A Piece of the Pie

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A Piece of the Pie Page 9

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  She led Evie into the conference room to introduce her to Heaven and Honey. They had already met Evie at Pumpkin’s sixteenth birthday party, but Evie wouldn’t have remembered them. Evie excused herself to use the restroom.

  “She doesn’t look sick to me,” Honey whispered under her breath.

  “How’s she supposed to look?” Heaven asked.

  Pumpkin reached for a notepad and grabbed a pen. “I gave her a makeover. Can we discuss Pumpkin Spice? Evie and I are going to lunch and then we’ll do some more shopping when we leave here.”

  “Shopping?” Honey pursed her lips. “I don’t trust her.”

  “You don’t trust anyone,” Heaven said.

  “Honey, I know you’re being protective but I promised my grandmother, I would try,” Pumpkin said. “Besides, you know why I’m doing all of this for her.”

  Evie sauntered in and sat next to Pumpkin. Honey stiffened. Heaven placed a hand on Honey’s arm.

  “This is a business meeting,” Honey pointed out. “We won’t be long if you want to wait in the lounge.”

  “I’ll be quiet. I’d like to see my daughter at work.” Evie dabbed at her eyes.

  “I made that appointment with Dr. Carter,” Honey said.

  Evie shot her a look filled with hurt. “You told her?” She slid back her chair. “I’ll wait outside.”

  Pumpkin got to her feet. “Evie, stop. I’m sorry. I asked Honey to check out the name of an oncologist. That’s why she knows. Heaven and Honey are like sisters to me. Don’t be mad at them.”

  Evie nodded. “I don’t want them treating me differently because I’m sick.”

  “Don’t worry. We won’t,” Honey said.

  Heaven jabbed her in the arm.

  Evie turned around and headed back to the table. “Honey, thank you for your concern, but I don’t need a consultation. I welcome your prayers, though. Now don’t mind me. Continue on with your meeting.”

  Zane strolled in. “How are the three most beautiful women in the world doing today?”

  He zeroed in on Evie. “I stand corrected. How are the four most beautiful women in the world?”

  “Evie, this is Zane Johnson, Cameron’s cousin,” Pumpkin said.

  Her mother preened. “The resemblance is startling.”

  “Zane, this is my mother, Evie Burkette.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Burkette.” Zane showed off his perfect whites and slipped in the chair next to her mother. Oh, my. Her mother was a man-magnet.

  “Call me Evie. We’re practically the same age.” Evie touched his arm and smiled.

  First Mitch and now Zane. Pumpkin squinted. She didn’t like her mother throwing herself at her male friends.

  “Zane,” Pumpkin called out to get his attention. She gave him a warning glance communicating her mother was off limits. Then she returned to the chair she’d vacated.

  Zane nodded and moved to another seat. Pumpkin noticed Heaven’s shoulders sag. Was Heaven sweet on Zane? She didn’t have time to dwell on that thought. Zane was now all business.

  “Sophie texted me about your wanting to take a promo photo with Christine Stanton. I think it’s brilliant,” Honey said. “I’ve set it up for early next week.”

  “That’s great. I sent her the sample this morning. I’ll call her later to confirm.”

  “I’m sure we’ll hear from Christine when she receives it. Where do you want to take the pic?”

  “How about at my place? It’ll give the pic an intimate feel.” Pumpkin suggested.

  “I’m thinking the photo should be black and white except for the Pumpkin Spice. That’ll make it pop,” Zane offered.

  “I love that idea,” Honey said. “Let’s do it.”

  “I have three models for the shoot in Bahamas,” Heaven said, shifting gears.

  “Let me see their headshots,” Zane said. “Beverley submitted four models for consideration.”

  Honey rolled her eyes. Heaven pushed the photographs across the table to him. Zane studied them.

  “Who’s Beverley?” Evie asked.

  “Beverley McCarthur is our fiercest competition,” Pumpkin replied.

  “She wouldn’t be if Honey hadn’t ticked her off,” Heaven said.

  Honey opened her mouth, but Pumpkin held up a hand. “Let’s stay focused on our agenda items.”

