Tackled by the King: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Tackled by the King: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 21

by Christina Clark

  The stranger was quick to reply.

  “Can I call you? This is important. I will explain everything.”


  I poked my tongue through my cheeks nervously and got up from my seat, grasping the ringing phone tightly in my hand.

  “Hey, Val? I'll be in the balcony.” I called out to Val. “I just have to take this call!”

  I squeezed through the glass door and shut it behind me. The distant sounds of traffic 19 floors below rang free through the open air. I yanked on the pull chain next to the door, switching on the balcony lamps.

  “Hello?” I rested an arm against the railing.

  “Carrie? This is Lena.”

  “Lena?” I repeated, rubbing my fingertips together. “I'm sorry, I don't think I know a Lena –”

  “Lena Xiao. I used to go by the name Xiao-Xin. Maybe you've heard of me.”

  “Xiao-Xin?” My grip tightened around my phone. “I – yes. As a matter of fact, I have. Is there something I can help you with?”

  “No. But I'm hoping I can help you. I understand you're seeing Val.”

  “Yes, yes I am.” This was so awkward it was hard to find the right words to say. “And I understand you've been divorced for 2 years... You are divorced, aren't you?”

  “Yes, we are.” There was a tentative pause on the line. “Listen, Carrie. From one woman to another, I'm asking that you please listen to me. Val is an extremely dangerous and violent man. He's possessive and insanely jealous, which was I left him in the first place –”

  “I don't – I'm sorry.” I shook my head, rubbing my forehead. “Kingsley didn't put you up to this, did he? Because if he did –”

  “Look at your screen.”

  I pulled my phone away from my ear. Xiao-Xin had switched on her front camera. A pretty woman with shoulder-length black hair and sad brown eyes blinked back at me.

  The fuzz on my arms stood on their ends.

  “I couldn't risk deportation, Carrie.” She propped her phone up on a stand. “I know you don't want to believe me. Val may be sweet and charming now, but when he starts getting jealous...”

  Xiao-Xin pushed her chair back. She turned around and rolled up her blouse all the way to her neck. Right above the wings of her black bra was a pinkish scar in the shape of a perfect circle. The raw, veined skin was slightly protruding and browned with age. I grimaced, my jaw trembling.

  She pulled down her shirt and plopped back down on her chair.

  “He burned me with a frying pan when I tried to get away from him one time. I had to change my name and go off the grid when the divorce finally went through. It was the best day of my life. Val is a misogynistic bully, and if you know what's good for you, you'll stop seeing him right now.”

  “I don't – I'm at his place right now,” I whispered hoarsely.

  Xiao-Xin flicked her tongue over her lips, her eyes bulging with fear.

  “Can you leave?” Xiao-Xin whispered back, her eyes darting around her room. “I'm actually in town right now. I was hoping we could talk in person. I'll explain everything –”

  “Carrie?” The door slid open violently behind me, emitting a grating squeak. “Who are you talking to?”

  I hung up instantly and shoved my phone into my back pocket.

  “Oh, that.” I scratched my nose, feeling a squeeze in my throat. “Just that work call I was talking about.”

  “So why were you on FaceTime?” Val demanded, glowering at me.

  “What? What does that matter?” I straightened up and pushed my shoulders back, walking up to Val. With all the false bravado I could conjure up at the moment, I squinted up at him. “Excuse me.”

  Val gnashed his teeth together, glaring at me for a few seconds before backing up. I snaked past him and aimed straight for my purse and coat. His heavy footsteps behind me made my thumping heart leap to my throat.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Val hounded me, the shadow of his broad-shouldered figure looming over me.

  “Right, sorry. I've gotta go. Work stuff,” I answered him vaguely, slipping my arms into the sleeves of my coat and avoiding his eyes.

  I was 2 steps away from the front door when Val intercepted me, obstructing my path.

  “Bullshit. You're not going anywhere. You were talking to that nurse, weren't you?”

  “What nurse?” I reached around him for the doorknob. “Move.”

