Curves & Courage

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Curves & Courage Page 8

by Christin Lovell

  “Need any help?”

  I heard her struggling; tiny grunts carried my way. “Um…maybe.”

  I slipped into the room. My heart stopped at the sight of her.

  Her calves were exposed now, showing an array of bruises and cuts that matched her arms. The capri sweats Lisa had loaned her were too big, only being held up by the width of her hips, which was where they rested. Her soft stomach was exposed. She was lovely, luscious and curvy, but heavily battered at the moment. My eyes sought the large bite marks on the right side of her. It took every ounce of my control to contain my wolf. That alone was worth death in my book.

  She clung feverishly to her bra in the front, the only thing covering her upper body. The straps hung loosely around her upper arms. Her breasts spilled over, swelling above and below where she had carefully crossed her arms.

  Her hair was a matted, wet mess, clinging to the flesh it touched. There was such a stark contrast between the color of her hair and her skin. And there was a far more jarring difference between her natural complexion and the dark purple bruises and bright red cuts covering her.

  It didn’t matter though. She was stunning. She was feminine and soft. She affected me in more ways than one. She was beautiful. She always would be gorgeous to me.

  She fidgeted. A flush splashed over her. “Um, I just need help closing my bra. Please.” She worked her bottom lip. The edge of her teeth peaked between her lips, testing my restraint.

  Damn. I wanted to rip her bra from her grip, yet, she was asking me to close it. I wanted to do sinful things to her.

  Even my wolf had quieted, sitting back contently at the sight of her, wounds and all.

  She was definitely pleasing to my eyes. I knew she lacked confidence in her body, partly because of the damage done to it, but damn. If she could only see herself the way I did.

  It was a long trek towards her. A stiffness in my center made it hard to focus on anything but her body. I didn’t care if I sounded like a lovesick artist; her body was a work of art that I didn’t want to share. Thank God we lived in the city because I’d be damned if another man saw her figure in a bathing suit. She could be embarrassed, but I would always be proud to have her on my arm.

  Chapter 27


  There was an intimacy I wasn’t expecting as Dom moved behind me. He swept my hair over my left shoulder and kissed the back of my wet neck. A chill shot down my spine, winding around my womb as warmth. He took his time fastening my bra.

  The entire time my heart pounded in my chest. I wanted to suck in my stomach so bad, but I knew it wouldn’t do me any good. Worse, he would be able to tell if I did. This was a downside to being with a supernatural being. They saw things humans didn’t. They noticed things a human never would. They heard every intake of air, every beat of your heart, every thump of your pulse. They knew more than you wanted. While it was unsettling in the beginning, eventually you found comfort in it, knowing they could tell by a single sense if something was wrong.

  “Go sit on the bed and I’ll doctor you up.”

  I sat on the very edge of the bed, trying to keep my waist from doubling in size as my thighs and chest squished it outwards. Dom had abs of gold. They were flat with a faint line framing each muscle. His biceps had zero fat compared to my chunky ones. As he turned, I caught the black ink of a tattoo on the inside of his right arm. Vaguely I recalled the tradition of males getting a tattoo with their father on their sixteenth birthday. It was a right of passage; it affirmed their manhood. At sixteen, they could fight with the adults. At sixteen they could rule the pack if necessary.

  “What is your tattoo of?” I asked.

  He set the ointment, varying sized gauzes, bandages and tape beside me on the bed. He didn’t look at me. Rather, he got a distant look in his eyes. The tattoo meant something to him. He busied himself with applying the cream on every lesion.

  I didn’t push. I knew what it was like to want to protect information. I knew what it was like to hurt and not want to talk about the emotional pain. I knew. And I would never push because of it.

  Silence passed between us as he methodically tended to me. There was no awkwardness in the moment, though I sensed his tension from my question.

  “Where’s your mom?” His question was posed casually, but I instinctively knew there was a tornado of meaning behind it.