  “Sorry,” Heaven apologized. “We have seventeen time slots on the major channels for Pumpkin Spice’s commercial this Wednesday.”

  Pumpkin nodded. “Good, but we need more.”

  “I’m waiting on the networks to get back to me,” Honey said. “I booked several months ago, but Dolls and Pearls have been tapping some of our slots.”

  Pumpkin rubbed her forehead. Honey needed to settle things with Beverley. Maybe after the holidays, they all could do lunch.

  “I’ll take these two,” Zane finally said and pointed to two of the pictures.

  “Great. I’ll have Sophie set up their travel and accommodations,” Honey said.

  “Why not the third?” Heaven asked. There was an edge to her voice. The table went quiet as they waited for Zane’s response.

  He wrinkled his nose. “She’s too… I don’t know. I’ll pass.”

  “Look again,” Heaven pressed.

  “I’ve made my decision,” Zane insisted.

  Pumpkin intervened. She glared at Heaven to back off. “Thank you, Zane. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With a brisk nod, Zane departed. As soon as he was out of earshot, Pumpkin addressed Heaven. “Why are you pushing? I’m glad we have two chosen.”

  “It’s because he plans on sleeping with those two,” Heaven said. “He passed on that one because I heard he’s already slept with her.”

  Pumpkin shook her head. “You’re wrong, Heaven. Zane doesn’t sleep around like that. I know him. He’s a professional.”

  Heaven snorted.

  Pumpkin lifted a brow. “Something going on with you two?”

  The air tensed. Heaven released a breath. “No. I guess I let the rumors get the best of me. We need more bookings. Beverley has four booked. We only have two.”

  “It’s two we didn’t have before. Quality takes time to build. There’s room for both of us,” Pumpkin said.

  Honey rested both hands on the table. “I disagree but I’ll drop it.”

  “I’d still send the third girl on standby. You never know what might happen and she gets her chance,” Evie supplied. Then she covered her mouth. “I’m sorry. I know I’m only supposed to be observing.”

  Honey gave her mother a look of respect. “I like the way you think. Heaven, you should go, too and look after the girls’ welfare.”

  Heaven shook her head. “Why can’t you go?”

  “My passport’s expired. So, you’re it,” Honey replied.

  Pumpkin massaged her temples. “Now that’s settled. Can we see the commercial?”

  Honey rubbed her hands together. “You’re going to love it. It’s like a work of art. Cameron’s amazing behind the lens. Thanks for the hookup with that. Because of you, we have an A-list director for our commercial.”

  Pumpkin grinned. “He was more than happy to do it.”

  She wouldn’t add what happened on the set once everybody had left. She still blushed when she thought about it. Cameron had taken a couple shots and threatened to put them in the commercial.

  As Pumpkin watched, her heart raced.

  The scene was that of a wife waiting for her husband to come home. The wife dons a shimmery white gown. Then she decides to put on a dab of Pumpkin Spice. Immediately, she transforms into a dominatrix. Then the Pumpkin Spice perfume bottle takes center stage before it fades to black.

  Pumpkin gasped and clutched her throat. He’d included the two pictures. They flashed across the scene really quickly, but he’d done it. Cameron had said every time she saw it, she’d remember their time together on that set.

  He was right. She knew her face was red.

  Cameron had loved her
dominatrix costume and they’d had fun role-playing. A lot of fun. Pumpkin had kept it as a souvenir. It was tucked away in the back of her closet. Hmmm… Maybe she needed to pull it out again.

  “You look like every man’s dream,” her mother said. “I don’t know how Cameron captured that look on your face at the end, but it’s going to sell your perfume. Everybody’s going to want Pumpkin Spice.”

  “It’s transcendent,” Heaven said. Her eyes were glued to the screen.

  Pumpkin could only nod. She would never tell anyone about that very real look of satisfaction on her face. Some things were better left between a wife and her husband.

  Three cell phones buzzed. What was going on?

  They looked at their screens. Honey’s eyes bulged. Heaven emitted a gasp and Pumpkin dropped her phone.

  “It’s from Sophie,” Heaven read aloud. “Christine Stanton’s been admitted to Lenox Hospital. She’s had a severe reaction to Pumpkin Spice.”

