John: The Senior Killer

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John: The Senior Killer Page 15

by Robert C. Waggoner

  Brad called Steve on his cell and reported what had come of the interview and the fingerprints. Steve told him that neither one of those guys he sent prints on matched the John Mitchell prints. Steve told him to put a tail on both and Brad reported he’d already had that in place. He also told Brad to work with the Canadian law enforcement people and at the highest levels they had been informed of the events leading to the serial killer on the ferry. The last thing Canadians wanted was a serial killer in their midst.

  The ferry docked and the passengers debarked for lodging or staying with friends or relatives. If Brad was right, Alex was their man. They had two agents on him and the Canadian authorities authorized the tail. The agents followed Alex to a hotel in Victoria where he rented a room for two days. Steve sent the helicopter over to the island and picked up the team.

  Their heads hung low as they sat in the van trailer and talked about how they almost had the guy. Steve told them all to take a rest and they would all meet tomorrow at Denny’s for breakfast. That night Brad called Sujin and reported the day’s events. She told him he did his best and no one could have done it better. It was a small lift knowing he did do his best, but maybe his best wasn’t good enough. He laid in bed thinking how close he came to catching the guy in the act of murder. Only a few minute differences were like horseshoes: close but no points. For hours he lay there going over the plan and what developed after the chase was on. The net was effective, but a shade late. What could have I done differently, he thought. He flashed back to seeing the bike early that morning. He couldn’t fault himself for not connecting the bike to the killer. There must have been twenty or more cars and vans in the parking lot and why would he think that particular bike was the method he was using for getting around and his escape, not to mention his disguise.

  His wake up call came at six am. He packed his bag after a long hot shower looking at a much aged man in the mirror when he shaved. Dark circles and some new lines around the eyes made him look like he felt: old.

  At eight all the team plus Steve, including Nancy sat at a large round table in the restaurant. Brad opened the table up for discussion and no one had much to say. Steve piped up saying, “You did your best. No one can fault the plan and it was only the results that foiled us. This guy is good and maybe too good for us. Our prep is enjoying his flower walk in the Garden as we speak. He knows we have a tail on him, but it appears he doesn’t care. We found his residence in Seattle and like you reported it is an old house south of the airport. We got a court order and agents report no finger prints anywhere in the house. They are still looking for any evidence as we speak, but it is doubtful anything of value will show up. Brad, we are called to Washington and a special jet is waiting for us at Whidbey Air base to fly us to DC. Let me add something here, we are not giving up and Brad send your team to Oregon and let’s regroup there after we return in a day or two.”

  Brad told the group to keep the brain tank full and he would see them we he returned. And he added, “Think what you might do if you were him and Wendy do your best and consult with other profilers and share your information with them. Mike, go home and take care of the farm for a day or two; and agent Jones use your logical mind and Billy buy a case of cigarettes because you will need them after I imprison you at the Round House.” That last word from him cheered the group up and Nancy asked how she should fit into the scheme of things. Brad told her to check on the activities of all that had happened and find any flaws for next time, if there would be next time. After that write a report up and come visit us at the Round House.

  At that Brad left to make a phone call home and told Sujin the schedule for the next few days. After that he and Steve left for the Naval Station on Whidbey Island by helicopter.

  Washington at the end of May is on the verge of hot muggy dog days of summer. While Brad anticipated a gloomy day meeting the big boss, the weather was anything but gloomy. A bright sunny day with a slight breeze greeted the plane as it landed at Andrews Air Base. A helicopter was waiting for them and left for a fight to Virginia. The sun was setting to the west when they sat down at CIA headquarters at Langley. After a short walk, ID’s checked and signed in both Steve and Brad was led to a room unmarked. The agent who led them pressed a button and after a one eyed camera look at the visitors the door opened into a reception area about the size of a small dentist office where a large fat man sat on a secretary chair looking at the entrants. The gray haired portly man stood up and led them through another door into a large conference room without a window anywhere. Brad felt a slight air movement and a humming sound in his sensitive ears. He’d never been here before, but knew it was a room secure from any outside listening devices or bugs. A stark metal conference table the size of a board room table sat gleaming in its stainless steel finest. Uncomfortable looking chairs sat around the table could accommodate twelve sore butts by the time a meeting was over. It was designed for efficiency, not comfortable to sit around and shoot the breeze. The large man with overhanging eye brows filled with bushy hair from one side to another sat down at the head of the table and stared through milky gray eyes at both Steve and Brad.

