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Havoc Page 8

by Pamela Ann

  My inner thoughts and the newfound threat Doug could bring me vanished when my ears perked up at the sound of an unbuckling belt, followed by the sound of pants being slid off a body then a shirt, which was then followed by stillness and the heavy sound of my breathing.

  I caught myself from yelping when I felt the bed dip from his weight before I could feel him kneel between my legs, probably looking down on my helpless self as he admired what he could have and imagined what he could do with me for this entire weekend.

  Counting in my head, I felt my nipples harden the second I felt his breath touch the inside of my thighs. Bracing myself for whatever he had in mind, I was unprepared for the first touch of his… tongue? Yeah, that truly caught me. Because it felt… good. No, it felt great. Goose bumps ran along my body as the tip of his tongue parted my pussy. He flicked it, focusing particularly on the top of the slit, making my body slightly convulse and shiver.

  “Keep getting wet for me, pretty virgin,” he whispered as he furiously flicked his tongue, lashing with might on my seemingly uninterested body.

  I felt the first trickle. It somehow felt like it was a bead of sweat emerging from the skin of my forehead, but double the intensity. The moisture erupted somewhere from below as it gradually reached the outside surface while my body focused on the acute beating of his tongue on my pussy.

  Before I knew it, I was gasping for air. Gripping my ankles harder as I fought the intensity my body was barely withstanding before I felt him pushing something inside my entrance. I wasn’t sure what, but I felt it there as he continuously focused on my slit. Then I felt the force of his middle finger, pushing this something further into my moist tunnel before tucking it in all the way inside.

  He slid his finger back down and halted an inch or two before my opening, as if looking for something before he found it. It felt like a tiny pad—a button—that he was focusing on before setting my body on a frenzied state, spiraling me into something higher, a deeper sense of elation. As if the mere thought of not reaching that peak would kill me, when I did climb into that point, I was awashed with such a powerful release, I shook with stifled screams as I tried to make sense of what he was doing to me.

  “There.” He kissed the bare skin of my mound before trailing kisses up my body. He reached my breasts and bit each one with playfulness before he reached my face. “Open your eyes.”

  I did as he asked, staring into his dilated eyes with little comprehension because my body felt alive. Wired. I felt it all. His breath on my face felt amazing. The feel of his nakedness against mine was heaven. But most of all, my pussy never stopped coming. The juices still trickled with no hope of stopping.

  “You won’t stop coming from now on.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ecstasy…” He glinted. “You’re going to be in ecstasy with me. You’re cunt won’t stop begging to be fucked, and my cock will gladly take the offer.” As if to make a point, the tip of his cock rubbed the middle of my slit, making my eyes roll to the back of my head as I lavished the fantastic way he was treating my body. “This won’t go in until you beg it to.”

  “Please—” I sobbed, reaching out for his hips, breaking free of my ankles because the thought of not having him take the edge off this need inside me was driving me nuts. “Fuck me, Hunter.”

  He chuckled, teasing me relentlessly. “You’re not there yet.”

  What did he mean? I wasn’t there…? “What did you do? I can’t control my body…” I wondered as I lifted my hips to meet his dick and shamelessly rubbed against it, begging. “I want your cock.”

  “I gave your pussy a nice little pill.” He sucked on my breast as he teased my opening by applying tiny amounts of pressure, as if going in but always pulling out when the head of his dick pushed it. “It’s a gift I only give to girls I really like.”

  Oh, God, why did I feel like I was going to die if I didn’t have him inside me? The more I begged, the more he pulled back, though. I wasn’t sure what I should do, so I whimpered.

  My hand found my pussy, but he immediately tapped it away with a laugh.

  “No cheating.”

  “Please…” I chanted like a bitch in heat. Because I was in heat with no means to cool off. I felt like I could hump whatever was close to me, needing something to take the edge off. I was getting so desperate I almost tackled him to his back, but he was quick. He pinned me down with my wrists back on the bed as he smirked down at me, smug with victory.

