Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 21

by J. a Melville

  “Did she just move?” I heard the woman’s voice close to my head and I would have jumped if I could get my body to co-operate but it wouldn’t. I tried to move my head and I think it moved, slightly, just the barest of movements anyway. Fuck but this was so hard. Why couldn’t I move? I just wanted to open my eyes. Was that too much to ask?

  I struggled to open them and managed the tiniest of slits where a faint sliver of light came in but it was too much effort and with a sigh, I gave in to the darkness again and everything faded away, the voices, the light and blissfully there was nothing but silence.


  Dominick wanted to kill Fabian. He looked at his sire as they stood around the bed where Allegra lay and he just wanted to kill him. Why did he have to want her too? Why had he done what he’d done? Now he didn’t just have the worry over how his bellezza would react to being turned, there was a possibility that she could want Fabian since his blood was in her body too.

  “Why Fabian, why do you want her so much? Why do you wish to destroy me, to tear apart my relationship with Allegra?”

  Fabian turned his pale eyes on Dominick and smiled. “Because I can’t have her Nick. What is it about wanting the things we can’t have? You know she wanted me to wipe her memory so she forgot all about you and in exchange she was to be mine for the night to fuck? That’s why she came to see me. You want to know what the funniest thing was? I couldn’t alter her mind. For some reason it wouldn’t work on her and that has never happened before. So before you ask, no we didn’t fuck although she was aroused. I made her come when I bit her Nick, she came for me then.” He chuckled quietly. “I don’t like to lose and I saw an opportunity to still win this. This is not just about punishing you son, this is for her. She rejected me and I didn’t like it. My ultimate revenge will be to have her groveling after me wanting me to fuck her and I will if she chooses me, but then I can reject her again and she won’t be able to escape the memories of what I did to her. She’s going to remember my rejection and feel the pain of it for eternity. There will be no escaping the memories for any of you Nick.”

  Dominick stared at Fabian in shock at his words. He knew his sire had always been a bastard but he had no idea just how big a bastard he could be. He seriously got off on these mind games and it was a mind game as they waited to see what state Allegra would be in once she woke. God but it would kill him if she chose Fabian but it would be once, Fabian never wanted a woman a second time. Could he get past knowing she’d been fucked by his sire, even just once? He could only hope that he wouldn’t be put in a situation where he had to find out.

  “She’s getting close to waking you two when you’ve finished with your macho bullshit Fabian.” Fran’s voice interrupted them. “She’s moved slightly and her eyes opened a tiny bit but her heart, can you hear it?”

  Dominick moved closer to Allegra to listen for her heartbeat and he could hear it, just. It was slow, irregular with its beats but she herself looked far better than she should for someone whose heart was dying. Her hair was a glossy pool around her, her skin smooth and blemish free. God, although she was beautiful to him and had been beautiful as a human, she was going to be stunning as a vampire. He could see that already.

  As they all crowded around her, her heart gave one last tired sounding beat then fell silent and they watched and waited. Dominick could feel his stomach tightening with nervous tension as the moment that would shape his entire future approached. Soon he would know whether Allegra forgave him or hated him and whether she would want him or Fabian or possibly even both.

  Her eyelids began to flutter, her lips parted and with a sudden loud gasp as if struggling for air which she no longer needed, Allegra’s eyes opened and her vivid hazel eyes stared straight up at the timber framing of his bed for a while, a frown marring her perfect features. She was like that for several minutes and no one knew what she was doing or what was going through her mind but finally her gaze shifted and moved around them all before settling on him and they widened.


  I could hear voices close by and they sounded familiar. One voice in particular was a voice that I somehow knew was important to me. I made another effort to open my eyes and suddenly found that I could.

  When I looked up I could see a heavy timber frame that appeared to be attached to the ceiling with a creamy kind of gauze fabric pleated around the entire edge of the timber frame like a skirt.

  I was covered in white sheets and dressed which surprised me. Why would I go to bed dressed? Something didn’t feel right. I couldn’t put my finger on it straight away as to what was wrong.

  I continued to stare at the frame above me for a few minutes, frowning as I tried to remember what had happened, why I was apparently in bed fully dressed and what it was that somehow felt different about me.

  I heard a faint noise and turned my head seeing people standing around me. The woman with the black hair and black painted lips was familiar but something told me I didn’t really like her and the blonde haired man with the strange pale blue/grey eyes seemed familiar to me too but there was something about him. I couldn’t remember what, but he made me feel uneasy.

  Finally I turned my head to the third man and he was staring at me with such vivid blue eyes. He was beautiful, god he was stunning but as I stared at him, fleeting thoughts started running through my head. They were little more than brief flashes at first but he was in them. He was bleeding in them and something was wrong and I saw myself holding my bloody arm to him but then nothing. What was it that happened? I just couldn’t see what it was about him that played in my mind in what seemed like a series of fragmented videos.

  I met his eyes for longer, staring at him and then suddenly everything crashed its way through my head and I knew, I looked at him, the man I’d loved and I knew what he’d done to me, he’d tried to kill me. My eyes widened, my mouth opened and with a voice that was slightly rusty at first, I began to scream, on and on, louder and louder as I stared at him, I screamed.


