Essence of Desire

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Essence of Desire Page 4

by Brenda Jackson

  She nodded as she glanced around at the insides of his jet. So this was how the rich and famous lived? Must be nice. She figured that it had to be, and again was proud of his success, but then she really wasn’t surprised. Both he and her brother might have spent a lot of their time hot on the heels of willing females; they had also excelled in their studies and graduated at the top of their class.

  He led her over to a pair of seats that faced each other. “You take one and I’ll take the other,” he said. “It’s time for us to buckle in so we can take off.”

  She eased into the leather seat and snapped her seatbelt in place and when he did the same and smiled over at her, her stomach did flips at the intensity of his smile. And then there was the warmth that suddenly began seeping up her spine.

  She wasn’t all that crazy with the thought that for the next half hour she would be facing him, staring right in his face and he would be staring into hers. Like he was doing now. She broke eye contact, turned away to glance around the plane some more. It was nice with a kitchen area and even had a sleeping area. She couldn’t imagine making love so far up off the ground, in the sky. It would give soaring into the clouds a different meaning.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  She glanced back, met his gaze. “Yes, thanks.” Needing a drink was an understatement. Already her hands were feeling damp. She crossed her legs. The juncture between them was feeling damp as well. How long had it been since she’d enjoyed a man sexually? Not since her breakup with Darrin. That meant a little over two years. No wonder she could actually sit across from him and envision what was behind his zipper.

  Memories swarmed over her when she recalled the time she’d almost seen it. It was the night she had stayed with him at his parents place after that incident with Jordan. She had awakened and gone looking for him. He had been downstairs just stepping out of the shower. She had accidentally walked in on him but he had been swift to cover himself with a towel.

  She watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and moved over to the bar. After pouring two glasses of wine he returned and handed one to her before taking his seat again. Her lips still felt dry and she licked them again before taking a sip of her drink. Nice. Delicious. It was hitting the spot in a soothing kind of way. After taking a few more sips she began feeling relaxed.

  “You get to do this often?” she asked, watching him take a sip of his own drink.


  “Jet-set to different places.”

  He chuckled. “No, in fact I rarely use the jet any more. Like everyone else, I’m trying to cut costs.”

  “But you like holding on to it,” she pointed out.

  “Yes, one of my perks I refuse to part with. I worked hard for my achievements and one of the things Colt and I both said we planned to own one day were private planes.”

  She nodded. “And that’s a goal you’ve both reached,” she said, thinking of her brother’s own private plane. It wasn’t a jet but a very nice Cessna. Both he and Cinnamon had their pilot licenses.

  “Do you want me to go ahead and get started on giving you a report as to how well things went this week with your house?”

  He shook his head. “No, we can do that over lunch. Just ease back and relax. Enjoy the flight. We’ll be there before you know it. Besides, I have a couple of documents I need to look over.”

  “All right.” And after taking another sip of her drink, basically emptying the glass, she sat it aside and eased back in her seat. By the time the pilot announced on the intercom that he was ready for take-off, she had closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  Robert glanced over the top of the report he was reading and looked at Roxie, studied her features. She was absolutely stunning, even when she slept. She was breathing slowly and he wondered if she was dreaming and if so, what kind of dream was she having.

  He was tempted to unsnap his seatbelt, ease over toward her, and thrust his tongue into her mouth. He always enjoyed kissing and could now admit at one time—hell more than once—he had thought about kissing her. Like that morning after the Jordan affair, and she had awakened feeling embarrassed over the entire episode and weeping over what a fool she’d been to assume the guy had liked her, and would understand changing her mind about sleeping with him.

  She had walked in on him practically naked after taking a shower. He had quickly grabbed a towel to cover himself before she had dived into his arms, tears and all, crying her heart out. He had picked her up, carried her into the living room, and cradled her in his lap while she’d continued to cry. He had hoped and prayed that his mother wouldn’t choose that moment to return from the hospital.

  It would have been hard to explain why he was half naked with Roxie in his arms. All hell would have broken loose and his very conservative parents would have demanded a wedding immediately, thinking she had been compromised.

  That had been the morning when he had come close to kissing her. But he had found the strength not to do so; reminding himself repeatedly that she was Colt’s sister. It had worked, thank goodness.

  And then at Colt’s wedding when the wedding party was taking photos, he had surprised himself as well as Roxie when he had turned her in his arms and had kissed her on the lips. But, he hadn’t gotten any tongue-play. And what good was a kiss without the use of your tongue? However, even now he remembered how soft her lips had been beneath his.

  Why was he remembering that point so vividly now? He shifted in his seat and glanced down at his watch. They should be landing in a few moments. Good. He wasn’t sure how much longer in his celibate state he could handle sitting across from Roxie without thinking about waking her up to sink his mouth into hers.


  With her mind going non-stop on ideas for the makeover of Robert’s home, Roxie tried presenting the pros and cons regarding some of the changes he wanted to implement. She would be the first to admit most were feasible; however, some would present a construction worker’s nightmare with the building codes imposed by the city. Others may incite a protest from his neighbors. That particular possibility was what she was explaining to him now.

