Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 14

by J. a Melville

  “Oh come on Nicky boy. You look so miserable. Come and let you little sister kick your head in. That should make you feel so much better.” Fran’s voice cut through his thoughts.

  He laughed despite his mood. “Dream on Fran. The only head kicking is going to be me kicking you. Come on, let’s go to the weapons room so you can pick your weapon of choice.”

  He slipped his arm around her neck, tightening his hold on her as he pulled her into his side. He pretended to choke her and Fran growled hitting him in his side as they headed down the vast marble hallway, bickering and carrying on like a typical brother and sister.

  Chapter Twelve.


  Well I was finished, I’d done it, I was happy. The last changes had been made to my book and I’d emailed it to Frank for his approval. It was time to celebrate and looking up at the clock, my celebration could begin in a little over two hours when Dominick would show at my door.

  The celebration had been dampened a little by the phone call earlier to say that Fabian would be dropping in to see us and he had specifically asked for Cassie to accompany us.

  I had to wonder what Fabian wanted with Cassie but since she’d thought he was good looking and had been wildly excited when I’d called her at work to see if she was prepared to come to Dominick’s tonight, I realised I had to let her decide what she wanted to do when it came to Fabian. She was older and more experienced with men than I was but Fabian was no ordinary man and something told me that happily ever after would not be on the cards with someone like him.

  The only thing that gave me reason not worry about Cassie too much was her attitude to it all. She seemed only to be focused on maybe having sex with him, not moving in with him.

  When Cassie got home from work, she spent time preparing me again despite my protests that Dominick had seen me plenty of times since the night of the club, in my own clothes and seemed happy with how I looked but it was like talking to a brick wall with her. She wouldn’t listen and insisted on forcing me into a lilac coloured dress that hugged every curve of my body with cream coloured high heeled shoes and a matching bag. She had braided my hair and it still hung to almost my waist looking neat and well groomed due to her handy work.

  I had been skillfully made up and apparently looked good enough to eat according to Cass. I could only hope that Dominick was of the same opinion although his version of eating me and Cassie’s probably varied greatly. Just as well his blood accelerated my healing or I’d be looking like a big pin cushion by now with all the blood letting.

  Cassie dressed in an even tighter, shorter dress than mine. It was a glittering red with a rounded neckline at the front but the back was gone, cut away to just above the curve of her ass. She wore matching red glittery shoes and had a small glittery clutch purse. I looked at the whole ensemble with a grin. Seriously who bought matching shoes and a bag to go with a dress that glittered? Well, my house mate obviously.

  “How do I look.” She asked nervously and I found myself studying her expression. Did she want Fabian that much? He was amazingly good looking as they all were but his eyes freaked me out a bit. I felt like he could see inside me when he looked at me.

  “You will be careful Cass won’t you? I get the impression Fabian’s a bit of a playboy. I hope you’re not looking at him as a potential new boyfriend because from what Dominick’s told me, he is more interested in being Mr Right Now not Mr Right.”

  “Don’t worry Allie. I’m not a child and a bit of right now is just what I’m looking for. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex and if the opportunity arises I’m not going to knock it back. The man is hot after all.” She grinned at me and all I could do was shake my head. I’d warned her, there wasn’t much else I could do.

  When we both heard the knock at the door a few minutes later, I rushed to answer it, standing with my mouth hanging open when my eyes fell on Dominick. There really should be a law against him looking so good. He was dressed in dark blue jeans that looked new, a white t-shirt and black leather jacket. God but I just wanted to rip his clothes off him and have my way with him immediately and to hell with the fact that Cassie would see us.

  “Ciao mia bella. You look stunning tonight.” He bent to kiss me and that divine, intoxicating scent of his hit me.

  Fuck but he smelt amazing and damn but I wish I knew what it was he said to me. I really needed to find a book that could translate Italian for me, or I could just ask him I suppose.

  “Damn you Dominick you make everything you say sound sexy but it’s not fair, some of what you say I can’t understand.”

  He gave me that slow sexy smile that revealed those perfect teeth of his. “Well tonight I said hello my beautiful and that is because you are. You only have to ask me when I say it and I will translate for you cara.”

  “There you go again. What is cara then?” I asked.

  “Cara is precious, dear, any kind of endearment Allegra.” He sighed. “You are so inquisitive, now is your house mate ready to go?”

  “I sure am.” Cassie suddenly appeared in the hallway. “What is it with hallways you two? You spend nearly as long here as you do anywhere else in the house.”

  Dominick chuckled and I melted at the sound. “I fully intended coming to see you Cassandra but I was occupied with Allegra and I have not had a chance to greet her properly yet so I would appreciate it if you could give us a moment’s privacy please.”

  “Sure.” Cassie said and winked at me before turning and waltzing off out to the kitchen.

  “Now if your Italian lesson is over for the time being cara I would very much like to kiss you.”

  Oh fuck but he nearly had me on the floor with the way he spoke. “I would very much like you to kiss me Dominick.” I said, tilting my head up to his.

  He cupped my cheeks in his hands and lowered his head, his lips closing over mine and I sighed into his mouth, my arms rising up to wrap around his neck, my fingers tunneling through his long silky hair.

