Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3)

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Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3) Page 13

by StVil, Lola

  “I really want to kill you right now. Or kiss you.”

  “Tough decision for a guy.”

  “I’m not a guy, I’m the First Akon. I. Destroy. Angels.”

  “Normally, yes.”

  “I should destroy you.”

  “It won’t make you better.”

  “How do you know?”

  “If killing the person you feel love for could make those feelings go away, Marcus would be dead.”

  “AGRH!!!” he shouts in frustration, as he walks away from her and paces furiously.

  “Tell me Guardian, how do you do it?”


  “I can’t stand even the memory of you and Marcus being together. How can you stand to see him with the human every single day? How can you live like that?”

  “Being awake, moving, and interacting is not living. It’s surviving. I haven’t lived since…”

  “Was it always all about Marcus? Was any of it ya know…cause of me?”

  “Most of it was him. But…some of it was…”

  “That time on top of the burning car…?”

  She doesn’t answer him but she does smile mischievously.

  “So…where are we on that kiss?” Rage asks.

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “Because you don’t want it or because you’re not supposed to want it?”

  “Because you shouldn’t throw water on a drowning man.”

  “Am I drowning?”

  “You stopped a fight so we could talk; so…yes.”

  “I can fight you and force a kiss out of you”

  “More foreplay is not the answer.”

  Rage does something I didn’t think Akons ever do—he smiled. Granted it’s a small, quick one but all the same, it was a smile and Ameana returned it (however slightly).

  “I don’t care what I am feeling; I will end you.”

  “Starting when?”


  * * *


  It all happened so fast. Ameana calls out, “Jay, now!” She takes flight just as the temple behind her explodes. I prepare for the part where my flesh melts away, but then a warm familiar breeze lets me know that Jay has gotten to me in time.

  Sure enough when I look up, Jay’s wings are flapping against air just above me. I thank him and he says he just happened to be headed my way. He takes the chain around his neck and prepares to use it as a Holder.

  “No, Jay. Let me help.”

  “Marcus wants you to stay safe; we all do.”

  “I can help.”

  “You aren’t supposed to be fighting.”

  “Okay, but I can go into the main temple and see if the Oka is there.”


  “Rio is my family, too.”

  Jay is reluctant but gives in. He tells me to go the temple and tap on the walls.

  “What’s that gonna do?” I ask.

  “The area that contains the Oka will be hollow around it.”

  “Got it,” I take off quickly and head for the main temple. I know there is no time to spare. As soon as the Akons realize where I am going, they will come after me.

  I enter the vast hall of the main temple. Ancient statues and altars take up most of the space. I frantically begin to tap on the walls. It’s hard to hear anything beyond the sound of the battle going on outside.

  I want so desperately to be out there helping but I know the best thing I can do right now is to find Rio. I tap on every inch of the wall. I call out Rio’s name although I know he won’t hear me. Ten minutes pass by and I am still no closer to finding the wall near the Oka.

  “C’mon, Rio. Where you?”

  “Emmy, hurry!” I hear Jay call out from outside. I keep taping along the walls but still there is nothing. Damn it!

  Then I remember Tony-Tone saying he had to brace the Oka incase it fell. What if it’s not hidden inside the wall of some tall building but inside one of the taller statues? I scan the room and land on the tallest statue. The statue is of a man meditating. It nearly reaches the ceiling.

  Could the Oka be inside?

  I tap the lower part of that statue and it’s rock solid. I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans, and climb up on it, as high as I can. I can only reach the statue’s waist without a ladder. I tap it and pray I’m right.

  It’s hollow. Yes!

  I carefully climb back down to the floor and shout to the team as I burst through the exit door.

  “Guys we found it! We found the—”

  I am stopped dead in my tracks by one of Rage’s fireballs. I don’t have time to do anything but scream. Marcus dives in front of the fireball and knocks both of us to the ground. The sea of flames hits just above over heads. But while it missed us, the ball lands directly on to the statue. It goes up in flames.

  “No! Rio’s in there!” I shout at Marcus. He jumps to protect the statue. He knocks it down to the floor but it is still in flames. He searches for something to put out the fire. I call on Jay and ask him to Glide around the statue; that way the wind that gathers from his speed can put out the fire.

  Rage gears up to fire once again, but this time Ameana redirects his flame and sends it right back to him. The ball blows Rage onto the roof of the temple. Ameana waits with bated breath to see if Rage survived the attack.

  A few seconds later, Rage gets up and takes to the air; the sound of sirens blares off in the distance. Humans are coming. Soon this whole area will be crawling with them. Rage has the same thought. He calls on his team to move out.

  “It’s okay. Leave them. They will never get the key,” Rage says to a very frustrated Mayhem. But Mayhem isn’t satisfied with that. As he takes flight, he attempts one last shot at Ameana from above.

  The daggers come straight for her. She manages to redirect them. Most of them land in the wall a few feet away from where Wolf stands; the rest fall to the ground.

  Enraged that Ameana is yet again unharmed, War sees the perfect “good-bye” gift to leave the Guardians with. He takes one of Mayhem’s discarded daggers. He raises it high above his head and plunges it into Ameana’s back—or at least he tries to.

