The Edge of You

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The Edge of You Page 17

by Theresa Dalayne

  “It was worth it. Especially because now we never have to go back.”

  Still grinning, she dropped her hands to her sides. “I think you’re overreacting.” She sat on the couch and pulled her legs underneath her. “It’s obvious they really care about you.”

  “Yeah. My Aunt Sara has been like a second mom.” He plopped on the couch beside her. “And my uncle has been like…well, like a crazy uncle. They’re good people.”

  “That’s great.” Maya’s tone had turned solemn.

  Jake watched her eyes sadden. “Maya…”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced up at him. “I just…”

  He shifted toward her and draped his arm over her shoulder. “You miss your parents.”

  Maya nodded.

  “Why don’t you call your mom?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I don’t know what to say. I mean, she’s never been the Leave It to Beaver kind of mother, but she’s never talked to me like that before, either.” She stared into the distance. “I’ve always kind of blamed myself for what happened to Gracie. I was supposed to be watching her. And I had a feeling my mom resented me, but never said it aloud until now. Maya’s breath quivered. “She must really hate me.” The corners of her mouth turned down into a frown, deepened by a tremble in her bottom lip.

  “Hate is a strong word. I’m sure she’s just grieving. Have you ever talked to her about it, maybe in family counseling?”

  “No. It’s only been like eleven months since it happened, and my mom isn’t the type to talk. I think that’s why she started drinking in the first place. It was her escape.”

  “She had to be able to control it somehow.”

  Maya shrugged. “I guess…” Her eyes darted around, seemingly as hectic as her thoughts. “I guess I’m just not enough of a reason for her to stay sober.”

  She rested her head onto his shoulder. “Hey.” Jake spoke softly, his lips poised over her ear. “Don’t blame yourself for something like that.” He ran his fingers down the length of her hair. “You can’t control what she does.” His words didn’t seem to bring her any comfort. Maybe he could help take her mind off of it. “And you have other things to look forward to. We’re picking up your friend tomorrow.”

  Maya sat up straight. “Already?”

  He nodded. “And you have to turn in your art piece in a few days.”

  Her gaze flew to the canvas propped in the corner, still covered with a sheet. The color drained form her face. “Shit. I haven’t finished my painting yet.” She stood and walked toward the canvas. She gently slipped off the fabric and dropped it on the floor.

  Jake slowly pushed to his feet, peering at what seemed like a ghostly image hidden behind layers of color. “Wow.”

  Maya glanced over her shoulder, then back at the painting. “Yeah.” She threw her hair into a messy bun and slipped a paintbrush through it to keep it in place. “I need to work on it today. Maybe all night, too, if I want to get it done in time.”

  Jake walked into the kitchen and grabbed the coffee pot. “I’ll stay up with you.”

  She smiled. “You sure? It’ll probably be a late night.”

  He flipped on the sink and filled the coffee pot with water. “Late nights are my specialty.”

  She arched a brow. “We’ll see about that.” The way she ran her tongue over her bottom lip made his blood heat.

  When she turned her attention back to her painting, his mind continued to race. He leaned against the counter where he had her the night before, replaying every moment in his mind. The way her lean curves peeked from his T-shirt. How she prompted him forward by pushing her body against his, driving him over the edge. Her fingers curled in his hair. Her gentle moans filling the dark room. God help him, she tasted like heaven. His throat tightened.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with Beth staying here?”

  Maya’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat and continued making the coffee. “I don’t mind. How long is she staying again?”

  “A week.” She mixed paint in a white palette. “She’s been texting me non-stop about how excited she is.”

  A week. His rent was due in a week. Rent he didn’t have the money to pay.

  Maya looked back at him. “It sucks because we have school on Monday. I’m really not looking forward to going back. It’s been nice to have this time off with you.”

  Time off was exactly what he was trying to avoid.

  He turned on the coffee maker and watched the water drip slowly into the glass pot. The countdown was on. Not just for his future on Kodiak, but for his future with Maya, too.

