The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4)

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The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4) Page 2

by Martha Woods

  Tessa’s stomach flipped. Could she really go through with it? What had that deer ever done to her? She couldn’t just kill that creature because she needed blood… Maybe bag blood would be fine with her, Kristian didn’t know how her body would take the transition exactly. She was witch, after all, and he had never seen one turn into a vampire. She shook her head, frowning deeply. It wasn’t like Tessa wanted to upset him, but she really didn’t think she could do it. She didn’t even want to try to.

  He sighed heavily, “I thought you said you would listen to me?”

  “I just can’t,” she pressed.

  “You can, you just don’t know it yet. Believe me, get close enough to that deer, and you won’t even have to think about it. You’ll just do it,” Kristian assured her, rubbing her back. “Besides, this state has a deer problem. It isn’t like you’ll do any harm to the species by killing this one.” Still, Tessa’s feet were rooted to the ground. She wanted so badly to listen and make him proud, but it was actually like she couldn’t move. Kristian stared at her for a moment before sighing. “I’ll show you,” he told her.

  With her heightened vision, she could see his every movement as he ran full speed at the stag. The beast was effortlessly tackled to the ground, then Kristian grabbed hold of one of its antlers to keep its head pinned it down. The deer tried to flail around, but it was a fruitless effort in Kristian’s hold. Within a moment of getting it to the ground, Kristian latched onto its neck and began to drain it. The savory, metallic smell grew thicker in the air as the blood rushed into his mouth. Tessa’s stomach begged for relief, tightening and cramping to the point where she was nearly doubled over in pain. There was a twinge in her gums, her fangs starting to protrude. Still, her eyes couldn’t tear away from Kristian.

  In just a minute or two, the entire deer was drained, laying lifeless on the forest floor with hits pitch black eyes staring into the abyss. That was the moment Tessa wasn’t ready for, to see an animal dead just to satisfy her hunger for what, a few hours? A day maybe? Could she really consider that with how badly her stomach was cramping? Tessa knew she was going to have to suck it up and do it. This was her life now.

  Kristian stood from the deer, wiping away a small trickle of blood that was threatening to cascade to his chin. He sauntered over to her, hooking an arm around her waist, “Your turn,” he instructed.

  Tessa gave a terse nod, already nibbling her lip from anxiety. Kristian delicately took her hand in his and started to run. They darted between the trees until the same scent hit their noses. Coming to a dead stop, Kristian looked down a small hill to another deer grazing at the bottom. Tessa took slow and steady breaths, even though she didn’t even have to breathe. His hands clasped her shoulders and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  “I know this bothers you, but it’s just the circle of life. Somewhere in history, vampires were brought to fruition just like everything else. We aren’t aliens or some sort of devil beast. We’re just like them—animals. We just happen to have a different diet. Small mammals and carnivorous birds will come along and eat it, giving them nutrients as well as the ground it lays on. You aren’t a monster, Tess. You’re only one if you start wracking up human corpses. And this is necessary so that you don’t.”

  Tessa didn’t think for another moment, knowing if she did, she would back out. She ran down the hill as fast as she could, getting to the female deer in mere seconds. Just like Kristian had said, it was like her body took control of itself and she was riding copilot. Without thinking, Tessa tackled the deer to the ground and pinned its head to the ground with just one hand and the other pinning down its back leg to keep it from writhing about. The delicious smell was overpowering every sense Tessa had. Her mouth quickly found the neck, her fangs extending and puncturing through the fur and skin. Warm liquid rushed into her mouth. It was saltier and gamier than Tessa anticipated, but it was still fantastic. Her fangs had cut right through the thick vein, letting the blood flow freely into her mouth. Sucking lightly made it come faster, finally satisfying the pain in her stomach.

  Then, just as soon as it happened, it was over. When no more blood flowed from the creature, Tessa stood up and reached for her face to wipe any excess blood away. Before she could, a hand caught hers and turned her around. Kristian kissed her deeply, his fingers cradling the back of her head to keep her close. When he finally began to pull back from her lips, his tongue flicked to her chin and gradually licked up to her lip, removing the blood from her face. Tessa’s breath caught in her throat and a shiver trailed up her back. Her eyes were hooded and burning with sudden, all-encompassing desire.

