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Crossroads Page 23

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “Jessie.” I choked on the word as Caden and Ryn peered in the same direction. Jessie Danvers was almost upon us.

  Chapter 23

  “K ITRA!” JESSIE’S LONG locks were caught in a harsh gust of wind and slapped her face. “Help me!”

  “Jessie!” Two sets of strong arms held me in place.

  “You don’t know if it’s a ruse or not.” Ryn’s whisper tickled my ear and I jerked, trying to free myself. Didn’t they see her ripped clothing or the dirt smudged on her forehead and right cheek? She was in trouble. She wasn’t the enemy.

  “Kitra!” Her arms pumped harder as she ran. “Please!”

  “Stop right there!” Uncle Kalen’s bellow drilled into my eardrum like a jackhammer on concrete. Jessie fell to her knees with her head bowed and her hair hid her face. Her entire body spasmed on every inhale and exhale. How long had she been running? “Search her.”

  Gwen stepped forward and helped Jessie to her feet while Allie patted her down.

  “She clean.” Allie turned to my uncle with a hand on her hip. Seems I wasn’t the only one questioning their uncharitable treatment of my classmate. I understood their sentiments especially after Layla’s betrayal, but Jessie’s only involvement was due to being a mirror image of me.

  “Are you okay?” I finally broke free from Ryn and Caden and ran to the panting girl.

  “Water.” I shouted for someone to answer her request. Linc passed Jessie an opened bottle and she gulped as if she was dying of thirst. Some drops leaked from the corners of her lips as she drained the entire bottle. “They’re in the forest. The missing townspeople in cloaks. Heading this way.” Aelfric was coming. My heart stuttered, but after a deep breath, I stood up straighter. I’d meet him head on if I had to.

  “Fan out and alert Amara’s group.” Lucian barked the order and turned to us. “Girls, stay with Jessie.” The others ran in different directions to make sure our lines were secured.

  “Let me help you.” Allie put one of Jessie’s arms over her shoulder and held the stumbling girl to her side. “What happened?”

  “My mother got mad at me so I took a walk to cool off.” We moved up the hill to the tents. “I heard this weird chanting and followed it. I saw them and hid behind a bush. Next thing I knew, this bald guy with tattoos was screaming for them to kill me.” Apollo. Aelfric’s right hand man. “I ran and didn’t stop. Then, I saw this clearing and screamed when someone tried to stop me. I thought it was them until I noticed Kitra.” So, her screams were what we all heard.

  “Don’t worry.” Gwen glanced back over her shoulder as we crested the top of the hill. “We’ll keep you safe.” Jessie bent at the waist, coughing. She needed rest.

  “But who will protect you.” Jessie’s voice changed from a wounded frightened girl to a menacing sneer. A shiny flash was our only warning before Jessie pulled the dagger hanging from Allie’s belt and spun Allie in front of her, holding the blade to Allie’s throat.

  “What are you doing, Jessie?” Allie’s squeak was cut off as Jessie pressed the tip of the knife into Allie’s soft skin. A bead of red ballooned around the point.

  “Jessie?” I held my hands out to her. “We’re your friends. No one will hurt you.”

  “That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard.” Jessie enunciated each word with a sarcastic laugh. “Friends? Really, Kitra? I don’t think so.”

  “What are you doing?” Gwen reached for her own blade, but I grabbed her wrist.

  “What I was born to do.” Jessie’s sneer grew. “The perfect little Kitra isn’t the only one who’s special.”

  “You’re the other hybrid? How? Chelsea’s dead.” Gwen stepped forward and Allie groaned as Jessie clicked her tongue and blood traveled down Allie’s neck.

  “Dear old mom is dead now.” A dark gleam filled Jessie’s eyes. “I plunged a dagger like this into her heart earlier today. No one will care. Well, except my father. He’s in mourning and refused to come.” Jessie’s bottom lip jutted out in a fake pout. “But she faked her death a long time ago, so I just made it more official for him.”

  “You’re sick.” Allie bit out past her pain. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Maybe.” Jessie’s wiped at the dirt on her face. “After Caden said I smelled like Kitra, I saw it as an opportunity. I questioned mommy dearest and learned the truth. It didn’t take long to find Aelfric and my father, but I had to wait for my transformation.” Her smile turned gleeful. “Aelfric has promised me the world. I’ll rule over every one of you with the power of all those locked inside the prison at my side and doing my will.”