  I kept my gaze forward on the room, not him. I took a few breaths, trying to tame my pulse. “She died when I was a baby. Bad car accident.” An accident so bad, a werewolf couldn’t survive it…

  I hadn’t thought about her in so long. I only owned one photo of her. It was from the day I was born. She was cradling me close, glowing as she gazed down at me.

  I looked like her. Well, a fat version of her. My hair had the same wave, the same color and same part. We both had brown eyes, a button nose and soft ivory skin. Well, I used to have soft ivory skin…

  The hardest part was seeing the other mothers and daughters together. I tried to ignore what I knew I’d miss. My mom wasn’t there to buy me my first bra. I had to go into Wal-Mart alone and find something while my dad impatiently waited in the car. She wasn’t there when I won awards in school; my dad wasn’t even present. The lack of support often made them not worth winning in truth. I didn’t get congratulations. I didn’t get words of encouragement. I didn’t get hugs. I didn’t even get to argue with her.

  She wouldn’t be there to help me pick out a wedding dress, if I went that route. She wouldn’t be there when I got pregnant and had my first baby. She wouldn’t be there when I cried the first day I dropped him or her off at school.

  She wasn’t there to stop him from beating me up. She wasn’t there to protect me like all the other overbearing mothers kids complained about. She never had been or would be. She was gone, and I could only pretend not to miss the moments others took for granted.

  “It’s a cross with my mom’s name across the arms,” he stated. He layered gauze over my right side, the cream holding it to my flesh so he could work. He taped it down and set me free. “I’ll give you an old shirt until the cream soaks in.”

  I didn’t have time to argue about its fit. He rushed off into his closet. Unknowingly, I’d hit a nerve. I didn’t know how recent his mother’s death was, but he wasn’t over it. Turned out my charming mate wasn’t as carefree as he came across at times.

  When he returned, he seemed back to his old self, a smirk on his face. “Lift your arms.” He’d scrunched the shirt, bunching it around the collar for easier dressing.

  “I can do it.”

  A smile split his face, showcasing his dimples. “Stubborn girl.”

  I gave him a small smile. “Sometimes.” I’d never been stubborn with my father. I was all too submissive with him, obeying his every command.

  My smile slipped as I caught sight of the clock. 3:09pm. He’d be coming soon. My only saving grace was that I’d ridden in Dom’s dad’s car. The exhaust would mask my scent, forcing him to search the city for my smell. I knew his fury would multiply the longer it took him to find me. I knew he would be irrational when he discovered I was with a pack. I knew he wouldn’t leave without me, and I knew Dom wouldn’t let me leave without a fight.

  “Hey.” His voice was a soft caress. He tossed the shirt on the bed. He lifted his hands and trailed his fingertips lightly over my bruised face. “I’m sorry for being so cold. I still struggle with my mom’s death. It was…sudden, really unexpected.”

  I met his gaze, watching as the emotions crossed his face. “I’m sorry, Dom.”

  He shook his head dismissively. “I was nine. We used to live in a small town near the mountains of North Carolina. Some hunters-” He swallowed hard, diverting his gaze and dropping his hands. “They, uh, got her. My dad chased down the man who killed her and scared the rest into never stepping foot on our territory again. But it wasn’t enough. Her memory haunted him there. So he bought this building, uprooted the entire pack and we’ve been here ever since

  Somehow I knew he missed his mom more than me. I didn’t get the chance to know my mother. I didn’t know what her laugh sounded like, what her hugs felt like. I didn’t remember all the things that made her uniquely and wonderfully mine.

  He did though. He knew those things. I could only imagine the ache in his heart from knowing and remembering, but not being able to manifest it. The torture one must face knowing that they would never see or hear someone again; that you would never feel her warm embrace, gentle kiss or motherly caress again must be harrowing.

  I grabbed his hand, giving it a tender squeeze. “She would be proud of the man you’ve become.”

  His head snapped towards me. Surprise registered. I knew he’d been expecting and not wanting pity then. A smile tugged his lips. “She would have told me off for having a half naked girl in my room with the door closed at seventeen.”

