Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 3

by J. a Melville

  The usual mating ritual was beginning for some and I smiled to myself as I settled in ready for doing as I always did anytime I allowed Cassie to talk me into coming out with her, I drank and people watched. I enjoyed people watching, it was at times very entertaining.

  When we’d finished our first drinks, I got up to buy us another round and carefully negotiated my way to the bar to avoid falling off my heels. While I waited in line I again had that sensation of being watched and I turned, my eyes scanning the room but due to the crowds of people, it was impossible to tell where the feeling of being watched was coming from. Of course when I turned several men seemed to think I was looking at them and a couple gave me a hopeful smile but I spun around again to face the bar, stumbling slightly when I nearly fell off my damned heels.

  Finally I was served and carefully made my way back to Cassie who was being chatted up by some man I saw as I approached. Typical, she always attracted the men and after a sip of her drink she gave me an apologetic smile as she stood up to go and dance with the attractive man she’d been talking to.

  As I watched them dance, I drank my second Baileys faster than I should have and sighed happily when I felt the buzz in my head start up. I was just reaching that pleasantly tipsy stage when Cassie came back minus her admirer and she flopped back down on her stool, wiping her slightly sweat dampened hair off her forehead.

  “So what happened to Prince Charming?” I asked and she curled up her lip.

  “Prince Charming? More like Prince Arming. He was all hands on the dance floor. I mean he was kind of cute but I like to get to know them a little bit first at least and not have to put up with being pawed at on the dance floor.”

  I kind of agreed with her but at the same time I wasn’t sure Cassie was aware how lucky she was. At least men wanted to spend time with her, go to bed with her. I was the one who just settled for watching her having a good time and often lying in bed listening to the pounding of her bedhead against the wall and the sighs and moans coming from her room. Fuck my life seriously. Well that was it really. I so badly needed to get laid but at the same time I couldn’t bring myself to settle for just anyone. If I lowered my standards I’d have no problems finding a fuck for the night but I couldn’t do it.

  “Come and dance with me Allie.” Cassie’s voice dragged me out of my miserable thoughts.

  Just as I was about to ask her if she was crazy? How could I dance wearing these heels, that song came on that instantly made us crack up, almost laughing until we cried.

  “WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY???” We both sang loudly and with enough alcohol in me to loosen my inhibitions I got up with Cassie and we headed for the dance floor.

  We found a spot on the crowded floor and began to dance, both hanging off one another as we continued to sing and laugh over the words to the song.

  A group of men danced their way over to us and circled us occasionally bumping hips with us, slowly building up the bodily contact. Me being nicely tipsy at that point didn’t care and with my back to one man, I swayed and gyrated suggestively until he put his arms around me, grinding his groin against my ass as we danced.

  Through the haze of alcohol and growing sexual tension I was vaguely aware that it felt like I was being watched again. Slowly I danced a full circle, trying to scan the room but it was impossible in the sea of bodies to notice if there was someone watching from somewhere or not.

  When the music stopped and a song came on that neither Cassie or I wanted to dance to, we both left the dance floor, politely indicating to the men that had danced with us that we didn’t need their company.

  While Cass went to get more drinks, I headed for the ladies room to make some room for more alcohol and to touch up my lipstick, tossing my hair over my back again to fluff it up the way I’d been instructed to do it.

  After hitching my dress down as low as I could get it I left the restroom and started walking back towards where Cassie was waiting for me. Suddenly the man I’d danced with earlier stepped in front of me and grabbed me around the waist pulling me into his arms. I stumbled on my high heels and fell against him which he took as the green light from me and I felt his hot breath on my face just before his lips closed over mine in a wet kiss that tasted of cheap beer.

  I struggled to get free of his surprisingly firm grip but he wouldn’t let go and all I could think was he was ruining my lipstick and his kiss was just awful. Feeling like I had a dog licking my face was not my idea of a hot and sexy kiss at all.

