Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

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Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) Page 16

by Jamie Salisbury

  “Honestly, Dad? I don’t have a clue, other than Tony’s only interested in Tony or what you can do for him. Did you know he was quite upset when he found out I’d revealed my injury? He didn’t like it at all. Like I said, if you and Mother are that concerned, I can have Jacob check things out.”

  “Well, why don’t you do that, if you don’t mind? I’m sure Caitlyn doesn’t want to hear about your brother and his bad behavior,” Helen added.

  “Consider it done, and don’t worry about Caitlyn here. She’s seen Tony at his best more than once. And I told her about the night of my accident.”

  I nodded my head in agreement with Apolo’s statement, as his father supplied an interesting tidbit. Ah, families. “Your mother and I just get concerned with what sort of people he deals with. Like this new restaurant of his. Do you have any idea how he came up with that sort of money?”

  “No, I assumed you did. At least, that’s what he’s led me to believe.”

  The two men stared at each other. Everyone was quiet for a minute until Apolo spoke up again.

  “I’ll have Jacob look into things. I’m sure he’s got friends up here and has gone off to visit them. Caitlyn, sweet,” he said, “why don’t you fill my parents in on our plans? I know it’s not much to go on yet, but it’ll let them start thinking ahead. Then, I think we should probably leave for dinner.”

  Quietly, I began telling the older couple what our thoughts were. Apolo, in the meantime, went to the bar and refreshed his drink. I could tell he was not pleased with what he’d learned about his brother. I knew I needed to ask his parents to remain mum on the wedding planning and why. I glanced to Apolo for answer. I was lucky he noticed it right away.

  “Mother, if you and Dad would mind not discussing what we’ve talked about in front of Caitlyn’s mother? Caitlyn’s mom can be a bit pushy about how she’ll expect things to be done, and we’re waiting until she returns to Ireland in a few days before Caitlyn actually begins talking with people.”

  “Of course, my dear. I can sort of relate,” Helen offered. “You’re an only daughter, as I was. I remember well my mother fussing over every little detail. She wanted everything to be perfect, as a mother would.”

  “Thank you, Helen. My mother means well, but I have to watch her like a hawk. Otherwise, she’d plan the entire thing, and I’d be left wondering how she accomplished it.”

  “Well, if you ladies are ready, I think we should be leaving,” Apolo prodded gently.

  I pointed Helen in the direction of the second bath in the suite then turned to grab my purse from the bedroom. Apolo followed me a few seconds later.

  Wrapping me in his arms, he whispered, “You did splendidly. They like you, my mother in particular. I can fast see you becoming the daughter she never had.”

  “They’re both very nice, Apolo. Now, I suppose we’d best get going so we can introduce them to Hurricane Susan.”

  He chuckled at my pet name. “Yes, let’s get going. This should be quite interesting. Fair warning though. My mother should be able to handle your mother just fine.”

  * * * *


  So, Caitlyn wants a formal proposal? She is being quite adamant about the entire matter. A formal proposal she wants, and so she shall get. It will be something she won’t be expecting. At a time and place that will catch her completely off guard.

  With my appointment as senator, it will make it harder and harder for me to do anything on a grand scale without the press picking up on it. Though I do have one option that could work. Something I need to think about. The ins and outs of how to pull it off. Caitlyn is quite observant to her surroundings, making it hard to surprise her. But she insists she won’t marry me without it. I’ll let her think I’ve forgotten all about it, and then hit her when she least expects it.

  If there were more time, I would do something over the top extravagant. Money’s no object, naturally. Since I want to catch her off guard, that rules out proposing somewhere romantic like Paris or a gondola in Venice.

  I could take her to a baseball game and propose to her in front of thousands of fans, but that would embarrass her, and besides, she hates baseball. I’d even considered renting a billboard or sky plane and have my proposal trailed behind. Still too public, and this one gesture needed to be completely private, just the two of us. Even my houseboat wouldn’t do.