  He cleared his throat and said, “Tell me a story Mr. Pratt. I want to hear about the Anacortes plan from start to finish. Don’t leave out one detail. This conversation and your report will be recorded. Do you have any questions before we start?”

  Brad told him no questions and he was ready to start when he was. The grossly overweight man reached under the table and Brad assumed he sent a signal somewhere. The man’s jowls shook like Jell-O as he gave Brad a nod to start.

  Brad started in California and never left out a detail until leaving for Washington DC. He reported the house in San Diego having clues left for them; to Bishop where the postman and the eye witness gave them valuable clues to identify John; The pig farm in Yelm; to the flower book and subsequent plans set up for the Aberdeen and Anacortes sites; and the ferry ride across the straits to Canada. When he finished the man sat there and looked at him reaching under the table again to signal the end of the recording session.

  Mr. Portly, as he later described the man to Sujin, looked hard at both Steve and Brad while saying, “You both will be contacted in a few days’ time. I want you both to go back to the Oregon coast and continue working on the case until you hear anything different from me” With his last words he stood up and the meeting was over.

  The helicopter was waiting for them and flew them back to Andrews for the flight back home. Steve stayed to take care of a few things at home and would be out in a few days. A F-16 took Brad back at sixty thousand feet at better than Mach 2. He arrived at North Bend at around two in the morning. The pilot gave him the high sign and after fueling up left into the early morning with a red orange glow turning south and as Brad stood there watching the pilot keep the afterburners on until only the sounds of early morning sea gulls headed to the beach could be heard. Mike was waiting for him and he climbed into the van and they headed south to the Round House.

  The weather was calm and clear for late May on the southern Oregon coast. The stars were out and the promise of a nice day made Brad feel the urge for a beach run. Turning off on his dirt road he perked up at the thought of seeing his wife and dogs made him a little homesick. The cable was down and both dogs were sitting on the edge of the yard when they pulled into the gravel parking area. When they saw their master both dogs went a little crazy with happiness seeing him. Brad dropped to his knees and hugged the both of them saying how much he missed them and the promise of a run on the beach when the sun rose. Sujin was standing just outside the door under a light making her look so small and fragile. He wanted to run and hug her too, but she would be totally embarrassed in front of Mike for that display of affection. Walking in Brad kissed the top of her head and held her hand as they walked into the living room.

  Mike went downstairs where he bunked with Billy. Brad and Sujin with Sandy followed suit. There will be time enough tomorrow to discuss the past
and the future.

  Chapter 15

  Daylight on the Oregon coast in late May is around six am. The whole team excluding Billy was dressed for a run on the beach. Brad greeted them all warmly and Billy were left at home alone. Even Sujin with her morning sickness gone was dressed and ready for an early morning run on the beach. Her sister was coming later and a picnic was planned for later in the afternoon. Julie and her two kids were coming along with Earie’s husband who reluctantly agreed to come. He told his wife that he always felt like an outsider, but would put on a happy face for her today.