  Dominick stared in horror as Allegra with her gaze locked on him began to scream, a high, loud, blood curdling scream. Her eyes were wide and filled with terror and he went to reach for her, to try and comfort her but one quiet command from Fabian to ‘leave her’ stopped him from doing anything.

  “Be quiet little one.” Fabian told her. “You have nothing to fear. Do you remember what happened? Do you know why you’re here, what you’ve become?”

  Her eyes shifted to his and she stopped screaming which made Dominick feel sickened by how quickly she capitulated to his command. Was she already proving that Fabian had a hold over her? She had his sire’s blood in her but she also had his so that should make her listen to him also. Why she had screamed at him and looked terrified he had no idea but he needed to find out somehow.

  “I…I…I’m starting to remember things.” Her voice was raw as though she was suffering from a sore throat but Dominick knew it was just part of the process of her body adjusting to being vampire and the large volume of blood affected them at first.

  “What do you remember?” Fabian asked her again.

  “I remember talking to Francesca when I was leaving your house. She said Dominick was dying but I thought she was just saying that to stir me up and I went home but I had an awful dream that Dominick was dying so I came to him and found him…god I found him…he looked dead…and the blood…so much blood…I had to save him.” Her voice trailed off.

  “Go on little one.” Fabian was using that soft, cajoling voice he used when he was trying to reel a woman in for sex and Dominick ground his teeth together, frustrated that his bellezza seemed more interested in his sire than him.

  “I tried to save Dominick but he wouldn’t stop feeding on me and I couldn’t get him to stop. I was so scared and he wouldn’t stop. Fuck but he wouldn’t stop and I don’t remember what happened after that. I must have passed out. I know everything was getting so dark.”

  As Allegra
told her story, Dominick closed his eyes, to hide the agony her words stirred in him. He had done this to her, he had taken her life from her and given her the choice of death or living an existence she’d insisted she wanted no part of. God, it would be perfectly justified if she hated him, fuck, he hated himself right now.

  “Do you not know at all what happened after you passed out Allegra?” Fabian asked and her eyes moved to him again.

  “I don’t know, something doesn’t feel right but I…I…I feel, somehow, I feel different.”

  “You were dying my child.” Fabian began. “The decision had to be made to let you go or make you vampire. Do you understand now?”

  Dominick watched her eyes widen again and slowly she raised her hand, placing it against her chest and she closed her eyes. They waited, they all watched and as they watched tears escaped from her under her eyelids and ran down her face, into her hair. God what did her tears mean? Acceptance or denial or was she building up to explode and tell him she hated him and could never forgive him?


  As I listened to Fabian’s voice and his last words started to sink in, I finally realised what he was trying to tell me, or more appropriately, he was trying to see if I would come to the realisation myself without him needing to spell it out.

  I placed my hand over my chest and felt nothing, no beat of my heart and finally that thing that I kept thinking felt different but I couldn’t put my finger on it, penetrated as well. I wasn’t breathing.

  I looked up at Fabian again, feeling something, some kind of draw towards him although this was Fabian and in my mind he was an arse, sexy, but still an arse and the bastard had come on me too. I remembered that from when I’d been at his home and he’d made me come and I hated that I’d given him even that much of myself.

  Why did I feel like he was connected to me in some way, despite me not exactly liking the man? That couldn’t be right though, he couldn’t mind control me. It hadn’t worked. So what was it? Why this pull towards him?

  “Why can I feel you?” I asked him. “I can feel you inside me? Did we have sex after all and I don’t remember it or something?”

  Fabian chuckled quietly. “Trust me little one, if we fuck, you will remember me. You were dying from being drained so I had to give you some of my blood to save you. You have my blood and you have Dominick’s blood in you.”

  At the mention of Dominick’s name my eyes shifted to him. God but he looked so beautiful, his eyes were filled with worry and red rimmed as if he’d been crying. Was he still sick? I looked at him and I knew, I could feel his blood in me but all I could see when I looked at him was the man who had drained me, who had killed me. He’d taken my life and he’d given me life as one of his kind. It hurt to look at him because I loved him but I was scared of him too. My last memories of him were me watching him literally drain the life right out of me.

  It was still registering that I was a vampire and I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t more upset about being made one, Was it because it was done as a desperate act to stop me dying? I didn’t know but the feelings surging through my body were strong. Everything felt bigger and better, brighter, louder and even I felt brighter, stronger but fuck it, I was starving. I needed food.

  “I’m hungry, god I’m so hungry. I need something to eat.” I whispered.

  “You did get a lot of blood to turn you Allegra but your body would have burned most of that up during the change. It’s breaking dawn now and you don’t yet have the tattoo so you can walk in the daylight. We will have to find you food we can bring here or we feed you until you can go out and hunt. You will need constant supervision so you don’t kill anyone. I don’t tolerate anything that draws attention to us. You have rules enforced by me that you must live by and if you cannot do that you will lose your life. I am not a forgiving man. If you do not listen to my rules and comply with them you will lose your life. Make no mistake.”