  Other random ideas come to mind. Such as catering a lavish dinner for two at my home, complete with entertainment. But we’re running short on time, and once more, that would be too public. It needed to connect the two of us together. Something, somewhere, we’d always remember. A place where we’d shared some wonderful times and memories.

  That left me with two choices.

  My Ferrari held some lustful memories for me. I could take her out for a drive, find somewhere private, romantic, and propose. Then, make love to her in the car. Just like we almost did that first night.

  The other was my old cabin in the woods. There were a lot of firsts that took place there that weekend. That was it! The perfect spot. Caitlyn would never in a thousand years suspect I was taking her back there to propose. She doesn’t think I’m that romantic, but I’ve been watching when she puts those chick flicks on. I’ve learned a thing or two about what ladies like.

  I don’t have to worry about a ring. I’ve taken care of that matter. Having never done this whole proposal thing, I was unsure if I should chose the ring myself, or simply let her do it. Being somewhat old-fashioned, she would want the ring to come from me. This was my first token of love to her, and letting her loose in a jewelry store to choose it herself just flew in my face. I also believe she will love what I’ve picked out for her.

  Now, how to pull off my little scheme without rousing Caitlyn’s suspicions? I’m going to have to enlist some outside help. I need Jacob. I’ll work it out with him, so that I text or call him as Caitlyn and I are leaving Atlanta. That will give him plenty of time to put everything in place right before we arrive.

  I’ve discreetly asked Renee here and there where to purchase certain items. She always offers to do it for me. But I tell her this is something I’d rather take care of myself. I don’t know if that satisfies her or not. Knowing Renee, she has a good inkling what I’m up to.

  Convincing Caitlyn to go away to the cabin before our return to Washington turned out easier than I thought it would be. I was fully prepared for her to tell me we didn’t have time to be goofing off fishing. Actually, she meant fucking, but I’ll take fishing. As long as she’s in for this adventure.

  To my surprise, she readily agreed, stating we both needed one last getaway before I started my new job. She said we might not have such an opportunity for quite a while. And she asked me if I would show her how to fish while we were there. Said she wanted to see what all the fuss was about, how people could claim it to be so relaxing

  Oh baby, just you wait.

  Chapter Nine


  And so we returned to Atlanta to begin preparing not only for our move to Washington, but for our wedding. Mother had gone on to Ireland with my father, none the wiser. Some might find that deceptive, but she would more than make up for lost time once she heard all the news.

  First and foremost, I had to tell Izzie everything that had transpired during our trip. Her work schedule made it hard, but I insisted she make herself available the second night for dinner, just the two of us. That gave me a day to relax and at least check in with Renee and see what she had lined up in the way of wedding planners.

  “My goodness, Caitlyn, why all the rush and secrecy?” Izzie asked as I poured her a glass of wine. I had made dinner for the two of us. That way we could discuss things without being interrupted.

  “Well for starters, Apolo and I found a place in Washington, and he’s made an offer. Second, he wants to get married before we move. I have Renee lining up appointments with wedding planners as we speak.”

  “Wow! But why pay a wedding planner when you
have your mother?” She cackled.

  “Because number one, I don’t want Mother involved until later. Like after all the key decisions have been made. And second, she’s in Ireland with my father.”

  “So, how did he propose?”

  I took a swallow of my wine and set the glass down on the table in front of me. “He hasn’t. I’ve dropped all the hints I know how. I told him he had to propose, but so far…nothing.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’s planning something. It’ll be off the charts and completely unexpected. You wait and see.”

  “I don’t know, Izzie. I’m afraid he’s just going to let things happen, knowing I wouldn’t back out on him at the last minute.”

  “No, he’s planning something. He loves you too much. Everything the man does is over the top.”

  “I suppose you’re right. In fact, I know you’re right. When we were in Washington, the night before we left, he was on his laptop all smug-like. When I got close, he slammed the lid down on his computer as though he didn’t want me to see what he was doing.”

