Gridiron Follies

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Gridiron Follies Page 8

by M Koleosho

the next few months. He kept a low profile, avoiding trouble, trying to surround himself with nothing but positivity.  Time flew by and the year was coming to an end.

  Rahim who had been cautiously optimistic from his encounter with the Iya Orisha, was brimming with confidence. If he made it to the next year, it would prove the contract was null and void. All he had to do was follow the priestess’ instructions and everything would be fine and dandy.

  It probably would have, if he didn’t receive a call from Ziggy three days before the end of the year.

  “Yo Ra, where the heck have you been?” proclaimed Ziggy excitedly.

  “Man, just chilling, laying low…just waiting on the new year. How about you?”, responds Rahim.

  “Yeah, yeah, same here man. Watchu doing for new years’ eve?”

  “Nothing man, just going to stay home and prepare for a new year of blessings”

  Ziggy bursts out laughing. “What the heck is wrong with you? You really have gone soft. Its New Year’s eve man, live it up! I know this party going down and trust me, you do not want to miss it.”

  Rahim does not like the idea of going to a party on New Year’s Eve. “Nah man, I gotta turn that down. Not sure I need that type of exposure.”

  “Nope, not having it man. You’ve been in that house for months now, you need this. You need to get out there and see real people. Trust me, that place is going to be filled with dimes. It’s the one party you don’t want to miss.”

  Rahim mulls over Ziggy’s comments, he’s clearly torn on what decision to make. “I…I don’t know man.”

  Ziggy remains persistent. “You don’t think am being thankful? Dude it’s been one heck of a year, why you think am going to that party, to get wasted and find me some hot chicks. I need my best wingman by my side. Please don’t let me down.”

  Rahim smiles, Ziggy always seemed to know how to cheer him up. “Why do I have to be the wingman?”

  “Because you’re the known entity man, everyone in that place knows who Rahim Jenkins is. I need the help not you”, states Ziggy.

  Rahim guffaws loudly. “You're a fool Zig…Aite I will come to the party, but I am not staying late.”

  “That’s fine, as long as you show up. Come get me around 9, it’s supposed to be somewhere in the hills.”

  “Okay man, see you then. Peace!”, Rahim drops the phone, subconsciously touching his necklace. Wondering if he had made the right decision.

  New Year’s Eve came and Rahim was feeling quite nervous about going to the party. It seemed everything that could go wrong had gone wrong that day. One of his ex-girlfriends had called earlier in the day to wail on him about not being there for his child. That turned into a screaming match between both parties.

  In annoyance, he tossed the phone at the wall but unfortunately it veered off to the side, hitting his screen door and breaking the valuable glass attached to it. That was going to cost him money to fix, and he hated paying for things he could have avoided.

  The second shocker came during the day when he tried to press the outfit he was going to wear to the party. Absentmindedly he had put the Iron on the clothes whilst trying to answer the ringing phone. By the time he got back, the shirt had been burned.

  To top it all off, when he went downstairs to check up on his Bentley, one of the tires was flat. It was like the universe was trying to send him a warning that night not to go anywhere. He almost made up his mind not to, but remembered that Ziggy would have no way of getting to the party. So back indoors it was to find a new attire. Instead of driving the Bentley, he’d take his Ferrari and have someone replace the Bentley tire the next day. He would try to salvage what was left of the day and make the best out of it.

  8:45 p.m. and Rahim was ready to roll. He looked at himself in the mirror one more time and winked at his reflection. He liked what he saw. Dressed in an all black suit attire, he knew he was looking quite suave.

  He strolled confidently to his car, hopped in and beamed excitedly as the car growled in response. He sped out the driveway and unto the highway. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at Ziggy’s house. Honking loudly to get his attention.

  Ziggy runs out and jumps in the car. “You brought out the Ferrari…nice!!! Looks like you mean business tonight.”

  “Yizzir, let’s go have ourselves a great time,” smiles Rahim.

  The car peels unto the street and out of sight.

  The party was being held at the mansion of a big name actor. The place was buzzing with A-listers and groupies who wanted to get with them. Anyone with any sort of clout was present. Rahim and Ziggy arrived just as things were picking up. People flocked to him, especially the ladies.

  He was totally at ease in the spotlight, this was what he craved. He knew he had missed this. Something in him told him to be cautious, but mostly he looked forward to making it to the next year so he could be involved in such activities more often.

  An hour later, a few drinks in him and surrounded by a bevy of ladies, any such reservations he had before coming to the party was gone. He was really enjoying himself. Ziggy was nowhere to be found, having found a few ladies to interest himself in also. The music played loudly through the speakers, people moved to and fro. It was a night to let go and let loose.

  Rahim’s cup was empty and he needed a refill. He jumped up gingerly, excused himself from the women that surrounded him and made his way to the bar. That was when he saw her.

  She was standing by the door, talking to a few guys that were obviously enamored with her looks. She was slim and slender, yet curvaceous in all the right spots. She looked she had stepped right out of a fashion magazine, her jet black hair glistening under the lights. She was of mixed descent, Persian and Caucasian to be exact. Tanned and confident, she chuckled at all the attention she was getting. The short red dress she wore looked like it was painted on. She knew she was stunning, and she used it to her advantage. Licking her lips seductively, driving the guys around her crazy. That’s when her eyes locked with his and it was as if time had stood still.

  He stood there, transfixed to the spot. He had never seen anyone like her before. Her emerald green eyes were locked with his, and he felt like she was looking directly into his soul. She smiled at him, he felt woozy. What effect was this?

  This woman was enchanting and he had to know more about her. She walked away, heading towards the dance floor. He followed, watching her every move, her sensual strides felt trance like to him, he could not stop looking.