  The air was cool and only a slight breeze was still blowing like the night before. Brad knew by afternoon the northwest wind would turn the beach cold for beachcombers. They would need a big fire in Devils Kitchen this afternoon he thought. The run was invigorating and just what the doctor ordered for his body and mind. They all jogged up the beach to the jetty and back again. The tide was out and very low. The smell of muscles and star fish was strong with the pungent smell of exposed seaweed. Seagulls were having a feast in small pools left by the receding tide leaving tiny fish and other morsels of food for the birds. Rocky was in heaven running alongside his master. Sandy was very pregnant and due to have her litter soon. Brad stopped in front of Fish Rock and led the team around the side and up to the top that overlooked the small cove of seawater moving back and forth in the low tide. He stared at the water and the team wondered what he was doing and then Sujin told them when he felt like he was too old Brad would climb the rock wall inviting the feel of death if he didn’t succeed in meeting the challenge. The team peeked over the edge and thought only a crazy man would try to climb the sheer rock wall without a safety rope or pitons rock climbers used.

  They were starting to cool down from the run when Brad told them the last one to the Round House was a rotten egg and they all scrabbled down and off the sea stack and ran to the house. Agent Jones was neck and neck with Mike as Brad took off fast and then backed off to run with Sujin and Wendy. Brad found out later that Mike and agent Jones were pretty much even going up the trail fighting for the lead on the narrow sandy trail. When Brad and the girls arrived only moments later they found the two guys rolling on the ground laughing their heads off like little kids in a sandbox.

  After a light breakfast of scrambled eggs and rice, the team retired to the basement to listen to Brad’s trip to Washington and the latest word about John. The team had no word as to his whereabouts and Nancy had called to say she would be there is a few days’ time. Earie and the old Korean lady came just after breakfast carrying sacks of whatever for the afternoon picnic.

  Sandy was laying at Brad’s feet with her head on his socks while he told the team about his short trip to DC. He told them the truth about not knowing what the future was for the team. Steve would be here in a day or two and from his early morning phone call to Seattle Nancy found out John spent the day looking at flowers and was holed up in his hotel room. She told him that John would have to be very slick to get past the four agents watching his door every minute of the time. Both rooms on either side of him were locked tight and not available for lodging.

  Brad said, “Quite frankly, I’m not sure of our next move. Arden is still a go and will continue so until we hear different. Billy I want every border crossing from Canada to the US on our China board. I feel our man will head east and lose his tail in a big city like Toronto or Montreal. Check with anyone and everyone about the past ways people used to sneak across the border or where it appears the border guards are lax. Anyway that ought to keep you busy and away from your nasty habit,” he joked to him. Billy jumped up and left climbing the stairs for a least one or two cigarettes before taking on the new search.

  Brad told the rest of the team to relax and put to paper different case scenarios on what our John might be up to next. Brad told Mike to do the same while he went in and called his father. After that he and Mike would sit down and make a plan for where if not Arden our serial killer might strike next. Oregon was a good bet and that were in their backyard so to speak. When they discussed Oregon little did they know how close they were to the truth? However, as it turned out it was many months before John the Senior Killer raised his ugly and twisted self once again made his presence known to leave his mark.

  Steve and Nancy arrived at the same time, she by commercial jet and Steve by his borrowed NASA jet. It was planned that way and both rode down in Steve’s car talking about where John might go next. To Nancy Steve seemed a little preoccupied and distant. She was beginning to like him and wondered if he was married or single. She wasn’t sexually attracted to him, quite the contrary as she was very happy with her relationship with her lover. She wished this case would come to an end so she could get back to Washington and their cozy town house. However, she liked the weather in the Pacific Northwest and in particular the Oregon coast. Even at the expense of a difference in personalities with Brad, she felt comfortable in his house. She looked forward to the next day or two as they turned down the familiar road to his house.

  The team welcomed both with warmth and a friendly attitude. Some of that friendly attitude was due to the afternoon picnic. The dogs welcomed both by wagging their tails and Sandy rubbed Nancy’s legs. Sandy was very pregnant and Nancy noticed. Steve and Brad disappeared for a walk on the beach once Steve changed his shoes.

