Grafton, 54, 61
Graham, Rev. and Mrs. James, 397
Graham, Col. R. F, C.S.A., 702
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., U.S.A., 550, 618, 640, 641, 646, 658-61, 670-72, 675-76, 679, 681, 685, 693, 694, 695, 699, 700, 709, 716-19, 724, 726-30, 732, 741, 745, 746, 752, 770, 771, 772, 775, 791
Longstreet’s plan and, 549
Upton and, 678-79
surrender and, 804, 812
Lee’s communications with, 807, 808, 809-10
Grapevine Bridge, 245
Greensboro, N.C., 775, 788
Greenwich, 624
Greenwood, Pa., 552
Gregg, Maj. Gen. David, U.S.A., 537, 539, 553
Gregg, Fort, 786
Gregg, Brig. Gen. John, C.S.A., 659
at the Wilderness, 665, 666, 754
his death, 754, 815
Gregg, Brig. Gen. Maxcy, C.S.A., 292, 313, 337, 422, 430, 489, 509, 814
biographical sketch, 41-42
his background and character, 230, 415
at Gaines’ Mill, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236
at Groveton, 323-24
at Second Manassas, 331, 332, 333
at Sharpsburg, 367, 368
at Fredericksburg, 405, 409
he is mortally wounded there, 415, 419
tributes to, 419
Griffin, Col. Joel R., C.S.A., 753, 754
Griffith, Brig. Gen. Richard, C.S.A., 109, 240, 252, 261, 284
Grigsby, Col. Andrew Jackson, C.S.A., 190, 336, 380, 383
at Sharpsburg, 360, 376
Grimes, Maj. Gen. Bryan, C.S.A., 492, 698, 721, 763, 766, 802
at Appomattox, 805
his men in surrender, 813, 815
Grimes, Carey F., 274
Groveton, 320-24, 328, 363, 422
Guiney’s Station, 404, 462, 465, 495, 505, 506-7
Gulf States, 548, 659
Hagerstown, Md., 341, 343, 348, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 388, 543, 597, 742
Hagood, Brig. Gen. Johnson, C.S.A., 700, 701, 702, 704, 706, 711, 733
at Globe Tavern, 752
Hale, Maj. Samuel, Jr., C.S.A., 634
Half Sink, 224
Halleck, Maj. Gen. Henry W., C.S.A., 291, 299, 300, 301
Hamilton, Col. D. H., C.S.A., 623
Hamilton’s Crossing, 405, 408, 436, 461, 466, 495
Hampton, 58, 113
Hampton, Lt. Col. Frank, C.S.A., 539
Hampton, Preston, 762
Hampton, Wade, I, 85
Hampton, Wade, II, 85
Hampton, Lt. Gen. Wade, III, C.S.A., 85-86, 87, 110, 127, 143, 249, 253, 273, 302, 387, 555, 614, 616, 685, 686, 694, 731, 737
biographical sketch, 36-37
his character and abilities, 770
at Bull Run (Manassas), 74, 76, 84, 86, 87
at Eltham, 120-21, 122
at Seven Pines, 137
he is wounded there, 137, 147
in army reorganization, 283
in Maryland, 335, 344
in raid to Chambersburg, 389, 391
at Martinsburg, 395
in winter raids, 423-24
at Brandy Station, 537-38, 539
wounding of, 606, 607, 628
promotion of, 614-15
his rivalry with F. Lee, and question of Stuart’s successor, 693, 723-24
pursues Sheridan, 723, 724-26
at Trevilian Station, 724-26, 735
he acquires new distinction, 726, 735
compared with Stuart, 735
at Reams’s Station, 752, 754
cattle raid by, 752, 754
at Poplar Spring Church, 753, 754
in actions of October 27, 762
tragedy of his sons, 762
he goes to South Carolina, 770, 776
Hampton, Wade, IV, 762
Hampton Legion, 214
Hampton Roads, 54, 447, 763, 769
conference in, 770-71
Hancock, Dr. F.W., 429
Hancock, Md., 551
Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, U.S.A., 555-56, 599, 683-84
Hanover, 558
Hanover Court House, 128, 152, 153, 155, 181
Hanover Junction, 285, 301, 687, 700
Hardaway, Capt. R. A., C.S.A., 421, 490
Hardee, Lt. Gen. William J., C.S.A., 652, 769, 771
Harman, Maj. John A. (“Old John”), C.S.A., 172, 195, 212-13, 222, 234, 277, 437-38, 597
Harper’s Ferry, 54-57, 101, 193, 194, 196, 341-47, 348, 351-54, 355-57, 358, 359, 366, 367, 368, 371, 372, 373, 384, 385-86, 390, 740, 745
capture of, 356-57, 358, 359, 368, 371, 373, 375
A. P. Hill detained at, 359
Johnston at, 55-57, 67, 69, 82, 93
Harris, Brig. Gen. Nathaniel H., C.S.A., 222, 683, 698, 786, 814