  “He’s lying to you.” I gripped Gwen as she started to move again. Jessie was unhinged and I knew she’d kill Allie before we got to her.

  “Aelfric is my mate, Kitra. I don’t want or need your sloppy seconds anymore.” She held out her arm and exposed a black thorny crown with the initials AS in the center. “My mate masked my scent so you all wouldn’t be any wiser and our plan was working perfectly until you moved on the gate.” She glanced at the twisted tree archway. “Now the plan has changed. You’ll all be dead by the morning.”

  Jessie hissed showing fangs and threw Allie at us and sliced a long line down her own arm. She rushed the archway and pressed her bloody appendage to the limbs. A spark of orange light extended down the middle of the arch as if it were going to rip in two.

  “No!” The Creator’s words came back to me. Was this one of the paths I had to choose? My vision clouded in a purple haze as the fire in my veins pulsed to life. I couldn’t let the gate open.

  I raced to Jessie’s side and yanked her from the archway. The orange seam still glowed. Was I too late? Dark energy crept past the tear in small smoky wisps. NO! It can’t open! Purple flames shot from my palms and filled the crack. A gooey dark sludge hardened over the seam as Dark Ones burst from the forest, attacking anything moving. I closed it! I almost did a victory dance, but the crack popped open again as a tiny fist clobbered me on the chin.

  I dropped like a bag of rocks in a heap of limbs. Jessie stood over me with her hands on her hips, cackling and I smiled internally. She had just made the worst mistake you could make in a fight. Never gloat over your opponent, especially if you don’t know if they’re really down for the count. I kicked my leg out and she joined me on the ground.

  I rolled until I was able to straddle her waist. “You can stop this!”

  “Never!” I wasn’t sitting far enough back on her legs and one rose, cracking me in the back of the skull and I was tossed over her head. If she wanted to fight dirty, I would too.

  I flipped back onto my feet and noticed Allie and Gwen locked in battle with two cloaked figures as Jessie moved back to the gate. A flicker of silver snatched my attention. My katana laid on the ground where I’d dropped it when I tried to run to Jessie’s aid after she called my name. I pulled it from its sheath and charged my opponent.

  Jessie was inches from the gate with her bloody arm extended. I couldn’t let her open the gate and all thought ceased as I stabbed forward. The cold metal met a slight resistance before it plunged through the middle of her back and exited out of her chest. She turned with her green eyes bulged and mouth gaping as she fell to her knees. No words made it past the gurgling in her throat as she sputtered. I tugged the katana from its resting place and she teetered, landing on her palms.

  I dropped the katana and collapsed next to her, pulling her into my arms. “ Oh Jessie, I’m sorry. It didn’t have to be like this. I didn’t want to hurt you, but we can’t open the gate.” Tears drenched my cheeks as the light faded from her eyes and she became limp in my arms.

  I screamed releasing my rage. It wasn’t fair. I could’ve helped her if she had let me. Jessie’s mate mark faded from her skin and I heard a sorrowful roar. Aelfric’s hate filled gaze met mine across the clearing. He fought with wild abandon once he saw me holding Jessie’s lifeless form.

  I laid her gently on the grassy knoll away from the archway as he
r blood seeped into the ground and shut her wide eyes with my fingertips. I’d killed the only other hybrid in existence and my heart broke. Was this the darkness I’d face every day of my future as the Creator’s Champion? My task was marred by the difficult decisions I still wasn’t ready to face, but I’d protect the gate with my life.

  Sometime during my fight with Jessie, Allie and Gwen had joined the battle at the bottom of the hill and the others were scattered among the swishing black cloaks. The vampires plowed through their opponents with blood dripping from their chins and smiles on their faces. I searched out Aelfric as he fought his way to me. He was the only foe I was worried about.

  I stared at the lightning flashing in the sky as my body lifted in the air. Thick clouds rolled in from the west, speeding to my call. Or was it because I was the Creator’s Champion and he was sending aid? It didn’t matter because no one was making it to the archway again. Electricity flowed over my skin and lifted my hair into snake like tendrils. Aelfric bellowed and lightning struck near his feet. Confusion filled his features until he saw my goading smirk.

