Murder by Suggestion

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Murder by Suggestion Page 26

by Veronica Heley

  Rupert wrung his hands. ‘No, no! I didn’t understand. I trusted Fenella – she’s such an old friend. I had no idea what she was up to.’

  Lesley was sharp. ‘You knew about Bunny’s pills?’

  Rupert said, ‘No, no. Well, I know she and Sam went to see Bunny that day, but it would have been Sam who actually mixed the pills up, wouldn’t it? I mean, she did ask me once about how many pills Bunny was on, but I didn’t think … It never occurred to me … I suppose it does make sense because Sam always hated Barbie, and so did Fenella, although really, I know nothing. I really don’t. I’m anxious to cooperate with the police if … I’m so distressed, I had no idea.’

  Ellie said, ‘Excuse me, I’ve got to open a window to get rid of Fenella’s scent.’ She tried to wrestle the window open, but it stuck. Thomas came to help her. He put his arm around her and they stood there, breathing deeply, while Sam and Rupert were removed and Lesley made arrangements to take statements from everyone.

  People came and went. There was a lot of tidying up to do. Statements were taken one by one.

  All Ellie could think of was how many would there be for supper? Every time she counted, she got a different result.

  First things first: she went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

  Thomas made himself a giant sandwich, saying, ‘Russet asked me to check that the back door was locked after the builder had gone. This young man came round the side of the house holding a cricket bat and knocked me out. When I came round, he was holding a syringe to Russet’s neck, threatening to kill her unless I rang you to say the house was on fire again and I needed help. I did, hoping you’d realize I’d been forced to make the call.’

  Ellie nodded. ‘I understood.’

  He set to work on his sandwich with gusto.

  Monique appeared, walking with some difficulty. ‘I’m off now. I’m stiff. I need a good lie down on my own bed or I’ll be back to the physio first thing tomorrow. I’ve had Evan and Terry on the phone, wanting to know why there was no fire at Russet’s place. I put them in the picture so no doubt they’ll be round here soon. I expect you can cope.’ And then she was gone.

  Ellie took cups of tea into Barbie and Russet in the sitting room.

  Russet said, ‘I can’t believe it’s really over. Mrs Quicke, Barbie is trying to persuade me to join her in renting a two-bedroom furnished flat for a while. I do realize my house is uninhabitable for the time being so it makes sense. On the one hand, it was my home for so many years … But then Walt died and there was the fire. I’m not sure I can face moving back there again.’

  Barbie said, ‘That’s it exactly. I don’t much want to go back to my place, either, but I realize that in time I may think differently. If we rent somewhere else for the time being, it would give us time to consider what we want to do in the long run.’

  Ellie recognized this as her cue. ‘I think you’re right, Barbie. Give yourselves a breathing space. Barbie, let me give you my solicitor’s phone number. If anyone can, he’ll see you get your rights. In law, Sam can’t profit from his crimes and, as Bunny’s intention to change his will has been established, you should be able to claim his estate and regain your house. As for your finding somewhere to live temporarily, young Rafael is doing up a block of flats locally and might be able to find you something suitable. Or Diana, of course.’

  Barbie didn’t even bother to exchange glances with Russet before saying, ‘Thank you. Yes, we’ll certainly have a word with Rafael.’

  No sooner had Ellie regained the hall than Rafael passed her, going out. He said he was off to collect Susan and he’d be back in a tick. Did that mean they’d be joining the party for supper?

  Would Lesley be through taking statements in time to join them or not? No, probably not.

  Ellie went back to the kitchen to find Diana and Kat there. Kat bounced little Evan on her knee. He loved it. ‘Rrrrrr …! More!’

  Ellie counted on her fingers. She made it nine for supper. Could that be right? Was there anything in the freezer, possibly under those packs of vegetables at the back, which might do? Or what about the food that had been delivered from the supermarket?

  Ellie investigated and unearthed a frozen fish pie and some cooked apples. Oh, joy! But, what about vegetables?

  Trish wandered in, saying, ‘That was Terry on the phone. Monique’s been putting him straight about what happened. He’s apologized for doubting me and wants me back.’