  He groaned and pulled me closer until I could feel his erection pressing into me. “Dammit.” He whispered against my lips. “I want you cara and I can’t have you. It is painful having to deny myself access to your delectable body but we can’t do anything here and Fabian will be at my home in a little over an hour and trust me, I do not wish to fuck you quickly, I would like to take my time and fuck you until you scream my name. Would you like that too cara?”

  “Oh god.” I whispered as moisture flooded my panties at his words. “What do you think?” I asked.

  Dominick’s nostrils flared and I could see the arousal in those stunning eyes of his. “I think that you would like me to fuck you cara and make you scream my name. I can smell your arousal, I can smell that you are wet and I hear the pounding of your heart and it excites me very much, but this is not the time for me to do this for you. Later, it will have to be later tonight and as I said the other day, I’m hoping that I might be able to persuade you to enjoy some of the things I keep in my home.”

  “What things Dominick?” I asked but he simply smiled.

  “Now that would spoil the surprise cara. Come, we must get going. I don’t like to be late and Fabian does not appreciate anyone being late either. Are you ready to go?” He asked and I nodded.

  “Let me just get my overnight bag and then I’m ready.”

  I left him to go and grab my bag that was packed and waiting in the living room and I called to Cassie that we were ready to go. Once I locked up the house, we all walked out to Dominick’s car and climbed in ready for the drive to his home.


  Dominick wasn’t accustomed to feeling nervous. It wasn’t a typical vampire response but with Allegra coming to his home and Fabian coming too, there were so many ways this could all go horribly wrong.

  He glanced at Cassandra in the rear view mirror of the car and knew she didn’t have a hope in hell of not ending up in Fabian’s bed. She had sex written all over her in the dress she wore and with the excitement sh
ining in her eyes, he would be all over her in no time.

  He turned to the beauty alongside of him as he pulled into the driveway of his Victorian home and watched her face as she stared up at the big two storey timber home.

  He helped them both out of the car and took Allegra’s hand to lead her up the stairs and across the large sprawling verandah of his home, to the front door.

  Once they stepped inside he watched both women as they explored his fully restored home. It had been in his family for 200 years and had gone through many generations until finally he was the last living relative if being vampire could be classed as living of course.

  “Can I get you ladies anything to drink?” He asked, seeing the surprise in Allegra’s eyes.

  “Do you have anything alcoholic?” Cassie asked.

  “Wine, beer, that’s all I’m sorry. I don’t drink myself.”

  “I’ll have wine please, so when’s your dad due to arrive?” The excitement in Cassie’s eyes made Dominick tense. She had no idea what she was inviting into her life and her body.

  “He will be here very soon Cassandra. I’ll get you that glass of wine now.”

  He strode off to the kitchen which was quite sterile looking given he never used it. There was a fridge though as he had to be prepared to offer drinks for his human guests.

  Allegra followed him and looked around while he poured the wine. He watched her, the curves of her body showcased perfectly in the purple dress she wore. He could feel his fangs wanting to descend as she was turning him on with every move of her luscious figure. Fuck that the loud friend was here and that he had invited Fabian over.

  Was he making a mistake doing this? Fabian was not one who would pretend to be more respectable or refined. If he wanted it, he would take it and he wanted Cassandra. Perhaps it might have been better to have shown more patience and gradually introduced Allegra to his lifestyle. It might have taken longer to get her to agree to being turned but it might have been less of a shock.

  He took the wine through to Cass and fought to get himself under control. He could not afford to lose control enough for his fangs to descend in front of the loud one or it would be all over for him and Allegra. Fabian would never tolerate it or such blatant disregard for the rules he had already made clear just the day before.

  For Dominick when the knock at the door came it was a mix of relief and trepidation for him. He moved through the house to let Fabian in and groaned when he saw Francesca standing there with him.

  “Hello Nicky boy, don’t look so happy to see me.” She smirked as she stepped inside, brushing her lips against his cheek as she passed by him.

  “Nick, I trust my request was met? I can smell her so you have pleased me son.” Fabian said as he entered the house and Dominick followed them through to where Allegra and Cassandra waited.

  He stepped over to Allegra and slipped his arm around her. “Cara you remember Fabian and my sister Francesca don’t you?”

  “Of course Dominick, how could I forget? Fabian, Francesca, nice to see you again.”

  Fabian went straight to Cassie, took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. “You look stunning Cassandra. It’s nice to see you looking a little more refreshed since yesterday.” He smiled and Dominick watched her eyes meet Fabian’s and he knew she was lost in the depths of those strange pale eyes.

  “Have you shown Cassandra around your beautiful old home Nick?” Fabian asked and Dominick shook his head. “Well if you will permit me, I would like the honour of showing her around. After all I do know your home well.”

  Dominick nodded. He had no choice even if he’d wanted to stop him. No one defied Fabian. He wanted Cassandra, she had no chance and looking at her face she looked more than willing to go along with him anyway.

  He felt Allegra’s hand tighten on his arm and he looked down at her. “What’s the matter cara?”

  “Is it safe for her to go with him?” She whispered as she watched Fabian and Cass leave the room.

