Perkins & Co., 178, 191, 193, 201, 248
Persia, 156
Peru, 192, 290
Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire), 9
Pidgin English, xviii, 202
Pindar, Peter (John Wolcot), 42, 173
pirates, piracy, 105–16, 157, 183, 226, 229, 238, 293, 309, 325, 374, 402, 430
amateur, 105, 107
amnesty for, 114–16
black fleet, 115
and Britain, 90, 111–14, 118
day-to-day life, 110, 115
and evacuation of coast (1661), 106–7
Glasspoole, capture of (1809), 110–11, 115
hostages taken by, 110, 115, 130
and Jiaqing, 108, 111–13, 116, 118
at Macao, 112–13
Ming-loyalist, 107, 108
motivation of, 110
pacification of, 114–16, 118
Portuguese suppression of, 71, 90
Shi Yang’s confederation, 105–6, 108–9, 115, 117, 118, 238, 402
and Taiwan, 107–8
tributes paid to, 109, 111
Turner, capture of (1809), 110
and White Lotus rebellion (1794–1804), 106, 108, 114
planetarium, 18, 19, 29, 36–7, 46, 419
Plumb, Mr. (Jacobus Li), 24, 26, 30, 34, 35, 39, 161
Polo, Marco, 9
Portsmouth, 382
Portugal, Portuguese, 4, 10–11, 22, 25, 71–2, 86, 88, 90–91, 112, 127, 130, 155, 180, 233, 374, 424
France and, 72
Potala Palace, 137, 138
Pottinger, Henry, 400, 405–6
Present Position and Prospects of the British Trade with China, The (Matheson), 305–7
Private Views of the Canton Scholars, The, 294
prostitution, 104–5, 211, 242
Protestant missionaries, 84–5, 124, 126, 130, 180–81, 200, 240, 258, 265–6, 279
Providence, HMS, 77–9
Prussia, 81, 190
Qianlong emperor, 45, 116, 157, 162, 219, 285
abdication (1796), 57, 62, 95
accession to throne (1735), 45, 57
and Canton trade, 12, 16, 17, 39–40, 46, 47, 274, 292, 419
Central Asian wars, 45
childhood, 45
death (1799), 66, 77, 95, 99, 102
and European art, 47
expansion of empire under, 45, 46, 100
Flint’s petition (1759), 3–8, 395
George III’s correspondence with, 19, 34, 38–40, 46, 125, 214, 419, 421
and Heshen, 58–60, 64, 95, 96, 117
and land taxes, 48
literary encyclopedia, 45
Macartney’s kowtow to, 32–3, 35, 158–63, 169, 173, 228, 237, 272, 410, 411
Macartney’s visit to, 15–44, 58, 73, 139, 184, 228, 378, 419; see also Macartney mission
military power under, 118
and missionaries, 39, 47
old age, 46, 58, 150
and opium, 212
palace, 47
and population boom, 47–8, 49, 52
senility, 58, 64, 150
Staunton’s Chinese language, 35, 165, 384
and Western inventions, 37, 39, 46–7, 214
and White Lotus rebellion (1794–9), 53, 62, 64, 65–6, 99, 100, 209, 218, 285
Qing dynasty (1644–1912), xxii, 8, 9, 10, 18, 32, 43, 106, 209, 274, 402
decline during, 157, 209–10, 220, 285
corruption, see under corruption
economy, 47, 118, 221–5, 288–94, 308, 310, 327, 349
embassies to, 31–2
expansion of, 46, 100, 227, 230
fall of (1912), xxii, 426
founding of (1644), 11, 46, 106
government, stability of, 118
legal code, 78, 120–24, 147, 172, 397
military strength, xxiv, 100, 108, 112, 117–18, 157, 225–30, 291–2, 349, 370, 376, 398–9
and Ming loyalists, 51, 106, 107, 108
monetary system, 287
navy, xxiv, 107–9, 111, 113–14, 157, 230, 291, 312, 402
piracy and, see pirates, piracy
population boom, 47–8, 49, 52
queues, 241
rebellions, 60, 100, 106, 286, 292, 293, 425; see also White Lotus
and scholars, 97
standard of living, 10
and Taiwan, 286–7
taxation in, 5, 48, 194, 211, 214, 222, 287–8, 292, 294, 309, 310–11, 398
and Tibet, 139
and United States, 417–21
and Western science, 18–19, 29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 46–7, 214
White Lotus, see under White Lotus see also China
Qing emperors, xxv, 3, 5–8, 32, 97, 212
Daoguang, see Daoguang emperor
