The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4)

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The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4) Page 4

by Martha Woods

  “Fair enough,” he muttered, unlocking the door and walking into the apartment.

  * * *

  By the time Kristian’s made arrangements for them to stay out in the country, Tessa was in a complete funk. Guilt and shame completely consumed her entire being knowing that a large wedge was now between Tessa and Kristian, and Jared and Calla. Thankfully, Calla was the most forgiving person on the entire planet and agreed to the terms Kristian had suggested. She knew Calla was meant to serve her, or whatever, but that didn’t mean Tessa wanted to treat her like dirt. She thought of Calla more as a sister, someone who is loyal and obligated to help but wants to at the same time. No matter how much they had pushed her and policed her, Calla had always been willing to do anything she needed to in order to help out. How does Tessa repay her? By attacking her in an elevator.

  Even thinking of the incident made her throat burn. It had been so delectable and sweet… It made Tessa fear being around her again. What if she couldn’t resist again? She didn’t want Calla and Jared leaving forever because of her stupid, impulsive behavior. The entire situation left her drained. Tessa hadn’t even been able to explore the house, and they had been there nearly two weeks. She opted to stay in bed most of the time, only ever leaving the bedroom to get a bag of blood. She was also well aware that Kristian was upset that Tessa was upset, it was constantly on his mind. He blamed himself for what happened with Calla, but Tessa pleaded with him not to. It was no one’s fault but her own.

  She struggled with the thought of becoming a monster, worrying that the painful desire for blood would never go away. Kristian and the others were growing antsy, however, hoping for her to be a bit more trained before they had to encounter the Calder again. She had to pull herself together, if not for her own sake but everyone else’s. The family of vampires had given their all to protect her, losing many lives in the process. Tessa needed to be able to give them her all, and that meant stop sulking and try again with Calla. That was easier said than done, however.

  “Your senses really should have dulled by now, Tessa… Calla will be fine. Plus, she’s been pretty frantic the last couple of days about wanting to come see you,” Kristian tried to assure her, rubbing her back as Tessa remained face-planted into the pillows.

  “You thought everything would be fine before,” she rebutted in a flat tone. She didn’t feel ready to face Calla, and she didn’t even want to consider it.

  Thoughts of pain and remorse flashed across Kristian’s mind briefly, before he refocused on the task at hand. “I know… However, that was a mistake. I… I really didn’t think about Calla being problematic except when you two were very close, like when practicing. Yet I didn’t even think about the elevator…” Kristian sucked in a deep breath. “Look, don’t sell yourself short because I’m an idiot. It’s been two weeks since you last saw her, and you’ve drank nothing but bagged blood. I think you’ll be surprised by just how much easier it’ll be to be around her.”

  “Easier? So will it ever go away completely?” Tessa asked, turning her face to glance up at him.

  Kristian looked to the ceiling to gather his thoughts. He shrugged, “Well… it’s always there, but you just adapt to being surrounded by it and it’s just… different. It’s like instead of humans reeking of blood, it’s more like a perfume where it’s faint but travels a little. Then, from where we only drink cold blood, the urge to act on that smell is really dampened. You learn to forget the satisfaction of drinking blood. If you’re fortunate enough to ever try it fresh, you’ll be able to appreciate it for what it is without becoming animalistic and killing the poor thing,” Kristian rambled on, his fingertips traveling down the length of her neck. He was reminiscing on the occasions where he tasted her blood to heighten arousal during sex.

  “Too bad I’ll never, ever experience that. Being trapped with you for eternity and all,” Tessa mumbled, a ghost of a smile appearing on her lips.

  “You’re not trapped,” Kristian scoffed, brushing a lock of hair behind Tessa’s ear. “Happily imprisoned, I like to think,” he joked.

  Tessa giggled lightly. She couldn’t help herself, he was too charming when he wanted to be. He had been trying really hard during their entire time in the countryside to cheer her up and get her out of bed, but for the most part, she had been immovable. Kristian was a good man, and Tessa knew that her moping was making his mood worse and worse. The longer she remained upset, the more Kristian blamed himself for everything that happened. She found the motivation to sit up on the bed, groaning as she did so. “Okay, okay… I’ll try and be around her,” Tessa finally stated.

  “Fantastic,” Kristian grinned, craning his neck to kiss her tenderly, “Because they are already on their way.”

  Tessa playfully pushed him, “You jerk!”

  “Relax, I just wanted them to already be on the way in case you said yes. We aren’t that far from the city, they could have just turned back around if you said no. Besides, Calla has been begging me to let her come see you.”

  Her brows knitted together, “Why has she been so persistent about it?”

  Kristian shrugged, “I’m not sure, she wouldn’t say on the phone.”

  Part Two

  Tessa didn’t breathe as Calla and Jared entered their home, hoping that it would make it easier to be around her. By the time they were all sitting down in the living room, Tessa noticed Calla’s heartbeat was starting to fade into the background. Was it really possible that her senses had already dialed down? It certainly wasn’t overwhelming her like it had before at the apartment, but curiosity burned right under the surface of Tessa’s cool demeanor. She feared that being alone would be enough to eventually crack her resolve.