  Their phones dinged again. There was a picture of a red blotch on her neck and ear.

  Heaven’s eyes were wide. “If this gets out on social media, we’re ruined.”

  “She’ll never do the picture now,” Honey said.

  “Forget about the picture. She’s in the hospital.” Pumpkin grabbed her purse. “I’ve got to get over there. I don’t know what could’ve happened. We only use natural products.”

  “Keep us posted,” Heaven said.

  “Evie! Let’s go,” Pumpkin said.

  Her mother stood transfixed with an odd look on her face.

  “Evie!” Pumpkin called again.

  Evie came out of her trance and rushed to Pumpkin’s side. They hurried out of the building.

  Mitch opened the door and they vaulted inside.

  “Take us to Lenox Hospital,” Pumpkin commanded as soon as they were inside. She sent Cameron a quick text.

  Emergency. Going to Lenox Hospital. Meet me there.


  How was she to know that would happen?

  Evie fretted as she paced the emergency room. She’d put ammonia in the perfume. It was supposed to cause a minor allergic reaction. Not land Christine Stanton in the hospital.

  She ran her fingers through her hair. She didn’t know what to do.

  Evie had snuck in the penthouse and added the liquid to the sample intended for Christine Stanton. Evie had done it because she wanted to take the picture with Pumpkin. She hadn’t foreseen all this drama.

  Evie took deep breaths and forced herself to sit down. If she looked too worried, she might draw suspicion to herself.

  “You look guilty,” Mitch said in her ear.

  Evie swung around to face him. “I’m worried about Pumpkin’s photo shoot.”

  Mitch narrowed his eyes. “Not buying it. You’re up to something.”

  Evie cut her eyes at him. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

  “Don’t you think you should tell the truth?”

  She knew better than to continue this conversation. Mitch read her too well. She hated that. The best thing to do was ignore him and his delicious body. If only she hadn’t invited him to the apartment last night, he wouldn’t be so…entitled.

  The ER door opened and Pumpkin came out. Her eyes were red. When she spotted Evie and Mitch, she ran over to them.

  “Christine’s in good spirits, but her skin looks horrible,” Pumpkin said. “Percy brought in the bottle of Pumpkin Spice. The doctors suspect tampering. They’ve called the cops to investigate. This might have been an attempt against Christine.” She gulped. “Or me.”

  Evie affected a look of wide-eyed surprise. “What? They think somebody did it on purpose? I can’t even imagine who would do something like that?”

  “The perfume’s diluted with something. They’re hoping to figure it out.” Pumpkin covered her face in her hands and cried. “I don’t know how that could’ve happened. I gave her an unopened bottle.” She pinned ravaged eyes on Evie.

  Evie held the chair to keep from squirming. Her heart was beating so loudly, she didn’t know how nobody heard it. But Pumpkin had an expectant look on her face like she needed Evie to say something.

  Evie fought to think of the right words to say. “I tried it and nothing happened to me.”

  “That’s right you did.” Pumpkin brightened for second then her shoulders sagged. “Then that means this was an attack. I’ll ask Sophie. She delivered the sample.” Pumpkin wiped away the tears on her cheek.

  “Sophie’s good people,” Mitch interjected, giving Evie a suspicious glance.

  Pumpkin dug around in her bag. “Where did I put my phone?”

  Sophie seemed nice enough, but Evie needed an out and Sophie was the answer. She snapped her fingers. “I was there when Sophie picked it up this morning. You were still asleep. The bottle was unopened. I’m sure of it,” Evie said. “It has to be Sophie.”

  The door opened and Percy Stanton came out. Evie adjusted her pose as he bustled over to where they sat. “The doctors gave Christine a dose of steroids to get rid of the allergic reaction.” He looked at Pumpkin. “She’s is asking for you. She doesn’t want you to feel bad because this might be an honest mistake. They’ll observe her overnight, and she’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “I hope so,” Pumpkin mumbled and jumped to her feet. She clutched his arm. “Rest assured, I’m getting to the bottom of this. I just have to make a phone call and then I’m coming.”

  Percy nodded. “I think you should know, someone’s alerted the press. They’re snooping around and asking questions.”