  Aelfric used his own people as a shield against my electrical onslaught as he continued to inch forward. A green ball of energy soared from Apollo’s outstretched palm and slammed into my stomach. I tumbled to the ground and my Guardians howled as they and my familiar fought their way closer to my position. I laid in a heap, trying to regain my breath. Apollo didn’t intend for the blow to kill, only to hinder my strikes against his leader.

  I rolled to my back as Aelfric’s head peeked over the hill.

  “I’m going to enjoy this.” Aelfric kicked my bloody katana to me. “I want this to be a fair fight. You won’t best me like you did last time.”

  I struggled to my feet and held my stomach. I tried not to throw up, but failed miserably as I emptied my belly’s contents at my feet.

  “So weak.” Aelfric’s chortle was murderous. “But strong enough to kill my mate.” He spit on the ground. “I can’t wait to finally end you.” Apollo’s bald and tattooed head rose above the crest of the hill as he joined us with a sword in his hands.

  I gripped the leather hilt of my katana and clutched my sore middle. Aelfric charged and I spun from his grasp, hissing when his blade dragged across the shoulder of the arm holding my weapon. Apollo and Aelfric circled me, herding me to the point they wanted me.

  “I thought this was supposed to be fair?” Warm wetness traveled to my wrist and onto the hilt I held.

  “It is.” Apollo raised his sword and swung down in an arc. I had nowhere to move with him in front of me and Aelfric behind.

  Metal clanged against metal as Ryn’s long sword blocked Apollo’s attempt in ending my life. I spun and obstructed Aelfric’s blade and the impact rattled up my arm. We parried back and forth, but I wouldn’t be able to keep this up for much longer. My arm was tiring and my stomach cramped, threatening to spill bile again.

  Aelfric’s efforts increased once he realized my strength was failing. Black dots flickered in the corners of my eyes and I swayed. He sliced once more and I barely had time to react. My katana was knocked from my hand and I dropped to my knees. Aelfric’s stance reminded me of Jessie’s as he stood over me. The only difference was this time I had nothing left to give. Aelfric was going to win. His leer stretched from ear to ear as he drew his weapon back.

  “Kitra!” Gwen jumped in front and me and swung her own sword as Aelfric jabbed forward.

  Gwen leaned forward as Aelfric dropped his red stained weapon. Apollo saw his leader fall and skirted around Ryn. He scooped Aelfric up and ran. I wondered why he didn’t chase him, but I turned and saw Ryn locked in battle with a shadowy mist which had finally escaped from the crack in the gate. It wasn’t the only escapee and more smoky tendrils were slipping past the opening, flying towards the fight below.

  “Gwen, we have to help Ryn.” Her brown eyes were moist when she turned. Her hands were clamped to the front of a red bloom spreading on her shirt.

  “No!” I crawled towards her slight figure as she landed on the grass. “No.” My voice cracked as I reached a shaky hand for hers. A straight, deep wound bleed below her navel. “Why did you do that?” I tasted salt as my tears dropped to our joined hands. I pulled away and applied pressure, wincing when I thought I caused her more pain.

  “It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Gwen’s lips were tinted blue. “It is okay, Kitra. I kept you safe.” Yeah, but at what cost. What was I going to tell her mother and Austin? “You’re what’s important. You can stop him, Kitra.” Her dark eyes fluttered.

  “Gwen! Don’t leave us. Please.” Pain consumed my heart as my grief reached Austin.

  “Gwen!” Austin rushed to her side after he crested the hill. “What do we do?” Gwen’s eyes had completely shut.

  “She’s…she’s fading, Austin.” I pressed down harder. “I don’t know what to do.” My voice pitched and I shook from my sobs.

  Austin placed a kiss on her darkening lips and his scream turned guttural when she didn’t respond. His skin started to glow a blinding yellow and illuminated the area around us. It was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen.

  “Give me room.” Austin placed a hand on each of Gwen’s cheeks. “After 1200 years, I now know what my fae gift is. I know what I’m meant to do and am no longer mute. Don’t worry, my darling. You’re not going anywhere.” Austin kissed her again. Dark shadows flew over us intent on stopping whatever Austin was doing, but were stopped by an invisible dome covering us. “Everything’s going to be okay now.”