  “I’d rather not anger a ghost. Help me put this shirt on and pray that it fits.”

  He laughed heartily. “Oh, it’ll fit…exactly how I want it to.”

  “You’re ruining my innocence, Dominick.” I beamed.

  His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Not at all, sweetie. I’m dressing you, not undressing you.”

  I narrowed my eyes, pursing my lips in protest.

  “You’ll never hide these curves beneath a big hoodie again. I want everyone to see what they can’t have.” He winked. It was a sassy wink, one that had me blushing happily.

  He reduced me to a giggly schoolgirl inside. He cracked open my girly desires and fulfilled every one without realizing it. He…he was perfect. Nature knew what she was doing by pairing us. A few hours in, he was already lifting my spirits, encouraging my self-esteem. He was instinctively being all that I needed and more. I only wished I’d let him in as soon as I met him. Maybe I could have avoided the heartache of last night. Maybe I could have spared my father and Dom from the fight I sensed was coming.

  A new kind of pain niggled in my chest. Awareness. The only way I could save them from each other was to go back to my dad. Undoubtedly, he’d unleash his anger upon me again for not being home on time. But I- I was stricken by the truth.

  I loved him. I loved Dom too much to put him through this. Already, he’d been pulled into my mess and was reeling from it still. I’d burdened him in ways I never wanted to. I wasn’t his responsibility yet. I didn’t own his heart or his wolf yet, which meant I had a chance to save them both. He wouldn’t be as upset if I went away now.

  “Stop thinking.” His expression was solemn, as if he knew where my thoughts had moved. “Arms up.” He grabbed the shirt and helped me into it.

  It was tight. It showed every curve, every swell and even, every bandage beneath it. The shirt was a lightweight, pale blue tee. It was a men’s, so it fell just below the swell of my hips. It would have been longer had my figure not strained the material and demanded more of it in places it wasn’t use to accommodating.

  He wagged his brows as he assessed me. “I like it.”

  I think his dimples just winked at me…

  “I made some steaks. They might need to be heated through again, but you need to eat.”

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had steak. My mouth watered merely at the thought of it. I tried not to sound too eager. “Thanks.”

  His signature smirk returned. “Let’s go eat then.”

  I let him take my hand and lead me towards the kitchen. He pulled me so quickly past those gathered in the living room that I couldn’t even reply to their greetings. “Don’t worry. You didn’t offend them,” he hastily said as we rounded into the kitchen.

  The smell of freshly cooked steak wafted towards me. The aroma was heavenly, creating a flood in my mouth from the fragrance alone.

  My wolf sat up, attentive; she wagged her tail for the first time in too long.

  Guilt assaulted me. I would regret stealing this from her later. My choices inadvertently took away hers. Whether she wanted to or not, we would have to face my father together, feel his abuse again together. I would carry that weight with me to the grave. If there was a way I could free her from me, I would. I loved her enough to set her free if I could.

  Chapter 28


  She had a sad, distant look in her eyes. She was here physically, but mentally, she was a continent away.

  I wished I could hear her thoughts, know what she was thinking and feeling. Whatever was running through her pretty head right now was disturbing to her, which upset me. I was trying to protect her from her dad, but I was steadily realizing he would always be with her in one way or another.

  “Strips or squares?” I asked, hoping to pull her back to me.

  “Huh?” Her brows furrowed as she focused on me.

  I smiled, pointing at the steaks. “Strips or squares? Or are you a wilder wolf than I thought?”

  “Um, squares are fine.” Pink seeped around her cheeks, between the dark purple of her bruises.

  We fell into an amicable silence as I cut the meat. I loaded a plate with two large steaks chopped for her. “What do you want to drink?”

  “I’m okay for now, thanks.” She gave me a small smile.

  Frustration riled my wolf and me. She hadn’t drunk anything that I’d seen today. How had she survived all this time? She was my wounded warrior for sure. It didn’t sit well with me though. It pissed me off that one of my kind was mistreated so badly. It pissed me off that it was my mate and, the fact that it was her father doing the mistreating had me damn near hysterical. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the asshole.