his promotion, 638
Harrisburg, Pa., 543-44, 545, 546, 585
Harrison, Fort, 752-53, 754, 762
Harrison, Henry T., 551
Harrisonburg, 167, 169, 170, 172, 175, 179, 194, 198, 200, 202, 203
Harrison’s Landing, 259, 284, 290, 302
Hart, Capt. James F, C.S.A., 538
Hartwood Church, 423
Haskell, Col. Alexander C, C.S.A., 338, 471, 787
Haskell, Col. John C, C.S.A., 113, 735, 807, 808
Haskell, Maj. John, C.S.A., 673-74
Hatcher’s Run, 775, 776, 778, 779, 780, 781
Hatton, Brig. Gen. Robert, C.S.A., 109, 127, 136, 143, 146, 147
Hawkinsville, 199
Haw’s Shop, 152
Haxall’s Landing, 271, 710
Hay Market, 316
Hays, Maj. Gen. Harry T., C.S.A., 86, 209, 542, 727, 739
in army reorganization, 282, 283
at Sharpsburg, 359-60, 373
his position there, in map, 361
casualties in his brigade, 376
with Early near Fredericksburg, 495, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 503, 504-5
at Gettysburg, 567, 583, 585
at Rappahannock Bridge, 633, 634, 635
at Locust Grove, 636
his transfer, 676, 677
he is wounded, 677, 721, 722, 727
Hays, Brig. Gen. William, U.S.A., 489
Hazel Grove, 487-88, 489, 490, 492, 493, 511, 513
Hazel River, 312-13
Hedgeman’s River, 314
Heidlersburg, Pa., 546
Heintzelman, Maj. Gen. S. P., U.S.A., 237, 244
Henry, Fort, 99
Henry House Hill, 320
Heth, Maj. Gen. Henry (“Harry”), C.S.A., 458, 459, 530, 531, 533, 534, 535, 604, 658, 676, 722, 766, 784, 785, 788, 789, 792
biographical sketch, 46-47
his character, 458
his early career, 458
promotion of, 429
at Chancellorsville, 470, 471, 478, 480, 483, 487, 490, 509, 512, 515
leads A. P. Hill’s men, 487
his promotion, 527, 528
in advance toward Gettysburg, 561, 562-63, 564, 565, 567
he buys hat, 562, 603
he is wounded, 603
his division in July 3rd action at Gettysburg, 588, 589, 590-91, 593-94, 598, 603
at Bristoe Station, 625-26, 627
at the Wilderness, 660, 663-64, 666, 695
at Mule Shoe, 679
map of his position there, 682
at Globe Tavern, 752
at Reams’s Station, 752
in actions of October 27, 762
at Five Forks, 776
W. Pegram and, 781
his men in surrender, 814
Hickory Hill, 614
High Bridge, 797-98, 799, 800
High Meadows, 222
Hill, Lt. Gen. Ambrose Powell, C.S.A., 87, 111, 138, 146, 263, 336, 373, 385, 387, 457, 458, 513, 531, 547, 698-99, 767, 781, 783-85
biographical sketch, 34-35
his early career, 109
in retreat to Williamsburg, 114, 119
made major general, 128
in conference on Richmond
defense, 222-24
at Mechanicsville, 224, 226, 227-29, 282
in Seven Days campaign, 224, 226-31, 233, 235-39, 243, 246, 250-53, 274, 275, 279, 279-80, 281, 282
at Gaines’ Mill, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 237, 282
on Darbytown Road, 246, 250, 251
at Riddell’s Shop, 252
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
Longstreet’s dispute with, 280-81, 286, 589
Richmond Examiner praises him, 280
organization of his division, 282
Lee sends him to Gordonsville to aid Jackson, 281, 282, 285-86, 299
with Jackson in move against Pope, 285-86, 289, 292, 293, 294-95, 296, 297, 299, 300
not informed of Jackson’s change of plans, 289
he delays start of march, 308-9
Longstreet relieves his batteries, 314
in march to cut off Pope’s line of supply, 314, 317, 318, 319
confusion in Jackson’s orders to, 320
at Groveton, 323, 324
at Second Manassas, 325, 326, 329, 331, 333
marching of, 329
officers lost at Second Manassas, 333
Jackson’s disciplining of, 336-37, 342, 373-74
in march to Harper’s Ferry, 342-43
released from arrest, 342-43
his division at Harper’s Ferry, 356, 357, 359
marches to Sharpsburg from there, 358, 366, 367, 386
arrives at Sharpsburg, 367-68
his position there, in map, 361
ordered back to Potomac, 370
Jackson’s relations with, 373-74, 385, 396, 422, 524