Jiaqing, see Jiaqing emperor
Kangxi, see Kangxi emperor
Qianlong, see Qianlong emperor
Yongzheng, see Yongzheng emperor
Qishan (governor-general), 336, 348, 360, 394–400
Charles Elliot’s negotiations with, 395–400
Quarterly Review, 122–3, 147, 172–3
railroads, 428–30
Rangpur, 134
Red Rover (ship), 257
Reform Act, see Great Reform Act
Reformation, 125
Rigby, Captain, 3–4
Roberts, John, 88, 90–94, 127–9, 149, 172, 231, 236
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 183
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 74
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 348
Round Hill School, Massachusetts, 178
Royal Asiatic Society, 154, 180
Royal Navy, 71–3, 77, 90, 91, 109, 113, 117, 118, 149–50, 173, 174, 269, 282, 313, 370
Opium War and, 392, 393–4
size and power of, 117
Royal Society, 80, 83, 86
Russell (ship), 149
Russell, Samuel, 191, 193
Russell & Co., 192, 193, 200–202, 257, 320–23, 348, 424, 428
and East India Company monopoly, 248
and Lin Zexu’s crackdown (1839), 355, 357, 373
and Low, 232, 233, 236
opium trade renounced by, 345–6, 357, 417
Russia, 16, 82, 89, 206, 370, 403
St. Albans, HMS, 113
Saint Helena, 174
sandalwood, 193
select committee, East India Company, 73, 94, 148, 164
and Baynes, 231, 235, 237
chief superintendent, replaced by, 267
and Chinese language, 79–80, 90–91, 128–32, 133, 180
and Lord Amherst voyage (1832), 258, 260, 263
and Manning, 84, 133
and Morrison, 88, 90–91, 128–32, 144
and opium trade, 185
petition for naval support (1831), 239, 243–4, 245, 249
and private traders, 234
taipan, 73, 148, 276–7, 317, 330
Shaanxi province, 52, 53, 57, 62
Shakespeare, William, 28, 156
Shanghai, 265, 406
Shanxi province, 50
Shi Yang, 104–6, 112, 115–16
death of, 116
pirate confederation of, 105–6, 108–9, 115, 117, 118, 238, 402
shrubbery incident (1831), 238–9, 240, 245, 249, 254, 378
Sichuan province, 52, 53, 57, 62, 63, 100, 101, 131
silk, 12, 38, 40, 47, 68, 159, 191, 286, 289, 291, 309, 326, 345, 393, 421
silver, 47–8, 185, 192, 287–91, 293–4, 318, 331–2
and copper, 287–8
and opium trade, 185, 214, 222–5, 289–91, 294, 308–10, 312, 331, 334
Spanish dollars, 192, 289
sycee, 287, 289–90, 291, 294, 310
world supply of, 290
Sindh, 424
Singapore, 227, 242, 261, 362
slavery, 53, 200, 409
Britain and, xxiv, 200, 251, 297–8, 313–14, 358–60, 371, 375, 382, 414–15
and Elliot, 313–14, 318, 358–60
and opium, xx
iv, 200, 297–8, 375, 382, 414–15
Smith, Adam, 9, 80, 266
Smith, John Abel, 366–7, 392
smuggling, xxii, xxiv, 183–5, 216–17, 257, 295–6, 319, 377, 392–3, 409, 423
Beijing seizure (1810), 212
and bribery, 183, 194, 212, 216, 217, 218, 293, 309, 331, 335, 424
and Elliot, 325–31, 341–5, 347, 363, 368, 377, 381
“fast crabs”, 216–17, 309
Jardine and Matheson, 190, 257–8, 264, 268, 289, 295, 298, 316, 319, 324, 331, 345, 347, 392–3, 407, 413
and legal authority, 316, 326, 327–8, 357, 368
and legalization, 311–12, 320, 327
and legitimate trade, 200, 368, 375
and Opium War, 377, 384–5, 409, 412
Nanjing Treaty (1842), 406–8
policing of, 225, 243, 286, 292, 309–10, 323–8, 331, 341–5, 350
and Staunton, 384–5
and topography, 292
see also opium trade
“Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China,” 267
South China Sea, 118, 132
Southeast Asia, 24, 89, 135, 193, 227, 240, 364
Spanish Armada, 105
Spanish dollars, 192, 289
Spectator, 377, 387, 388
Sphynx (ship), 149
statecraft scholarship, 220
Staunton, George Leonard
death of (1801), 79
on Heshen, 59
on Macartney mission (1793), 20–22, 24, 26, 30, 34, 59, 73, 120, 163, 271, 272, 273