  “See? By the way, how are wedding planners coming along?”

  “Renee has three lined up for me to interview tomorrow. Care to come and help me decide? Because I really want you to help me plan this thing, Izzie. In fact, I want you to stand up with me.”

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

  “Good, because I have a feeling it’s going to be a wild ride.”

  “But that’s Apolo, something I might add, I believe you love about the man.”

  “Yes, I do, but sometimes he can be so intense.”

  “I’m sure he’ll lighten up once you’re married and moved. It’s a huge step he’s taking.”

  “I know, and I’m excited for him. He’s getting to work on some issues that mean a great deal to him. Like people with disabilities. He wants me to help him on that one.”

  I caught my friend blinking back tears. This wasn’t like her. No matter what, Izzie was tough and unflappable. “Geez, Caitlyn. I’m going to miss you.”

  “It’s not going to be good-bye, Iz. Besides, why couldn’t you move to Washington?”

  “What? Who would keep things shook up here in Atlanta with you and Apolo gone?”

  “I think Atlanta would manage just fine. Think about it.”

  “I will. I promise. Perhaps after you two move up there and get settled in, I can come visit and seriously look at jobs.”


  “So, back to this wedding planning thing. What exactly are you thinking?” Izzie asked, taking a sip of her wine.

  “The wedding itself is going to be for family and a few close friends only. It will be the reception where we go all out.”

  “Have you thought where you want to have the wedding itself?”

  “I was seriously thinking, since it’s going to be so small, of doing it at Apolo’s house.”

  “You mean mansion, don’t you?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, mansion. In fact, you need to come with me and look. The staircase would make for such a dramatic entrance—me coming down the grand staircase to my waiting groom.” I giggled and placed my wine glass back on the table. “We’ll stop by there before we go to meet the wedding planners.”

  “This is so exciting, Caitlyn. I can’t believe this is actually happening!”

  “Well, calm down, Izzie. We haven’t even started the planning, yet. Apolo and I have agreed on two dates. Hopefully, whichever planner I go with will be able to accommodate us.”

  * * * *

  I was surprised to find Apolo still at home the following morning. I had mentioned to him that Izzie and I were going to stop by to look around and why. He met us at the front door, dressed in jeans.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he greeted us as he leaned in to kiss me when I passed by him. “I thought I would work from home this morning.”

  “Probably not a bad idea, Apolo,” Izzie replied. “Saves you from all the questions now that it’s public knowledge you and Caitlyn here are getting married.”

  “True, Izzie, but my employees know not to question me. And where are you ladies meeting these wedding planners?”

  “Renee booked a small room at that restaurant near your office. It’s private, and we won’t have all the outside interference of meeting here or at my place.” I said as I hurried toward the staircase. “So, what do you think, Iz? Think this will make the right statement?”

  Izzie looked up in awe. It was one of those grand staircases you found only in such movies as “Gone with the Wind.” Or if you were really lucky, you were rich and could afford a place with one. She turned and took in the huge entryway and gallery. Then, she began her way up the stairs, taking each one in as she went. When she got to the top, she turned and stopped. Looking down at Apolo and me, she began to descend the stairs, one at a time.

  “I think she approves,” Apolo whispered to me.

  “Yes, I think she does. Do you?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve noticed you walk down these stairs before. Don’t think I haven’t. You’ll be a beautiful bride, making a grand entrance.”

  A sudden thought came to mind. “Apolo, how would you feel about having the reception here at the house?”

  “Whatever you want, my love. You know that. What have you got in mind?”

  “Izzie, you look like you belong here.” I hollered up at my friend as she finished. “As for what I have in mind, that’s a secret for right now. But trust me, you’ll love it.”

  “I have no doubt, I will,” he replied, grinning at me rather than Izzie, who was now walking toward us.

  “What are you two talking about?”