  “I like your little pussy, pretty virgin.”

  “Why don’t you take it?” I whined, frustrated at his sex games.

  His eyes glinted. Dilated. Lust-filled. “I only take what’s mine… and I believe you belong to Doug.”

  Fuck, Doug, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I caught myself, thank goodness.

  “I’m yours. Not his,” I blurted out, saying anything at this point. “I’m yours.”

  “Mine?” His brow rose. “You sure you want to be mine, Ana? Because once this cock goes in and nuts inside you, I take this thing seriously.” He paused, searching my eyes. “You don’t fuck with a man like me unless you’re willing to be his bitch.”

  “I’m willing—to be—your bitch.” I couldn’t help it; it came out automatically, as if my body was set to do whatever he wanted. It was entranced.

  “I seal promises with my nut inside your cunt. You good with that?” he asked, but I never got the chance to respond because his massive cock impaled me with a swift thrust.

  And I think I came then. From his first thrust to the last, I never stopped coming. Just as he’d promised and just as he had warned, he sealed my fate to his. Furthermore, I didn’t want it to stop.

  Therefore he did as I asked, came inside me until I passed out from the pleasure of the pill, his cock and my body convulsing at the same time.

  Chapter 15

  “You want more?” I heard him ask me sometime during the day.

  I was so depleted, I merely nodded my head to give him my answer. If sex could be this good while these men used me, why the heck not? It was better than what Doug had showed and how he’d treated me, for sure. I’d rather take this kind of torture, being drugged up and all, than anything else.

  Hunter had showed me a gateway to pleasure I’d had no idea existed. Sure, Doug drugged me up, too, but it wasn’t the same. I wasn’t sure if it was because he fucked me better than Doug, but I knew that I wanted more from Hunter. —of Hunter.

  He was no angel, that was obvious, but he had something about him. Maybe it was the way he touched me, or the way he spoke to me—with command, but also with a hint of gentleness. It was so unlike Doug, whose immediate mood shifts made me tremble to no end.

  And in some fucked up way, Hunter had showed a compassionate side by taking something that could’ve been a painful experience and turning it into something better. He was going to go through with what he’d planned, but for him to add that little pill inside me was his token of consideration. He wanted me to at least enjoy it while he took what he wanted from me. And that was something Doug hadn’t ever done for me.

  It was a small token, yet I appreciated it. After days with Doug and his crazy habits, this change was different, welcomed, and I wanted to enjoy it for as long as I could before Doug picked me up the next day.

  Doug. The thought of him and the house brought darkness into my thoughts. However, Hunter and his touch chased them away. For that I was grateful, too.

  For the entire day, Hunter and I stayed stuck together for most of the time. Even breakfast was shared between us. I hadn’t thought that maple syrup could be used in such a way.

  What made me feel higher than I usually was, was seeing how Hunter was acting. He smiled—a lot. It was as if my gasps and my amazement of his little surprises made him feel great. And for a while, I wanted to put all of my effort in that, in what we were doing with each other. Having fun like we were two normal people, a man and a woman sharing a cozy day together, enjoying wh
at the other could give with no thought of time and the outside world apart from each other.

  I thought Hunter was different than Doug, but later that night, I had to reassess that sentiment. It was just after dinner when he spoke of his other motive. I wasn’t sure what to think of him as I stared at him, blinking a few times.

  “You want me to do what?” I asked again, hoping I had heard him wrong.

  “I need to know Doug’s ins and outs. Report to me when he leaves the house. Tell me when you hear or see something suspicious. That sort of thing. You get how I’m feeling with this?” he asked as he slid a small, unassuming phone in front of me. There was nothing fancy with the screen or the small, rubberized numerical buttons it had. “You can text me here. Call only when you’re in danger, though. And if you think he’s suspicious of you, throw this somewhere where he can’t find it.” His glacial gaze landed on me for the first time in over twenty-four hours, making me break a sweat. “Make sure he never finds it, Ana.”