  Silently they strolled up the beach watching the waves climb the beach as the tide was coming in. Soon it would be high and the walking harder in the soft sand next to the dunes. The wind was blowing fairly strong as they found a place to sit behind a giant old tree that had washed ashore a long time ago during a monster storm to place it so high on the beach.

  Brad sat on a piece of driftwood across from his friend who too found a place to sit. Brad the always patient one, Steve thought as he tried to find the words to tell Brad that they would leave the case to the FBI and Nancy for a while. The only change might be if John struck again soon. Steve said, looking at his friend who had a twinkle in his eye knowing pretty much what he was going to be told by his friend, “Yes. Your team is put on the back burner for the time being. Nancy will take care of it for a while. If our John strikes again soon then you and your team are back on the front line. Meanwhile we have another little job that needs your attention. This involves your whole team which includes Wendy and agent Jones if you like. They have proved invaluable recently and if you want to add them, then consider the transfer completes, if they so desire to transfer agencies. Their retirement and such things will remain the same. Let me know before I leave what their answer is. Now here is a major problem that needs your immediate attention. You might think this is a way to get you off the case of our serial killer, but that is not true at all. This comes from the president who listened to your recording and likes the way you think and act.” Steve buttoned the top of his Burberry against the cold afternoon wind that seeped around and under the giant old white tree. Brad meanwhile sat there looking and feeling a little sorry for his past commander and friend. Brad looked hard at him to see how he was holding up under the strain. To Brad he looked about the same as years gone by, but maybe a little slower in his movements is all. Brad thought he needed more exercise and hoped the next few days they could spend some time combing the beach. We’ll go up to Agate Beach and look for agates, Brad thought.

  Steve continued his dialogue, “The president has a special assignment that needs your expertise. As you are well aware of the problems facing the free world with the off center leader of North Korea is becoming a real problem. The president tells me we need better intelligence from that region. There are rumors that they are about to test more missiles and there is word coming down from the North that a nuclear underground test is planned in the near future. We are applying all the pressure we can try to stop a renegade nation from actually going nuclear. However, it might just be another is a long line of games the North is playing to feed its army for free. China is not happy about them going nuclear and will allow you a
nd any of your team in China without hindrance. A lot of North Koreas are living in exile along the border and we need first hand intelligence on what is truth or fiction. The president knows Sujin is pregnant and a good cover for you is that her parents live in Seoul and the only one who will stand out is agent Jones. You think about it and let me know what you think. Best guess it is a two month job. After that we will know all we will probably will by then.” His look gave Brad an opportunity to ask questions.

  Brad shook his head and said, “Not at the moment Steve, and I too think the free world is in trouble with that devil in North Korea who is called the ‘Dear one.” Let me run this by Sujin and tonight after our picnic we will discuss it around the table with the team.” At that they walked for a while talking politics and the elusive serial killer still at large. After Anacortes it was reported the killer went to Canada and all hoped, not that they didn’t care for the people of Canada, but we're glad he was out of the States.

  Making their way back up the narrow sand trail to the house, at the top, Steve laid his hand on Brad’s arm and stopped him saying, “You flat out impressed the boss man and the president wants to nominate you to head up the FBI!” Brad laughed and said he wouldn’t have that job for all the tea in China! Both went into the house laughing making the three women busy fixing lunch for the picnic, stare at them like they found something funny about a picnic lunch?

  Steve and Brad sat at the kitchen table while the girls worked in the kitchen. They were talking about a trip they made to Russian a couple years ago when a terrorist went to ground after selling some arms and explosives to a rebel group aligning itself with factions of the Taliban. Brad went undercover and after three months posing as an arms dealer, nailed the guy and his right hand man in a dark warehouse area in the slums of Moscow. About at the end of the story, Billy came up for his usual fix of nicotine. Brad called him over and told him to get all the intelligence on North Korea that was available and unavailable. Billy never batted an eye and went out with Rocky on his heels.


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