Bar 49

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Bar 49 Page 14

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “Bet that ended well,” Uncle Mark mutters, looking back down at the stuff on his desk.

  “What am I missing?” After picking through my hair, I swiftly gather it to the side and braid it quickly. Resting my hands on either side of my hips, I wait for my uncle’s response.

  “Nothing, Charlie. If they haven’t said anything, or beat the shit out of one another by now, it’s obviously water under the bridge.”

  “I’m so lost,” I mumble.

  “Easy to do, Charlotte. Now go grab a clean t-shirt from the stock room and clock on. You’re officially late.” Uncle Mark doesn’t even lift his head from the stack of papers that seem to be consuming his life.

  Shaking my head in wonder, I hurry down the hallway to grab a shirt out of the stock room. At least I put on little black running shorts this morning and not something bright or printed. Closing the door, I strip off my t-shirt and yank a clean one over my head quickly. I don’t have any bracelets to cover my scars, but there isn’t much I can do about that now. Folding my shirt up, I stick it on a shelf with my keys and driver’s license I pulled from my shorts pocket and toss open the back door. Hopefully I won’t smell too bad considering I didn’t get a shower after the run this morning.

  I sneak behind the bar and use the back register to clock in. Jason is busy flirting with some older ladies up at the counter, so he doesn’t even see me grab an apron and notebook out from under the bar. Glancing at the daily schedule posted on the wall, I notice I am sharing with Trisha and quickly glance around to find her.

  “If you are looking for Trish, try the bathroom. She has been puking all morning.” Jason startles me from behind.

  “Thanks,” I reply, shaking my body out to calm my rattled nerves. The first time I got stuck working with her she spent at least seventy percent of the shift in the bathroom. I get that she is pregnant and all, but it’s no fun when the day is meant for two servers and only one of them is actually working.

  “Food’s up for table thirteen,” he mentions as a ticket prints out on the bar.

  “I’ve got it.” Forcing a smile over at Jason, I disappear down the hallway to the kitchen. Hopefully today would go quickly. I really need a shower and to call Samantha.

  “Look who finally showed up for work,” Trisha barked, wiping the sides of her mouth with the back of her hand.

  Perfect. This is exactly the kind of day I have been hoping for.

  The crowd today refused to slow down, and with Trisha bolting to the back every fifteen minutes or so, I felt like I had ran two different marathons before the dinner crowd had yet to start arriving. I like to work, but days like this makes me want to scream I quit and run away. Maybe go live in the caves in Hawaii; become a vagabond with nothing but the clothes on my back and maybe a toothbrush to live off of. The customers are cranky, I’m smelly and tired, and if I have to hear Jason scream at me one more time that a freaking drink order is ready I might snap a queue stick and launch it into his neck.

  “Rough day?” Greyson’s voice comes up behind me.

  “You have no idea.” Instantly I cringe, knowing that yesterday had been a pretty shitty day that could easily top mine without question.

  Greyson smirks while taking the tray of drinks from my hand. “What table?”

  “Uh……nine. Thanks.” Giving him a half smile, I watch him nod and wander off to deliver the drinks. I don’t know if I am more shocked that he is here at the bar, or the fact that he basically just took the drinks from me and is helping. For what I know of Greyson, that man thinks about himself and maybe Cameron on occasion, never anyone else.

  “Was that Greyson?” Jason asks while shoving ice into a couple cups.

  “Yeah,” I reply, still cocking my head to the side in wonder.

  “Here, take these.” Jason shoves two drinks into my hands and points at a table across the way. “Not a problem,” I sneer, forcing myself to fake a smile as I approach the couple at the table.

  After dropping off their drinks, I glance around for Greyson, and see him sitting at a stool up on the bar.

  Walking over to him, I notice Trisha emerging from the bathroom and roll my eyes once again at her. Half the time I believe she is faking the sickness, but it’s not like I can call out a pregnant chick and not be considered a bitch.