his division in Jackson’s corps, 383
his performance, 386
at Fredericksburg, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 414, 417, 420, 421, 422
climax of his quarrel with Jackson, 422, 460
and Pender’s chances for promotion, 459-60
his report on Cedar Mountain, 460
insists that orders pass through him, 460
Jackson asks for his removal, 460 at Chancellorsville, 466, 467, 470, 471, 475, 478, 480, 481, 482-83, 485, 486, 515
and wounding of Jackson, 482
he is wounded, 482
Heth leads his men, 487
his division at Chancellorsville, 487, 488, 489, 509
considered as Jackson’s successor, 524-25
made lieutenant general of new Third
Corps, 526, 527, 530, 531
his letter to Lee, 527
on Heth and Pender, 527
his orders, 551
his advance and arrival at Gettysburg, 561, 562-63, 564, 565, 567, 568, 571, 575, 576, 578
in July 3rd action at Gettysburg, 589, 590, 591, 597, 601, 602, 604, 624, 783
his relations with Longstreet, 589
he moves against Meade, 624
in Bristoe Station disaster, 624-27, 783
criticized for his actions there, 627
at Rappahannock Bridge, 633
he advances, 636
and changes of winter of 1863-1864, 658
at the Wilderness, 660, 661, 663, 664, 783
illness of, 664, 669, 671, 676, 679, 692, 695, 722, 766, 783, 784
he resumes command, 694, 715
Lee rebukes him, 715-16
in Petersburg defenses, 729, 730
at Globe Tavern, 752, 783
he meets with Lee, 784
he is killed, 785
Longstreet commands his troops, 785
his men in surrender, 814
Hill, Mrs. Ambrose Powell, 785
Hill, Lt. Gen. Daniel Harvey, C.S.A., 58-60, 139, 145, 148, 222, 268-70, 281, 284, 301, 376, 385, 386, 421, 431-32, 448, 454, 509, 516, 528, 531, 532, 533, 727
biographical sketch, 28
his character and physical appearance, 60
his family background, 59
his early career, 59-60
in retreat to Williamsburg, 112, 115, 116-17, 118-19, 137
at Eltham, 120
at Seven Pines, 129-31, 133-34, 135, 137-38, 140, 141, 142
his dissatisfaction with Rains, 146
his dissatisfaction with Featherston, 146, 147
supports Jackson in Richmond defense, 224, 226, 227, 229, 230, 238, 249
at Gaines’ Mill, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 268, 275, 282
at Malvern Hill, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 269
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
Toombs and, 268
his critical attitude, 269, 281, 448
on Jackson, 277
organization of his division, 283
his failure to move against McClellan, 301-2
his division to invade Maryland, 335, 336
Jackson dispatches order to, 342
at South Mountain, 343-51, 355, 376, 385-86
at Boonsborough, 343-44, 346, 347, 348
Stuart advises him, 344-45
receives message from Colquitt, 345
Lee’s orders to, 346
Federals find Lee’s order to, 346
at Turner’s Gap, 346-51, 354, 358
awaits reinforcements, 348, 351
at Sharpsburg, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363, 364-65, 368, 376, 386
his position there, in map, 361
his loss of officers, 376
on Gordon, 380
his division in Jackson’s corps, 383
at Fredericksburg, 404, 405, 414, 417
Smith and, 433
at New Bern, 449-50
in plan to collect supplies, 450
his division needs commander, 457, 459
his division before Chancellorsville, 466
and question of Jackson’s successor, 525
relieved by Bragg, 651
difficulties over another command for him, 651-52
arrives in Petersburg as aide to Beauregard, 701
in actions there, 704, 706, 711, 712
takes Whiting’s command, 712-13
Hill, Maj. R.C., C.S.A., 80
Hobson, Maj. E. L., C.S.A., 364
Hoke, Maj. Gen. Robert Frederick, C.S.A., 274, 420, 430, 634, 657, 676, 716, 718, 733, 735, 743, 766, 769
biographical sketch, 44-45
with Early near Fredericksburg, 420-21, 495, 500, 503, 504-5, 509
at Gettysburg, 584, 586
at Plymouth, 656