  With my hands braced against his chest, I shoved hard and managed to break the lip lock he had on me, raising one hand to wipe his saliva off my face. He tried to pull me back to him but suddenly an arm closed around my waist from behind and the slobbering oaf who had been kissing me looked at something or someone beyond my shoulder and I watched fear light up his eyes before he released me and took off like his ass was on fire.

  What on earth had caused that reaction? I suddenly became aware that there was still an arm around me and I glanced down at it, noting that it was muscled, with fine dark hairs scattered over it. The skin was cool to the touch despite the warmth from all the bodies in the club and I knew I had to see what the owner of that arm looked like.

  Before I could turn within the confines of the arm holding me, I was pulled back until I was resting against a firm, rock solid chest and hard abs. Everything about the man holding me was hard and I wanted to see him but he was restraining me as if he didn’t want me to turn and see him.

  I twisted my neck and glanced up to try and get a look at him despite the dim lighting and lost my balance on my impossibly high heels, stumbling. I might have fallen if it wasn’t for the arm around me and when I started to fall, the other arm locked around me, holding me upright until I could regain my balance on my gravity defying heels.

  From my limited view I could see that the man was tall. He towered over me in my heels and had to be well over 6 foot. He had a slightly olive complexion so he wasn’t Australian but the eyes threw me, the brief glimpse I got of them. They were blue, a blue so intense, so brilliant, they seemed almost to glow and with a slightly purplish hue to them too. I couldn’t look away as he gazed down at me. My god but he was beautiful. His hair was black, ebony black, so black it appeared to shine with a bluish appearance under the dim lighting.

  It was long, brushing his shoulders and I could just make out some strange tattoo on his neck, partially obstructed by his hair. I tried to stare at it more closely as it looked like a barcode almost, like they scan at the shops, but that couldn’t be it.

  He had that incredibly sexy facial hair. Not enough to be a beard but more than a 5 o’clock shadow. I didn’t really care what it was, all I knew was it was sexy as hell on him.

  I realised that he was staring at me, those mesmerizing eyes of his moving over my face and as I watched, his tongue came out and circled his lips. My gaze shifted to them as I followed the movement and they too were magnificent, full with a sensual curve to the lower lip. “Oh my god, you’re beautiful.” I whispered under my breath and his lips curved up revealing perfect, very white teeth.

  “So are you bella donna.” His voice was deep and flowed over my senses like velvet, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up in reaction.

  “Thank you for rescuing me.” I said, desperate to find some reason to keep him with me, holding me.

  “You’re welcome.” His husky voice sent a shiver through me again. Damn but his voice was amazing. I could feel myself getting wet just listening to him. To have sex with a man like him? I nearly went weak at the knees just thinking about it.

  He grinned at me, one eyebrow raised and I felt myself blush. God, did I say that out aloud? No, I’m sure I hadn’t but the look he was giving me had me worried that I had.

  “Are you alright bella?” He questioned and I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn’t said it out loud, I guess it was the fact that I wouldn’t stop looking at him. I had to look away I knew but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t se
em to move my gaze from his.

  I wondered what bella meant since he had said it to me twice now and I figured that maybe I should give him my name. “My name is Allegra.” I told him, still unable to remove my eyes from his gorgeous face.

  “Allegra.” My name rolled off his lips and fuck me, but he made it sound so sexy. Never had I thought of my name as being sexy but this stunning, god like creature who was still holding me I noticed had managed to make my name and me for that matter seem sexy.

  “What’s your name?” I asked him. I needed to know who this amazing specimen of a man was. I needed to know what name I’d be calling out when I got together with my vibrator later on.

  “Dominick Cavallo although sometimes people call me Nick for short.” He said and I almost combusted in his arms. My god, a sexy man, a sexy name and all said in that deep, husky voice with a trace of an accent, Greek, Italian maybe?