  “Can I get you something, Greyson?” Standing next to him at the bar, my insides heat up while standing in such close proximity.

  “I placed an order with Jason. Thanks, though.” Greyson offers me a smile, and then turns back to his conversation.

  Nodding my head silently, I turn to leave before his hand catches around my wrist. The insides of his fingers rest right on the bigger scars, sending automatic chills down my spine.

  “I’m sorry for last night.”

  Without turning back around, I nod my head again, acknowledging what he said and pull away from his grasp. I know he felt the scars, and I’m not quite sure if I should say something or not. The best bet I have is to walk away to try and collect my thoughts. Things like this shouldn’t rattle me, but they do. People like Greyson shouldn’t get to me, but he does.

  “Thanks,” I whip around and say before I get too far away and chicken out. A small smile returns to Greyson’s face, as I start to panic and get antsy. Disappearing down the hallway, I run into Trisha again. “I’m taking a break.” Pushing past her in the hallway, I push open the employee entrance and burst out into the evening sky. Responding to him is a step in the right direction. It might be freaking small steps, but at least I’m still moving forward.

  Chapter 18


  I can’t seem to stay away. Like a glutton for punishment, I continue my advances with Charlie. Hell, I got to know a completely different side of her yesterday, even if it had only been out of pity. With everything that has happened in the last forty-eight hours I’ll gladly take the crap she slings my way. It all boils down to her talking to me in the end, and that’s the ultimate goal.

  “So, what are you going to do about the shop?” Jason asks while mixing a Jack and Coke.

  “Truthfully, I have no fucking clue. Cameron is at the store calling some people to try and figure out the next steps.” Tipping my glass of water back, I drain the rest of the liquid and let an ice cube fall into my mouth. The cold smooth texture glides across my lips while my teeth grind upon the solidary of the cubes. Drinking would be an acceptable thing with everything that has happened lately, but the only way I’m gaining any ground with Charlie is by staying sober, and for some unknown reason it’s the only things that seems to matter right now.

  “You left her alone in the shop, Dude?” Jason’s mouth drops open in shock. Clearly he underestimates Cameron’s ability to handle her own shit. She did date me for several years, and that alone is a feat to be praised for.

  “You realize she can probably kick your ass, right?” I chuckle. Sure, she might be the tall, thin, leggy looking creature, with long blonde hair and sparkly fake nails, but she can easily kick someone’s ass if need be. I’ve seen her go after heavily tattooed biker dudes at the shop when they got a little out of line.

  Jason smirks and nods his head. I should be more worried about the assholes lurking around this bar and Charlie then leaving Cameron alone in the shop that was broken into.

  “Your food is up,” Jason motions to the back.

  “Thanks,” I reply, slapping a twenty down on the counter and sliding off the bar stool. Quickly, I glance around the bar for Charlie, and notice she hasn’t emerged from the back yet.

  Pushing the employee gate open, I wander down the hallway to the kitchen. Grabbing my sack from the counter, I say a quick thanks to the cooks, then poke my head into the stock room. Not catching Charlie, I shrug my shoulder and push open the back door.

  I see her standing in the middle of the back parking lot, head tipped up to the sky, hands hanging lifelessly at her sides. She looks broken. The thing that kills me is she doesn’t trust me enough to share. I’m sur
e I can help in whatever she is dealing with, but I haven’t exactly been the most trustworthy person made available to her.

  The slam of the backdoor snaps her at attention as she whirls around to face me.

  “Long afternoon?” I ask, giving her the classic lop sided grin of mine.

  “You can say that.” Charlie sighs, actually giving me a slight loopy smile back.

  “How much longer are you on?”

  “Until seven. What time is it?” Charlie’s stressed expression seems to fade slightly, as I pull out my phone and tell her the time. She only has a little bit longer of her shift, and that alone will make anyone’s shitty day better.