  Chapter Thirty-five


  Maya stood beside Jake at the airport, waiting for Beth to walk off the tiny jet. When the green light over the door pinged on, Maya grabbed her purse and jumped to her feet. The door swung open, releasing a cold draft into the building.

  She searched the group of people descending the staircase from the plane, scanning every face until Beth stepped into sight, her strawberry blonde hair whipping in the wind.

  Maya’s heart swelled. She pushed through the crowd and stood on her tiptoes, trying to catch a better view. It seemed like forever since she had seen her best friend, and the anticipation was killing her.

  When Beth walked inside, they locked eyes, and Maya made no effort to suppress her smile. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for?” Beth said as she dropped her carry-on to the floor. “Where’s my hug?”

  Maya lunged forward and threw her arms around Beth, squeezing her tightly. “I’ve missed you so much!”

  Beth froze, her chin still propped on Maya’s shoulder. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “Is the guy who’s staring at us Mr. twenty-out-of-ten? You weren’t kidding. He is hot.” Beth pulled back, staring over Maya’s shoulder. “If I knew Alaska guys were like that, I would have moved here with you.”

  Maya stepped to the side, blocking her friend’s view. “Don’t embarrass me. Please.” Considering her friend’s track record, that was asking a lot.

  “Oh, come on, Maya. You think I’d do something like that?” Beth grabbed her bag and grinned. “Come on. Let’s meet Mr. Perfect.”

  Maya walked beside her friend until they reached Jake. Beth’s lips parted, her gaze dragging way to obviously from his head to his toes. “So.” She bit her lip. “You’re Jake.”

  He nodded and extended his hand. “Yeah. And you’re Beth.”

  Beth smiled and placed the strap of her carry-on in his outstretched hand. “Yes I am. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She glanced at Maya. “I just hope all of it’s true.”

  Maya nudged Beth in the ribs. Usually Maya wasn’t the type to kiss and tell, but Beth was her best friend, and she promised not to say anything. Especially since the words mind blowing and the tongue of a god weresaid more than once in their conversation.

  “I hope whatever Maya told you about me was good.” Jake seemed happy to take Beth’s bag.

  Beth grinned. “Oh, it was.”

  “Okay.” Maya grabbed Beth by the arm. “We should go—unless you have another bag?”

  Beth shook her head. “Just the one.”

  “Awesome.” Maya squeezed her friend’s arm tighter as they walked out to the car. Thankfully, she took the hint.

  The views of Kodiak seemed to entrance Beth the entire way to Jake’s apartment. It was the first time Maya had seen her so quiet in…well, ever. Ten minutes later, Jake parked in his complex. “All right, ladies.” He stepped out of the car. Maya followed after Beth.

  “So this is the love nest, huh?” Beth studied the grungy apartment buildings. “Nice.”

  “No it’s not,” Jake said with confidence. “But it’s home.”

  Beth glanced at Maya, worry in her eyes. “Home. Right.”

  Maya walked ahead, knowing she would only be able to avoid her friend’s questions for so long.

  The next few hours were spent decompressing
from Beth’s travels and eating a good meal. Maya stood at the sink washing dishes after their pasta dinner, while Jake settled on the couch, flipping through TV channels.

  Beth placed another plate in the sink and moved to Maya’s side. “So,” Beth said casually. “When are you going to talk to me about your parents?”

  Maya lathered the plate with more bubbles than necessary. She didn’t mind telling Beth about it, but hashing it out all over again was like beating a dead horse. Until her mom got help for her addiction, there was nothing Maya could do to mend their relationship. If their relationship could ever be mended. She wasn’t sure anymore.

  “Well.” Beth grabbed a dishtowel and dried a clean plate. “I’m just glad you have someone here for you. Otherwise I think I’d drag you back to California.”

  Maya huffed. “That may not be such a bad idea.”

  Beth set down one plate and picked up another, watching Maya the entire time. “What do you mean?”

  Maya glanced at Jake. The ache in her heart flared. “Jake is going home ‘cause his mom is sick.”

  “Where’s home?”

  Maya sighed. “Washington State.”

