Demon Spelled

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Demon Spelled Page 18

by Gracen Miller

  “Take a deep breath.” Troz lowered her to her soles and whispered against her ear. “You’ll survive their inspection. And neither Lyx nor I care if they approve.” Her focus slammed on him, but he already faced his family. His arm circled her shoulders. “Meet our concubine. Her name is Sanja. She’ll bear our children.”

  That last revelation was unexpected. No one said anything. An eyelash could’ve landed on glass flooring and caused fissures from the force of the noise the lash would generate, that’s how silent the room became. Erica took that breath he’d suggested and lifted her gaze to their family. Lyx’s family was easy to discern, as they were all tinted in some shade of purple. The woman from the day they brought her home smirked at her like she knew a secret Erica didn’t.

  “Mother…father….” When Troz spoke, a woman with black hair stepped forward, along with a dark-blue haired male demon. “Sanja, my mother Fali and my father Rahem.”

  Erica had no idea what she should do. Bow? Curtsey? She glanced at Lyx, but his expression remained closed off. She settled on, “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Neither parent acknowledged her. Fali had to be at least six-five, as were all the women in the room. Troz’s mother looked directly at him. “She’s human.”

  “They’re diseased,” one of the others said, but she didn’t catch which guest spoke.

  “She’s part witch and angel, too.” Lyx moved out of the semi-circle of family that enclosed him. Sharp gasps to her genetic makeup ricocheted about the room…mostly coming from Lyx’s family. Her purple demon moved to her other side and curled his arm around her waist.

  Solidarity. She figured that was the picture they displayed. But surely his family knew she was here against her will.

  “You couldn’t find a respectable demonette to breed with?” The purple female Erica assumed was Lyx’s mother moved forward. Shorter than Troz’s mother, but she moved with a fluid grace that reminded Erica of flowing water.

  “Sanja, my mother Hedonya and my father”—he motioned to the dark-purple male—“Sidon. You remember my sister, Bryx.”

  “You disgrace your family with her.” Lyx’s father glared at Erica as if she was to blame for being kidnapped and removed from her world.

  “We have Jakira’s blessing.” Troz’s fingertips made circling motions on her shoulder. He sounded bored, but his tense frame spoke volumes to his inner agitation.

  Lyx provided his opinion next. “Even if we didn’t, your opinions amount to zilch. Sanja is mine and Troz’s decision, our future, and she has nothing to do with any of you.”

  “You will pass her offspring off as yours. You would expect us to welcome a half-breed into our homes as one of ours.” Troz’s mother sniffed. “Blasphemy, Troz!”

  Beside her Troz stiffened. “Mother, your mother is half-witch.”

  “The angel is the problem,” Troz’s father muttered with a stiff upper lip. “I recommend punishing the angel in her and stringing her up until she bleeds the foulness out.”

  Fear slithered down her spine. She hadn’t expected much, but she hadn’t anticipated their hatred of her alleged genetics. Their animoisty was so tangible, so real, and worse than anything she’d endured because of Sybil that she wanted to curl into a fetal position and pray for invisibility.

  “I’d help you, Rahem,” Lyx’s father said to Troz’s dad as if threatening to torture a person for their DNA was no biggie.

  In Baal it probably isn’t.

  Their obvious hatred of her had bile hitting the back of her throat.

  “How dare any of you threaten her?” Lyx released her and approached his family.

  All of them took a hesitant step backward.

  “Father, my heritage is what gives you distinction among the classes. That goes for you too, mother and Bryx. Push me, and I’ll disown you all.”

  Bryx slumped into a sofa, the cushions so hard they didn’t even sink with her weight, but her purple skin paled to a lilac shade.

  “I outrank you all.” Troz sounded so nonchalant she would’ve thought he hadn’t a care in the world. “And we really have no need to explain ourselves to any of you anyway. End of discussion. Welcome Sanja into our family or get the fuck out of our house. Those are your only options.”

  Weighty silence descended, as Lyx whipped around and strolled back to them. He winked at her. “Sexy when he’s a hard-ass, eh, my sex-pet?”