  “Want me to pick you up for coffee after your shift?” I toss out there, basically putting the ball in her court if she wants to see me or not.

  “Ah, I’ve already had my caffeine fix for the day this morning with Will.”

  “Will Chambers?” I scoff, not trying to hide the disgust in my voice. That man is a piece of work. Everyone in this entire world seems to be mesmerized by the douche bag. Only a few of us know his true personality, and I’ll be dammed if I let that asshole near Charlie again.

  “Yes. What is your problem with him?” Charlie questions, cocking her head to the side.

  “He’s not a good person, Charlie.”

  “Well, that’s for me to decide.” Crossing her arms in front of her chest, I can tell by the tone of her voice and posture that I’ve struck a nerve.

  “Why can’t you just trust me when I say that he isn’t someone you want to be around?”

  “And you have done better? Tell me, Greyson. What have you done to earn my trust?”

  I wince inwardly. I haven’t given her much to go on if she is to judge my character. She has seen the womanizer playboy ways, the asshole that gets sloppy drunk and pisses on everything, and then the gloomy dark idiot who sulks and yells when things don’t go my way. I have yet to truthfully give Charlie a reason to listen to me.

  “Do you work tomorrow?” I ask quickly, without giving it too much thought.

  “No,” she replies sharply.

  “Let me take you out for lunch. This isn’t an apology meal because you had to drag my drunken ass home, or because I want into your pants kind of deal. This is a let’s take the time to get to know one another meal. I’ll let you decide if we can be friends or not.”

  I can see the wheels turning in Charlie’s head. Her eyebrows furrow and those soft pink lips press hard into a firm line. It takes everything in me to not reach out and grab her, wrap her into my arms and press our lips together.

  “Okay,” she speaks, her arms dropping softly to her sides.

  A massive grin spreads across my face as I struggle to hold the bag of food. Never have I been so fucking excited for something as simple as a date during the day. Normally, day dates end up with all of our clothes still on, and I’m seriously okay with that happening.

  “I’ll pick you up at eleven,” I reply smoothly while trying hard to contain my excitement. She finally caved and is willing to go out with me. Sure, I played the friendship card, but it actually worked this time.

  “Alright, Greyson.” Charlie rolls her eyes, pushing past me as she heads for the back door.

  “Have fun at work tonight,” I call out, still beaming like a fucking idiot. She tosses her hand up in the air, attempting a half wave before disappearing into the bar.

  Still smiling, I jump into the truck and toss the food into the seat next to me. Even heading back to the shop and dealing with all the shit ahead of us, I finally have something to look forward to. Today might not suck so bad after all.

  “So, when I mention that I’m starving, and you offer to feed me, I figure it shouldn’t take forever and a day for you to get back here. Where did you go, Newport for fresh crab?” Cameron is standing over the broken front counter, cell phone in hand while the other rests forcefully on her hip.

  “Calm down there, killer. I went and got burgers from the bar.” Scoffing, I toss the bag on the counter. If I would have brought crab she would have bitched about wanting a burger. Either way, Cameron is so wrapped up in fixing things I doubt anything right now will make her happy.

  “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” Rifling through the bag, Cameron grabs a burger and tears off the wrapper. Stuffing the greasy goodness in her mouth, she moans softly while chewing that first bite.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “Bullshit, Greyson. Your dick was doing the talking when I asked you to get food. That little infatuation with this Charlie chick has you so wound up that I’m considering calling in a psychologist for your own benefit.”

  “You can be a real bitch, you know?” Snatching my own burger from the sack, I narrow my eyes at her while unwrapping my dinner. The shit she throws at me sometimes is unbelievable.

  “I’m starting to wonder who the hell are you, Greyson.” Cameron mutters, still stuffing her face with the burger I brought for her. I should have let the bitch starve.

  “Did you find anything out from insurance?”