  Ellie willed the girl to say she’d refused … and then hoped she hadn’t.

  Thomas suspended operations on his second sandwich in mid-bite. Everyone looked at Trish. Ought she to return to a wife-beater? Probably not. On the other hand, she’d discovered that she could give as good as she got, so perhaps her relationship with Terry had moved into a different phase.

  Trish sighed. ‘I told him I was going to stay with my parents for a week. I said that if, by the time I return, he’s enrolled in an anger management course, he could take me out to lunch and we’d talk about it.’

  That was sensible. Ellie resumed her search for some frozen peas to go with the fresh broccoli which had been delivered from the supermarket.

  Someone rang the front doorbell. Trish went to answer it and brought in Evan, looking sheepish. He said, ‘Monique’s been on the phone, explaining what’s happened. What a thing, what!’

  Little Evan held up his arms and cried, ‘Dada! Up, up!’ He was taken from Diana’s arms and thrown into the air, father and son enjoying the moment.

  Evan cradled his son as to the manner born. ‘Hrrumph! Well, that’s all very well, but … Diana?’

  Diana exchanged a long look with Kat. She pushed back her chair and went to her husband. ‘I know I’ve been a bad little wifey of late. I was so wound up with business that I neglected my darling husband.’

  Ellie told herself she couldn’t believe her ears. Had Diana been taking lessons in how to captivate an older husband?

  Diana took her husband’s free hand and placed it just under her heart. ‘Can you feel the heartbeat? I don’t know if it’s a boy or girl yet. Do you have any preference?’

  ‘Hurrumph! Well, Monique did say that you … It’s all very well, Diana, but you did play that stupid game about killing your husband.’

  ‘Yes, it was stupid. I was feeling neglected myself, but I shouldn’t have done it. Will you ever forgive me?’

  Ellie blinked. Diana was really laying it on with a trowel. Everyone else round the table was goggle-eyed, waiting to see if Evan would go for it.

  Evan preened. Yes, he really did. ‘Well, if you promise me it won’t happen again.’ He transferred his son over to Diana.

  ‘Of course not. I’ve realized I need some help in the house. I’m wondering, do you think it would be a good idea to ask Kat to come and live with us? She’s a wonderful housekeeper, she loves little Evan and he loves her. Then we can get rid of the new nanny, whom our little boy doesn’t like. It would take such a load off my shoulders.’

  Kat nodded, smiling. She’d been plotting this with Diana, hadn’t she?

  ‘Hurrumph!’ said Evan again. ‘I’ll have to think about that.’

  It was Trish who intervened. ‘Kat, you don’t have to go out to work in someone else’s house again. You can divorce Rupert and get enough to live on comfortably.’

  Kat shook her head. ‘Divorce is not for me. I know Rupert has been a bad man, but it is that woman who has made him like that and in time perhaps he will want his wife again.’

  Trish said, ‘But Kat, he may well go to prison for what he’s done.’

  ‘Then I wait for him. When he is dead and I am old, maybe I will go back home to my own country, or maybe I will find someone else here who likes my cooking. For now, I am going to look after my little Evan, who loves me, and I will cook for Diana and her husband and we will be a family together.’

  Evan looked as if he wasn’t sure he liked this plan but as they all watched in fascination, they saw him decide that there were mo
re pros than cons to the idea. ‘Well, well,’ he said. ‘I suppose you must have it your own way. Now, are you all packed up, you two? You have your car outside and so have I. Let me have some of your things so that you can have the boy and Kat in your car, right? Chop, chop, now. Time is money.’

  Diana said, ‘Kat can get her things ready in a trice, and it won’t take me long to pack up again. Thomas will help put our things in the cars, won’t you?’

  Yes, Thomas would. He finished his mouthful, sent a look to Ellie full of amazement at Diana’s tactics and offered to start straight away.

  Ellie relaxed. And then started to worry again. Strike Kat, Diana and little Evan off the list. Add Susan and Rafael, perhaps? So how many would there be for supper? Did it still make seven … or eight?




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