Raging Love (A Mitchell Family Series BK#3)

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Raging Love (A Mitchell Family Series BK#3) Page 6

by Jennifer Foor

  Conner was already on the golf cart. “You guys comin’?”

  I held up my finger for him to hold on. “I never thought you’d be here with me today. I wanted to regret lovin’ her but I just couldn’t, not for one second. I never meant to hurt you, even if it was temporary. I know you were in a bad way last year, while Savanna and I were planning our future. I should have been there more, but I didn’t know what to say. I felt like I was the reason for ruinin’ your happiness. When I found out about you and Miranda and then saw you two for myself, it was like a weight lifted off of me. I could tell immediately that you were crazy about each other. I’m real glad that everything has worked out Ty. Your my cousin, my blood, and nothin’ will ever change that.”

  “Love you too man. Let’s get you hitched dude.” Ty pushed me off the porch as if he were more eager to get there than me.

  “Bout time!” Conner said as we hopped on and headed to the barn.

  Crowds of people were already outside. Soft music was coming from inside and we were greeted with lots of familiar faces. Ty pushed me toward a group of elderly people standing with Savanna’s parents and I leaned over and greeted them first. Even Ty reached in and shook Savanna’s dad’s hand and gave her mother a quick hug.

  “I heard you got married. I never thought I would hear that, but congrats Ty,” her mother said.

  “Thanks. Have you met my girls yet?” He asked.

  “As a matter of fact, your mother introduced us earlier. Bella was running around looking for you. She is adorable.”

  Ty got a huge smile on his face and spotted his parents. “Colt would like to meet both of your parents.” He waved to his mother and father. “Excuse me, I need to say hi to them.”

  I met the two couples and talked to them for a short while before my mother blessed us with her loud voice over the microphone.

  “Attention everyone. The girls are on their way here. Guys, you need to take your places and everyone else needs to find a seat. My son is getting married!” She was more excited than me.

  We took our places and stood there waiting in anticipation. Beads of sweat were running down my head. My heart was racing and I stared at that barn door just waiting to see my beautiful bride for the first time.

  Chapter 8


  It was my big day and I’d already thrown up twice. Aside from Colt leaving me messages on my phone, I hadn’t talked to him at all. Brina and Miranda were trying to keep me from freaking out, but I was so nervous.

  As if that were the only thing I had to worry about, I still had no idea where the wedding service was taking place. Everyone had been so secretive including Miranda, who I knew for a fact had been told by Ty.

  My parents and grandparents had kept me company all night and it was awesome to see them all after so long. I wish I could have told all of them that I was pregnant, sadly I wasn’t, but today was about me marrying Colt, not about our failed attempts at conceiving. We had all our lives to be able to announce things like that.

  Miranda had spent the last two hours doing my hair and makeup. If I wasn’t in my own body, I wouldn’t have recognized myself. I’d never looked so beautiful and it was hard not to cry.

  Miranda came into the room with Bella by her side. “It’s time.”

  I took some deep breaths and grabbed as much of my dress as my hands could handle. Miranda looked so beautiful in her dress. I had changed my mind at the last minute and picked light blue dresses. Brina kept bitching at me that it was the only color that looked good with her pale skin, not that it was her decision, but I wanted them to both be happy. Of course Miranda looked good in anything she put on, she could wear a sheet and make it look beautiful. Ty was a very lucky guy.

  I didn’t say much on the way over to where they had Daisy waiting for me. Our wedding planner was all smiles as I made my way across the yard to the horse pastures on the golf cart. He held out a hand to help me off of the golf cart. “We need to get you up on that horse without messing up your dress. We put a white fabric over the saddle so that you wouldn’t get your dress dirty.”

  “Thank you. Where am I supposed to be riding to?” Before he could answer I saw a horse and buggy pulling up in front of Daisy and I. Miranda smiled and winked as she and Bella climbed in behind Brina.

  “Just follow them. I will meet you there.” He assured me.

  It took a good five minutes to get me on that horse. Between the high heels and the dress, it was hard as hell. Once on it, I had to sit sideways, and I feared falling off and landing in a pile of dirt. As Daisy and I followed the buggy, I could hear Bella calling out for me. I was afraid to let go to wave to her, on account of losing my balance.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw once we got closer to Miranda’s mother’s house. An old barn that had once looked like it was falling down, was painted red and looked even more perfect than the one that had burned down. Green grass surrounded the building and flowers had been planted everywhere. The photographer was steady taking our pictures as we got closer. I held my hand over my mouth and tried so hard to hold back the tears. For three days Colt had been working on my secret. I had no idea that he was giving me my barn wedding that I had always dreamed of. Miranda and Bella climbed out of the buggy and came to stand near Daisy. My father started walking toward me and held his arms out for me to fall into them. I could hear the camera clicking as I released my hold on the horse. Of course, my father caught me and sat me down with ease. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you Daddy.”