  Calla and Jared sat across from Tessa and Kristian. Even with concern and anxiety swarming her eyes, Calla looked beautiful that evening in a white blouse, high-waisted jeans, and her long, bouncy curls framing her white face. Jared, of course, looked as stoic as a statue with his signature flat expression and calculative blue eyes. They looked more like movie stars than creatures of the night.

  “Thank you both for coming out here,” Kristian began, nodding over to them.

  Jared nodded, “Thanks for finally allowing us over.”

  “So why the urgency exactly? Just anxious to get training in?” Kristian asked Calla in a light tone.

  “Well… not exactly,” Calla admitted, biting the corner of one of her plush lips. Jared squeezed her hand to give her courage. “My sister Flora reached out to me again. We went to meet her, along with a few of the elders at a restaurant the night before last. They wanted to meet face to face, and then have me meet you the same way. To try and lessen the ways that the Calder can spy on us,” Calla explained. “They want me to talk to you about actually joining, and leading the Firehavens.”

  Tessa’s jaw dropped, completely speechless. Calla couldn’t be serious.

  “They said that they want you as their High Priestess. They think it is your right to take the position after your mother. You would of course get the full protection of the clan if you do so.”

  “What happens if I decline?” Tessa asked curiously, wanting to know the risks involved.

  “That I really don’t know… I certainly don’t think that they would go after you, however they might no longer help you. I know it’s stupid, considering you getting into the hands of the Calder is against their own best interest, but the Firehavens tend to be prideful and stubborn. They might also hope that the vampires are enough to keep you safe, considering they have done very well against the Calder thus far.”

  “I see,” Tessa let out in a sigh, and then accidentally inhaled. The scent of Calla’s blood filled her nose and Tessa’s entire body stiffened. It was just as overwhelming as it was two weeks ago. She clutched Kristian’s hand, to which he squeezed hers back and rubbed circles into the back of her hand. His movements were slow and methodical, making it almost hypnotic. Focus on the conversation and stop breathing, Kristian thought. Holding her brea
th, Tessa tried to free herself from the intoxicating aroma. “What do you think I should do?” Tessa asked Calla, trying her damnedest to listen to Kristian’s advice.

  Calla was taken back by Tessa asking for her opinion. “Really, it just depends on how much responsibility you are willing to take on. If you say yes, the elders want to train you personally, that way you are trained properly and quickly. Of course, it will take you years to actually master everything, but they are willing to work with you as long as it takes. You’ll be in charge of protecting our people, meaning keeping up with scouts’ reports on Calder locations, and planning any attacks needed. In time, you’ll become a judge of sorts, high profile offenses within the clan would come to you for judgment. Things of that nature. The training you would receive and protection of the entire Firehaven clan, I think, makes it really worth it. You’ll be a natural leader, and you’ll get to know everyone in the coven. They’ll be like a secondary family.”

  Family… The word felt strange to Tessa. She knew the vampires considered themselves to be a family, but it wasn’t exactly a loving environment. It was more like banding together to last for eternity, rather than be plucked off one by one by witches or hunters. She knew that Calla had been very close with her clan before joining their family. Deep down, Tessa had been a bit envious of that aspect, wishing that things could have been different and Tessa grow up in the clan with her mother. Learn how to use her powers like all of the other witches… There was no going back, though, only forward. Maybe it was for the best for her to join them, but the thought of being their High Priestess was a little overwhelming. “Do they know I’m a vampire now?” she asked, wondering if that would be a deal breaker.

  Calla nodded, “I told them at dinner. They were actually happy about it, hoping that it would mean you could lead them for a long, long time.”

  “I see,” Tessa muttered. Then, a very important point came to mind. “If I accept this, will they allow you back into the coven?” Tessa asked, eyes locked onto Calla.

  Her cheeks reddened and her olive eyes fell to the floor. It was still a tender subject for her, Tessa knew that. Calla held a lot of guilt and remorse over joining Deidre’s side. “They said that would be up to you,” Calla admitted. “You’d be the High Priestess, and therefore would be able to give the final ruling on my status within the clan.”

  Tessa nodded, still contemplating, wanting to make sure to ask all the questions she needed before giving an answer. “And with being in the clan, what would that mean for us? Would we still be able to travel with the vampires? Would it be allowed for us to continue seeing Kristian and Jared?”

  “As far as it goes for living situation, we would mostly be based with the coven. Usually in Maine, but sometimes at the other compounds in Minnesota, Washington, even occasionally down to Georgia. However, they are fine with you being with Kristian, and like that the vampires want to help protect you. They would be fine with them staying with us, or us going with them from time to time. You’ll more than likely have a pack of witches traveling with you as well, as a form of additional security. You’ll have all the resources of the coven at your fingertips,” Calla explained, her eyes finally returning to Tessa’s face.