  Beth paused, and then set down the dish. “I’m sorry, honey. I know how hard that’s got to be for you.”

  “Yeah.” Maya rinsed another plate and handed it to Beth. Harder than even she expected.

  Jake’s phone rang. His muscles visibly tensed and he answered it. “Hello?” Relief flooded his features. “Oh, hey, Uncle Mike.” There was a moment of silence. “Really?” A smile spread over his lips. “No, no. That’s great. I can start tomorrow.” Maya stopped scrubbing a plate, her hands covered in soap as she waited not so patiently to hear the good news. “Thanks a lot. I owe you one.” He hung up the phone and faced Maya.

  Maya set down the dishes and wiped her hands dry with a towel. “Well? What happened?”

  “My uncle found me a job. A local contractor was just approved to build a new housing development near Bells Flats, and they need some guys to do the roofs.”

  Maya’s heart jumped. “Really? That’s great!”

  The dimple in his cheek showed as he grinned, an obvious weight lifted from his shoulders.

  It meant she didn’t have to dread the day she watched him board a plane and leave her alone. The idea of losing him made her feel sick.

  Beth nudged Maya forward. “Why are you not making out with him right now?”

  Usually Maya would have been annoyed at a comment like that, but Beth was right. It was reason to celebrate. She closed the gap between her and Jake and threw her arms around him. Jake lifted her off the floor and spun her in a half circle, kissing her. She smiled against his lips. He set her down and worked his fingers into her hair, kissing her deeper.

  Beth cleared her throat. “Something tells me this is a good time to take a shower.” She sidestepped out of view.

  Jake glanced up as the door to the bathroom clicked shut. “Your friend is…”

  “Yeah. She’s a pain in the ass. But she’s the most amazing person you’ll ever meet.”

  Jake pulled her closer to him. “No, she’s not.” He leaned in and kissed her again, soft and tender, his hands warm on her back.


  Flashes of light sparked behind Maya’s eyes as she slept. The light formed into rays of sun beating down on her shoulders, and warm grains of sand that pushed between her toes.

  She inhaled the salty sea air. Gracie’s giggles prompted Maya to open her eyes and look down at her sister with messy brown hair, streaked blonde from the sun.

  Gracie squinted up at her with a beaming smile. “Look, Maya. It’s a seashell.”

  Maya watched her stoop on the wet sand, digging with a stick while she picked out shiny pebbles and pink shells.

  A wave rolled onto the shore and bubbled over Gracie’s bare feet, then wrapped around her ankles before pulling back again. Gracie wiggled her toes, and then looked out at the open ocean. “The water’s warm,” she squealed. “Let’s go swimming!”

  Before Maya could react, Gracie ran straight into the ocean. “Gracie, stop!” Maya charged into the waves after her, but her sister had already vanished under the surface. “Gracie!”

  Maya gasped and sat up straight in bed, opening her eyes to a dark, quiet room. Jake’s living room. Beth slept beside her with a mask pulled over her eyes.

  Maya swung her feet over the sleeper couch and planted them on the floor. When they first began, Beth reassured her the dreams of Gracie would eventually fade away, or at least subside. But it seemed that with every dream, it only became more lifelike, every detail more vivid, every sound and smell sharper than the time before.

  When she woke up from this dream, Maya usually painted. It was her way of purging her emotions. But that would mean waking up Beth, and from her experience, that was a bad idea.

  Maya’s attention shifted to Jake’s bedroom door. It was insane to think he’d be awake that late. Especially when he started his job in the morning. But she was shaken, and her desire to lie beside him with his arms wrapped around her was overwhelming.

  She threw the covers off and rolled out of bed. A shiver crawled down her back. Tiptoeing, she headed toward Jake’s bedroom and wrapped her fingers around the handle. She opened the door just enough to peek inside.

  Jake lay on his back, shirtless, a blanket half draped over him with the rest hanging off the bed. Light pushed through the curtains from the streetlamp outside, accentuating the planes of his abs and bare chest.