  Erica said nothing, just stared at him. How could he make a joke at a time like this? When the tension in the room could only be carved out with a chain saw?

  And sexy as a hard-ass? Nah. He’d just shown her the same trait, and she wasn’t turned on by the demonstration.

  What followed next wasn’t just awkward, but the most bizarre evidence of falsity she’d ever been subjected to. Each parent welcomed her with a smile, kissing her cheeks, as if they truly ‘welcomed’ her into the family. But the coldness in each of their gazes could’ve given penguins frostbite.

  Erica longed for home worse now than she had before.

  Lyx cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “None of that.”

  It seemed like hours lapsed before their family finally departed. Her nerves were strung so tight the littlest noise or movement left her jittery. Not one of them spoke until they reached the safe haven of Lyx and Troz’s bedroom.

  “We wouldn’t have allowed them to harm you, Sanja.” Troz’s belt hit the floor before the door was shut behind them.

  “Give them time, they’ll soften. You’re a new thought.” Lyx braided his hair for no clear reason she could discern. She’d have felt safer in a room full of lions than with their family. They’d soften to her only when she took her last breath. “Trust us.”

  “I have no reason to.” Sanja hadn’t meant to utter the thought, but despite their sudden tension, she brazened it out with a mental shrug.

  “Undress.” Troz chucked his pants on the sofa. His erection was long and hard.

  “You require use of my body again tonight?” They’d fucked her every night since her purchase.

  Her almost-human looking demon arched an eyebrow as if he waited for her to comply.

  She missed having the freedom of choice, but the danger of noncompliance nipped at her heels. Obeying them would be easier than receiving their punishment.

  Her purple slaver’s pants hit the floor, and he kicked them away. His member was just as hard as Troz’s. “Why are you still wearing clothes?”

  Erica inhaled and slowly removed her outfit. She toed her slippers off and forced her arms to remain at her sides, staring at Troz while Lyx prowled around her stroking himself. After the third rotation, her purple demon came to a halt at her back. His breath made her hair flutter, but she held Troz’s gaze.

  “Go to bed. Rest.”

  “Pardon?” She frowned at Troz’s bizarre invitation. They’d fucked her every night since they’d bought her. Did he truly expect her to just sleep tonight?

  “You heard me.” His all-business attitude freaked her out. She’d irritated him enough earlier to force violence, and then his family had overstepped their boundaries. That he didn’t want her now confused and alarmed her.

  “Confused, my sex-pet?” Lyx’s breath stirred her hair and warmed her scalp.

  “You know I am.”

  “You’re being given a choice.” He trailed his nose down the side of her throat and inhaled. “Climb into bed and sleep or choose to ride us all night.”

  Startled by that, she peeked at him over her shoulder. His orange eyes were right there at her shoulders, watching her like the predator she knew him to be.

  “It’s your decision.” Lyx ran his mouth across her shoulder. “Pleasure or sleep. Doesn’t get any simpler than that.”

  There had to be a hidden agenda. The choice hadn’t been hers since day one. His gaze darkened. Damn! She hated that he could read her thoughts. Erica wasted no time, scrambling across the room and delving beneath the covers. As she pulled the covers beneath
her chin, she pondered if she made the right decision.

  “Not the choice I preferred,” Lyx said as the lights were extinguished.

  Waiting for them to join her, Erica held her breath. They’d climb in beside her and then make demands of her body. It was the only logical conclusion because she just wasn’t buying the ‘her choice’ bullshit.

  The bed never dipped, but the soft almost indiscernible sounds of what she suspected might be kisses wafted to her ears. They’re getting started without me, but in a moment, they’ll want something from me. She tensed…and waited.

  Waited some more until she heard one of them moan…the deep rumble sounded like Troz, but in the dark, she couldn’t be certain. What does Lyx do to him? She wanted to see, but wouldn’t dare show her curiosity.

  Whispered words and more kissing sounds. Erica sat up in the bed, the satiny sheet slipped below her breasts to puddle in a cool heap around her waist. “Are y’all having sex without me?”