  Just before War strikes, Wolf snatches one of the daggers embedded in the wall and tackles War with it. Ameana turns around just in time to see Wolf slam War into the wall of the temple.

  Wolf turns away from War and looks back at us; more specifically, at Ameana. The expression on his face is that of a child lost at a carnival: anxious, confused and greatly distressed.

  “Don’t turn your back on War, he’ll come after you,” Marcus warns Wolf.

  Ameana answers Marcus although her eyes never leave Wolf.

  “War isn’t going to attack; he’s dead.”

  * * *

  Wolf didn’t want to come inside the temple. We didn’t even need to ask him. He and Ameana stare at each from across distant temples. Meanwhile, Marcus and Jay break into the statue in hopes of finding our friend.

  Normally Marcus could break the statue with no more effort that it would take to push a button, but we didn’t want to damage it. So what normally takes seconds had to take nearly ten minutes.

  Finally, the hard work pays off. Inside the statue is a glass coffin-like box with an intricate carving that blocks us from seeing Rio’s face. But we didn’t need to see his face to feel relieved. We have the Oka. We have our friend back. Finally something was going in our favor.

  We rejoiced loudly. Then Marcus reminds us that the humans are coming and we need to move. Also, like the Akons said, without the key, the box is useless. I look at Rio’s body laying perfectly like he’s recharging.

  “Don’t worry, Rio. We’re coming for you. Promise,” I say speaking to the Oka.

  “Hang on, man,” Jay adds.

  Marcus looks at the Oka with determination and tells Rio to hold on.

  “I don’t think we should take the Oka with us to Tamera Fall
s,” Jay says.

  “We have to. We can’t leave it out of our sight,” Marcus warns.

  “If the Akons come back, they’ll kill Rio rather than let us have him,” I reply.

  “Okay, so where do we put the Oka?” Jay asks.

  “I’ll fly back and leave it with the Sage. Meanwhile, Jay can swing by Emmy’s apartment and Convince her Mom; that way she won’t worry. Emmy, Ameana and Wolf will head to Tamera Falls. I’ll take Rio to The Sage.” Marcus says.


  We tell Wolf and Ameana the plan. Wolf carries me while Ameana flies alongside us. Both of them are quiet. I feel like a third wheel in a way. I should have gone back with Marcus and given them a chance to talk.

  We arrive on a mountain top a few miles from Tamera Falls. As soon as we land, Wolf attempts to take off again on his own. Ameana softly points out that it would be a bad idea for him to wander off since we didn’t know if the Akon will appear again.

  Wolf is restless and clearly wants to be alone. I do the best I can to make that happen. I sit over on the furthest side of the mountain. Ameana seems to be debating what to say to him. I know that feeling so well.

  Wolf finally settles along the very edge of the mountain. I pull out my phone so I can at least look like I’m trying to give them some space. Ameana flies up to the peak of the mountain to address him.

  Everything they say is carried down to me by the wind. I hate eavesdropping. I wish I could fly off and give them some time alone. But when a girl’s got no wings, she can’t exactly leap from mountain to mountain.

  “Wolf—” Ameana begins.

  “—not now.”

  “I wanted to thank—”


  “I just want to thank you.”

  “For what, taking someone’s life?”

  “No, for saving mine.”

  He shakes his head bitterly and walks away from her. He goes over to the edge of the cliff and looks out at the valley below.

  “I’ve taken a life so I guess that means I’m a man in your eyes now, huh?”

  “It doesn’t mean that.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “You seem like you needed to talk.”

  “What’s there to talk about? War was evil. So of course he deserved to be destroyed.”

  “Killing him doesn’t make you a bad person.”

  “Is that what you tell yourself at night, killing doesn’t make you bad because you have white wings and they have black ones?”

  “You saved my life, I thank you and now you’re pissed?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m pissed”

  “Because you saved me?”

  “No, because I didn’t see them.”

  “See what?”

  “The Pawn’s eyes. The only being I ever killed before this. I always see his eyes and that stops me from ever wanting to take another life. But back there when War was going to…I saw a different set of eyes and that made me break a vow I have held for centuries.”

  “Whose eyes did you see?”

  “Seriously, Princess? You are really asking me that?”

  “Wolf, what do you want from me?”

  “Nothing you know how to give.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “You know what sucks? Taking someone’s life. You know what sucks even more than that? Doing it for someone who doesn’t even see you because she’s too busy following her ex or getting it on with demons.”

  “Who told you that?” she shouts at him.

  “It’s obvious you had something going on with Rage.”

  “Jay told you.”


  “Then how do you know?”

  “Because Rage looks at you the same way I—”

  Wolf takes off and heads to another mountain range.

  He returns an hour or so later, just as Marcus and Jay land on the mountain. He addresses the group briskly.

  “Let’s get this over with. I want to head back to Bliss.”

  “Now that you’ve take taken a life out in the open, everyone will know. That includes the Omari. They will let you out of Bliss,” Marcus says.

  “That means no prison for you, man,” Jay adds.

  “She was right. I never should have come,” Wolf says.

  “We really appreciate what you did for us. Ameana is a very important part of our team,” Marcus says.