social capital, 75
stroke suffered by, 74
Staunton, George Thomas
on Amherst mission (1816), 148, 151–7, 160–61, 163–7, 172, 300
and Banks, 83, 86
at Cambridge, 75
in Canton, 75–80, 148, 179, 321
and chief superintendent position, 267–9, 277, 278
and China Courts Bill, 328–30
and Chinese language, 24, 35, 39, 74, 75, 77, 78–9, 82, 86–7, 120–27, 227, 277, 319
and Davis, 300–301
and East India Company, 75–80, 120, 128, 250–54, 267, 295, 321
on Elliot, 383
and embassy to Beijing, 77, 119–20, 148
free trade, opposition to, 245, 250–54, 256, 267, 268, 300, 383
George III, audience with (1802), 80
and Hong merchants, 79
and Jardine, 268
and Jiaqing, 94, 119, 122, 152, 160
on Lin Zexu, 386
and Lindsay and Matheson’s call for war, 306–7, 371
Macartney, relationship with, 80
on Macartney mission (1793), 20–22, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 39, 120, 156, 160–61, 163
and Manning, 82, 83, 86–7, 127, 155
and Morrison, 86, 87, 154, 256
and Moseley, 125–6
and Napier, 273
on opium trade, 295, 382–9, 409, 425, 427
and Opium War, 382–9, 409, 411, 422
and Palmerston, 251, 328–30, 387, 388, 389
in Parliament, 250–54, 328–30, 382–90
and Providence incident, 77–9
and Qing legal code, 78, 120–24, 147, 172, 397
return to England after Amherst mission (1817), 179
and Royal Asiatic Society, 180
salary, 128
supercargo, appointed as (1804), 80, 245, 254
steamships, 402
“strategic hamlet” system, 102
Success (ship), 5–6, 7, 41
accidental killings incident (1784), 78
on Amherst mission (1816), 149
and Flint’s petition (1759), 3, 4, 7, 395
and free trade, 245, 254
and Hunter, capture of (1814), 150
and Lord Amherst voyage (1832), 264, 304
and Macao, blockade of (1802), 71–3, 90
and Macao, invasion of (1808), 71–3, 90–91, 93
and Macartney mission (1793), 25
Morrison’s views on, 88
and opium trade, 182, 296
and shrubbery incident (1831), 238–9, 244
and Staunton, 74, 76, 77, 80, 245, 254
and Staunton Sr, 73
taipan, 73
sycee silver, 287, 289–90, 291, 294, 310
Sylph (ship), 265
taipans, 73, 276, 317
Taiping Rebellion (1850–71), xxii, 425
Taiwan, 46, 100, 107, 108, 211, 286–7
Taiwan Strait, 107
Tang dynasty (618–907), 211
tea, 10, 12, 17, 71, 245, 248, 291, 296, 303, 346
Amherst mission (1816), 171
Boston Tea Party (1773), 416
British consumption of, 12
criticisms of, 195–6, 221
and free trade, 257
and Hong merchants, 68, 289, 294, 308–10
Houqua and, 202, 203
India, cultivation in, 83
and Jardine, 257
Macartney mission (1793), 31–2, 40
and opium trade, 183–4, 187, 214, 289, 294, 308–11, 326–7, 345–6, 353, 368
and Opium War, 376, 379, 395, 424
production centers, 5, 286
taxes on, 17, 88–9, 93, 244, 309, 379
Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, 251
and China Courts Bill, 328–30, 387
and compensation demands, 366–70
and Daoguang, 301, 395
and Davis, 301, 315
and Elliot, 315–17, 318, 326–8, 343–4, 357, 360, 362–3, 366, 368, 377, 379–81, 394
Gutzlaff’s reports to, 319
and Jardine, 304, 316, 318, 347, 392, 397
and Lindsay, 304–6, 316, 370, 402
and Napiers, 270–71, 275, 277–8, 279–80, 281, 282, 284, 297, 409–10
and Matheson, 302–4, 316, 318, 366–7, 370
and opium smugglers, 327–8, 344, 357, 368, 372, 377, 379, 381
and Opium War, 370–72, 377, 379–82, 387–9, 392, 394–9, 402, 404, 408, 422, 424
oratory, 251
and Qishan, negotiations with (1840), 394–9
and Smith, 366
and Staunton, 251, 328–30, 387, 388, 389
and Treaty of Nanjing (1842), 406, 407
and vote of no confidence (1841), 405
Thailand, 240
Thompson, George, 375