  Val grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him, leaning in so close to my face the tip of his nose was pushing up against mine. His hot, heavy breath engulfed my face as he twisted my wrist. I yelped, my face scrunching up in agony.

  “I'm not stupid, Carrie. That pretty boy nurse I caught you flirting with –”

  “Nurse Hiro?” I spat at him, the burning sensation in my wrist multiplying as he twisted harder. The crown of sweat broke loose on my forehead, running down the sides of my face. “Agh! Get off me!”

  With mockingly wiggling fingers, Val released me. I lurched backwards, gaping at the sick smile forming on his lips. Numbing adrenaline swept through my systems, kicking in from my fight-or-flight mode. I splayed my feet apart, literally holding my ground.

  “Val, get the fuck away from the door, or I'm calling the cops. This is – this is false imprisonment –”

  “Go ahead, call the cops. Who do you think they're gonna listen to? Some 2-bit journalist looking for her next big story, or me?”

  I held my breath as Val stepped away from the door, my eyes fixed to the doorknob. He strode towards me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I went rigid in his arms. As he stroked my ear, goosebumps surfaced on every patch of exposed flesh on my body.

  “What is it with you sluts that are never satisfied with what you have?”

  The degradation in his words prompted a flurry of rage inside me. I pressed both fists up against his chest and thrust him off me. He arched his eyebrows, looking amused.

  “Fighting back, are we? That's new. Xiao-Xin just used to take it like a little bitch.” He nodded, biting his lip as his eyes swept me from head to toe. “I think I kinda like this. It may even be turning me on a little...”

  “Fuck you.”

  My glimpse at the door was a huge mistake. Val caught on, the smile on his face vanishing. It all happened so fast. Jumping on my instincts, I made a run for it. I dodged Val and raced to the door, fiddling with the lock with my clammy palms. And just as I pulled back the door, Val slammed it back shut.

  Before I knew it, a blinding, powerful force clocked me right in the eye. I toppled backwards and crashed to the ground. My purse sagged off my shoulders and fell next to me. Groping the cold wooden floors underneath me, I forced myself back to my feet. I was reeling back and forth like a spinning top that was slowly coming to a halt. When the spastic stars in my eyes receded, I could make out Val's silhouette through my swaying double vision. He rubbed his fists angrily, coming at me for a second time.

  “What, you looking for more, bitch?”

  My will to defend myself overpowering me, I reacted. When Val spaced his legs apart mid-lunge, I swung out my leg between the gap with all the force I could muster. The pointy tip of my wedges connected with something soft, and I almost certainly felt something crack.

  Val crumpled to his knees with a high-pitched wail, grasping at his crotch with both hands. I grabbed my purse from the floor, swung it against his chest, and punched him in the nose for good measure. Val fell sideways, clutching at his nose with a bloody hand.

  I unlocked the door and hightailed it out of there. Mashing on the elevator button, I glanced over my shoulder repeatedly, terrified I was going to see Val crawling out after me. But he didn't. I slipped into the elevator, my fingers growing numb from all the button smashing.

  When I got to the ground floor, I sped out of the entrance, only to be grabbed by another pair of strong hands.

  “Get off –”

  “Carrie, Carrie, chill. It's me.”

  I gazed up at Kingsley's face, promptly falling
limp in his arms.

  “Thank – thank God you're here. How'd you know –”

  “Xiao-Xin called Nellie. She got worried when you hung up on her.”

  “I'm just happy you're here.” I choked back my tears, burying my face in Kingsley's chest.

  “It's okay, Carrie. I'm here.” Kingsley held onto the back of my head gently, kissing the top of my head. “We're gonna get that bastard.”

  Chapter Forty-One: Kingsley

  “Alright, alright, quit horsing around and listen up.”

  Coach took the stage of the clubhouse lounge. At the sight of his raised hand, the whole room went quiet. I took a sip of my beer, shifting in my seat for a better view of the stage.

  “As you all know by now, as of last week, Presley's been permanently removed from the team.”

  The room broke out in hoots and applause. I hefted my foot up to my other leg and leaned back in my chair, joining in the laughter. On one side of the room, Louie sprang off his seat with a standing ovation. From the other, Wyatt cupped his hands over his mouth and called out to the crowd.