  “I’m sorry cara, but don’t be foolish. You have to know your house mate is almost panting for my sire and if he wants her, none of us will be able to stop them.”

  “Listen to Nicky boy Allie.” Fran’s voice cut in. “Fabian takes what he wants and anyway, be thankful he’s not bending you to his will and taking you. He’s only leaving you alone out of respect for Nick but that can change if Nicky interferes.”

  Dominick shot an angry look at Fran. He didn’t need her opening her mouth as she was likely to say the wrong thing. Fran and the filter between her brain and mouth were non existent.

  “Find something to do to amuse yourself little sister I want to show Allegra around my home. This is the first time she’s been here.” He shot a warning look at Fran and she smirked at him but amazingly kept her mouth shut.

  He took her hand and led her from the room and slowly room by room showed her through his huge historical home.

  “God it’s beautiful Dominick. Is it all bedrooms upstairs?” She asked and he nodded.

  “I will take you up there shortly cara but first I wish to show you something that I mentioned to you earlier, something I’m hoping you might allow me to try you with later when we are alone.”

  She gave him a curious look. “What is it? What are you talking about?”

  “Come with me cara and I will show you.” He took her hand again and led her down a long hallway until they reached a door that was isolated from the rest of the house.

  He opened the door which revealed stairs leading down to a lower level and he held Allegra while she carefully negotiated the stairs in her high heels.

  The walls were made of old sandstone blocks on the lower level and the lighting consisted of nothing more than a few dim bulbs to light it. He led her towards yet another door but just as he approached it, he froze and backed up a couple of steps.

  Fuck he couldn’t take her in there. From the noises coming from inside Fabian had Cassandra in there already. He would have thought Fabian would take her to a bedroom. That was why he hadn’t take Allegra up to see the bedrooms as he wished to avoid the very situation they were running into now.

  “What is it Dominick? What’s wrong?”

  “Maybe I should wait until everyone has gone before I show you this room cara.”

  “Don’t be silly Dominick, I want to see what it is now. You can’t bring me here then say no.” She pushed past him and before he had time to stop her, she’d swung the door open.

  He heard her gasp and her hand flew to her mouth as she looked in on what he could imagine she’d be seeing.

  He stepped into the room after her and there was Fabian with Cassandra. He had her stripped naked and suspended from a series of ropes that held her body at just the right height for him to fuck her and he was fucking her hard, her body swinging on the ropes and his arms pulling her back to him so their bodies slammed together.

  Cassandra was groaning, her eyes rolled back and Dominick couldn’t tell if Fabian had her under mind control or not. Against his control his cock hardened at the sight of them and he felt a strong urge for his fangs to descend.

  “Oh my god! Can’t you stop him Dominick? He’s hurting her. What the hell is he doing and why is she tied up like that?”

  “He’s not hurting her cara. Listen to her, watch her face.” He told her quietly.

  “I can assure you I’m not hurting her at all Ms Anderson.” Fabian said, accompanying each word with a grunt as he pounded into Cassandra. “Isn’t that right Cassie? I’m not hurting you am I?”

  “Fuck no!” She cried. “OH FUCK NO!” She screamed and they watched her body bow under the restraints of the ropes and she came loudly and spectacularly as they watched. With his head thrown back and a triumphant roar, Fabian thrust a couple more times and his body jerked as he pumped his release into Cassie.

  “God, I’m going to be sick. Get me out of here now Dominick.” Allegra’s voice drew his gaze to her and away from the scene in front of them.

p; “What’s wrong cara?”

  “Is this normal for you is it because I’m not sure I can be a part of this lifestyle Dominick. This is too much and don’t you people care who can see you? Is it normal for you to all have sex while around others and carry on a conversation while in the middle of fucking because I don’t want this if this is how it is.”

  “No cara, don’t say that please. I don’t live like this anymore. I prefer to only do this in private. It does not affect me to see it. I’ve seen it a lot but that is not how I wish to be. Please cara, don’t talk as if you are going.” Dominick felt the first real moment of fear. He was going to lose his bellezza. What the fuck had he done? Why had he thought her seeing Fabian again might convince her they weren’t so bad? He should have known his sire wouldn’t care what Allegra thought of them. Fabian did what Fabian wanted to do and that was evident from the scene before them.

  “I don’t think I can stay Dominick. I’m sorry but this.” She pointed to where Cassie and Fabian were still fucking as if not concerned at all that they were standing there watching them. “This is not the life I want.”

  She turned from him and as he swung to face her, she noticed his erection through his jeans and her expression filled with disgust. “My god, this turns you on to see this? How can you find this exciting? Is it seeing my house mate that turns you on? She is so much slimmer and prettier than I am.”

  “No cara, god no. It’s not her, it’s just a vampire thing. We’re animals at heart. We are ruled by basic needs and my reaction is out of my control. It doesn’t mean I want Cassandra or that I wish to be part of this scene. I only want you cara. Please, let me take you from here and give you a chance to calm down. Your friend is not being hurt and she wants to be here. Fabian has not controlled her. She would not talk if she was under his control.”

  “Cassie would never have sex in front of people like this Dominick. She has to be under control.”


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