  “You want to expand your courtyard to include formal gardens with a gazebo,” she said.

  He nodded. “Yes, and what type of problem can arise from that?” he asked, taking a sip of his wine.

  “Presently, your neighbors on the right are enjoying the view of your lake from their upstairs bedroom windows.”

  “And?” he asked. Judging from his expression she could tell he clearly was not seeing where that might pose a problem.

  “If you proceed with your plans to put in large flowering plants and a mass of greenery, as well as to erect a sizable gazebo, that could hinder their view of the lake,” she tried to explain.

  He leaned forward and met her gaze. “And I’m supposed to be concerned that my neighbors will no longer be able to see into my backyard? As far as I’m concerned that’s a good thing.”

  Roxie fought to hide her smile. Given Robert’s reputation with the ladies, not being able to see into his backyard might be for the best. Otherwise, the neighbors might get to view more than they bargained for, definitely more than just the lake.

  They went round and round on that one piece and he wouldn’t budge. She decided to table it for later since she hadn’t ordered anything from the nursery yet. She still had time.

  “Lunch was delicious, Robert. I can see why you decided to come here,” she said.

  He smiled. “I’ve always liked Roscioli. Colt and I used to double date and come here all the time,” he said.

  She chuckled. “Yes, I know, and then convince your dates after bringing them here and feeding them real good that the two of you were too tired to drive back to Summerlin, which provided a good excuse to find a hotel to stay for the night.”

  “And just how would you know that?” he asked with a wry frown.

  She couldn’t help but grin at him. “You and Colt were so convi
nced I was absorbed in Nickelodeon that you carried on your hit calls like I wasn’t there. You would be surprised what got picked up by my delicate ears.”

  One look into his face and she knew her awareness of what he and her brother had been doing somewhat embarrassed him. So, she decided to go ahead and enlighten him some more. “You don’t know just how fearful I was when you and Colt were at Howard University, that the two set of parents would have to race toward DC just to get you two out of the pound.”

  He raised a questioning brow. “The pound?”

  She smiled sweetly. “Yes, the dog pound.”

  He was slow but he finally caught on to what she was alluding to and said. “So you thought we were dogs?”

  “As doggish as two guys can get.”

  Although he tried to remain cool she could tell he’d gotten offended. “We never forced any female to do anything they didn’t want to do.”

  She had to agree with him. “Yes, you and Colt were always respectful. But the two of you were also very smooth and able to convince them that sleeping with you was what they really wanted to do. You can’t deny that you and Colt had your game together.”

  And while she had his attention, she said. “I don’t hold the women blameless, mind you. I’m sure they got what they wanted just as much as you did.”

  When he didn’t say anything, but stared into his wine as if in deep thought, she went on to say. “I’m waiting to see what’s going to happen with you.”

  That got his attention and he glanced up at her. “Happen with me how?”

  She shrugged. “You know what they say about payback being a bitch. Colt, as far as I’m concerned, got off pretty good. He met Cinnamon and fell in love, and although she didn’t make it easy for him, he survived and is now happily married. But you’re still out there, single, happy-go-lucky, still the playa-playa, with no signs of wearing down or ever settling down.”

  Robert took a sip of his wine, thinking Roxie didn’t know just how wrong she was. She would be surprised, probably amazed, if she knew he no longer was trying to acquire notches on his bedposts, and that he’d been celibate for as long as he had. Every time he thought about all he could have lost had Mariah been successful in her charges made him lose sleep at night. All he had worked years to acquire and build could have come tumbling down as a result of her lying tongue. Knowing the extent of damage she could have done had disturbed his libido in a way that he was yet to recover.

  He figured there was no use in telling Roxie how far from the truth she was, without her wanting to know facts and details, the why of it all, and he didn’t intend to share any of it with her.

  He checked his watch, deciding it would be acceptable for her to think she’d had the last word on the issue. “You indicated you don’t have another appointment scheduled, so you’re in no hurry to return to Summerlin, right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “In that case, do you mind going shopping with me while we’re here? I need to buy Aunt Bessie a birthday present and I’m hoping you can help me find something she’d like.”

  Not surprising to him, like most women who received great enjoyment from shopping, Roxie flashed him a grin and said. “I’d love to.”


  An hour or so later and they were still wandering through various stores and shops at the Oak Court Mall. Robert had already purchased Aunt Bessie a beautiful bathrobe with matching house shoes, and because Roxie knew how much the older woman still enjoyed knitting, she had purchased her a beautiful white wicker basket filled with several colors of yarn.

  “Did I tell you that Kat is coming in for the party?” he asked her when they walked out one store and were heading for another.

  “No, but I figured she would be, granted Bessie is her favorite aunt.”

  Robert chuckled. “Bessie is her only aunt. She’s my dad oldest sister who helped raise him when their parents died. But I’m sure you know the story.”

