The Last Queen of Lemuria

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The Last Queen of Lemuria Page 13

by Gloria Mur

  - “Aaahhhh!" Guria wailed like an animal, "Grino! That damned Grino!" - and having lost her strength, she fell to her knees.

  Gorr, drying the sweat from his face barely made it into bed on his trembling legs. "Glory to Lucifer!" Guria had managed on her own. From the moment she had drawn the protective circle, he couldn't see a thing in his crystal ball. But he could feel the Chintamani's presence very clearly. That Stone is strong nonetheless! Was strong. Now all its power would be his- the King of Groix's. And Gorr chuckled, smoothing out a yellowed page with ripped edges on his bed.

  Early the next morning, Gorr called a meeting of the ministers. The members of the government looked ill. The Stone, having shined not far from the castle around a half hour ago had done some harm to the sorcerers. The hunched, frowning Ministers, short on sleep, listened to the King with one ear. Pale, with a trembling voice and burning eyes, the smiling Gorr savored each word as it passed over his tongue:

  - "News from Lemuria..." making a pause, he looked closely at each of the Ministers. "The Chintamani has disappeared. Olmolungring is defended no more."

  - "What? Disappeared? How? Impossible," came a chorus of voices from all sides.

  - "Not so loud!" Shouted Gorr, banging a gong that was standing on the table. "Prepare for war. Three days from now at dawn. The Lemurians are defenseless. They will be defeated, and become excellent slaves for us sorcerers." Gorr fell silent, "I want a a true, beautiful war. I want all my troops outfitted in iron chain-mail- I want fire to rain down on Lemuria... So that not even the ash of the solar city will remain. I will lead the soldiers myself!"

  - But, your Majesty," protested one of the Ministers, "we'll hardly be able to manage a true war. Because Lemuria will be unarmed, without an army.”

  - “The people of Olmolungring are proud, freedom-loving giants. They won't simply submit, just like that." "I hope so," chuckled Gorr. "Of course, our powers won't be equally matched, but all the same, I think we'll make a good time of it! And let's not forget the Lemurian women- a beauty for every soldier, and the palace will be filled with pearls and gold!”

  The Ministers looked around in approval.

  Yala, standing at the doorway of the meeting hall, gasped. Attack Lemuria, burn Olmolungring to the ground! Her home town! She'd grown up there, her parents were crowned there, her son lived there... As if it wasn't enough that the King had arrested Yuma- his own daughter! Yala was quite sure that she would never have poisoned Grino. It had probably been done by one of the servant-girls the Prince had charmed... But Gorr wouldn't listen to a word. Yuma was in the Tower of Death, from whence no one returned alive. And now he was thinking of going to war with Lemuria!

  The Queen quietly walked away from the doors. She had only one thought in mind- to warn them. To save Lemuria. What had happened to the Chintamani? Who could destroy the defense given to the people of Olmolungring by the gods?!

  A morning fog encircled the walls of the castle, obscuring the channel between the two islands. A tall figure in a cloak flashed by the walls. The sound of oars creaking in their locks filled the air. A guard, standing on patrol, looked out into the morning twilight, but saw nothing. There should have been at least a fisherman checking his nets...

  Yala was rowing with all her might and praying. As long as Gorr didn't discover that she was gone before she reached the city! She was hoping that in anticipation of the war, her husband would forget everything and she'd be able to warn the Lemurians. Yala knew that Gorr would never forgive her betrayal. If she had to die, so be it. But she would save Doro's life.

  She landed on the flat coast, dragged the boat onto the sand, and ran to the pink city.

  Shonith La was already awake. He had set up in the Sanctuary for his morning prayer. But a knock at the door got in his way.

  - "Doro, is that you?" Called out the Keeper. Yala appeared at the door, out of breath. Seeing the unexpected guest, Shonith La was taken aback. "My God! Yala! What are you doing here?"

  - "Shonith La! I come bearing terrible news!" exploded Yala, leaning on the wall, exhausted.

  - “What happened?"

  - "Shonith La, where is the Chintamani?" Asked the Queen between breaths.

  - "What a strange question... It's here. Behind this door," he answered, pointing at a small opening in the wall.

  - "Are you sure? It's there?"

  Shonith La was so calm and sure, that she began to doubt Gorr's words.

