Through the Seven Doors (Happy Endings Resort Series Book 16)

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Through the Seven Doors (Happy Endings Resort Series Book 16) Page 4

by Sage Short

  On her walk, she threw the key to Cabin 20C into the lake beside the road as the roof caved in upon the four walls. She felt herself almost laugh as the cabin burned to the ground.

  The fire department arrived ten minutes after Dakota got onto the bus. The fire was put out, but the cabin had already been swallowed up and damaged beyond repair. It took an hour for all the flames to be put out.

  When she arrived back home, Dakota walked to the front gate of Elmwood Cemetery. She walked past row after row of headstones before reaching a secluded area with one headstone sheltered beneath an old oak tree. The flowers around the headstone were beginning to wilt. Dakota collected the dead ones and tossed them aside.

  She dropped down to her knees in front of the headstone and put her hand upon the stone.

  “I took care of it, Mom,” she said. “I made sure no one would ever be able to go back to that cabin, or down that hole. It was real. You were right.”

  Dakota stood up and smiled down at her mother’s stone.

  Sneak Peek at

  Expert Tease

  By Lola Kyle

  Book 12 in the Happy Endings Resort Series

  Releasing April 1, 2017

  The following material is not the final version and may change.


  He hasn’t touched me in forever; I think to myself. After thirteen years of marriage, I expected that there would be a drought at some point, but right now it was time for the rain to fall and I was so ready to get wet. Reaching over, I run my hands over his legs, making my way over to his crotch. Excitement and fear of rejection send all the blood rushing to my core as my fingers brush lightly against his still sleeping member.

  A startled Blake pushes my hands away and stares at me in disgust. The shame that fills me hits me unexpectedly and I recoil. Looking at him questioningly, I ask “Why must I feel shame for wanting to enjoy my marital bed, Blake?” Tears filling my eyes as I plead with him to answer me. “What is it that I have done, that you no longer desire me?” The sneer that graces his lips proves to me that I am treading on thin ground. Standing quickly, I rid myself of my clothes and stand before him. “Look at me!” I plead, growing even more desperate with each tear that spills over my water line. “Not an ounce of fat on me, but you still won’t touch me.”

  All the anger that warred inside me didn’t prepare me for the words that came out of my husband’s mouth. “You really want to know why? Look at you. Your hair no longer shines, your smell is no longer sexy. You have let yourself go. No matter that you aren’t fat. You’ve stopped trying. When was the last time you did your hair? Or your nails? Take your nose out those books you love so much and take a page out of their books. You want me to fuck you again. Then make an effort Maye! For god’s sake, put your fucking clothes back on. I can’t stand to look at you.”

  Just like that he made me feel small again, what he said the equivalent of a cold water bath on my naked skin. The tears just kept flowing as I picked the discarded clothing off of my living room floor. No amount of self-love would make this better. I couldn’t get his voice out of my head. All I could hear was the venom and cruelty of those words seeping into my pores and getting under my skin as I took the walk of shame to our shared bedroom.

  The volume on the television rose and I just lost it. Falling to pieces on the bedroom floor, a part of me dying and dissolving into dust. The reflection that caught my eyes from the standing mirror in the corner wasn’t something to be proud of, and I couldn’t help but stare at myself. Seeing what he saw, I hated it! Sobs racked my body, as I curled into myself to muffle the sounds coming out of me. This felt like dying. Though the feeling of the cold floor beneath my cheek comforted me, I needed to get up, pull myself together and pretend to be happy for book club.

  Shuddering slightly, I look at the face staring back at me, trying to convince myself to put this all behind me. I tossed the clothes in the hamper and prepared myself a soothing bath. To act the part, I had to believe it, and nothing felt better than a warm bath infused with the citrusy goodness of my bath bomb.

  Stepping into the water felt like a breath of fresh air, the warm water caressed my skin, like a lover cocooning my ankle in its warmth. Submerging myself totally, a wave of calm enveloped me and I felt like I could breathe. Finally. I needed this more than anything else at the moment, and nothing felt more reassuring than being in water. He was right. It’d been too long since I last pampered myself. Covered in bubbles, my earlier frustrations disappearing as my carnal needs resurfaced, beckoning me to sate my still raging libido.