  The golden hue intensified and the air hummed as the temperature skyrocketed. My hair was soaked and my clothes stuck to my body. Gwen’s eyes and mouth opened as the light entered her wound causing her own form to shine. Her body floated inches above the grass and the wound stitched itself together. The glow and heat reached a point to where I thought I wouldn’t be able to breathe if it didn’t end. Gwen settled back on the grass as the temperature returned to normal and the light faded. She blinked several times and focused on Austin’s pale wet face. He’d just brought her back from the brink of death.

  “What happened?” Gwen didn’t remember being stabbed? Austin helped her to sit up and she noticed her shirt before she turned to me. “I’m okay. How?” Austin shook his head. He didn’t want to tell her? I didn’t understand but hoped he had a good reason for keeping this from her.

  “It wasn’t as bad as we thought. The blood is Aelfric’s.” She didn’t look convinced. “Promise.”

  “Yeah. Kitra used some fae magic and sealed the cut you got.” Why was he putting this on me?

  “Thank you!” She squeezed me hard and picked up her sword. Austin’s eyebrows lifted at my wince. My shoulder had already healed, but my stomach was another story. It still felt as if I’d just been hit with the green energy.

  “What are those things?” Gwen pointed to the shadow Ryn was fighting. “We need to help him.” She charged forward and Austin placed a glowing hand on my stomach.

  “I’m fine.” Intense heat made me grit my teeth. “Why didn’t you want to tell Gwen the truth?”

  “No, you’re not fine.” He wouldn’t meet my eyes. “The Dark Ones fled once the shadows began to attack them.” Deflecting my questions didn’t mean I wouldn’t get answers. “Fine. Gwen’s injury caused my gift to come forth. I have waited all my life for some evidence of my magic and now I know, I’m a healer.” His whisper was almost inaudible. “This gift is rare and many will hunt me for it if word gets out.” His deadpan expression proved how important it was for this to stay between us.

  “My lips are sealed.” I mimed zipping them closed as the heat in my stomach lessened.

  “You’re fixed now.” He sat back and passed me my katana. The leather hilt squelched as I gripped it. He helped me to my feet and I took in the carnage around us.

  Many cloaked bodies littered the ground, but a large amount of our own were among the fallen. However, their bodies weren’t bloody but were dried out h
usks. I soon found out why.

  One of the smoky mists descended on an unsuspecting male vampire and latched itself to his mouth, cradling him like a baby. Sucking sounds came from the morbid embrace and I watched as the color drained from the shadow’s victim. His cheeks hollowed and his eyes sunk in. The shadow took one more gulp and dropped the carcass as its form became more substantial. How were we going to beat something which could steal our very essence from our bodies with a deadly kiss?

  “What are those things?” I swiped my sword at one swooping too close for my liking and my katana passed straight through it.

  “Death Dealers.” Caden joined us on the hill and pressed his back to mine. “They were created to be executioners for rogue Supernaturals, but they could never distinguished between good and evil and fed on anything alive, animals included.”

  My other Guardians, Uncle Kalen, Lucian, Chad, and Lilly finally made it to us.

  “Tight formation!” Lucian’s command was a given. “Don’t let them near your face!” A horn blew in the distance as a line of wolves breached the treeline. “The Cavalry's here.”

  Chapter 24

  B RANNON BISHOP STOOD just inside the treeline with a tall woman who wore her hair in a long white braid over her left shoulder. Her silver eyes sparkled in the rising sun and gleamed against her solid white leather armor. Her skin was the fairest I’d ever seen. It was then I noticed her eyebrows were almost invisible. What was she?

  The man at her side held my gaze. He was a couple of inches taller than her statuesque form. He had broad shoulders and a strong chest which narrowed closer to his hips. Dark, unruly curls matching his armor moved with the cold breeze, but it was his stark hazel eyes which captured my attention. They were large and round on his chiseled face with high cheekbones and he wore a trimmed goatee. His eyes pierced the soul with one pass. The couple were like salt and pepper or the yin and yang symbol as they stood next to each other.


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