  Roxie nodded. Yes, she knew it. There had been five Noble siblings and now there were only two left - Aunt Bessie and Robert’s father, Robert Senior. That was one of the reasons the elder Nobles were anxious for grandchildren. Roxie had gotten that much information from her own parents who spent quite a lot of time with the Nobles.

  “I’m surprised Colt’s not coming,” she said. “He’s always had a fondness for Aunt Bessie.”

  “And she for him,” he said.

  She opened her mouth to ask something about Colt and before she could Robert asked. “What ever happened to the Hills who used to live on the corner of your parent’s street?”

  She then begin talking, bringing him up to date on things that had happened in Summerlin over the past year. When his jet landed back in Summerlin there were two cars waiting for them. “One of the drivers will take you on home,” he explained. “The other one is for me. I have another engagement.”

  “Oh, I understand,” she said. From the way she’d made the comment and the knowing smile on her face, Robert knew she assumed his other engagement involved a woman, so he said. “There’s a play in Lebanon that I’m treating my parents to see as well as dinner.”

  Her lips formed in a perfectly surprised, “Oh”, and then, “That’s nice. I’m sure they are going to enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure they will. “

  Fifteen minutes later she and Robert were in separate cars and going in different directions. As Roxie settled comfortably against the rich leather of the car seat, she couldn’t help but think about what a truly nice guy Robert was and that one day, sooner or later, he would discover, just like Colt had eventually done, that a man couldn’t be a Casanova forever and would need to settle down, get married and raise a family. However, she had a feeling that Robert was a long way from realizing that fact.


  Robert wandered around the room mingling with those who’d come to the party. The crowd was more than he had expected. Did his aunt Bessie really know all these people? Evidently she did, since she was sitting down holding court by the door. Everyone in attendance had to acknowledge her presence before entering.

  He checked his watch. The Millers had arrived a half hour ago with smiling faces and he knew why. Colt and Cinnamon had flown in and surprised everyone…at least everyone but him since he had known of their plans but had been sworn to secrecy. No biggie. He and Colt were used to keeping each other’s secrets. The couple would be arriving later once they got CJ settled with the babysitter they had brought along with them.

  “Expecting someone?” a female whispered in his ear.

  He didn’t have to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. “No, what about you? Are you expecting anyone?” he countered.

  Katherine Noble smiled and lifted a brow. “Someone like whom?”

  He shrugged lightly. “You tell me.”

  A flush appeared in her cheeks and he thought considering his sister’s personality, it was cute. Could he have been wrong and she cared more for Simon than he’d assumed?

  “I’m sure you know that Simon and I are seeing each other,” she finally said.

  “Yes, I know,” he said. “But not because either of you told me. I picked up on the vibes when you were in Orlando last year and dropped by the office. Since neither of you are married, that means you’re free to date whomever you please, so I assumed there was a reason things were being kept hush-hush.”

  “Yes, we didn’t want anyone making a big deal of anything, assuming it was more than it really was.”

  He nodded. That sounded logical to him. He took a sip of his wine and then asked. “And now?”

  A smile touched her lips. “And now you can expect him tonight.”

  Robert couldn’t help thinking that was definitely an interesting revelation. “Did you prepare him for the folks?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  She chuckled. “Yes, trust me he’s been forewarned.”

  “And he’s still coming?”

  The smile on her face transformed into
a huge grin. “Yes. I guess he thinks I’m worth it.”


  “Happy birthday, Aunt Bessie,” Roxie bent over to whisper in the elderly woman’s ear. She then straightened and handed her the wrapped gift. “I hope you like it.”

  The older woman beamed. “I’ll like anything you give me Rox.”

  Roxie couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone had shortened her name to Roxie but Bessie Noble had shortened it even further to simply call her Rox.

  Aunt Bessie then looked at her with deep scrutiny in her eyes. “And what’s this I hear about you decorating Robbie’s new house.”

  Roxie couldn’t help but smile. Robbie. It had been a while since she’d heard Bessie’s nickname for Robert; one he’d always detested. “Yes, Robbie hired me to handle things for him.”

  “That’s good. That boy is so busy these days. I’m hoping he settles down soon.”

  Roxie was about to tell her not to hold her breath for that one when she felt a presence beside her. She didn’t have to glance over to see whose presence it was. She winked at Aunt Bessie and said, “Why, if it isn’t Robbie.”

  It was then that she glanced over at him at the same time his strong arms locked around her waist. “Funny, aren’t we,” he said. “Just for that you’re going to have to dance with me.”

  “Dance? But I just got here. I haven’t mingled yet. I haven’t even said hello to your parents.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Trust me, they aren’t going anywhere. Besides, I need you to save me.”

  “From what?”

  He leaned in closer. “It’s not from what, it’s from whom. Dorothy Whaley brought her thirty-something-yet-to-wed daughter and has tried shoving her in my face all night.”

  Roxie couldn’t help but smile, and also felt sorry for him because she knew Wilhelmina Whaley was definitely not Robert’s type. She was gay. Unfortunately, her mother was still clueless of that fact.


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