  - "Where else would it be?" Answered the Keeper, looking at Yala with anxiety.

  - "Check, Shonith La! Please!"

  Shonith La shrugged his shoulders.

  They went into the Sanctuary. The golden pedestal was... empty. "The Relic has disappeared!"

  Shonith La couldn't say a word for several seconds, just sat there, silently with his mouth hanging open, then he clutched at his heart. Yala helped him sit down.

  - "The Stone is gone!" Whispered the head of the Council. "Yala!"

  - "Who could take it, Shonith La?" Asked Yala.

  - Only a person who has Lemurian blood flowing in their veins... But that's impossible. It's senseless," gasped the Keeper, shaking his head.

  - "Gorr is preparing to attack Lemuria. He said they no longer have the Chintamani to fear! I heard it myself. In three days. At dawn. You should leave," exclaimed Yala.

  - "Leave! Where to? Why didn't the Stone kill Gorr?" Wondered Shonith La, helplessly spreading his arms.

  - "Leave on the ark! Their flying machines have to be refueled a lot. They haven't any big ships in Groix. With time on your side, you'll be able to save yourselves. Fly! Forgive me, Shonith La," said Yala.

  - “Yala! You're returning to him?!" Exclaimed the Keeper in horror.

  - “My daughter is still there. And beyond that, if I do not return, Gorr will figure out that I warned you," proclaimed Yala, lowering her head. "Save Doro, Keeper! Save my son!" And Yala disappeared into the palace corridor.

  Yala went into the bedchamber and closed the door quietly. She had successfully snuck past the guards. It was gloomy in the room. Yala lit a lamp. At that second, the a face contorted by anger lit up. Gorr himself was sitting at the table.

  - "Traitor!" hissed Gorr with hate. "You were in Lemuria!"

  Yala froze not strong enough to stir.

  - "You! Thankless bitch! After all I've done for you!" Snarled Gorr.

  - "And what you did?! Because of you, I've been torn away from my children! You've locked up our daughter in a dungeon!" Screamed Yala.

  - "Oh ho ho! Did my little chicky's voice crack?" Called out Gorr. "What a brave girl... You knew exactly what you were coming back to, and you came back anyway."

  - "My children are here," answered Yala, barely audible.

  - "Children! One is a foul poisoner, and the other... Do you know who stole the Stone, Yala? Who wasn't afraid of it's shine? A person who has Lemurian blood in their veins..."

  - "Impossible!"

  - "Oh, it's quite possible, my dear! Guria, you see, is my daughter too."

  - "No... I don't believe you..."

  - "Ask her yourself," shrugged Gorr, standing up from the chair, "and what do you think will become of your wonderful Lemuria... Thanks to your efforts, she will die two days earlier than we had planned! I will lead the Groisillions to the island of the Sun tomorrow. And you can enjoy watching the burning of Olmo... loong.. However they call it! I could never pronounce that idiotic appellation! You should have a great view from the castle walls," Gorr growled, then clapped his hands together, and a servant appeared in the room.

  - "The Queen is not to be released from the chambers, not for any reason!" He ordered, and left.

  The servant bowed and closed the door. A key turned outside the door.

  Chapter 21. Yala

  The light coming through the small opening in the ceiling didn't reach the bottom of the Grey Tower. In the chamber intended for the one who had been sentenced to death, darkness ruled. It smelled of mold. Yuma's dungeon was a room without
corners, with wet walls and bars on the floor. Rats scurried and squeaked below her. The gaps in the bars were too narrow for rodents to get into the chamber. But they could stick their snouts into the holes. As soon as the exhausted prisoner lay down on the slatted floor, the gray beasts began digging their teeth in. No one left here alive. The masters of the Grey Tower knew what they were doing.

  Yuma stood on her tiptoes, leaning against the wall. Her hair and dress were soaked, her face was stained with green slime, which was growing in abundance everywhere. She was shivering from cold and fear. The rats were already gathering below in anticipation of the feast to come. Yuma was exhausted and could barely stand. But still hadn't given up yet. Having found the copper pitcher they used to bring her water, she swatted at their noses as they stuck them up. A booming sound mixed in with the squeals. The rats under the grid froze, but didn't leave. Yuma sobbed. The unfortunate Queen of Lemuria prayed to God to stop this torture as quickly as possible. Time had merged into one long, never-ending night. She somehow felt that she was once again Nastia, sleeping in her room on Ryabinovaya Street- a tram jangled out the window, cars honked, and if she opened her eyes, this whole nightmare would end and her mom would say "time to wake up..." Then she imagined the Lemurian forest, and the booming laughter of the swarthy sorceress, embracing Aleur, then suddenly she saw the Teacher in the corner of the tower in a bright ray of light, looking kindly at her...