  “Shall we?” He held out his arm for me to take.

  Colt and I had sat Brina down and asked if she and Conner could walk first so that Miranda and Ty could be together and Miranda could walk with Bella down the aisle. Brina didn’t seem to care as long as she walked with Conner. Apparently they had hooked up a few times, after she had made friends with Courtney, his newest ex. It was weird, but it was Brina and she wasn’t exactly hard to get.

  When Brina disappeared in the barn, I started shaking. My father tried to steady me, but I was trembling. Miranda and Bella waved before heading into the barn. I could see her trying to get Bella to throw the flowers as they were going.

  Right before walking in I heard Bella yelling ‘Daddy’, followed by the crowd of people inside going ‘awww’. Of course Ty got attention at my wedding. He must have been laughing his head off.

  “You ready for this?” My father asked.


  The photographer opened both of the barn doors before my dad and I came into view. I wanted to close my eyes to avoid seeing Colt. Feeling like I was going to pass out, I kept my head down and my veil over my eyes. With each step I counted and took deep breaths, trying to focus on not falling. I avoided making eye contact with anyone and squeezed my hold on my father tighter. The decorations were beautiful and everything looked more perfect than I could have ever pictured.

  We were getting toward the end of the aisle and I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, but only one set of eyes were making me weak in the knees. Reluctantly, I looked up at Colt. His half smile and beautiful eyes were fixed on me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of how beautifully perfect the man was. It wasn’t the tux, or the way he had styled his hair. He was just breathtaking.

  I was in awe over the man.

  I don’t remember taking that step up to that altar, but I was suddenly reaching my hands out to Colt, while my father lifted my veil and kissed my cheek. After agreeing to give me away, he went and took his seat, while my eyes never left Colt’s.

  His hands found mine and he held them tight. I thought I was shaking until he was holding me. He was shaking so bad that his lip was quivering. I found his gaze and his eyes were full of wetness.

  No…no….no..you can’t cry!

  I tried to look away but I just couldn’t. I was mesmerized by Colt’s love for me. He blinked his dark eyelashes and tears fell down each of his cheeks. I could feel the burning in my eyes and fought so
hard to not lose it, knowing once I started I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  The pastor started talking but I never took my eyes off of Colts.

  “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to unite Colton and Savanna in holy matrimony. Do you Colton take Savanna to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

  Colt squeezed my hands and let out a very hoarse ‘I do’.

  “And do you Savanna take Colton to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

  I clenched my jaw and focused on saying the two words without crying. “I do.”

  “At this time Colton and Savanna have chose to say their own vows to each other.” He handed Colt the microphone first.

  Oh no! I can’t do this. Just pronounce us husband and wife. I can tell him mine later.

  Colt cleared his throat and put one arm around my waist. “Savanna,” He took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to calm his nerves. “I pretty much knew I loved you from the beginnin’. Your beauty caught my eye, but your heart took my breath away. When I look to my future, all I know is that you’re in it. I want to hold you every single night, laugh with you every single day and love you for the rest of our lives.” Colt started to break down and I could tell he was having trouble speaking without losing himself completely with his emotions. When he spoke, I could feel the tears filling my own eyes then finally falling down my face. As he continued, I began to sob. “Darlin’ you are my whole world and I promise to do whatever it takes to make sure every day of our lives leaves you with a smile on your pretty face and a heart that is always full of love.”

  Colt handed me the microphone and wiped his face, waiting for me to start. I tried to wipe the tears away, but the mic kept screeching and causing the audience to gasp. I closed my eyes and focused on being in a room alone with Colt. I thought about the millions of things that I had thought about saying to him. “Colt, you know you’ve always owned my heart. That day you came walking into my life two years ago changed everything. From our first kiss, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe without you beside me. The way you love me amazes me every single day and I can’t help falling in love with you more and more each day.” My lips started shaking and I had to take a second to calm down. I knew I shouldn’t but I looked right up into Colt’s burning eyes. I could feel his thumb moving over my waist as his hand held me. I looked around the beautiful barn and thought about the sacrifices he had made to make this all happen. I literally began to sob, but through the tears I managed to say one more sentence. “You are my best friend, I love you so much Colt Mitchell.”

  Thank Goodness we didn’t ask for a traditional service.

  “Can we have the rings please?” The pastor asked.

  Ty scooted up and handed Colt our rings. He gave me a quick wink before ducking back behind Colt. Even he had tears in his eyes.

  I can do this. A few more words.

  Colt slipped the ring on my finger and then my engagement ring over top of it. It was a lot of ring and under the lights it sparkled like crazy. “With this ring I thee wed.” He brought my rings to his lips and kissed them.

  I let out a small giggle, in between tears. I grabbed his ring and slid it onto his finger. I had wanted to do that for so long. He was mine in every way. “With this ring I thee wed.”

  Colt took both of my hands in his and waited patiently for the go-ahead we were both waiting for.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ladies and Gentleman, let’s give a round of applause to Mr. and Mrs. Colton Mitchell. You can kiss your bride now.”