  He wasn’t the only one who noticed, the crowd seemed to part aside to let her get to the center of the dance floor. There she began dancing, tossing her hair cheekily, moving her body seductively to the beat. It was truly a sight to behold. A few guys approached her, but she ignored them, dancing on her own, lost in the music.

  Rahim inched closer and closer, his sight set on the woman in front of him. He had to talk to her, he had not felt this way in a long time. Finally he was within striking distance and he wasn’t going to blow this.

  “A beautiful woman shouldn’t be dancing alone, it would be a shame if I didn’t get to dance you,” he said standing directly in front of her.

  She smiled at him, “Is that so? And what makes you so special?”

  “Oh nothing, just an ordinary guy who knows what he wants and won’t take no for an answer”, he smiled back at her, his gaze not wavering for a second.

  “You don’t look like someone who dances a lot”, she said playfully caressing his chest.

  Rahim laughs, “You’d be surprised. Never judge a book by its cover they say.”

  She grabs his hands, urging him on to dance. “Prove me wrong then.”

  And so it began, dancing together without a care in the world. They had the attention of fellow party goers, but payed them no mind. Their bodies were locked together, moving sensually to the beat. He was enamored with her, didn’t want to let go.

  He whispered into her ears as she danced all over him. “You never told me your name?”

/>   She laughs as she continues to grind all over him. “Neither did you…but if you must know, I am Fera.”

  He stops for a moment to look at her. “Fera! That’s such a beautiful name. Never heard that before…I am Rahim…Rahim Jenkins”.

  She extends her hand to him, “Nice to meet you Rahim. Say why don’t we get out of here, maybe grab something to eat, these heels are killing me.”

  Rahim’s eyes light up, loving the suggestion. “Absolutely, I know a nice restaurant around here, the food is great.”

  He grabs her hand, and leads her out the place, both giggling as they walk up to his car.

  “Nice car.”

  “Thanks!”, he replies, helping her to her seat. He hops in the driver’s side and drives off into the street.

  They arrive at a swanky restaurant and are ushered to a booth at the back where no one can disturb them.

  Rahim just can’t get enough of her. Everything about her seemed out of this world, there was no way he wasn’t going home with her tonight.

  After the meal, Rahim tells her to come home with him to watch a movie. At first she balked, but he convinces her that he would cause no trouble. So she obliged, telling him she was also intrigued by him, and he had been a complete gentleman so far.

  She was quite impressed with his home, had never seen such a big place before. She found it even more impressive that he lived all alone. He was quick to point out that if he met that right woman he had no qualms opening up his home and his heart.

  He takes her to his private theater. His movie of choice was ‘Dear John’, which surprisingly was her favorite movie. In Rahim’s mind, he was definitely making all the right moves, he had this one in the bag.

  He consoled her during the moments that made her cry, he was able to get her to lean on him. If there was ever a movie that would increase her comfort level with him, it was the one she was watching right now. He loved every moment of it, not the movie, but her reactions. She laughed, she smiled, she cried, she cursed. All he had to do was nod here and there, let her do all the talking and he was good as gold. So by the time the final scene came on, it was no surprise that she reached across and started making out with him. They groped with each other intimately, knocking over the seat, falling down on the floor. It was like two Lions fighting with each other, neither wanted to give the other the upper hand.

  They kissed passionately, ripping off each others’ clothes angrily. He loved every minute of it, where had this woman been all his life? She lingered over his neck, the necklace he had on was bothering her from kissing his neck.

  He yanked it off quickly, flinging it to the far ends of the room. Stark naked, his hands wandered all over her body. He loved her responses, he loved how her hands also caressed his body. Her touch was so soothing.

  She pulled away, shoving him to the ground. “Lay down big boy, let mama on top.”

  He laid down, grinning like a little kid. She climbed atop him, sitting on him. She squirmed a bit, but smiled whilst doing so. This was the best sex he had ever had, her every motion was sending all sorts of messages to his brain. She bounced up and down gleefully, her hands on his chest. He closed his eyes, the sensation so powerful, he was getting close, this climax would be amazing. She started laughing which at first didn’t bother him, but then it didn’t cease, and the laughter got deeper, a more guttural voice emanating. When he opened his eyes, what he saw made him scream in fright. Sitting atop him, was a red beast, with ram horns, and the face of an Ox. Gone was the beautiful Fera, now replaced by this grotesque creature, smiling down at him with jagged teeth.

  “WHAT, WHAT IS THIS? AM I DREAMING?”, Rahim yelled out.

  “No, no, this is no dream. Remember when I told you that the horns only come out when I am angry….Well you have been a very bad boy,” the beast responded in a very deep voice.

  “L…Lucifer…but tt.thhis can’t be? I didn’t invite you here.”

  The beast starts laughing, as it does so, the room starts to vibrate. “FOOL! Do you not realize of your own free will you brought me into your house?”

  “B..bbutt…I didn’t know…I didn’t k..know it was yy...yoouu,” stutters Rahim.

  “I always get what is owed me human, always!”

  “T…th..the necklace, it’s supposed to st…before he can finish that comment, Rahim realizes he had thrown the necklace away in the frenzy of making out with Fera. At that very moment, it dawned on him that he had lost. The woman he had thought would be his conquest of the night was more than he had bargained for. His end was truly in sight.

  The Beast opens its mouth, revealing some very Jagged teeth.

  Rahim starts to cry, pleading with it. “P…PP…pleasee…don’t do this…pll..ppplease!”

  SPPHHHHHSHHH!!!! The Beast sinks its teeth into Rahim’s neck, blood splatters everywhere, he twitches for a second or two before going lifeless. At that very moment, a clock somewhere in the house chimes. The time is 12 A.M., the devil had claimed what was his.


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