  IN THE DARKNESS Lyx and Troz could see as well as in the daytime. Troz grinned at Lyx and mouthed, ‘Told you.’

  Lyx nodded, wanting to storm to Sanja and hump her like a demon fiend. Troz had taken him aside during the unexpected family gathering and detailed what transpired while he’d been alone with Sanja. That she refused to accept her place disheartened Lyx.

  Troz had made a suggestion and what he instigated felt like games. Lyx wasn’t much into games unless they involved sex and edge play. Sanja was their woman, and she needed to learn to accept her position. But he supported his spouse, and if Troz wished to try and prove a point to her, who was he to refuse? Even if forgoing the use of her body felt like torture.

  “It was your choice, my sex-pet,” Lyx said to her question. “Go to sleep so I can fuck Troz.”

  She worried her bottom lip while an adorable frown slashed across her forehead.

  “Let’s go to the playroom.” Troz watched her as closely as he did. “Don’t want to keep Sanja awake with the noise we make.”

  “It’s kinda fun watching y’all give one another blow jobs.” She sounded rather petulant.

  Lyx chuckled.

  “Not in the mood for an audience,” Troz said.

  When the playroom had been first mentioned, she’d gone green with the idea. Then they’d taken her there and forced orgasms on her, but hadn’t really introduced her to the totality of the fun that could be had in there. “Maybe next time you’ll be more up to the challenge, my sex-pet.”

  “And not so tired,” Troz added.

  Together he and Troz walked across the room. Troz waved his hand over the sensor in the wall that would activate the door. After entering the room, they closed themselves off from her and watched Sanja through the see-through wall.

  “She doesn’t like being left alone.” As rattled as she was, catching her thoughts was effortless. “Doesn’t like that we’re getting it on without her.”

  “In less than a week, she’ll be begging us to fuck her.”

  Lyx peered at Troz. “And if she isn’t predictable?”

  “Then she looses the free will to choose. But trust me, she’ll be ours in her heart quicker if we give her what she wants.”

  “She wants what?” He wasn’t sure Sanja knew her desires.

  “The appearance of a choice.”

  “Hmm….” Lyx pushed Troz against the wall and buried his face in the curve of his neck and shoulder. He licked the flesh, his senses igniting at his spouse’s salty taste. “She’s imagining me going down on you.” Going to his knees he ran his mouth along Troz’s cock. “I like her dirty fantasies.”

  Allowing Sanja’s thoughts to guide him, Lyx sucked Troz’s dick into his mouth and didn’t stop until his husband came in his mouth twice.

  ALMOST A WEEK later Erica stood on the balcony chewing on her thumbnail. Instead of taking in the glorious beauty of Baal, she contemplated Lyx. His red head was bent over his handheld device. Every so often he swirled his fingertip over the screen. No idea what held his attention, she assumed it was work of some sort, although she had no clue what type of occupation he held. If any at all. Only Troz engaged in active work-type duties. Sometimes those were accomplished in his office and other times he left the home altogether. Today had been one of the offsite type of days.

  “Something on your mind, Sanja?” Lyx didn’t look up, but continued to swirl his finger over the screen.

  “Aren’t you reading my thoughts?”

  All of his motions ceased, and he cut his eyes upward without tilting his head back. “You getting sassy with me?”

  She shrugged, but as soon as she performed the gesture she decided she held no desire to play aloof. “I don’t know what difference it matters when you know my thoughts either way.” Troz had been pissed off the last time she gave him the honesty he demanded.

  A heavy sigh shattered from her lungs as she peered at the landscape. No point in trying to explain when she failed to comprehend her own confused feelings anyway. She’d probably muck them up when she tried to relate them to Lyx. They hadn’t fucked her in five days. She grew more perplexed each day, even though she kept telling herself this was what she wanted.

  But they bought her to fuck her, so why weren’t they? Was this the beginning of the end? They’d lost interest in her already? Not that she was surprised, but to be snubbed hurt more than she’d have guessed. Which made no sense when she didn’t want them. Did she?

  “Sanja?” Lyx didn’t speak further until she looked at him. “Remember when I told you I’d punish you for not trusting me enough to voice your fears?”

