Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 17

by J. a Melville

  “Face it Allie, you wouldn’t remember having sex with Fabian anyway. He’d wipe that from your memory along with all memories of Dominick.” That little voice inside my head had to be all practical and point out the obvious.

  Suddenly the thoughts filling my head helped improve my mood. I was going to do it, I would go and see Fabian and get him to take away all memory of ever having known Dominick and pray that the price I had to pay was not too great.

  Chapter Fifteen.


  Dominick slept all day, a restless, tortured sleep and he woke as the sun was settling low in the sky. Reality crashed down on him again and he remembered, Allegra was no longer in his life.

  The only woman he’d ever loved, the one person he’d been so sure was meant to be with him for eternity and she was gone.

  He sat up and his eyes fell on the blood soaked sheets. His hand still bled slightly and when he peeled the linen back off his body, his cock looked raw and painful. It probably was painful, but he couldn’t seem to feel it, he couldn’t feel anything.

  He knew he needed to feed as he was weakened from losing his blood to Fabian and now he was growing weaker from the blood he was losing from his self inflicted injuries. He should feed but he couldn’t work up the energy or motivation to do so. What was the point? Did it really matter if he died? If it meant being free from the pain he was in now, then he would welcome the final death and with the decision made, he lay back down in his bed and rolled over, letting sleep pull him under again.


  It was dark when Dominick woke again. He braced himself as the familiar pain and despair washed over him and something else, there was a feeling of unrest, uneasiness and he didn’t know why.

  He pulled himself out of bed and noticed his injuries were starting to heal but without blood it was much slower. When he saw himself in the bathroom mirror even he had to concede he looked fucking awful. His normal olive complexion was washed out and his cheeks sunken. His eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed and his lips had dried out and were cracked.

  Again he felt that fleeting moment of uneasiness and Allegra’s face filled his mind. Why was he seeing her everywhere he turned now and in his dreams?

  While he was staring at himself and wondering if the lack of blood was sending him crazy, he heard a knock at his door and it opened. It had to be Fran, only she would enter someone’s home without waiting to be invited.

  He walked out of the bathroom, moving slowly as he was too weak for anything else. If Fabian hadn’t taken so much blood from him last night he’d have felt better tonight but he had been nearly drained and since he hadn’t gone out to feed, he was running on empty now and it showed.

  “Fuck me brother dear. What the hell is wrong with you? You look like hell.” Fran’s voice broke through his slow progress across his bedroom.

  He turned to Fran noticing she was dressed in yet another one of her black flowing dresses. Her black painted lips were curled up in amusement as she watched his old man shuffle as he headed back to his bed.

  “Fuck off Fran. If you’ve come to dump shit on me, go away. I’m not feeling well and I want to rest.”

  Her eyes were on his bed, the blood stained sheets. “My god Nicky, what have you done to yourself? All that blood. Let me see, where are you hurt and what the hell happened?”

  “Stay out of my life Fran. Why are you here or is it just to gloat over me not having Allegra anymore?”

  “Let me see what you’ve done to yourself Nicky. I know I like to tease you and torment you brother dear but I don’t actually get off on seeing you suffer like this.” She said and he raised an eyebrow at her, not entirely convinced she wasn’t toying with him again.

  “It’s nothing Fran, don’t worry about me.” He tunneled his hands through his hair and winced when the action tugged at the ragged skin on his hand.

  She grabbed it and turned it so she could see his palm. “Oh Nicky, Nicky, what have you done? Is this from the broken ornament I saw downstairs?”

  He nodded. “I’m fine Fran, stop fussing.”

  “There’s a lot of blood on that bed for a few cuts on your hand Nicky. Where’s the rest of the blood coming from?”

  “Forget it Fran, it’s not your concern.” He was starting to get tired of the endless questions. In fact he was getting tired, physically tired. He needed to sleep some more.

  Suddenly Fran ripped the towel free from around his waist and when she gasped, he knew his cock must look bad for her to react the way she was. She wasn’t the squeamish type normally.

