by Mike Luoma
BC lies in pain on the couch in the Cardinal's study.
Stuck here for more than a week, now. This sucks.
The study is quiet. BC turned off the entertainment center a few minutes ago to listen to Lunar Prime, to listen to the sounds of a station alive: the barely audible murmur of people passing outside the study doors; the low-pitched hum of the environmental systems keeping the air fresh and warm like Vatican City on a sunny spring day. And every so often, the entire place trembles and a humming, bass-y buzz is added to the other more constant sounds as a ship passes overhead.
Lunar Prime itself is vastly more entertaining than the so-called entertainment center. All the same crap, all the time. Stupid UTZ advertising, most of it. Buy this, buy this, and of course, buy this.
BC stares at a painting of a black Jesus, one of many varied portraits and interpretations of Jesus Christ that hang on the walls of the study.
Wonder where the Cardinal bought this stuff? That painting there's a hundred years old, if I read the date right.
Next to the black Jesus on the wall, to the right, is an ancient Orthodox icon of a bleached white Jesus with pinched cheeks dressed like an eastern bishop. To its left hangs a gory medieval oil painting of Jesus on the cross, bleeding and writhing in agony.
Man, I can sympathize! Okay, I don't have nails through my hands and feet, or a spear in my side. I only feel as if nails had pierced my skin, every inch of it, all over! This sucks, but in all fairness, I suppose it's not as bad as a crucifixion... I'm still alive, anyway. Gotta be realistic. But I've never felt this kind of pain before, and all over, too! I don't think I have any part that doesn't hurt. My mouth still tastes metallic. And my tongue's still swollen.
I did almost get killed out there.
I still don't know how I survived. Not much has come back to me, not really, not even after a week. But my surviving might have had something to do with that ship I saw.
That ship out there I didn't recognize, hovering outside just before I passed out. It was further off than the UIN ship, out beyond the limits of Lunar Prime. The UIN ship didn't seem to detect it. Probably too busy blowing me up to notice.
I've checked through the station records and port authority logs to try to find some record of the ship. There is no record of it. Nothing at all. It could have been a hallucination, except that this hallucination may have saved my life. Whoever they were must have let someone know something or I would be dead! The LSCs who picked me up got a call from someone. Maybe it was them. But, then, why save me?
Man, I am tired of not being able to talk! Tired of writing everything I want to say down, too. Thank you for all this, Miss Nita Bendix, wherever you are. Whoever you are. Thank you so much. Lovely woman.
"How are you, BC?"
Governor Edwards stands in the doorway to the Cardinal's study.
BC grabs his stylus and screen and writes, "Fine," and holds it up for Edwards to read as he walks in.
"Great! They told me you were doing better. Told me you still couldn't talk, but they did say you should be up and about in the next day or two. Maybe even talking by then, too."
BC nods.
"I just wanna apologize again for, well, your being almost killed by one of our people."
BC writes, "Thanks. Again."
"I'd like to treat you to lunch when you're all better."
BC tries to laugh, writing, "Wow, makes up for everything (sarcasm)."
Edwards almost seems hurt, "Hey look, Father, I'm just trying to..."
BC waves his arms, writes, "JOKING!" and holds it up. He shrugs, then writes, "Thank you. Next week?"
"Sure. Next week'll be good. I really just wanted to stop by and see how you were. I really feel kind of embarrassed. I feel bad that someone we trusted betrayed us, and you, too, obviously. We trusted someone we shouldn't have."
BC writes, "I'll survive," shows Edwards, then writes, "I'm still here!"
"Good! Next week for lunch, then… Get better, BC," Edwards says, and leaves.
BC shifts on the couch, trying to get comfortable, but everything is sore.
Ouch! Everything hurts. Can't even really laugh. God, I can't wait until I can talk again! Got to report in to the Vatican, too. I sent them a coded written report, but it's short on detail. I've got to talk to them, explain things. I'm sure they want some answers. I need to ask some questions, too. I've seen the news reports.
The Universal Islamic Nation's recent attacks on the Earth and the Moon were repelled with some success, but according to news reports the Vatican took a beating, hardest hit of all the Earth targets. And of the areas on the Moon that were hit, their section, the Vatican Mission, was hit the hardest. BC's rooms were nearly wiped out.
They're now attacking the Vatican directly. The UIN has finally decided that the New catholic Church is provably, beyond a doubt, in bed with the Universal Trade Zone. Well, duh. It's been a long time coming. The OPO's been working with the UTZ for what, five, six years? I gotta hope no one I know was injured in the attacks. Gotta find out more, check in with Pope Peter. Wonder what the old man's take on all this is. We are definitely being targeted. Strange behavior from the UIN these days.
I really don't think these attacks were in response to the McEntyre Assassination. They came too soon after. Their ships had to be on their way here well before I did the hit. Good timing, though. Thanks to the proper spin, the public thinks they killed the governor. Beautiful!
The news reports on McEntyre's assassination have been decidedly positive for the UTZ and the Vatican. Nita Bendix has been cast as the assassin, the betrayer.
She makes a great scapegoat, running just when it attracted the most suspicion and blame.
The Cardinal enters the study.
"How are we today, Campion? Better?"
For the hundredth time, BC writes, "Fine" on his screen, and holds it up for the Cardinal to see.
"Good, then, good! Better and better each day, eh? We've got you in the daily prayers at Mass, Father. There's some good folks praying for you. I do have some bad news, though. The UIN has attacked the Vatican again, earlier today! Pope Peter is fine, but they've damaged more of the priceless architecture of Vatican City. They're barbarians!"
Again?! Well, this one they might blame on me...
BC writes, "Anyone hurt?"
"There were a few casualties," the Cardinal pauses, thinking, "Oh yes, and the OPO called for you! I told them you were injured, couldn't speak. They'd like you to check in with them when you can talk again."
Wow, if the OPO is contacting the Cardinal to get to me they must be desperate! This new attack, probably. They must figure it's Bendix getting back to the UIN with her "proof", exposing us. I've gotta talk to the home office, see where I stand, make my case.
"Did you hear me, Campion?"
BC nods.
"Did you know, the UIN is maintaining a media blackout? They still haven't said word one to anybody about any of this. ‘Unusually Silent' the reports are all saying. Bloody Muslims. Probably just trying to ‘cultivate mystery'. Keep quiet except for blowing us up."
BC nods again. The Cardinal seems to enjoy the fact BC can't answer back.
"Their ‘jihad', hmmph, all that hatred for us Christians. Supposedly, they worship the same God as we do. They're supposed to. But Allah doesn't sound like Our Father, if you know what I mean."
BC shrugs.
What can I say? Nothing, obviously.
"You know Campion, I like these one sided conversations. Almost enjoy your silence! Ha, too bad you'll be talking again in no time... I'm kidding, of course, Campion!
"Laughter is the best medicine, so they say! I'll check in again later."
Wonderful. Just ducky. Can't wait...
Chapter Ten