  I was unbelievably confused. I was sure I looked it, too, as I opened my mouth to voice out all the crap running through my head. “Hunter, I don’t understand. Doug would kill me if he knows that I’m spying for you.” The bone-chilling realization made me shiver because I knew Doug wouldn’t hesitate to carry out his insanity. He would do so without conscience. “He’ll really kill me.”

  He searched my eyes and then I saw his jaws lock. “I will try to protect you from him. I give you my word.” He took my hand and held it. “But I gotta know what the motherfucker’s been doing ‘cause he’s been stealing from me, and I won’t let that shit fly. I can’t take him out because I still need him, but I don’t trust his ass.” He scooted over, moving along with the dining room chair grazing across the floor, screeching into my ears as he took my other hand. “Last night, you said you’re mine now. This is your chance to prove it to me.”

  I tensed, knowing my stupid brain and body had made that dumb promise because I was high off ecstasy, which he’d put in my body in the first place.

  “You can’t hold that over me. That’s not fair. You have no idea what he’s like—” He was a monster…

  “Ten grand,” he interjected. “I’ll give you ten grand after I get what I want. Hell, I’ll even let you walk away if you want.”

  The bait was far too tempting not to bite into it. And Hunter knew it was the perfect thing to dangle right in front of me.


  “How do you get to do that? Doug won’t let me out of his sight…” I trailed off, imagining the sweet taste of freedom and what it could offer. With ten grand in my pocket, I could start somewhere. Get a small place and hunt for a job. Hopefully, maybe I could even start college. I’m sure, by then, I could learn to overcome my own demons, too.

  Hunter pulled back from me, languidly resting against the back of the chair, looking at me as if he hadn’t seen me before. “I’m not a guy that gives empty promises. You’ll learn that sooner or later.”

  I bit on my bottom lip, wanting to believe him. Although, at this point, it was Hunter’s offer or stay in Doug’s house of hell. As a result, the choice was obvious.

  “I’ll do it,” I whispered without blinking. “I’ll do it.”

  Chapter 16

  Spying wasn’t one of my strongest suits, and neither was being strong-willed. However, I had survived this traumatic rollercoaster of insanity for the past couple of weeks, so it wouldn’t hurt to try. After all, I had everything to lose. Rejecting Hunter’s offer might be the biggest mistake I could do, and risking that chance was too much. It was a gamble I couldn’t afford.

  All night, I refrained from poking into Hunter’s business because, each time I blurted out a random question, he’d immediately field it off by completely sidestepping the question altogether, or he’d give me one of those Arctic glances without giving me a word of reply. Thus, I was left to wonder and fester.

  One thing was pretty clear, though, Doug was in way more trouble than what he’d led me to believe. Or did he even have a clue? I wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t forthcoming when it came to his other life.

  Our last night somehow felt sentimental. His sex was still the same, but I felt closer to him, more connected in a sense. I couldn’t quite put a word to it, but I felt how my body tremble differently each time our eyes connected as he thrust deeper into me. Something… my mind kept saying as if it was having a hard time looking for the word to describe all those odd emotions running through me. Moreover, when he finished, I was overcome by an odd feeling of wanting to cry. Troubling didn’t even cut it. I had been left more confused than ever.

  “Ana?” he whispered in the dark, pulling me closer to his chest. “After tomorrow, I’m going to try to see you as much as I can, but I can’t promise you anything else apart from what we’ve agreed on. Are we clear?”

  I swallowed the dryness in my throat, wondering why he’d think I would want more than that. Insecurity and other girly notions never came over me. They were a novelty for someone like me—a girl who had been living in her own bubble ever since her dad had died.

  “I don’t expect anything from you, other than what you promised me,” I whispered slowly. “I’m not that kind of girl—I doubt I’m anything you’ve ever met.” Weird. That was what people used to call me after my trauma.

  Hunter remained silent, as did I. Was this how it was going to be after it wore off? When the real world came knocking tomorrow? Speaking of which… “What time is he picking me up?” I asked, hoping he’d tell me I could extend another day.