  “That woman-beating piece of shit's never gonna step foot on the field again.”

  “Pretty sure Presley's gonna think twice before he lays a hand on another woman. Did y'all see his mugshot?” Louie turned his chair around, straddling it. “Carrie done broke his nose good – heard he got his nuts kicked in, too!”

  Coach raised his hand again, but he, too, seemed real chuffed by the thought of Val's bruised nuts.

  “Yeah, alright, pipe down. I want you all to welcome Donahue as the new starting Wide Receiver.”

  Coach nodded at the former second-string Wide Receiver sitting closest to the stage. Donahue rose to his feet, saluting us as the team cheered for him. I clapped louder than the rest of them. Donahue and I weren't particularly close, but he was a chill dude. Frankly, I'd have welcomed Oscar the Grouch onto the team with the same enthusiasm just as long as it meant that Val was out.

  “That means we'll be holding tryouts for the next couple of weeks till we get our new second-string. And when we pick him, you're gonna take it easy on the guy. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Coach.”

  When Coach got off the stage, I got up and headed for the bathroom. I turned a right down the hallway, slipping into the locker room. Halfway to the urinals, I heard a booming cough and a flush from one of the toilet stalls. Odell popped out of the stall.

  “Yo, King.”

  I stopped in my tracks, nodding at him.

  “What's up?”

  Odell walked over to the sink, turning on the faucet.

  “Nellie's parents landed this morning.”

  “Good to hear.”

  Odell sighed, turning the faucet off and drying his hands on his pants.

  “They called last night and thanked me for the tickets I sent them.” He fingered his goatee thoughtfully. “Only, I ain't ever sent them any tickets.”

  “That's some spooky shit, then, my friend,” I replied dryly.

  “Cut the crap.” One side of his mouth pulled back in a half-smile. “I know it was you who sent them the tickets. Nellie's over the moon – I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. She hasn't seen her parents in years, and they're meeting Faith for the first time, too. So, how'd you know?”

  “I overheard you talking to Kaiser in the gym a few weeks back.”

  “You really came through for me.” Odell's voice was low and thick with emotion. “Thanks. I'ma get you back –”

  “Don't even think about it. It's my anniversary gift to the 2 of you. Happy 15th.”

  “Thanks, King. I mean it.”

  Odell and I looked away from each other, equally uneasy with the weird sentimental atmosphere hanging over us. Rubbing the back of his neck, Odell took a step towards me. We did another weird side-to-side dance before settling for our usual handshake and chest bump.

  “Alright, well. I gotta piss like there's no tomorrow.” I slapped my hands together, breaking the silence and shattering the ice in one go.

  Odell grinned at me, heading for the door.

  “Catch you later, brother.”

  Chapter Forty-Two: Carrie

  “Jamie? Jackson? You guys ready?”

  I clipped on my latch back earrings, my high school graduation gift from my parents. The yellow sapphires sparkled in my reflection on the Celtic sun mirror hanging in the hallway. I adjusted the thong riding up my ass cheeks and flattened the skirt of my maroon high-neck dress.

  Leaning in to the mirror, I inspected my right eye. The swelling had gone down considerably, and all the concealer and foundation caked on my face made me look paler than I already was, but it covered up the blue bruising nicely. I rummaged around my purse and extracted my lip brush from my makeup kit to even out the maroon on my lips.

  3 sets of footsteps trudged down the steps behind me.

  “Here I am!” Jackson announced as Nurse Abby and Jamie came down the steps behind him. He spun around, showing off his moussed hair, powder-blue suit, and polka dot bow tie.

  “Very sharp.”

  I gave Jackson a high-five, sharing his infectious smile. I was elated to see that color was slowly coming back to his cheeks. He was even bouncing around like his usual self again.

  “I've packed a book in Jackson's bag.” Nurse Abby glanced up at Jamie as she slipped the straps of Jackson's backpack over his shoulders. “I hope that's alright.”

  When Jamie turned away from Nurse Abby grumpily, I quickly answered for her.