  “You can sit anywhere at the table. I’ll bring everything.” I jutted my chin, gesturing towards the dining room table.

  She worked her bottom lip, looking in the direction of the table then back at me. “I can help.”

  I set everything down and walked over to her. “But you won’t.”

  Fear flashed in her eyes, stabbing my heart.

  Dammit. I softened my voice. “Thanks, but I don’t need your help, sweetie. Take the night off for me, okay?”

  A battle of wills commenced. Thankfully, she gave in. With a bit of trepidation, she strolled to the table and sat down in the closest chair.

  I heard her take a deep, shaky breath, as if she was holding back tears. This must have been what Dr. Charles was talking about. Based off her reaction, I guessed she was used to waiting on her father hand and foot, which only further infuriated me.

  I rolled my shoulders, aiming to relieve the tension crawling through me. Every time I looked at her swollen, discolored face, I wanted to destroy something…someone. Covering her wounds earlier, I damn near shifted. She deserved to be protected. I’d suspected she was in trouble, that something wasn’t right, and I’d just let her walk away. I would live with that knowledge for the rest of my life. If I hadn’t let her walk away, she could have been saved from this last beating. And it would be her last. I would see to it.

  My wolf persistently climbed my inner walls, trying to break free, ready to break free. He was fighting his own internal battle, unsure of whether he wanted to claim her first or hunt down her father. His attention, his intentions, flip-flopped.

  I grabbed everything and took it to the table, making a second trip for two glasses of water. I prayed she drank at least one while we ate.

  Chapter 29


  The closer I got to an empty plate, the more anxious I grew. I’d ambitiously been trying to devise an escape route in my head, but it was more complex than I ever imagined. As long as Dan was at his computer, he could see every inch of the building.

  On the way in, I had noticed a stairwell door beside the elevators, but couldn’t figure out how to get from the stairs to the front door without the security guard noticing me.

  Worse, my gut was telling me that even if I slipped past everyone without being noticed Dom would hunt me down.

  The expression on his face kept growing more intense the longer we sat there. He
’d devoured his steaks quickly. Meanwhile, my plate was still half-full. It was delicious, but I was too preoccupied.

  His arms vibrating caught my attention. He balled his hands into fists as his eyes lit up, a bright glowing honey. The vein on the side of his neck was protruding, his jaw clenched tight above it. His breathing was labored, his nostrils flaring in fury. “Don’t run!” His words were delivered through clamped teeth, his lips twisting in a snarl.

  I set my fork down, working to calm my body. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I reopened them, I felt the peace I needed descend upon me.

  I pushed my food aside and leaned over the table. I placed my good hand on Dom’s cheek. I gazed straight into his eyes, at his beast. “Calm down.” I made sure I used a sharp tone to get his wolf’s attention, if I didn’t have it already. “I’m not going anywhere right now.” I remained hovering near him until his body began to relax. “I’m not going anywhere for now,” I whispered. For now.

  Slowly, but steadily, Dom regained control. The way he looked at me was different though. There was some unrecognizable emotion in the pit of his eyes. His brows were creased as he gaped at me, despite his body finding tranquility.

  It wasn’t long before our heartbeats found a similar rhythm, beating in time together. Our breathing regulated to a shared pitter-patter. We were locked on each other, our bodies coming together despite our distance.

  He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers. He stood and kicked back his chair. He never took his eyes off of mine. He watched me intently, powerfully. He rounded the table, never glancing away from me. He grazed his fingertips over my lips before sliding them through my wet strands, angling my head back a bit.

  My heart sped up with his, beating faster and faster as he closed the distance between us. When his lips brushed mine, I swore angels sung. He was light at first, gentle as I became comfortable. He didn’t press too hard, and he took care not to overwork me since my face was inflamed. He was amazing. He was comforting me with every touch of his lips, with every sweep of his tongue along my inner lips.

  He knew what he was doing. He knew exactly how to take my breath away. And that’s exactly what he did.


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