  That sentiment was crushed the second he opened his mouth, though. “At ten in the morning.”

  Damn. That was what? A little less that ten hours? Should I even sleep? I didn’t want to leave; I wanted to savor this somewhat-freedom I had at the moment.

  The sudden restlessness made me pull away from the warmth of his body, wondering what I should do to enjoy my time without the fear of Doug hovering somewhere.

  “I’m getting something to drink,” I murmured as I slipped off the mattress, past modesty about my nakedness as I strolled in the dark into the kitchen stark naked and got myself a glass of chilled water.

  With the glass in hand, I slowly stared out the window across the garden and the dark woods as I casually strolled over to the glass pane, wondering if my life would remain this way; in the dark… in the shadows, with only a small sliver of moonlight cascading over it to give me a little hope. Apart from the house and this city I had barely experienced, I knew of nothing. Nothing of the real world and what it was like. The tragedy that had struck my father and I in the mall killings had robbed me of my life—my future. Then, what little independence I had possessed had been stolen by Doug.

  I was all alone with no one to make sure I stood on my own two feet. With my mother gone, I had to learn how to face my problems slowly and start living amongst the rest of the population. Hiding away didn’t benefit me. No, it only worsened my situation. Since I was already in danger and always living in fear, what was the point in not going further and pushing all my inhibitions aside while I attempted to brave out what troubled me? Mingling with the masses couldn’t be that bad, could it?

  I needed friends, people I could trust and build relationships with. I wanted—needed—to be a normal girl, or else I would never have the nerve to stand my ground and really take flight when the opportunity arrived. If Hunter gave me the money and I got cold feet from leaving the house I used to call home, I would be digging my grave. I just couldn’t let that happen. I had to face my fears, even if it shook me with fright just thinking about it.

  My life had quickly changed, and I was trying to swim with the tide, but the heavy, rapid currents kept pulling me back, sinking me into the water, wanting to drown me. Then, out of nowhere, a lifejacket had been thrown in, and I would be slipping it on, whatever the consequences. I knew, however, even with I a lifejacket on, it didn’t guarantee I was going to come out safe.

  The ocean was vast, and althou
gh I would float about, I could still die from thirst or from the other dark things lurking about. Sharks were everywhere, and they would attack and eat me without remorse. I was going to be cautious and would be extra careful when dealing with Doug.

  Still, I wasn’t going to lie myself and think that I wasn’t terrified of going behind his back to survive. It was scary, but the image of me released from this piece of Hell and finding my own life out there somewhere warmed me inside. It kept my fire going, sprouting new set of optimism amidst the fears.

  Looking back at the darkened hall, I assumed that Hunter was probably asleep, so I took the liberty of opening the sliding door and then walking straight into the moonlit garden. The grass felt cool underneath my feet as I strolled forth.

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to check out the forest or pick a newly budding, red rose, but the sweet smelling thing got to me, as a result I decided to go straight to it and pluck the bloom from its stem. I caressed the softness of its petals on my cheek before tickling the tip of my nose with it, inhaling its intoxicating scent deeply. The scent was absolutely rich, absolutely potent. It made me heady, transported me back to my old home. The home I had lived in with my mom and dad before all of this had occurred.

  The images brought comfort and melancholy as I sadly recalled how my mom and dad used to be completely in love, completely full of life, and in a blink of an eye, died because of the another person’s inability to drive properly. As for my father’s situation, it had been due to how they couldn’t resist the temptation of bringing down wrath upon the less fortunate.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  I jumped out of my skin and immediately spun around to find Hunter looking at me with intense curiosity. Glancing away, I tickled the rosebud on my nose again before responding to him.

  “I doubt it’s even worth a penny,” I whispered, masking the melancholy in my voice. “Can’t sleep?”

  He made an effort to smile, but his intense gaze never left mine. “Something like that. I was actually waiting for you to come back.”


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