  Trailing my fingers down the silky skin of my breast. A thrill runs through me. Sliding further down into the water to find a comfortable spot, my nipples plump and ready to be played with. My head tilts back, and I find bliss in twisting and squeezing my erect buds as pleasure ricochets to my aroused core. I needed this. My hands slowly moving lower, leaving gooseflesh in its path. Desire, an intimacy that I rarely experience anymore, heightens. Unexpectedly coaxing moans from my lips as I savor the feelings I’ve missed. Slowly circling, rubbing, gently massaging my clit. I gasp, fueling my arousal, my body urges me to continue. Wanting more, I slip my fingers inside my slick folds and my back arches at the touch. It doesn’t take me long to climax, fingering my pussy faster, I rock my hips to meet each thrust of my hand. Water splashing from the tub and I close my eyes at the sounds it makes, pushing me over the edge and I cum, fast and hard. Trembling at the tightness in my chest, the feeling of my limbs turning to jelly in the water. I needed this.

  Almost falling asleep in my bliss, the sound of my phone ringing cuts through the fog, and I rinse off quickly before leaving the bathroom. The screen illuminates and reminds me of the time. Shit… I was going to be late for book club.

  My phone rings and rudely interrupts my sing along, answering as Carlotta’s voice slips through the audio. “Maye darling! Would you be a dear and pick up some cookies from Linda’s Deli on the way here? Ana’s having her cravings again, and she must have those chocolate chip, marshmallow cookies or you know we’ll never get anywhere this afternoon.” Rolling my eyes, I agree and make a totally illegal U-turn back to Linda’s bakery on the edge of town.

  Upon arrival, the drizzling rain delayed my entrance into the store. I decided to make a run for it, incidentally running into someone in my haste to escape the torrent of rain that was now falling harder.

  “Great! Now I’ll be late for my meeting." She said while looking at the mess I had created.

  Trying to clean the crumbs from her muffin of her suit, muttering more to herself than to me. “Look where you’re going next time. My Blazer is ruined.”

  Oh boy, she sounded pissed.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. We look the same size, here take my cardigan.” Taking my jacket off and shoving it in her direction. She stared at me like I had two heads, I said the first thing that came to mind. “It’s black. Uh… It’ll match with your blue slacks...” It was so uncomfortable. The awkward silence drew on as we shifted to allow pedestrians to pass, if she didn’t say something soon, I might give her the shirt off my back as well. “I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for your dry cleaning. I can give you my number, and you can use my jacket and you can make your meeting.”

  I folded my arms across my stomach. Withering under her intense gaze. I wasn’t sure if the chill that took over was because of her penetrating scowl or because I was in a tank top after getting caught in the rain. My voice grew small, and my plea for her to say something could barely be heard. “Please take the jacket and my number. Allow me to make this right.”

  Shrugging out of her jacket, she takes the phone out and unlocks it, before handing me her coffee stained blazer and mobile.

  “You can keep your cardigan. It won’t fit.”

  “What do you mean it won’t fit? We’re practically built the same.”

  Looking down to see what exactly she was gesturing to with her hands. I blushed. My cheeks flushing at the intense way she look
ed at me. Unsure if she was chastising me for having large breast or if she was just as flustered as I was by hinting about my lady parts in public. The wind and the rain combination sent a chill through me; my nipples perked up at the draft blowing against my exposed skin. Shifting nervously and folding my arms to hide my now erect nipples from showing through the thin material of my tank top, I find my voice again.

  “You never gave me your name.” My eyes met hers as she licked her lips and handed me a business card.

  “Call me when my jacket is ready.” She walks away as I stand there shocked at the apparent dismissal as she looks over her shoulder she yells back “Oh and you owe me coffee!”