  Kristian smirked and brushed his thumb along her bottom lip. “Let’s get you back to the house and cleaned up,” he purred.

  The intensity of the lust made her want to tackle him right there and have her way with him. She had never in her life had such strong and potent emotions. Kristian really hadn’t been lying. Tessa had to remind herself that she hadn’t showered in days and it was a wonder he was touching her at all. Forcing herself to calm down, Tessa took his hand in hers and let him lead the way back to the house. Running as fast as they could, they were at the farmhouse in minutes. Within a few more seconds, they were upstairs. Kristian pushed open the bathroom door and strolled inside. Walking over to the tub, he turned on the hot water and turned back to her.

  Sauntering over to her, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Tessa kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of the sweatpants she was wearing. Before the cloth could even hit the ground, Kristian was reaching around her and unhooking her bra. Once her panties were off, she turned to the sink and grabbed a package of toothbrushes. Grabbing one out, she scrubbed her mouth clean and then rinsed it out.

  As soon as her toothbrush hit the counter, Kristian’s hands were on her hips and pulling her away from the counter. Turning to face him, he was already naked. Tessa tried to hide her smile, but it was impossible. Very gently, he took her hand and helped her into the shower. He let her step into the water first, and relief was almost instant as she stepped into the stream. She noticed that she could tell that it was warm, but… it wouldn’t warm her. It was like touching a hot coil without getting burned, only she knew far too well that vampires could burn. She pushed the imagery of Kristian being hurt at the beach house from her mind, leaning into him.

  The water pelted her back and soaked her hair as she leaned into Kristian. Her body completely relaxed as he started to massage shampoo into her hair, the scent of coconut and hibiscus flowers infused with the steam. He then carefully dipped her head back to rinse the suds from her hair. The corners of her lips lifted from amusement as she watched his face remained etched in a look of concentration as he made sure to get every last bit of soap that clung to her locks. It was simple acts like that that showed just how much Kristian cared for her. Things had moved so quickly with them, that Tessa never really thought about whether or not what was going on between them was just a compilation of loneliness, necessity, and attraction. If she was honest with herself, she could admit that it was a real possibility. Tessa had been learning so much about herself and her past, all while in the midst of immense danger. Kristian was a notorious playboy who was also a dark knight, wanting to protect those in danger, even if it means looking like a bad guy. No matter how it had started, though, it had turned into something very, very real.

  When she felt a wash cloth on her back, Tessa glanced up at him. “I can wash myself,” she noted.

  Kristian cocked a brow at her, “And?”

  To that, she had no counter. Tessa stayed silent and watched Kristian as he washed her very slowly. Her back, then her shoulders before moving down to her chest and then stomach, hooking around to wash her bottom. Kristian carefully kneeled down to reach her legs and feet. As he worked up the front of her legs, he stood back up. He washed between her legs thoroughly and slowly, bringing Tessa back against his body. Her coffee brown eyes searched his emerald hues as he put asid
e the washcloth. His lips pressed against hers tenderly, his hands freely exploring her body to help her wash away the soap. Lust returned to her full force as his hand slipped back between her legs, her body screaming for his just from his light touches and kisses. Tessa slid her tongue past his lips, grazing his in long but fast strokes, her arms wrapping around his neck.

  He moved her to the side, pressing her back against the cold wall of the shower. Kristian pushed two fingers inside of her, pumping his hand at a slow and steady rhythm. He pulled away from her lips and started kissing down her neck. Her hips were already wiggling from the slowness of his movements, pushing themselves into his touch. A breathy chuckle breezed across the tender skin of her neck, another shiver running down her back. He picked up her right knee and brought it to his hip. After adjusting Tessa a little to get a better angle, he pushed himself inside of her. Tessa moaned loudly. A hand then appeared over her mouth and a chuckle sounded in her ear. “Nolan and a couple others are still in the house, little vixen,” he informed her quietly, nipping her earlobe.