his promotion, 656, 733
at New Bern, 699, 700, 704
in Petersburg/Drewry’s Bluff operations, 707, 708, 709, 710-11
at Cold Harbor, 718, 719, 720
at Petersburg, 728
at Fort Harrison, 753
his departure, 763
his men in surrender, 813
Holden, William Woods, 617
Holmes, Maj. Gen. Theophilus H., C.S.A., 87, 148, 238, 239, 243, 246, 253, 262, 273
his early career, 250
at First Manassas, 70, 71, 73, 75, 80, 86, 87
at Malvern Hill, 250-52
criticism of, 264
his transfer, 264, 269
Hood, Lt. Gen. John Bell, C.S.A., 146, 147, 214, 222, 307, 378, 385, 386, 400, 447, 450, 452, 453-54, 534, 548, 552, 622, 659, 761, 763, 815
biographical sketch, 38
his character and physical appearance, 121
his early career, 121
at Eltham, 121-22
at Gaines’ Mill, 234, 235, 236, 275
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
at Hazel River, 312-13
at Groveton, 322-23
at Second Manassas, 324-25, 331, 332
arrest of, 336, 337, 378-79
at South Mountain, 349
map showing his position there, 350
at Sharpsburg, 359, 360, 362, 373, 379
his position there, in map, 361
praise and promotion for, 378-79, 381, 382, 384, 385
his division in Longstreet’s corps, 383
at Fredericksburg, 401, 406, 414, 417
his letter to Lee, 454
considered as
Jackson’s successor, 525
at Gettysburg, 574, 576, 577, 578, 579-80, 582, 585, 601
he is wounded there, 586, 606, 607
his division in July 3rd action, 588
wounded at Chickamauga, 620-21, 647
commander needed for his division, 648
his transfer, 658
Hooker, Maj. Gen. Joseph, U.S.A., 451, 461, 463, 534, 550, 553, 554, 558, 561, 562, 621
at Sharpsburg, 359, 362, 373
given command of Army of the
Potomac, 435
launches spring offensive, 463
at Chancellorsville, 467, 469, 470, 471, 472, 474-75, 476, 494, 495, 499, 501, 503, 506, 507
Jackson’s view of his strategy there, 506
his retreat there, 507
causes of his defeat there, 508-9
Hopewell Church, 155
horses, 631, 650, 767
Hotchkiss, Maj. Jedediah (“Professor”), C.S.A., 62, 64, 65, 165, 171-72, 197, 199, 201, 202, 209, 277, 288, 309, 329, 396, 438, 455, 461, 543, 544, 758
his family background and early career, 62
gives hat to Jackson, 398, 407
at Chancellorsville, 467, 473-74, 506
at Cedar Creek, 755
Howard, Maj. McHenry, C.S.A., 288-89, 299, 383, 564, 791
Howlett Line, 728, 729, 787
Huger, Maj. Gen. Benjamin, C.S.A., 103, 107, 111, 123, 124, 127, 129, 130, 146, 222, 264, 266, 283, 284, 324
his character and physical appearance, 131
his early career, 131
at Seven Pines, 131, 133, 135, 137, 140-43, 263
charged with failure at that battle, 140-41, 142, 143, 146
in Seven Days campaigns, 226-27, 237, 239, 240-41, 243, 244-50, 252-54, 256, 258, 261, 266, 275, 280
map of his advance, 244
criticism of, 263, 280
assigned to ordnance service, 264, 284
Huger, Fort, 452-53
Huger, Maj. Frank, C.S.A., 444, 490
Humphreys, Brig. Gen. Benjamin G., C.S.A., 683, 796
promotion of, 608
at the Wilderness, 665
on Brock Road, 674
Hundley’s Corner, 227
Hunt, Maj. Gen. Henry J., U.S.A., 508
Hunter, Alexander, 743
Hunter, Maj. Gen. David, U.S.A., 723, 724, 726, 727, 739, 742
Hunter, R.M.T., 770
Hunton, Brig. Gen. Eppa, C.S.A., 86, 383, 605, 707, 797
promotion of, 608
Huttonsville, 61, 65
Hyattstown, Md., 391
Imboden, Brig. Gen. John D., C.S.A., 87, 533, 551, 614, 727, 742, 745
Early’s criticisms of his brigade, 653, 654
infantry, 143, 148, 158, 341, 421, 531, 631, 651, 739, 812
Iron Brigade, 563
Iverson, Brig. Gen. Alfred, C.S.A., 236, 382, 386, 608, 611, 623
at Chancellorsville, 491, 492
at Gettysburg, 564, 565, 567
transfer of, 609
Jackson, Fort, 543
Jackson, Julia (daughter of Thomas Jonathan), 461, 462, 463, 465, 493, 520
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