  The room filled with clapping but once Colt’s lips reached mine, everything went quiet. We entered into our own little world and nobody else existed. I had imagined this kiss since I was about eight years old, of course as I got older the kiss got deeper, but nothing could have prepared me for the kiss Colt was giving. His soft lips covered mine, while his tongue stroked my bottom lip. Soon our tongues began to mingle and we were completely caught up in each other to pay any attention to the loud whistling in the crowd.

  I used to be so worried about my grandparents seeing me kiss like this, but I was married now. I was allowed to kiss and have as much sex as I wanted. I had the paper to prove it.

  Colt finally pulled away and rested his head on my shoulder. “I love ya Darlin’.”

  “I love you too baby, so much….. Colt, this is amazing. I can’t believe you managed to do this. It’s perfect.”

  Clanking of glasses got everyone to quiet down. My biggest fear was upon us as I stared at Ty and Conner, fighting over the microphone. Finally Conner grabbed it and switched it on. “Can ya’ll hear me?”

  “My family and I would like to thank you all for comin’ out to celebrate with us tonight. I just have a couple things I’d like to say about Colt and Van.” Ty stood back and patiently waited his turn. It worried me that he was going to get the last word in.

  “As everyone knows, Colt is my cousin, so I have obviously known him my whole life. He is a great all around guy, and has been hunted by every chick that’s ever come in contact with him.” The crowd started laughing. “The funny thing was that Colt never really noticed it. That is why we were all so surprised when he came back from an out of town visit, head over heels in love with someone. Van captured his heart and he never gave up until he had her for himself. What you all might not know, is that Van used to be ………..”

  Holy shit! No No No!

  “Give me that thing before I shove it so far up your ass you can’t find it.” Ty yanked the microphone out of Conner’s hand.

  The crowd of people were dead silent. Colt grabbed my arm and held me still. “Excuse my brother in-law, he has had a bit too much to drink.” Ty started to laugh a little and the crowd seemed to relax. “I have known Van, Savanna, since we were little kids. Colt knew her back then as well. He used to come and visit during the summer. All of the girls would go nuts over him there too. Van was different. She was a late bloomer and Colt made it a point to tease her for it. When he went off to college and stopped visiting, Van changed from a little girl, into a beautiful woman. Two years ago when he came to help out my family, he saw her again. I’m pretty sure she took his breath away and you all know the rest of the story. Besides my own wife, Colt and Van are my best friends. I love them and wish them a long and happy life together. Everyone hold up your glasses,” He pointed to Conner. “except you Conner, you’re officially cut off.” Everyone started laughing and raised their glasses.

  “To Colt and Savanna.”

  Colt rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. Ty walked by Conner and came over to us. “You want me to fuck him up?”

  I gave Ty a big hug. “No, but thank you for fixing things. That was uncomfortable.”

  “He didn’t do it to piss you off Savanna. He did it to get to Ty. He wanted him to look like a sap.”

  “He’s the sap.” We saw Miranda standing by her brother, arguing with him. He had issues.

  The next twenty minutes flew by. Between everyone congratulating us and the photographer trying to take pictures of everyone, I was glad to finally get to the first dance. We had picked a song called “I can love you like that.” It was older, but the words were so beautiful. The music started and I paid no attention to Colt reaching for something behind my back. To my utter shock, I felt the vibrations of Colt’s voice as he began singing the words to the song.

  “They read you Cinderella

  You hoped it would come true

  That one day your Prince Charming

  Would come rescue you

  You like romantic movies

  You never will forget

  The way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliet

  All this time th
at you've been waiting

  You don't have to wait no more”

  Colt held me tight against his body while he sang every single word to me. Our family and friends had all stood up and some were even crying, as they listened to every word coming out of Colt’s beautifully talented body.

  “I can love you like that

  I would make you my world

  Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl

  I will give you my heart

  Be all that you need

  Show you you're everything that's precious to me

  If you give me a chance

  I can love you like that”

  I looked over toward Brina and Conner who had now come out to the dance floor. They had their hands all over each other, almost like they were having some kind of sex, right here in front of everyone. I shook my head and looked toward Ty and Miranda. With Bella in their arms, they swayed to Colt’s beautiful voice. Ty placed small kisses on Miranda and Bella’s foreheads, before resting his head into both of theirs. It was beautiful to watch them.

  I never make a promise I don't intend to keep

  So when I say forever, forever's what I mean

  I'm no Casanova but I swear this much is true

  I'll be holdin' nothing back when it comes to you

  You dream of love that`s everlasting

  Well baby open up your eyes

  I can love you like that

  I would make you my world

  Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl

  I will give you my heart

  Be all that you need

  Show you you're everything that's precious to me

  If you give me a chance

  I can love you like that

  You want tenderness-I got tenderness

  And I see through to the heart of you


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