  Suddenly, a key could be heard turning in the door. The door swung open with a creak, and a tall, feminine figure appeared in the luminous entrance. In her hands, she was holding an object, resembling a cudgel. Yuma greedily breathed in the air that was flowing into the chamber.

  - "My God! My daughter! My poor daughter!”

  Tears flowed down Yala's cheeks. She embraced her daughter.

  Yuma, squinting from the bright sun, hobbled out of the tower. Near the door, two guards lay face down.

  Yuma staggered in horror.

  - "Yes. I killed them," said Yala. "God will forgive me. Let's run.”

  Looking around, Yuma and Yala ran down the stone stairway. No one was planning to follow after the Queen of the sorcerers and her daughter. The Groisillions were busy preparing for war. Gorr announced that Groix would attack Lemuria at dawn. Excited by the coming battle, the sorcerers were cleaning their armor and weapons, and fixing up their flying machines. No one had time to follow after the run-away prisoner and her mother. Yala and Yuma made their way to the Queen's chambers. When they entered, Yuma saw a servant with glassy eyes lying next to the dresser.

  - "Lord!” whispered Yuma. "You had to kill for me..."

  - "We're safe here," answered Yala, covering the servant's face with a scarf, "it won't even occur to them to look for you in the castle. When they discover you've escaped, they'll look for you on the road to Lemuria."

  - "We're staying here?!"

  - "No, daughter, we're going. But we won't be going on the water. We'll go by air. The flying ball," pronounced Yala, pouring water in a basin, "wash up. I'll give you a dress."

  - "And just where are we gonna get a ball? Can you drive them?"

  - “No. But I've seen it done," answered Yala, "we'll take one of the flügs from the castle courtyard. The servants won't dare stop us, and when they finally do figure out what's going on, we'll already be far away. We must get there in time to warn them..."

  - "Warn who? About what?"

  - "Gorr will bring war to Lemuria. In the morning. The Stone-Protector is no more," sighed Yala heavily, "and I am the one to blame!"

  - "You? What did you do, Yala?!"

  - "I had a daughter, Yuma! A daughter who betrayed me and my people! A cruel, self-loving arrogant woman! Guria was able to steal the stone because she has Lemurian blood flowing in her veins. She stole it and placed a curse on it. The stone is dangerous to sorcerers no more. And they will wipe Lemuria from the face of the earth. If we do not succeed in warning them."

  - "Guria..." exhaled Yuma, her blue eyes narrowing and growing dark, "but what can the Lemurians do, Yala? They are not able to fight."

  - "They can get away in the ark, Yuma. They will find a new island and build a new Olmolungring. And we can get away with them! Let's go!

  Chapter 22. The Escape

  Guria lay down and looked vacantly at the ceiling. "All is lost! So much effort lost in vain! That damned Grino had ripped a page from the book of Lucifer! Why the hell hadn't she thought to make a copy of the curse! Oh well! She would find that page! It was worth quite a bit to her, to say the least. It would make her all powerful! She would have to reach Grino in hell. He could tell her where the spell had gone to! The noise coming in from the courtyard was distracting her from her thoughts. The Princess got up and reluctantly looked out the window. Servants and soldiers scurried all around, carrying bales and barrels. Three flügs stood in the center, exhaust coming from their pipes... "What's going on?" Guria threw on a silk nightgown and looked out down the corridor. Not a single guard! There would have to be some very weighty reasons to leave the royal family without guard. Guria, noticing a servant in the distance cried out,

  - "Hey you! What's going on over there?"

  - "Your highness doesn't know?"

  - "What don't I know?”

  - “Our army will go to Lemuria at dawn," squeaked the servant girl.

  - "What?!" Exclaimed the Princess.

  - "It is the order of His Majesty, King Gorr," answered the girl in a hushed tone.

  Guria froze in place. While Guria was confused, the servant made off.