  A moment of silence fell over the room with all eyes on Tessa, waiting for her next question or an answer. Tessa was still worried about whether or not she could get acclimated to being a vampire, but it actually was a lot easier to be in the same room as Calla than it had been weeks before. As long as Tessa’s mind stayed focused on something else, she could ignore the smell of Calla’s blood and the beating of her heart. Would she do okay in crowds, though? It felt like so much was left to the unknown, and there wasn’t much time to wait and see. She wanted to do what’s right, not just for herself, but everyone. “I’ll do it,” Tessa stated firmly.

  “What? Tess, are you sure? Maybe we should talk about this first…” Kristian said, putting his arm around her.

  “I don’t need to talk about it. I’m going to at least try to do it,” Tessa told him.

  “It’s just a lot to put on someone who didn’t know they were even a witch for the first twenty-some years of their life, on top of recently turning into a vampire…”

  She looked deep into his eyes, “We’ve been doing right by only ourselves for quite some time. I want to do the right thing for everyone, and this seems like that.” Tessa gazed over to Calla, “If it turns out that I can’t handle it, will they let me step down?”

  Calla nodded, “There may be some hurt feelings and some may and try to kick you out of the coven, but I don’t think they would even do that. You would just go from High Priestess, to regular witch in the clan.”

  “Sounds like I’d be stupid to not accept,” Tessa noted. After a few more seconds to really think over the decision, Tessa nodded, “So, what do we do now?”

  Kristian’s thoughts soured, not liking that Tessa was so quick to accept the offer from the witches. He wanted them to talk about it and decide what was the best call. That was simply too bad. Tessa’s mind was made up. She was certain that some form of regret would come later, but that came hand-in-hand with all major decisions. The best thing for to do was at least try.

  “Well, it’s a matter of getting you and the elders in the same room. You’ll probably need a lot of space, so somewhere like here would work the best, I would say. That way you are comfortable as well,” Calla explained.

  “I don’t know if bringing in more witches is such a great idea,” Kristian chimed in. “Tessa’s doing well now, but that’s with just one human around. Bringing in more could be messy.”

  “Yet you brought her into the city weeks ago,” Jared rebutted before anyone could.

  “Can’t we learn from my mistake instead of making it again?” Kristian retorted.

  “They want to be very careful about the whole matter,” Calla called to Kristian, in hopes of settling him. “Only three elders are coming, and they are just bringing one aide along. To limit temptations for Calla, as well as to hold this whole thing as close to the chest as possible. I also don’t think you guys have ever met witches of their caliber. They aren’t exactly fragile or defenseless. However, they did say if you insist on more security, then it would be best to come from the vampire side of the aisle. For Tessa’s sake.”

  Kristian was silent, but Tessa could hear the wheels turning in his head. He didn’t like any of it very much, but he was slowly coming around. “Would you two be willing to stay with us? I know Calla wouldn’t be doing much of the training, but at the very least she could help keep the peace. Then you Jared, of course, for security. We’ll probably bring on Charley too, just to be on the safe side.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jared nodded.

  “Me too,” Calla agreed. “We have to go back into the city to meet with them to tell them your answer. Then, as long as the coast is clear, they’ll more than likely be here by morning.”

  “Very well. Grab Charley while you two are out there.”

  * * *

  Tessa was stewing on the sofa as they waited for the others and the elders to arrive, the night quickly approaching its end. Her mind couldn’t stop meticulously going over every worry and wonder about what she was about to walk into. High Priestess… it just didn’t seem real. How could they want her as High Priestess? After such torment from the Calder over the past few months, Tessa found herself wondering if it could be a trap—but she knew it wasn’t. Jared was with Calla during her initial meeting with them, and he wouldn’t have allowed anything to advance if he sensed anything off with how protective he was of Calla.

  Every step of the way Tessa and Kristian had made one bad decision after another, and she feared that this one could be another. A prime reason she had asked Calla for her opinion outright. She knew the witches far better than anyone else, clearly. If she trusted this call and was behind it, and Jared didn’t sense foul play, then it seemed like a safe bet. All Tessa wanted to do was do the right thing, and for this entire m
ess to be over with. Why couldn’t they all just settle down somewhere in the mountains and live out the rest of eternity in harmony? Why did it constantly have to be danger and fear?

  Kristian appeared next to her with a teacup of blood. “Care for a little pick-me-up?” he cooed, extending the cup to her.

  “Thanks,” Tessa said weakly, taking a sip of the blood.

  His arm went around her shoulders and gently rubbed her arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust your call at first… It wasn’t fair of me. No matter the outcome of all this, I’ll be happy as long as you are by my side,” Kristian confessed to her with his sparkling emerald eyes locked onto hers.

  Her chest swelled with happiness. Even with everything going wrong all of the time, Tessa and Kristian were brought closer and closer together. Every trial tested their relationship, and each one brought them closer together. Kristian had seen the worst of Tessa when she had attacked Calla, a primal and dangerous side that she had never known existed—but it hadn’t changed how he felt about her at all. There was a level of understanding between them that Tessa had never felt with anyone else. It was what gave her confidence that eternity was achievable together. “I feel the same way,” Tessa uttered softly.

  He cracked a smile then, “So after this training, and you become High Priestess, what does that make me?”


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