  “Oh Nick.” She gasped and he looked down at himself, reluctant to meet her eyes. “What have you done? You are a fool. Why aren’t you healing? You look terrible. When did you feed last?”

  Dominick was too busy looking at the bloodied, mangled mess that was his cock and even he felt sick when he saw it. Fuck but he’d made a mess of himself. Still, did it matter? He wasn’t going to need it. He had no intention of having sex with anyone else. He’d lost Allegra, all he wanted now was to die.

  “I asked you when you fed last Nick, answer me.” Fran’s voice interrupted his miserable thoughts.

  “Last night from…from…it…it was Allegra.” He whispered.

  “That doesn’t make sense, you should have healed. Fabian drank from you when you were foolish enough to try and fight him Nicky. Did he drain you?” Dominick nodded, too weary to answer her. “Fucking hell Nicky, didn’t you go out last night and hunt? You would have needed to feed to make up for what he took from you. You didn’t though did you? That’s why you’re so weak and not healing now.”

  She stepped over to him, biting into her wrist and tearing away some skin so she began to bleed freely. “Feed from me now or you will die, come Nicky, don’t be a fool about this. Your human is not worth dying over. Now drink.”

  “Fuck off Fran. I don’t care if I die, don’t you get that? I’ve lost the only woman I could ever love and without her, there’s nothing. Now go home, you’re bleeding all over my floor.” He pushed her and stumbled before falling onto his bed as it took too much effort to physically try and make her leave.

  “Don’t piss me off Nicky.” She held her wrist over his face, dripping blood across his closed mouth, nose and some went in his eyes. She forced his lips apart and dripped blood onto his tongue despite him trying to fight her off, but he was too weak and against his will, she got some blood into him. It wasn’t much but it would be enough to prolong his sorry existence by a bit longer.

  “Go home Fran. You should be happy now, you did it, you got some blood into me, I can taste it, I can feel it tingling through my body. Thank you, thank you for fucking nothing.”

  “Stop being such a child Nicky. You’ll need your strength to fight for your human or are you just going to let Fabian have her? You must know he wants her for himself?”

  “He doesn’t want her Fran. He only wants to use her. He’ll fuck her and wipe her mind. It’s all part of his desire for control and he always likes to make a point, show he’s the boss. You know Fabian’s not been happy with me since I decided I wanted to live a more human than vampire existence. He’s been looking for a chance to punish me, make me suffer and he’s done it. He destroyed my relationship with Allegra by doing what he did last night. There’s no need for him to do anything more to cause me suffering, I’m suffering already. I have no desire to continue with this life Fran. Just go and leave me alone now.”

  “You are a fool Nicky. You aren’t fighting for your human. You claim you love her and yet you let her walk away, you let Fabian win? How can you say you’ve suffered enough? Be warned, I have told you and you have chosen to ignore me. Our sire will claim Allegra for himself. Whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you.”

  “Just go Fran, I’m tired. Go back to Fabian and you can report in to him as that’s the only reason you’re here. I’m sure he will be delighted to hear that I’m miserable, so go, go GO!” He screamed at her.

  Fran raised her hands as if in surrender. “Lighten up Nicky boy. I’m going. You’re going to put me off my dinner with your sad Sally routine.”

  “Get out of her Fran. You’ll understand why I don’t get up and show you out?” Dominick raised his brows at her.

  “Oh good bye dear brother. This is getting boring now anyway.” She kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door.

  When he heard his front door open then close again he dropped the towel and crawled back into bed. He checked his hand and cock and noticed the skin was already mending itself after the small amount of blood Francesca had forced him to swallow but it was going to take a lot more than that to heal him properly.



  Now that I’d made the decision to see Fabian I realised that I had no way of contacting him. I had no number for him, why would I? I wasn’t involved with him, he wasn’t my boyfriend but I needed to see him and I realised the only way I could do that was to drive to his home and hope he was there.