Thoms, P. P., 144
Tianjin, 5–7, 29–30, 241–2, 258, 336, 360, 394
Tibet, 41, 46, 100
Dalai Lama in, 137–41, 143, 164, 391
India and, 136, 140, 227
Lhasa, 139–41, 137–42, 154–5, 206
Manning’s deportation from, 142, 154–5
Manning’s journey to, 134–8, 184, 243, 262, 391
protectorate status of, 139
Tiger’s Mouth, Pearl River, 10–11, 41, 168, 272, 274–5, 282–3, 291, 299, 307, 326, 364–5, 370
Times (London), 17, 19, 171–2, 253, 262, 369, 372, 376, 383, 404–5, 421
Timor, 113
tobacco, 185, 196, 211, 214, 221, 297
Tolstoy, Leo, 206
Tongzhou, 29, 162, 164, 170
Treaty of Amiens (1802), 73, 82, 90, 91
Treaty of Nanjing (1842), 406–8, 417, 420
Treaty of Wanghia (1844), 420
Turkestan, 98
Turkish opium, 188, 191, 194, 197
Turner, John, 110
Tyler, John, 417–19
United Nations (UN), xxiii
United States, 10, 97, 155, 267, 370
Chinese trade with, xix, xxvi, 8, 16–17, 71, 172, 177, 178, 181, 192–3, 247–8, 320, 416–7, 420
Cushing mission to China, 418–20
Lewis and Clark expedition in, 193
Navy of, 149
Opium War as viewed in, 413–16
Robert Morrison in, 85–6
War of 1812, 149–51, 193
Vatican, 21, 22
a, Queen of the United Kingdom, 327, 347, 357, 363, 372, 413–14, 421
Lin Zexu’s letter to, 421–2
Vietnam, 25, 32, 71, 132–3
rebellion in, 106
Vietnam War, 102
Voltaire, 9, 49, 121, 172
Wanghia, Treaty of (1844), 420
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 206
War of 1812, 149–51, 193
Washington, George, 9–10, 178
Waterloo, Battle of, 150
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 9
Webster, Daniel, 417, 419
Weddell, Captain, 10–12, 272, 282
Wei Yuan, 423–4, 426, 427
Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 150, 389–90
Wellesley, Richard Wellesley, Lord, 72–3
Wellington Duke of, see Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington
Whampoa, xix–xx, 93, 149, 152, 177, 181, 182, 236, 289, 326, 341–3, 345, 363, 368
Alceste at, 168–70
Napier’s gunboats at, 282–3
Whig Party, 243–4, 250, 251, 314
and Opium War, 366, 371, 376–80, 387, 388, 394, 404–5, 412
vote of no confidence (1841), 405
White Lotus sects, 51, 218, 286
comet (1811), 206
Forbidden City invasion (1813), 206–8
and turning of the kalpa, 51, 55, 206
White Lotus rebellion (1794–1804), 51–7, 60–66, 69, 96, 99–104, 109, 117
and corruption, 61, 64–5, 67, 97, 99, 110, 285, 402, 430
costs of, 65–6, 68, 103, 104, 106, 117, 157, 222, 286
and Heshen, 64–5, 96
jianbi qingye strategy, 102–3
and Jiaqing, 62, 64, 68, 96, 99–104, 116, 157, 286, 402, 403
and military funding, 117, 286, 402, 403
and piracy, 106, 108, 114
and Qianlong, 53, 62, 64, 65–6, 99, 100, 209, 218, 285
suppression of, 62–6, 99–104, 114, 116, 117, 157, 222, 285
White River (Peiho; Bai He), 5, 28, 157, 159, 394, 395
Wholesome Advice Against the Abuse of Hot Liquors (Duncan), 195
Wilberforce, William, 409
William IV, King of the United Kingdom, 269, 282, 298
Wolcot, John (Peter Pindar), 42, 173
Wood, William, 320–21
Wordsworth, William, 82, 198
Wu Lanxiu, 293–4, 308, 309
Xiao Lingyu, 226–30
Bao Shichen and, 226
Xinjiang, 46
Xu Naiji, 308–11, 318, 320, 323–4, 327, 331–3, 336
Yalu River, 158
Yangzi River, 52, 68, 311, 363, 394, 405, 406
Yellow River Conservancy, 59
Yellow Sea, 17–18, 26, 158
Yongzheng emperor, 211–12, 220
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), 198
Yun, Abel, 87, 127
Yunnan province, 46, 100
Zhang (official), 159–60, 162, 165
Zhang Bao, 115–16, 238
Zhang Zhengmo, 51–7, 60–61
Zhao Jinxiu (Thomas Manning’s munshi), 133–7
Zhejiang province, 106–7
Imperial Twilight Page 67