I remember when Quasi and Hinsie’s mate went into heat, she tore those men up in her quest for the seed from their bodies.”

  Lion stopped in his tracks. That explained so much and gave him hope for the possible pregnancy that would result from such a natural happening. “I think you have hit it on the head brother, she is insatiable. I went to our chambers to find the maps for our journey and found her naked, waiting for one of us to pass th
rough. Not that I mind servicing her needs, but she is normally in her herbal at this time of day, not baiting a trap for her mate to step into. She latched onto my cock and refused to let go until I fucked her to sleep. Her taste is different too.” He shook his head at his own ignorance. In heat, that would explain her need and endless greed for coupling. His grin was wide as he looked over the training yard. “Perhaps next year at this time, we will have a child to coddle. We must assist Rane in her need to create a small person. Thankfully it will be no great hardship.”

  The two laughed, slapping each other on the back, giddy with the knowledge that they would soon be fathers. Each man was lost in his thoughts as they continued walking over the hard packed ground. Finally Lion began to lay out his plans for the coming journey. Nord added his ideas, and they came up with an acceptable strategy for traveling to Morlien Hall.

  “Lord Borland will need to be eliminated, he has visited too much misery on his people, and we need to find this demon and either kill it, or send it away from the island as we did Koler. I know that demons are evil creatures, yet from what little I remember of Koler, his malice was centered on the evil that lurks in each being. It makes no sense that this demon would suddenly develop a taste for a child, innocent of wrongdoing. I am leaning toward Borland being a twisted creature with his own agenda. We will need to be open-minded on the demon’s behalf on this matter, Nord. There are few of them, and I refuse to kill off an entire race of beings unless it is necessary for the good of all. They keep a balance on the island, and unless they have suddenly begun to overpopulate the area, there is a need for keeping a few alive.”


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