  I’d never been there but Dominick had told me where he lived and I was pretty confident that I could find it based on his description. It was a big imposing home on a hill and hard to miss apparently. Still I had the suburb and street name, the rest I could figure out for myself.

  I wasn’t comfortable about going to his house to see him but I had no choice and even if I’d been able to contact him I couldn’t have him come to my home. I wasn’t prepared to risk him being around Cassie again and the nature of what I was going to ask him to do.

  Explaining where I was going to Cass would have been the fun part but fortunately she announced she was going out with friends. That solved my problem. No Cassie around for me to have to explain where I was going.

  The next problem I had was dressing for a memory erasing. I didn’t want to wear something too revealing as I was hoping to get through this evening with only a loss of memory not sex with Fabian.

  The thought of having sex with him after seeing the way he liked to play scared the crap out of me.

  Deciding that I had to stop giving this all too much thought I pulled on tight blue jeans that hugged my figure and hopefully would give me a buffer between myself and Fabian. “You are a fool Allie if you think clothing will stop a vampire fucking you if he really wants to.” I whispered and then spent the next couple of minutes arguing with myself.

  I pulled on a black camisole top and tied my hair up in a pony tail. My make up was minimal and finally I was ready to go and face the man, vampire, fuck it but he was no ordinary man, and hope to hell it went the way I wanted it to go.

  I hurried out the door and to my car not wanting to give myself time to think about what I was doing and hoped like hell that I’d paid enough attention to Dominick and his description of where Fabian lived.

  I knew the suburb and there weren’t that many homes that fit that description in the area where Fabian lived.

  When I finally got to the street where he was supposed to be, it didn’t take long to find a huge sprawling home on a steep hill with views out over Hobart. I spotted the Rolls Royce near the house and knew I had the right place.

  As the thoughts of it all and what I was about to do threatened to overwhelm me, I panicked and nearly pulled back out of the drive and broke speed limits to get back home, but only the thought of Dominick inside my head and the pain that thinking of him brought to me was enough to stop me leaving again.

  I climbed out of my car and stared up at the huge home. God but it was like a fucking massive crypt to me. A fitting home for a vampire and on legs that were shaking, I approached the imposing iron, fuck, Fabian had an iron front door and went to knock but the door swung open of its own accord and I got a glimpse of a huge foyer with a corridor running off it that led deep into the house.

  Fuck, did he have to do all creepy shit like this? I was already feeling like I was stuck in a horror movie and I hadn’t even stepped inside yet.

  While I stood nervously debating whether to set foot in the lion’s den or get the hell out of there, suddenly Fabian was standing before me.

  “Allegra, what a pleasant surprise. You came alone? No Cassandra this evening?” He smiled at me but the look in his pale eyes made me shiver.

  He was already trying to stir me I could tell and those eyes of his, fuck those eyes were so intense. I’m sure he could tell exactly what I was thinking when he looked at me. I felt like he could see inside me with that pale gaze of his.

  “I’m sure you already know I’m alone Fabian. I came to see you to find out if you would be kind enough to do something for me.”

  He stared at me for a moment. “Now that would depend on what it is that you wish for me to do my dear Allegra and I would also like to know what you will do for me in exchange?”

  I shivered again at his words. I didn’t like the way he looked at me and who did he think he was calling me ‘his dear’ Allegra? I wasn’t his and if I could get out of this evening without having to sleep with him, I would be happy. Although looking up into his pale eyes, sleep would be the last thing a man like Fabian did with a woman. I’d seen him and heard him, for fuck sakes I’d watched the man come and as I stared at him, he smiled, that all knowing smile of his and I knew, I knew the bastard somehow could tell what I was thinking about.

  “Come Allegra, there’s no need to hover like a nervous school girl. I won’t hurt you. Fran is here and so are Damien and Lucien. You remember my sons don’t you? They are Dominick’s brothers, but you knew that already.”