  Pumpkin shook her head. “This is a nightmare.”

  “Christine’s all right,” Percy said, giving her a hug. “That’s what matters.”

  “But this is all my fault. If something had happened to her…” Pumpkin broke apart in Percy’s arms.

  Evie stood and addressed Pumpkin. “You go ahead. I’ll call Sophie and have her come down here.” With a grateful look, Pumpkin handed Evie the cell phone.

  Just then Cameron arrived and rushed over to them. “I got here as soon as I could. What’s the word on Christine?”

  Pumpkin launched herself into Cameron’s arms. Evie held back tears. She couldn’t stand to see Pumpkin blaming herself for something she didn’t do.

  Evie straightened. “If Sophie is behind this, I’ll find out,” she said. When she was done, Sophie would be the culprit. She returned to her seat.

  Pumpkin nodded and went back inside with Cameron and Percy flanked at her sides.

  “You think Sophie did this?” Mitch asked.

  “Yes, I do. Who else could it be? It wasn’t me.” Evie gave him a stare down and then asked, “What was that look about earlier?”

  “I think you’re trying to get rid of Sophie,” Mitch said.

  She lifted her chin. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you’re jealous. You want to be the one Pumpkin depends on.”

  She lifted a brow. She could work with that. Evie arranged her face in her best, you-got-me look. “I haven’t been there for Pumpkin. I just want to be useful.”

  Mitch patted her on the back. “You don’t have to throw someone under the bus to do that. Pumpkin loves you. Believe that.”

  Evie nodded and lowered her head. She bit back a laugh before saying, “I’m not trying to get Sophie fired, but I do think it’s odd that this happened.” She swiped at Pumpkin’s phone. It was locked.

  “Her pin is her age and birth year,” Mitch said.

  She frowned. How did he know that?

  “Relax,” Mitch laughed. “I’ve been with them so long, I learn things.”

  Evie struggled to remember the numbers before Mitch supplied the four digit combination. “Oh, I knew that,” she said and typed in the numbers. Fortunately, Mitch didn’t taunt her about not remembering her daughter’s information.

  She placed a call to Sophie and said, imperiously, “It’s Evie. Pumpkin’s mother. We’re still at the hospital. You’d better get down here and tell
us what you did.”

  “What I did?” Sophie asked.

  Her voice chilled. “Yes, what you did.” She pressed the end button.

  “That was cold,” Mitch said.

  “No. What she did was cold.” Evie bristled.

  Sophie came a half-hour later. She ran inside and headed over to them. “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going is that you tampered with the perfume, that’s what!” Evie accused. “Christine Stanton’s here because of you.”

  Sophie stepped back. Her eyes were wide and scared. “No. I didn’t. I would never do something like that.” Sophie shook her head so much Evie wondered if she’d have a brain left.

  “Was it opened when you picked it up?” Mitch asked in a gentle tone.

  Sophie’s fingers trembled. “I don’t think so.” Her eyes narrowed. “Wait. Let me think.”

  “Think? Think about what?” Evie pointed a finger. “You did it and if I were Christine, I’d be pressing charges.”

  Evie knew she intimidated the younger woman.

  Sophie started to sweat. “I promise you I didn’t do this.”

  She repeated the same thing to Pumpkin and Cameron when they came out to speak to her.

  “I was there,” Evie said. “I saw you open it.”

  Evie had been on her way out the door when she heard the doorbell ring. Then Sophie entered. Evie had panicked and hidden in the bathroom. Then she had tiptoed out when she thought Sophie had departed.

  That’s when she had seen Sophie undo the cap and inhaled. Evie remembered she’d been afraid Sophie would sniff out that something was wrong. But Sophie had only smiled before gift-wrapping it and leaving.

  Sophie’s face showed horror. “You’re lying. I didn’t touch it.”

  “Prove it,” Evie dared. She engaged in a stare down. “You never opened it?”

  Sophie licked her lips and she squinted. Then her eyes brightened as she remembered something. “I think I did open it to smell it, but…” She stopped and looked at all of them. Her shoulders drooped and she grew quiet. It was like Sophie realized no matter what she said, she’d already been condemned.


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