  Maya slipped into his room and gently closed the door. She shook out her trembling hands. Damn those dreams, and the fact that every time she woke from one, her entire body ached with grief.

  Jake pushed onto his forearms. The light cast over his face, making his eyes almost glow in the darkness. “Maya?”

  She stepped toward him. “I’m sorry. I just…”

  He sat up straighter. “Are you okay?”

  “I just…had a bad dream.” That sounded pathetic.

  “Oh.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You know what, I’m just going to go back to bed.” She gestured over her shoulder. “I’ll be fine. I’m sorry for waking you up.” She turned around, her entire body flushed with humiliation.

  “Hey.” She paused beside the door. “You don’t have to leave.” He pulled down the covers, inviting her to bed.

  Her gaze drifted over the bold lines of his tattoos and the glint of his eyebrow ring. Her heart sped up, increasing the shakiness of her hands. Maya stepped toward him. As his gaze intensified, her body flushed with heat.

  This time she wouldn’t hold back.

  Chapter Thirty-six


  He wasn’t sure what kind of dream would scare Maya into his arms, but if he were honest with himself, he had wanted her to wander into his bedroom since the first night she stayed in his apartment.

  She lingered by the foot of his bed, waves of hair falling over her shoulders. His gaze wandered over the low neckline of her shirt, down the curves of her lean torso, to her shorts that were lined in lace.

  Heat crawled through his body, gripping his gut.

  Maya’s footsteps quietly padded around the side of his bed and slid under the covers. Her bare legs brushed against his. He pulled the covers over her and ran his hand up her thigh. God help him, her skin was like silk.

  She scooted closer and draped her leg over his body. He worked to keep his breath steady as his heart began to race under her touch. “What was your dream about?”

  Maya rested her cheek against the pillow. “My sister. I always have the same dream, and it freaks me out every time.” Her chest quivered against his. “I hope you don’t mind I came in here. I know it’s stupid.”

  Jake chuckled and ran his hand over her ass, down the length of her thigh. Damn, she felt so good against him. “No it’s not.”

  She glanced up at him with a shy smile, making his blood rush. “Thanks.” She wrapped her arms around
him. His skin warmed under the tiny circles she made over his skin with the tips of her fingers. “Can I sleep here tonight?”

  He brushed hair away from her face. “Just tonight?” He leaned in to kiss her. She responded by pulling him closer. There was no hope of hiding his obvious sign of arousal. Maya moaned when her hips brushed against his, nearly ruining him.

  His veins flooded with adrenaline. He had wanted her for so long. Now that there was no risk of leaving, of hurting her, there was no reason to hold back.

  She pressed her palm against his shoulder, pushed him on his back and straddled him. His fingers dug into her hips. She slipped off her shirt and tossed it to the floor.

  Jake wrapped his arms around her, skin on skin. The rhythm of her breath was like heaven, and the sensation of her hot mouth running down his neck made him forget all possible reasons to stop. She was a fucking angel. She kissed him, sliding her tongue over his. Her teeth pinched his bottom lip.

  He couldn’t take her teasing anymore.

  His muscles tensed, and he flipped her on her back. He didn’t just want her.

  He wanted to take her.

  She curled her legs around his body and tilted up her head as he kissed down her neck, over her collarbone, to the curve between her breasts. Everything about her was perfect. He still had no idea what the fuck he did to deserve her, but he was done with pushing her away or being afraid.

  Jake reached into the top drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a condom. He held it between his fingers. “I got some a few days ago, just in case.” He paused, studying her. “Are you okay?”

  She gently ran her fingers through his hair, the edges of her mouth curving into a soft smile. “I’m better, thanks to you.” When he responded with a curious gaze, she let out a faint laugh. “You really have no idea, do you?”

  He stared down at her. “What?”

  Maya brushed strands of hair out of her face, onto the pillow. Her smell would probably stay in his sheets for days. “You’ve stopped me from hating myself.”

  Jake moved closer, supporting most of his weight on his forearms as he kissed her. He didn’t understand how she could hate herself. That was reserved for people like him—losers who were trying to claw their way out of their pathetic lives.


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