  “That’s not fair, Lyx!”

  A lopsided grin tilted his lips as he stretched his long legs out in front of him and pushed the table aside with his foot. “So you keep saying and thinking. That’s seldom different in your human realm. It’s called life. Instead of focusing on the injustice of life, why don’t you try and accept the lot you’ve been given?” He paused long enough to settle his handheld device on his belly. His heavy gaze like anchors holding her in place. “Troz and I cannot alter what’s happened to you, but we are willing to offer you a full life. Maybe not the one you hoped for or envisioned, but a sight more than you already had. Neither of us will think less of you for relinquishing your pride and accepting us as your mates, your men. Instead we challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and claim us regardless that your society tells you it is wrong.”

  Sound advice that would make her transition easier if she would embrace the concept. After nine days, it’d become obvious her mother wouldn’t rescue her. That meant they’d spoken the truth when they claimed she couldn’t leave and Sybil wouldn’t be her savior.

  Erica sighed. What’d it say about her devotion to returning home when she wasn’t disappointed there’d be no dramatic rescue? That what bothered her the most was Lyx and Troz’s lack of desire for her.

  “Sanja, we’ve refrained from claiming you as a show of faith. Not because we’ve grown tired of you. We will never grow tired of you. Never give you to another. Never eject you from our lives. The next time I have to repeat that, I’ll do it with my hand on your naked ass. I won’t tolerate insubordination from you on this one thing. Understand?” She nodded, and the hardness evaporated from his voice. “You’re ours, and we never discard what is ours. Never. Not once in the two thousand years we’ve been together. Don’t forget that.” He tossed his handheld on the sofa beside him. “Now, I would love a kiss. If you’re inclined to give me one.”

  She wanted to wrap herself around him and ride him. But she couldn’t tell him that.

  “Your wants are ours to fulfill.”

  “Don’t read my mind.” Tired of repeating that, she rose from where she was seated on the balcony.

  “I grow weary of your stubbornness and sass. Well, maybe not.” As she approached him, his green pupils expanded until only a slim bit of his orange irises remained. “I like both, respect both, but there’s a limit to what I’ll tolerate when it comes to both.�

  Straddling his legs, she bent over and placed her hands on the back of the sofa on either side of his head. His scent infiltrated her senses and hijacked her libido, causing her pussy to clench with need. “If you were in my position, you’d never bend.”

  He tucked hair behind her ear. “This is about you, not me.”

  Smooth comeback. Without agreeing with her, he set the decision squarely on her shoulders. “Be honest. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?”

  His breath puffed against her jaw like an erotic kiss. “Resist to the death.” He cupped the back of her head. “I really hope that’s not your intentions.”

  She kissed him, set her mouth against his and tried to tempt him to open his mouth by parting hers. For whatever reason he refused. Erica pulled back just enough so her gaze could touch his. “Open to me, Lyx.”

  A slow grin curled his dark-purple lips. Whatever game he played at, that smile announced him as the victor. “For what purpose, Sanja?”

  “So I may seduce you, Lyx. And Troz too when he returns home.”

  A breath later, she found herself lying on the sofa with Lyx settling over her. He tapped on his armlet and said, “Come home now,” when Troz answered the call.

  His tongue was in her mouth a moment later.

  A WEEK LATER Troz pulled on his pants, and he contemplated Lyx who reclined against the headboard. Beside him lay a sleeping Sanja on her belly with one arm above her head and her hair in disarray. Her gorgeous ass a tantalizing view.

  Lyx had one leg bent with his left wrist resting on his knee. An Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar nestled between his fingers. One of the many luxuries his spouse enjoyed.

  Smoke curled from the tip of the cigar into the air, as his lover’s right hand fiddled with Sanja’s hair. Troz liked how relaxed Lyx appeared, but pondered what his thoughts were as he gazed at their sex slave, his expression softer than normal. The serene demeanor on a demon of Lyx’s caliber, especially one who enjoyed blood sports involving lots of agony that ended in death, was truly remarkable.


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