  The name Jade Thomas stands greets me in an elaborate green script, embossed on a black card peppered with gold filigree. Looking at the card, you could clearly see she was someone of importance, but between the fact that my phone was ringing and I’m pretty sure it was Carlotta calling to add something else to my list, I had no time to think about it.

  Carlotta’s brows furrowed at my uncharacteristic silence.

  “What’s the matter darling? Cat got your tongue?” she said; smiling at her running joke for teasing Blake and I for having seven cats instead of children.

  “I think we should give Ana a minute to get her wits about her. You do realize she’s crying right?”

  Hiccupping, Ana wiped her nose and looked at me.

  Sipping her iced tea, Carlotta barely looked at Ana.

  “You alright sweetheart?”

  Shifting closer to her chair. I run my hands across Ana’s back. “There, there. It’s just the hormones.”

  “No, it’s not just the hormones. Nick hasn’t had sex with me lately. I think I’m too fat or something.”

  Knowing all too well the dilemma, I try to comfort her. “Maybe he doesn’t want to hurt the baby Nana.” She looks up at me, and I continue with my words of encouragement. “You know how long y’all have been trying to get pregnant.”

  Cutting me off before I could continue, Carlotta takes the lead again.

  “I’m not trying to be mean darling, but you could cut back on the Girl Scout cookies and maybe join the pregnant Pilates class down at the resort. You know, the one Liz joined last year when she was pregnant with the twins.”

  I was rendered speechless; my jaw dropped at Carlotta’s callousness.

  Always the peacemaker, Liz’s eyes widened at Carlotta’s words “Drinks anyone?”

  “Omg Lottie why you always gotta be a bitch?”

  Ana’s voice rang out loud and true in the silent room. The usually timid girl, finally spoke up for herself. Never mind the fact that she had to get pregnant to grow some balls, but good on her. Liz and I locked eyes doing that freaky twin thing once in a while when we agreed on something. Though this time, I think we agreed on three things. A, Carlotta is a bitch, and we’re not sure why we’re friends with her. B, Ana was finally growing up, and we were proud of her and C we needed to show an act of solidarity to boost her spirits. Unsure how to approach the subject, Liz titled her head at me. Motioning me to say my idea, taking a breath I turn towards Ana, sending a glare Carlotta’s way.

  “Nana, we can all go to the Pilates class with you. I think I could use a little more flexibility.” Looking over at Liz for confirmation she nods, my smile faltering at the sound of Carlotta’s voice.

  “Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for group bonding. Rah-Rah Sisterhood of the traveling book and all of that but there is no way in hell I’m going to a pregnant pilates class.”

  “Seriously Carlotta, you can’t do this one thing for us?” I asked quirking my brow and imitating her signature move.

  “Maybe Carlotta’s right, we don’t have to go to pregnant pilates.” Before I could chew her out for backing down just because Carlotta’s a bitch, she powers on, “Trust me, Nana, all it’ll do is make you feel worse. You wanna feel sexy again? I was thinking about signing up for this Strip Tease class I saw being advertised near that bakery on the way back to town.” Looking around she continues, “It’ll be fun, it’s totally inexpensive and I think it’ll make you feel sexy. You could even do your sexy dance for Nick. I bet that’ll shake things up babe. If not, then you could just 50 shades of pregnant his ass and tie him up and ride his face into the sunset.”

  A snort erupts from Ana’s mouth and I couldn’t help but join in with her laughter, so rich and full of mirth. She deserved to be happy, and I think I did too. I’ve always been good to my husband and it was time he gave me a baby.

  Taking control again, Carlotta says “Alright girls. I don’t think we’ll finish Until You unless we read it.” Looking towards Ana from the corner of her eyes, she asked: “You think you can get through the final chapters without crying tonight?” It was the nicest thing she could say, but it was super sweet by Carlotta’s standards.