  “Really Marcus, is that why you treat her like crap?”

  “What are talking about?” Marcus asks, clearly blindsided.

  “It would be more humane to let the Akons torture her than to make her watch you and Emmy together. That’s cruel, dude,”

  “What goes on between me and Ameana is between us,” he says, not bothering to hide his irritation.

  “Between the two of you? Are blind dude? Everyone in and out of the light knows what you are doing to that girl is wrong.”

  “Ameana can handle herself. She doesn’t need you to fight her battles for her.”

  “No, what she needed was a guy who loved her and was there for her. Not some flighty leader who falls for the first human he lays eyes on. Then he breaks his vow to his girl and acts like its nothing. Don’t they teach you Guardians to honor your word?”

  “What the hell do you know about honor? Everyday you betray the Omari by refusing to do what you were sworn to do.”

  “I have never betrayed them. I do everything I can to live up to the code of the Omari.”

  “Everything but what really matters.”

  “You should consider yourself lucky that I don’t like to kill cause I swear…”

  “So what, you got an issue with me, Wolf? You wanna take a shot, then let’s go!”

  “C’mon yo, be easy,” Jay says. The two of us exchange a quick glance. Both Jay and I are hoping this doesn’t get any worse.

  “Tell me Marcus, what exactly was your plan? What did you think would happen when you tell your girl that she doesn’t mean a damn thing to you any more and that you have replaced her?”

  “Why the hell is it your business?”

  “Because someone needs to stand up for Ameana since the person who was supposed to love and protect her is too busy screwing around with some stupid—“

  Marcus tackles Wolf, they fall off the edge of the cliff and battle all the way down. They fly back up, still embroiled in the heated of battle. Wolf blasts Marcus with three power balls back to back. Marcus narrowly escapes them. Jay and I call for them to stop but our cries go unheard.

  Marcus rips off a piece of the mountain and hurls it at Wolf. I watch completely terrified as Wolf goes flying back and hits the ground hard. Jay rushes to check in on Wolf but he doesn’t want any help. All he wants is a good shot at Marcus.

  Wolf gets up and summons up a fresh surge of power. The white glow gets bigger and bigger in the palm of his hand. He leans back and throws it directly at Marcus. Marcus ducks just in time and goes after Wolf. Jay Glides over and separates the two “children” from causing any further damage, but he is barely able to keep the two Angels from ripping each other’s wings off.

  “What’s going on?” We turn and find Ameana standing before us looking truly pissed. Wolf pushes Jay out of the way, glares at Marcus and walks off; as he passes Ameana he addresses her with clenched fists.

  “Back when you were human, did you date assholes then, too?”

  * * *

  Jay, growing more and more annoyed with his team, suggested that they all get some rest and recharge. He hands me a sandwich and says it’s the best he could do with the time he had. I thank him for it although I have no appetite.

  Wolf recharges alone on a mountain range nearby. Ameana picks out a mountain for herself. Jay sits on a peak not too far from us, but far enough to give Marcus and I some space. I put on the coat and hat they brought me from home.

  “Look, don’t let Wolf get to you,” Marcus says soothingly
as he sits next to me.

  “I’m not mad at him; my problem is with you.”



  “Emmy, you think I was just gonna let him say anything he wants to about you?”

  “Don’t you dare act like you did this for me!” I counter, failing to control my temper.

  “What are you taking about?”

  “How long are you going to feel guilty for being with me?”

  “I don’t—”

  “—please, don’t lie to me right now. You had a girl. You loved her. You fell for someone else. It happens. People move on, but you? It’s like you’re stuck in this endless cycle of guilt. How long are you going to stay there?”

  He looks away from me. The air between us is thick with tension, and even though we are outside, it seems like the air is in short supply.

  “Marcus, how long before guilt turns to regret?”

  “I don’t regret loving you.”

  “But you won’t let her go, because it makes you a bad guy.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Did you ask her for your Rah back?”

  “We haven’t had time and she’s not ready.”

  “Who’s not ready Marcus; Ameana or you?”

  He looks at me with his deep penetrating eyes. I want him to rush to contradict me. I want him to rage at how wrong I am. I need him to scold me for thinking such ridiculous thoughts.

  But Marcus pauses. The ‘pause’ is the reason I resist the urge to seek out his touch. The ‘pause’ is the weight that causes me to bow my head. The pause is…my answer.


  Night falls and the mountains are still. I ask Jay if I can stay beside him while he recharges. He doesn’t ask why. He knows things with me and Marcus were…rocky at the moment. He said I should use this time to sleep. I know he’s right but I can’t get my mind to stop racing.

  Ameana seems to be having a problem resting as well. She hovers over the mountains looking lost in thought. She spots me and comes over. Maybe she heard Marcus and I arguing and now she’d like to rub it in my face. Perfect.

  She approaches me. She looks stunning as usual. How is that even possible? I know she’s an Angel but c’mon. We have been battling demons all day. Buildings have fallen on us, we’ve almost been set on fire, and the wind up here is crazy. So how is it not one strand of hair is out of place? I hate her. Okay, I don’t, but that’s just not fair.


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