  He took my elbow and started to lead me down the long corridor to god knows where and I jerked my arm to pull free from his grip but he dug his fingers in, refusing to let me go.

  We finally arrived in a large, almost circular living room where Fran, Damien and Lucian all sat. They stood when Fabian walked in leading me, well except for Fran. She just gave me a mocking smile.

  “You all remember Dominick’s little human don’t you?” Fabian spoke and I tensed up. Surely he knew I was no longer with Dominick? I couldn’t believe that no one had told Fabian. Fran would have found it all quite amusing, I’m sure.

  “That would be ex human Fabian. Have you forgotten already? They are no longer together. I’ve just come from Dominick’s home and god, but he is pathetic. I had to leave as he was making me ill with his miserable behaviour.” She rolled her eyes dramatically.

  My heart skipped a beat and began to thump painfully in my chest. What was wrong with Dominick? I badly wanted to ask Francesca how he was, what was pathetic about him but I couldn’t. I wasn’t supposed to care. I was here to have Fabian clear my memory of ever having known him after all.

  “Of course Fran, how foolish of me to forget.” Fabian chuckled quietly and my eyes shifted to him again. Forgot? My ass. That man wouldn’t forget something like that.

  I looked over to Damien and Lucian who smiled but said nothing and I wondered what the deal was with them. They were like minions to Fabian the way the acted. I had barely heard them say two words between the pair of them. Like the rest of them they were amazingly good looking and for a brief moment I wondered if all vampires were like them? If I was changed would I be beautiful too? ‘Stop thinking like that Allegra, you don’t want to be vampire. This lifestyle is not for you remember? If you couldn’t handle one night of it how could you survive eternity living it?’ That little voice inside me asked and I had to concede that the voice was right.

  “I need to speak with you alone if possible please Fabian.” I said, needing to cut to the chase and explain why I was there so I could get the hell back out of there again.

  Fabian’s pale eyes moved over my face and without breaking eye contact with me, he asked the others to leave the room. No one questioned him, they all stood and quietly left, although Francesca being the way she was, she couldn’t help but make her presence felt by flicking my long pony tail as she passed us and that was enough for me to look away from the imposing vampire and give her a look of annoyance.r />
  Once we were alone and I suddenly questioned what the hell I was doing, Fabian began to circle me slowly, his nostrils flaring as he sniffed at me and I began to tremble with a mix of fear and excitement. Fuck these vampires and the way they could suck a person in with their looks and smell. God, I hated to admit it, but Fabian smelled wonderful too.

  “So Allegra are you just going to stand here all night enticing me with your smell or are you going to explain what it is that you want from me?”

  Holy fuck! He thought I smelt good? I swallowed trying not to stare at him because I could feel his eyes, that pale, all knowing stare of his drawing me in and it scared the crap out of me.

  “I want you to do to me what you did to Cassie.” I started to explain, my voice shaking and Fabian’s eyes flared with something, god what was it? Then my words I’d just spoken registered. Oh fuck, I hadn’t meant to say that. “I…I..I didn’t…what I meant to say was…I…I..not that..not the sex..the mind thing.” I finally stumbled and tripped my way through to say to him.

  Fabian laughed softly as I stammered, trying to make it clear I didn’t want the sex. “You disappoint me Allegra. I thought you were here for a fuck. You can pretend what you saw the other night offended you but you were aroused. I could see it and smell it and it made me want to fuck you too. When you watched me come, I was imagining coming in you Allegra, did you know that?”

  I wasn’t sure whether to be turned on or even more repulsed by his words. I knew he’d used Cassie since he’d wiped her mind clean of any knowledge that he’d taken advantage of her but to think he’d used her body while pretending it was someone else and that someone else was me, just made me feel sick. Ok, slightly turned on, but mostly sick at the thought.

  “You know you pretend to be offended by our lifestyle my beauty but you would make a wonderful vampire, I know you would. Perhaps I should turn you myself?”


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