  Suddenly and inappropriately given Fabian’s sternly worded lecture, I burst out laughing and he frowned, his face darkening as I struggled to stop laughing. In a clipped voice he demanded to know what was so funny and I finally managed to get myself under control. “You don’t seem anywhere near as intimidating to me now. Is that because I’m vampire? What you say to us just doesn’t seem so scary, is that it?” I asked.

  “Don’t make the mistake of angering Fabian Allegra.” Francesca warned. “We respect him as he is our sire. He’s kind of your sire. I guess you and Nicky boy are dual sires. How ironic is that?” She smiled.

  “You would do well to listen to Fran little one. I will not tolerate such blatant disrespect. I make the rules, I expect you all to listen to my rules and abide by them. I don’t ask much of you all but maintaining our secret as to what we are is vitally important to us and our safety. Don’t test me Allegra, you will not enjoy your punishment, of that I can assure you.”

  I fell silent but inside I was finding it hard to take Fabian seriously. I couldn’t understand why he no longer seemed frightening to me. I still found him hot and he was an arse but a hot arse none the less.

  My eyes shifted to Dominick and when I saw his expression, my stomach tightened. God but he looked so devastated, in such pain that suddenly my fear towards him evaporated. I had brought this situation upon myself. Fran had given me her number to call and I should have done that rather than just drop in on Dominick. Maybe if I’d taken her seriously about his health I’d still be alive now. A part of me had foolishly assumed when I’d seen him that I could give him some blood, he’d drink, be grateful and we could live happily ever after but that was a fairy tale and fairy tales weren’t real. Neither were vampires I would have argued until recently too but here I was a living, breathing example that they existed. Well, I wasn’t living or breathing but I was vampire.

  I threw back the sheets and climbed from the bed and stretched. Fuck but I felt amazing, hungry but amazing. I hadn’t wanted this lifestyle and I still wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy having to spend my time around the others but I liked how I physically felt. I felt strong, free, fucking fantastic. Did I look any different I wonder?

  I brushed past them and walked into the bathroom to see myself in the mirror. When I saw myself my mouth fell open. I looked amazing. My eyes were a more striking hazel colour now, kind of lighter and almost hypnotic, my skin looked so clear and smooth, my colouring like that of a porcelain doll. My breasts seemed perkier, my figure slimmer, but not really skinny, just better and as I stared at myself my eyes shifted to meet Dominick’s in the mirror as he and Fabian had come to watch me.

  I smiled at him and I noticed my teeth were like his, white, so white and perfect, no blemishes at all. Is this what happened from becoming vampire? Everything that I didn’t like about my appearance was fixed?

  “Cara are you ok?” Dominick asked me and I turned to him.

  “I’m hungry, please I need food.” I walked over to him and slipped my arms around his neck, pressing my body up against his. I dug my fingers into his hair and began to rub against him, grinding my hips into his until I felt him harden. “Please Dominick, feed me.” I whispered into his ear.

  I heard laughter nearby and turned my head to Fabian who stood watching us. “I think Allegra is going to take very well to being vampire Nick. She’s certainly doing a great job of getting you all tied up in knots.”

  I stepped away from Dominick and approached Fabian. Ok, he pissed me off, but he turned me on a little too. Right now he just needed to learn a lesson. I don’t know why I wasn’t scared of him and I was doubtful I’d be able to show him the respect he demanded. There was something about him, I wasn’t sure what, but now that I was vampire, I felt that something had changed, the balance of power had shifted and I wasn’t scared of him, in fact all I wanted to do right now was toy with him.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head down to mine, closing my lips over his. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and curled my tongue around his. He tasted diff
erent to Dominick and as I kissed him, he growled and pulled me closer.

  As our hips met, I could feel his erection and my mind shifted to that piercing of his. I wondered what it would be like to fuck him, to feel that metal rod he had through his cock but although I could feel the pull towards him which must be his blood inside me, my heart was tied to the other man in the room.

  I dropped my hand and squeezed Fabian’s cock through his pants and felt the rigid line of the metal rod before I released him and stepped away.

  His face held frustration and he reached for me again but I ducked away from him and turned back to Dominick who was watching me, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and arousal. I took a flying leap and landed on him, where his arms came around me and I linked my ankles over that sexy tight ass of his, tilting my body backwards so I could rub my throbbing pussy up against the hard length of his cock. “Fuck me Dominick.” I whispered.

  “Naturalmente cara. Ti amo.” His lips crashed onto mine and we kissed in a frenzied display of passion. I growled and felt my fangs descend. I took a quick look at them in the bathroom mirror before I sank them into Dominick’s neck. He groaned and ground himself against me as I sucked desperately at his sweet blood.

  “Cara, slow down.” He tried to tell me but I was all over him, desperate, frantic, just wanting him to fuck me. I pulled free of his arms and stripped my jeans and panties off, hastily snapped open Dominick’s low riding jeans and pushed them down until his cock complete with that savage snake tattoo were standing before me. I curled my hand around him and pulled on him.

  “Fuck me now Dominick.” I took his hand and dragged it across my aching cunt and he groaned.

  “Bend over cara.” He told me and I bent over the vanity basin and felt him step up behind me. He nudged my legs apart and with one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside me.


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