  “Move it buster! The light’s green. Are you waiting for a royal invitation?” Yelling as I press my palm on the horn on my Ford Ranger. Not only was I stuck in traffic, I was going to walk into my meeting late and smelling like coffee. I didn’t have road rage or anything but a town as small as Endings, South Carolina was sure to drive me insane with way too many cars and not enough roads. I liked it here. Scratch that. I loved it here, and when I came for Murphy and Hunter’s wedding last year, I fell for the small-town charm. As a business consultant, I was mobile ninety percent of the time. So giving up my empty house in the hustle and bustle of Pittsburgh and moving into a cabin at the Happy Endings Resort was an easy decision.

  My phone chirps and I answer immediately. “Talk to me Ashley, are they unhappy?”

  “Well I’m not saying that they are unhappy butttt,” after a brief pause she goes on “If you weren’t highly recommended I think you would have gotten the boot.”

  “I’m like three minutes away babe. I had a fucking shit evening and I hope you have the extra blazer for me like I asked.” I barely hear a word she says as my mind drifts back to the leggy blonde who ran into me.

  The way her green eyes shone earnestly, or how she bit her lips and suffered with severe word vomit. It was adorable and somewhat sexy when she became flustered. Oh my god! What is wrong with me? Here I am late for one of the biggest contracts I would land this year and I was thinking about the way her nipples perked up as the wind softly kissed her exposed skin. I was clearly going too long without some action. I think once the contract is signed, I’ll take Ashley out and we’ll celebrate. Maybe I would get lucky.

  “Jade, did you hear me?” Ashley asked. Her voice shrill and filled with panic. The way she always gets when I’m cutting it a little too close for comfort.

  “I’m pulling in you worrywart. Meet me outside.”

  I see Ashley waving at me frantically from a parking spot next to her blue Honda Civic.

  “Were you standing in that parking spot this entire time?” I ask, laughter bubbling just under the surface.

  “Of course, do you know how hard it is to find a parking spot at Terri’s on a Wednesday? It’s really fucking hard and you’d have been circling for hours just waiting. Not that you’d know. You never go out anymore.” She said. A frown graces my lips and she hurries on “But enough of that, here put this on and hurry. I don’t think Mr. Lee-Sing is happy.”

  Sighing, I stood put on the blazer and headed towards the building. Mr. Lee-Sing was one of those millionaires who considered his time as money. He also had an ego the size of Texas and demanded to be treated as though he were immortal, making sure he was seated first and never to call him by his first name, unlike most of my clients.

  “Mr. Lee-Sing, how are you? My apologies for being late.” I said bowing to him in formal Chinese tradition. Oh, did I mention he never shook hands of people who worked for him. Yea, total hard ass.

  “Now Miss Thomas, you know time is valuable to me. You should have been on time.” He tsked. “I’m taking five percent off of your final fee. Had you been on time you would have been paid in ful

  The mask I rarely had to use anymore sat firmly in place as I watched this hunched, wrinkly old man try to boss me around when he clearly needed my services. I counted the liver spots that peppered his face as a method of calming myself. He’s unaware of what he just did. He just added ten percent to his final fee. Gosh I hate bossy people, I was already too close to the edge and I was starving, this was going to be a long meeting.

  For some reason, I was distracted by the leggy blonde. Her lips were so full, it was like it beckoned me to kiss her.

  “Miss Thomas?” he asked. “Did you hear me?”

  Fuck I really needed to get laid if one woman would distract me so much. “I’m sorry what was that?” I said looking down at my iPad.

  Folding his napkin, he placed his hands on the table “If my sons weren’t hell bent on hiring you, I’d have taken my business elsewhere.” He paused signaling the waitress to call for the bill. “Have your proposal ready by noon, Tuesday.” He straightened his lapel as he stood and walked away.

  “Can I have two slices of Tiramisu please.” I smile to the waitress, when Ashley takes the seat recently vacated seat and looks at me expectantly.

  “What are you doing Jade?” She asks me wearily.

  “Ordering dessert. What does it look like? You want some?” I signal for the waiter again.

  “Put your hand down.” She scolds “I don’t want cake. I wanna know what’s up with you. First, you’re late. Which is so unlike you. You show up smelling like coffee and made me drive across town, on my day off just to bring you a blazer and now your client is unhappy? What exactly happened today?”


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