  If her cheeks could redden, they would have right then. Kristian held her up and steady as he found his rhythm. He groaned into her neck, his hold on her tightening. Tessa’s sex was far more sensitive, making every movement feel ten times better than it ever did before. Kristian could tell, her sex tightening around him in the most titillating ways. In a swift movement, Kristian picked up her other leg and used his torso to keep her up straight. His member pressed deeper inside of her, Tessa biting down on her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure. Her hands knotted in his wet, chestnut locks, tugging at the short strands in brief moments of overwhelming ecstasy.

  Kristian’s mouth hovered over hers, breathing into her parted lips as he quickened his speed. It was starting to become impossible for Tessa to hold back her noises, moans and gasps passing her lips here and there as she became lost in his movements. She swore it was like her body would never grow tired of his. With just a few, fast and hard thrusts, however, her body betrayed her own desire and began to rapidly approach climax. Kristian’s mouth dominated hers in a feverish kiss as he slammed his member deep inside of her. Tessa’s body tensed completely as she peaked, his mouth managing to muffle her loud moans. He kept himself deep inside of her as he too climaxed. He held her to the wall, giving them each some time to recover.

  Before he could place her on the ground, Tessa was kissing at his neck, sucking at sensitive places along the base of his neck. Kristian chuckled, “Already ready for more?”

  “Uh-huh,” was all Tessa replied as she slowly started to sink to her knees, kissing down his chest.

  “I can definitely get used to this,” Kristian purred, a sheepish grin on his face.

  * * *

  After a week of hunting, and running the other vampires off with their loud and passionate love-making, Kristian and Tessa were ready to head back to the city. As they waited in the living room with their bags at their feet, waiting for the sun to set completely so that they could leave, Tessa suddenly perked up. “I want to try something,” she stated as she stood.

  “Try what? We’ll be leaving in like ten minutes,” Kristian said, checking the time.

  “It’ll only take a second,” Tessa explained, though didn’t give away what exactly it was that she was doing. She walked over to the front door and opened it. Kristian’s thoughts were immediately seized by panic. He didn’t have a scientific mind at all, did he? Always a worry wart, never a risk taker. Taking a slow and calming breath, Tessa stepped out of the safety of the shadows and into the golden sunlight. Instantly, a smile grew on her face. The couple of times that Tessa had seen a vampire come into contact with sunlight, without Firehaven blood, they would instantly shy away from it. Kristian had described the initial sensation like a nasty sunburn that only got worse.

  There was nothing, though. Kristian and the others had worried before the battle that since she was half Calder, her blood wouldn’t be potent enough to help the vampires go into sunlight. She felt pretty bad that they hadn’t even thought to try her blood, and had nearly drained Calla to give the vampires enough blood to get through the fight. Apparently, though, it was enough to let her into the sunlight. Did this mean she could spend all day in the sun, or maybe just a few hours? Tessa looked back into the house, spotting Kristian watching her from the shadows with wide eyes. What exactly would this mean for them? Tessa wasn’t sure whether to be happy, or weary. Would it make her even more of a target? She assumed so.

  Trying not to get too ahead of herself, Tessa laid down in the grass and enjoyed the sunlight. After a while, the sun completely set over the horizon and she could hear footsteps next to her. Opening her eyes, she looked up to Kristian with a pout, “I feel so bad about Calla now.”

  “Don’t. More than likely your blood wouldn’t have been potent enough since you’re only half Firehaven. We’ve been over that,” Kristian insisted. “It is… interesting, though. I hadn’t anticipated this.”

  He then extended a hand to her to help her to her feet. As Tessa let him pull her up, she spoke, “How could you have? You’ve never seen a witch turn into a vampire, have you?”

  “Definitely not,” Kristian muttered, picking their bags up off the ground and walking over to his SUV.