  “Nothing other than how Apolo agrees with us on having the wedding and the reception here.”

  “Reception here?” Izzie looked confused.

  “Don’t ask me. I’m just along for the ride.” Apolo shrugged.

  “Trust me. I have an idea. Let me go with it. I’ll speak to the planners about it first. Get their reaction.”

  “I told you, Caitlyn, you have free rein with our wedding.”

  “I know,” I replied, grinning at him. “We’d better be going, right Iz?”

  “Yep, let’s make these wedding planners earn their big fees.”

  “You two sure you won’t stay and visit for a while?”

  “No, we really do need to go. I just wanted Izzie to see the staircase.” I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Call me later if you need me to come in today. If you don’t, I’m not coming in.”

  “Enjoy your day, and I’ll call you later about dinner.” He pecked me on the lips and reluctantly led us to the front door.

  “Later, Apolo. Love your place by the way. Next time I expect the grand tour.” Izzie smirked as she walked past him.

  We drove on in silence towards our next appointment. Then, Izzie suddenly burst out laughing hysterically.

  “What is so funny?”

  “Oh, the look on his face. I don’t think the reality of this wedding thing hit him until now.”

  “No, I don’t agree. He knows I wanted to do at least the wedding at the house.”

  “Yeah, but have you discussed it like we were?”

  “No, oh, I see what you’re saying. Until this morning, it was simply something he was to show up at. We made it more real by talking holding the reception there, too. Am I close?”

  “Yep. This is going to be fun, Cait! I love to see him squirm.”

  “You’re bad, Izzie, you know it?”

  “Yep. I think Mr. Choice needs a little excitement in his life.”

  “Well, he’s got plenty of that going on right now.” I pulled into the small parking lot. “But I have to agree with you. He needs all the excitement we can give him. I don’t want him thinking he’s marrying some meek, mild-mannered young woman.”

  We walked into the building. Renee was pacing back and forth.

  “Are we late?” I inquired, knowing full well we weren’t, but it was a way to put her
mind at ease. “Or has wedding planner number one not shown up?”

  “No, you’re not late, and your first candidate is here.”

  “Early, then?”

  “Yes. I was afraid that the next one might do the same thing, so I decided to wait out here.”

  “Well, let’s go scope her out. Oh, Renee, you haven’t met my friend, Izzie. My maid of honor.”

  She smiled in Izzie’s direction. “Nice to finally meet you, Izzie. I’m glad Caitlyn has someone sane in her corner to help her through this.”

  “I don’t know how sane I am Renee, but hopefully I can keep her head from spinning off like a top.”

  “I’m sure Mr. Choice would appreciate that.” I thought I saw Renee crack a slight smile. Something she didn’t do very often. Everything in her job surrounding Apolo, she took quite seriously. Literally.

  For approximately the next three hours, Izzie and I sat through presentation after presentation from the wedding planners. Each had their own unique style and ideas.

  Though I knew Apolo had given me free rein to spend whatever I wanted, I decided it best not to let the planners know that. Izzie had agreed with me. Therefore, I set a spending limit. It was an obscene amount in my eyes. However, I had done some research on weddings of the rich and famous and decided I could come in low ball. The amount still brought them in wide-eyed.

  Izzie and I sat back and stared at each other after the final wedding planner had left. Now, I would have to decide, but I knew Izzie was as exhausted as I was.

  “Can I interest you in lunch? Renee made an open reservation for whenever we finished.”

  “Yes, I’m famished after all that!” she exclaimed, standing from the chair she had been seated in and stretching her long frame.

  “Me, too. Let’s freshen up first. We’ll compare the three while we eat.”

  We were shown to an out-of-the-way table. Perfect for conversation, away from the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. Placing my phone down in front of me, I saw a text from Apolo. He was inquiring over the selections Renee had made. Oh, and would I like to meet him for lunch. I quickly answered, reminding him this was girl’s day.


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