  “Allie, Allie, where the hell have you been?” Cassie’s voice suddenly interrupted my blatant drooling over Dominick and I felt his arms drop away from me. Instantly I missed the feel of his strong arms holding me and I turned to my house mate in frustration.

  “I went to the ladies Cass and then had problems with one of those men from the dance floor but this man was kind enough to save me.” I waved over my shoulder and saw Cassie frown, confusion marring her features.

  “What man?” She asked and I spun around to see the man who was the most stunning thing I’d ever seen in my life, but he was gone. My gorgeous saviour was gone.

  Chapter Three.


  Dominick cursed softly under his breath as he moved quickly through the club until he got to the stairs to the upper level. Fuck that woman’s timing. He’d been watching his bella donna all evening right from when she first arrived with her loud friend at the club earlier.

  He’d smelt her before he’d seen her. She had a sweetness to her scent that still shone through the perfume she wore. She had driven him crazy from the moment he’d first seen her, smelt her and instantly he’d wanted her. He’d waited so long for this moment, it felt like forever and finally when he’d slowly started to accept that he might spend eternity alone, he’d seen her, the woman that was meant to be his.

  She was a vision, wearing red. Of course she would be wearing red. A dress the same colour as blood. The colour of life, the colour of life’s force. She was tall, her body curvy, her legs long and shapely and that hair, that amazing mane of hair that flowed down her back to the sweet curve of that tight little ass of hers.

  “Allegra.” He whispered her name as he stood upstairs watching her from the darkness. Even over the smells of all the people in the club, the smell of alcohol, sweat and a confusing mix of perfumes and aftershaves, he could still smell her sweetness.

  He growled with frustration at how close he’d been to her. He couldn’t believe his luck when he’d seen her being pawed at and kissed by the one from the dance floor and his blood had nearly boiled in his veins as he’d fought the natural urge to tear the throat right out of the person manhandling his woman.

  He’d turned the full force of his fury upon the man who had been kissing her against her will and he’d known when the fear showed in the other man’s eyes that his would have been glowing as they did when he was consumed with an overwhelming sense of rage.

  Finally he’d had a chance to touch her, hold her, absorb her warmth, her scent and he’d longed to pull her hard against him, to press his aching body to hers, to push his throbbing cock against the curve of her ass. He had decided not to though, there would be time for that later but he so badly wanted to taste her sweetness. He’d had to fight the strong feelings she evoked in him.

  What had made it even better was the fact that she seemed taken with him. She had become aroused, he could smell it coming off her in waves and it showed in the dilation of her pupils and the way her nipples had hardened and pressed up against that blood red dress of hers that clung to her body lovingly, almost reverently.

  Then that other woman had turned up and blown the moment for him. He’d had no choice but to let her go and slip quietly away before she could point him out to her friend with the loud mouth.

  He wasn’t ready to deal with others yet until he had his bella donna, his Allegra. Once she was his, once she’d given him some of her life force, then their connection would become strong, with every feed it would become stronger and stronger until there was no turning back for either of them, she would be his for eternity. They would be one.

  With a small smile on his face Dominick focused his attention back on the woman below. She was easy to track in that dress of hers and with that mane of hair that was longer than he’d ever seen before. He longed for the night when he could wrap that hair around his hands and hold it like reins while he fucked her, while he fucked her hard and he fucked her fast. He wanted his cock to feel her warmth, the warmth of her wet cunt as he took her and then to fuck her up the ass as well. Just thinking about being inside her made him hard and he cursed again that her friend had interrupted them.

  The small satisfaction for Dominick as he spent the next few hours watching his bellezza as she drank with her friend and danced once more was the fact that he could tell by the way her eyes frequently scanned the crowds and he noted the pensive look on her face that she wanted him back every bit as badly as he wanted to go to her, but he couldn’t, not yet, not now.


  I spent the next few hours at the night club just wanting to go home. Cassie thought I was crazy and had been drinking too much and that I must have hallucinated a man, something she seemed to find hilarious if the peals of laughter were any indication.