  “Then it's unfamiliar waters. I don’t think we should really have any sort of expectations about this,” Tessa stated, lifting her arms to look at herself. Even though she still had some olive undertones, Tessa was definitely paler. Some things were following the norm, but she had this feeling in her gut, telling her that the sunlight aspect was not going to be the only difference. She had no idea what, though.

  “I suppose you’re right about that,” Kristian nodded, loading the bags and then opening her door for her.

  “You’re always such the gentleman,” Tessa commented as she stepped into the car.

  Kristian leaned his head inside and stole a kiss from her lips. “Of course. I couldn’t treat you any other way,” he grinned, before giving her forehead a peck and moving from her door. Tessa bit her lip to keep from smiling like an idiot. Kristian always somehow knew how to bring out a side of Tessa that she didn’t even know.

  He climbed into the SUV and started the drive back to town. Even though they had only been there for two weeks, to Tessa it felt like they had been in that farmhouse for a lifetime. It had been some strange sort of purgatory for her, a place between life and the life of the living dead. Honestly, she hoped to never have to see that damn house again. All it was to her was a museum of the pain and mistakes, and all of which she yearned to forget. In the spirit of that, Tessa tried to turn off her own thoughts and just focus on the present. Reaching over, she held Kristian’s hand in hers, to which he smiled faintly to himself. Then, she turned on the radio to try and help tune out her thoughts. She hummed along to the songs she knew and watched the trees go by.

  When they entered city limits, suddenly Tessa’s body stiffened. Kristian’s grip tightened on her hand and rubbed his thumb against the back of it. “It’s going to be hard to be in cities for a while,” he sighed. “It’s like going to a buffet while starving, and not being able to eat anything. I figure, though, since we will have to move around and the best place to hide is in plain sight, we need to go ahead and get you used to it. If you can get through these first few days, then you can get through any temptation.”

  All Tessa could do was nod, gritting her teeth hard. It was the same smell from the forest, but much richer and sweeter—and never faded. The entire city reeked of it. It was almost impossible to think with how overwhelming the smell was. She held her pashmina to her mouth, taking slow and deep breaths. Think of something else, Tessa. Anything else. But her mind couldn’t move around that intoxicating smell. Even though she wasn’t even hungry, her body craved to find out how their blood tasted. She thought even a drop would cure her burning curiosity and desire. Kristian warned, though, that once you drank fresh human blood, it was hard to stop. Tessa had actua
lly gotten a bit used to the animal blood and was already dreading trying cold blood, but hoped it would at least taste alright.

  They pulled into the parking garage at the apartment, and Tessa let out a breathy sigh. She was glad to be in a place that felt somewhat like home, especially if she was going to have to acclimate to such intense and constant cravings. Stepping out of the SUV, they walked hand-in-hand to the elevator. Kristian’s thumb methodically rubbed circles into the back of Tessa’s hand. The long ride up to their floor was painstaking. With each floor they passed it was like a new wave of smells would hit her, tempting her to pry open those metal doors and go find exactly where the smell was coming from. Tessa closed her eyes tightly to try and ignore it. She could hear Kristian’s troublesome thoughts, fearing already that he had made the wrong call and that they should have stayed in the countryside. “If I never get exposed to it, I’ll never get used to it,” Tessa stated in response to his thoughts.

  “I know,” Kristian murmured. “I just hope we didn’t act too quickly.”

  “Me too,” Tessa sighed.

  Her eyes popped open when the elevator came to a stop. Walking off the elevator, Tessa smelled a new scent. It was milder than the aroma she had been smelling the entire time, but also had a sweet heat to it. Like cinnamon or something. What was it? As they approached the apartment door, Tessa’s mind was bombarded with indecent thoughts about Calla. Her eyes widened and looked to Kristian as he went to unlock the door. Tessa quickly grabbed his hand to stop him, earning a cocked brow from Kristian. She then knocked on the door, hearing Jared’s thoughts scramble at the sound. Slowly, she took her hand off of Kristian’s. “What was that about?” Kristian asked.


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