  “Yes, the adjuster will be here tomorrow morning at ten. I’m hoping to have Seth be here during the walk through, considering it’s basically more work for him now.” The tension between us starts to dissolve as we talk about the shop. I can never stay mad at her for very long. She may irritate the shit out of me, but in the end she is basically family.

  “Do you want me to be here?” Silently I’m praying she says no. I told Charlie I would pick her up at eleven, and I know the meeting tomorrow isn’t going to be a quick walk through kind of thing like it should have been yesterday.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll just make the changes to the structure and tell you about it later.” Cameron tosses the wrapper back into the sack and goes back to scribbling something on the notebook in front of her.

  “You know I love you, right?” Giving Cameron a smart grin, I slap my hand down on the middle of the paper she is working on.

  “I know. And, if I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have come home from Mexico. Just remember you owe me big time.” Cameron swats my hand away and goes back to writing. I really don’t know what I would do without this woman in my life. She really kept everything together, allowing me to live a little more careless and carefree.

  “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yeah, I guess I can finish this stuff at my apartment.” She shrugs, gathering her stuff in an orderly pile. I am really ready to get out of this place. This used to be my love, my sanctuary, the place I came to reconnect. Now, it’s just an empty damaged shell that will always carry these horrible tainted memories. It’s crazy to think the direction my life was heading before the store got wrecked, again.

  I loved giving people beautiful pieces of art that they got to carry around with them for the rest of their lives. Now, looking around the shop, seeing all the destruction, I’m completely at a loss for what to do. Knowing that Cameron will handle all of the repairs and remodel now that she is home, the only thing I have to decide is how I’m going to deal with this shit and move on. The kids violated my personal space, wrecking the only thing that I was truly still in love with. How is one to pick up the broken pieces and move on? For fucks sake, one little shit died outside on the sidewalk. The image of blood staining the sidewalk will be forever etched into my mind. How am I going to get past that and still do the things I love?

  “Greyson?” Cameron pipes up, waiting at the door for me.


  “Stop overthinking it. This place is going to be fine. You are going to be fine, so stop worrying. Okay?” Cameron opens her arm and beckons for me to come closer. Walking over to where she is standing, I let her wrap her arm around my waist, snuggling in close to my side. “I know this hurts. But it’s only the shell that’s damaged. Everything that is broken can be replaced. It might take a little longer than expected, but it will get done.” Dropping her head on the side of my chest, I place a soft kiss to
the top of her hair and let out a little sigh.”

  “Thanks, Cameron.”

  “You’re welcome, you ass. Now go home and relax. I’m sure your date tomorrow would be pissed if you are still all wound up about this place.” Cameron forcefully shoves me off of her while giving me an all knowing smile.

  “I don’t have a date.” I laugh, reaching around her and grabbing the door.

  “Right and I don’t wish I was back in Mexico on the beach with a Corona.” We both snicker while heading out the door. Pulling the damaged door closed, I shove the key into the lock and give it a little giggle. Not that it really matters if it’s locked, considering the only thing standing between someone wanting in is more glass or breaking the plywood.

  “Seriously, when this crap is all done, we are going on vacation together. I want lots of sunshine, warm weather, and miles of open water and sand.”

  “I’m down.” Unlocking the truck, I glance over at the shop one more time and force a smile. Tomorrow is going to be a better day; I have a date with Charlie, and the shop is getting taken care of. Things are falling into place, even if they were beat the hell out of earlier.

  Chapter 19


  For once, in a very long time, I actually fell asleep without reciting the whole one sheep, two sheep, black cat, brown dog, one lonely donkey, and a partridge in a pear tree mantra. For whatever reason, laying my head down on the pillow was all it took to knock me into a sound slumber. I refuse to give credit to my stupid body for being excited for today’s activities. This morning is the deciding factor for our friendship. Everything will be placed on this one interaction, and all the questions I have been wagering inside myself will be finally answered. I know placing everything on this one interaction seems a little risqué and possibly a little stupid, but when have I ever done anything rational and smart?


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