  For the umpteenth time I tried to tell her again about the man whose appearance in my life if only briefly was going to be burned into my brain for all eternity. He was the most stunning example of the male form I’d ever laid eyes on and that was all I could think about, getting laid by him but sadly that wasn’t going to happen now. Like it or not, he was gone, chased off by my bloody house mate who was still giggling at me in her more than tipsy state as she drank her sixth Baileys and Ice.

  “If he was so damned good looking Allie and seemed into you if he was holding you, then why did he run off? I’m serious, I never saw him. Are you sure he was really there?”

  I gave her another withering look. “I’d only had two drinks by then and even now, I’m not drunk, I can remember what happened and trust me, a man that looked like him is not something you forget in a hurry but he left and I don’t know where he went. I have no phone number for him or anything, just his name.”

  “Well what was his name again? Maybe we can ask around or look him up in the phone book. You might get lucky.” Cassie said, her voice sounding a little slurred from the alcohol.

  “God I wish.” I muttered to myself. Get lucky I meant. God dammit, the first man in ages I’d had any real interest in and he was gone. It was depressing just thinking about it. “I want to go home, are you ready to leave?” I asked hoping desperately that she would say yes. I just wanted to get home so I could wallow in self pity and spend some time with my back up boyfriend which was one of the names I had for my vibrator. Normally I had a good relationship with it but tonight I wanted him, I wanted Dominick to be the one making me come, not my battery operated boyfriend.

  Of course I could say that now but I’d never really been one for leaping into bed with a man on the first date. My encounter with Mr Dark and Mysterious could hardly be called a date so even less reason for me to jump the man’s bones after having just met, but something about him made me want to forget the rules of dating I normally had and throw caution to the wind and have a one night stand. Even though inside I suspected one night would never be enough with a man like him.

  “Oh come on Allie. You’re making me depressed now. There’s no good men here tonight so let’s head home to our vibrators, shall we?” She grinned at me and I couldn’t help laughing at her bubbly enthusiasm e
ven if we were both just facing some time spent with our plastic boyfriends.

  We finished off the last of our drinks and I carefully stood up, hitching my dress down to a decent level if just below my ass could be classed as decent and with a final glance around the room, wishing desperately that Dominick would suddenly show before me again, I followed Cassie out of the night club to where a line of waiting taxis were.

  Just as I was about to climb in, I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched and I scanned the darkened car park and the grounds surrounding the club but in the darkness I could see nothing. With a stab of disappointment I followed Cassie into the taxi, my heart heavy with the realization that I would probably never see the god like creature that I had had my brief encounter with.



  Dominick watched his bellezza with her loud friend for the next few hours and as he watched her expression and her body language as the evening wore on, he had to fight the strong urge to go to her when he saw her expression become more and more sad. She still scanned the room sometimes and he knew she was looking for him. The attraction, the pull to her was obviously as strong for her as it was for him, which proved to him even more that they were destined for one another.

  Now all he had to do was not lose sight of her and get her alone because what he had planned for her was to be a very private thing.

  When he saw her and her friend finally stand up to leave, he quickly exited the nightclub, moving with his usual speed, agility and stealth so he wouldn’t be seen by anyone but especially not Allegra. He didn’t want her to know he’d never left the club. The time to approach her again had to be very carefully thought out as he was not going to let her get away again without first sampling her life force. He had to do it to start preparing her for the bonding of their minds and bodies but he needed to do it for him too because he wanted her so badly and he knew, he knew by her scent alone that she was going to be unlike anything he’d ever had before.

  He had himself safely tucked away in the shadows watching for her when they both finally stepped from the night club, heading for the first taxi in the line up and he smiled to himself when he saw his bella stop and her eyes move around as if looking for someone. She couldn’t see him, he was too well hidden for that but it only served to prove that their connection was far stronger than she realised because it was obvious that she sensed him, that she somehow knew he was nearby.


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