  "War with Lemuria? But... A sudden realization lit up Guria's face. "So that's what's been going on! It's not Grino! Father had played a cruel joke on her! He knew all along! And now he was making war on Olmolungring! And all because of her plan! She was to become the singular Queen of Lemuria and Groix!

  Guria flew into the throne hall, her face white with rage. The Generals, gathered there for a meeting turned their heads toward her.

  - "Father!" Shouted Guria from the doorstep. "How could you?!"

  - "I'm busy," said Gorr, raising his eyebrows.

  - "You tricked me! You used me!"

  - "Your highness, you forget yourself," answered Gorr.

  - "You'll be sorry! You'll be sorry for this, you damned sorcerer!" Muttered Guria as she left. "You won't even see Lemuria!"

  When she'd gotten to her chambers, the Princess changed clothes. She took the box with the Stone from the table and opened it. “What's that? The Stone is glowing! Barely, but it's glowing! That means... It means the curse is temporary? Well good, all the better!" She was getting ready to warn Lemuria about the attack. And now she'd even be able to bring the Chintamani back. The Stone would destroy Gorr's army. And the Black Princess would find some way to occupy the throne of Groix! Guria forcefully swung the door open... and froze. Yala and Yuma walked past.

  - "Guria, let us go," begged Yala, "we're going to Lemuria."

  - "Mama! You're abandoning me? Leaving for her?!" Guria looked at Yuma with hatred. "You don't even know her!" Guria suddenly felt her anger and hatred interrupted by an unfamiliar feeling. Her eyes stung.

  - "Well, I do know you, Guria! I'm ashamed to say that I raised you! You have brought a great pain to my people. You stole the Chintamani. You betrayed your mother..." sobbed Yala.

  - "Mama!" Interrupted Guria, "I'm gonna make it all right. I'm returning the Stone. Here it is, look!" She raised up the box, "the curse isn't permanent, mama! The power of the Stone is returning! We must take it to Lemuria. Don't abandon me, mama!"

  Tears rolled out of Yala's beautiful eyes. She embraced Guria. Yuma, standing a bit away was looking on with hostility.

  - "Don't believe her, Yala! She already betrayed you once. She'll do it again.”

  - “You're both my daughters, and I love you both. Let's go," Yuma whispered through tears.

  - "You're taking me with you?" beamed Guria. The shroud immediately evaporated from her eyes. She'd have her revenge on her fat
her today!

  - “Let's run. We must make it to the flying ball before we're caught. Can you drive them, by the way?" Asked Yala.

  Guria nodded.

  In the courtyard, the Princess slowed her step and raised her head proudly. Yala and Yuma followed her example. It was absolutely necessary that they raise no suspicion whatsoever. The Black Princess walked up to the captain of a cohort of flügs.

  - "Well, captain Timor, how goes the preparation for the offensive?"

  - "All is in order, your highness!" Reported the small, black-mustached captain. "The flügs are completely primed and prepared for battle."

  - "I'd like to see one of the machines," said Guria.

  - "It's my pleasure," said the captain, inviting the Princess into the ship with a sweep of his hand.

  - "Mama, Yuma, let's go! We'll see if everything is really as good as the captain says..." adding to the officer, "leave us. Mind your own business."

  The captain gave a salute and left the cabin.

  As soon as he'd gotten off the steps, Guria threw the box with the stone on the seat, quickly slammed open the door, and clutched the lever. Yala and Yuma, with anxious faces listened to what was going on outside.

  - "Take off!" Commanded the Black Princess, jerking the wheel toward herself, and the ball buzzed, clanged, and began to spin off. Black smoke chugged out- the smell of fire was in the air.

  The fumbling sorcerers ran in every direction. The captain waved his arms, and shouted, but because of the engine noise, they couldn't hear him. The flüg, raising a column of dust and showering the soldiers with smoke, went a few yards up, and... flew straight away from the castle. The captain with his helpers stayed standing in the middle of the palace, watching the war machine fly away.

  - "Their heads will roll! I'll kill them all! Enemies from hell!" "Those whores stole a ship right out from under your nose!" - shouted Gorr. - "Catch them They must not be allowed to land in Lemuria"

  - “We will go in pursuit of her Majesty and Highness in the light scout flüg- they will be caught..." came the leader, trying to make it better.


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