  “That's fine.”

  “I'm going to read my book in the car,” Jackson declared. “Can I bring Kingson along, too? I think he'll have fun at the party –”

  “I don't think Kingson's going to fit in at the Kahales' anniversary party,” said Nurse Abby helpfully, shooting me a meaningful glance. “Besides, the Kahales have children. It's a great time to make new friends.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Why don't we go get you a drink of water before you leave?”

  “Okay.” Jackson shrugged, skipping alongside Nurse Abby as she led him into the kitchen.

  “Thanks, Nurse Abby, you're the best!”

  “'Thanks, Nurse Abby, you're the best!'” Jamie mimicked me under her breath as she checked her makeup in the mirror, complete with a childish wag of her head.

  “Really?” I shook my head at her, crossing my arms over my chest. “So mature, Jamie. You really need to check your attitude around Nurse Abby –”

  “And what makes you think I'd do that?” Jamie retaliated, turning away from the mirror to face me.

  “What is your problem? And keep your voice down – ”

  “My problem? My sister doesn't think I'm good enough to take care of my own son –”

  “Oh please, don't make this about you again,” I snapped, baring my teeth. “It's getting real old. It's not like you're paying for any of this – or anything for over a month now, for that matter –”

  “There you go again – it's always about the money with you.” Jamie rolled her eyes, sweeping her hair away from her face dramatically. “I don't know why I'm suddenly not a good enough mother. 'Cause I'll tell you right now, all my followers will beg to differ –”

  “You want to be a good mother? Here's a little free advice – get off your lazy ass and get a job! Go back to school. Do something!” I walked away from her, taking a deep breath before lowering my voice. “You've lost your chance to fuck around and do nothing with your life when you became a mother. How has that not occurred to you yet? For crying out loud, Jamie, what if something happened to me?”

  “Jackson and I would be just fine,” said Jamie stubbornly. “You think you're on such a different level 'cause you're footing a couple of bills, but money doesn't mean anything –”

  “Uh, yes it does, 'cause I'm living in the real world. Come join me out here.” I snatched up my purse from behind the door. “I'm not doing this with you now. Let's just put whatever this is on hold. We'
re late.”

  “But I –”

  “Come on, Jackson! It's time to go!”


  “Thank you so much for the caramel milk tart,” Nellie gushed from across the picnic table. She was positively glowing today in a gold and white party dress, along with her shimmery eye shadow and gilded lips. “I can't wait to dig into that later.”

  “And thank you for inviting us.” I smiled, shoveling some fish laulau onto my plate. The shredded fish slices tainted purple from taro leaves joined the pineapple fried rice and kalua pork in front of me. “Jackson's been itching for a reason to get out of the house. He can't wait to get back to school in 2 weeks. Isn't that right, Jackson?”

  “Yup! I wish I could go back to school tomorrow.” Jackson chimed in next to me. He licked off the grain of yellow rice stuck to his bottom lip. The 3'5” charmer then proceeded to lean over the table to add another serving of rice on Faith's plate. “You're almost done with your rice. Here's some more!”

  “Thank you, Jackson,” said Faith shyly next to her mother. She giggled, blushing adorably as she swung her legs under the bench.

  Nellie and I wiggled our eyebrows at each other. As she turned to talk to her mother, an attractive larger woman with a thunderous belly-laugh, I gazed around at the rest of the party. 3 picnic tables were pushed together Last Supper style, surrounded by the laughing and smiling faces of the Kahales. Though they all came from different walks of life, there was a heartwarming and clear love for each other that tied them all together. They actually seemed to genuinely enjoy each other's company.

  “Ugh, why does everything taste like taro?” Jamie bitched on the other side of me.

  “Shut. It.” I scolded her through gritted teeth and a fake smile, kicking her under the table. Subtly turning towards her, I continued with a hand over my mouth. “How does it feel to have a son with better manners than you?”

  “Whatever. I haven't been to a party this lame since –”

  “Excuse me, Nellie,” I said loudly, standing up. “Where's the bathroom?”

  “Straight down the hall, first door on your left.”



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