The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4)

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The Immortal's Calling: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 4) Page 7

by Martha Woods

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Veronica hissed at Kristian.

  “Something that doesn’t need your approval,” Kristian stated defensively.

  “Oh?” Veronica chuckled bitterly. “Cut the shit, Kristian. How many witches are here?”

  Kristian was silent, averting his gaze to the wall. He didn’t want to tell her anything about the witches. Yet, as if on cue, Selena walked through the kitchen door with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. Damnit. He knew there was no way around Veronica finding out what they were doing now that she was there, it still pissed him off that she had shown up unannounced, seemingly to bust him doing something she didn’t approve of. “Why are you here anyways?” he challenged.

  “You really didn’t think I would find out one way or another that Jared isn’t in the city?” Veronica questioned. “You remove one of our strongest men from town during a time where we are trying to rebuild, just to have him play security guard for you and your girlfriend?”

  “And that’s different from what you’d have him doing?” Kristian scoffed.

  Her teeth ground together. Before she spoke another word, though, she moved from the room and headed toward the kitchen door where Selena had emerged from. Kristian and Tessa both darted after her. When they stepped into the kitchen after her, they found her frozen in shock as she looked at the table of four elder witches; their aged faces and thick spellbooks laid out before them gave it away. Veronica eventually snapped out of it and wheeled back around to face the two of them, “Are you guys trying to die and hand Tessa right over to the Calder?”

  “We’ve been extremely careful,” Kristian defended. “There’s no paper trail, electronic trail, and the only people who know about any of it are in this house. No one knows they are here.”

  “You really think there’s any way to safely have so many high-profile targets under the same roof?”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “I really don’t think you do,” Veronica spat. Her eyes then landed on Tessa. “I’m going to need you to bleed them.”

  “What? Why?” Tessa asked, blinking at her in confusion.

  “In case the family needs to rush to save your asses! Four elders, yourself, vampires, two young witches, and a demon here. All of which the Calder are eager to see dead. Chances are one of the Calder witches will figure out where you all are hiding, and come ambush this place in a blaze of shadows and fire.”

  Tessa understood Veronica’s concern, but she was acting ridiculous and hotheaded. They really had been as careful as they possibly could. Not a single thought came to mind as to what more they could have done. “You’re being absurd. I’m not bleeding anyone unless it’s absolutely needed and the person volunteers. No one is going to be forced to give up their blood,” Tessa told her firmly.

  In the blink of an eye, Veronica was nearly nose-to-nose with Tessa. “I don’t think you understand the severity of this all. While you might be living in some dreamland where your actions don’t have actual consequences, I live in the real world where my family members have died every time they try and protect you. You didn’t know them, they aren’t real people to you. You can’t try and say you understand the grief or burden it has brought us. If you don’t take all of the precautions you can to protect the people who have put their lives on the line, then you aren’t only a selfish person, but you’re a weak leader as well. You’re meant to be their High Priestess, right? If you were the leader you should be, you would tell them to, and they would know it was for the best.”

  Anger flared in Tessa’s eyes. “Last I checked, the Calder wasn’t just after me,” she spat, hinting at the fact the Calder were after Veronica as well. “You think I’m going to bleed these witches, who I’ve only known for a short time, just because you command it? I’m not their leader yet, but if I was, it would make me a really shitty one to just bend to your will. Also, love this power-trip you’re on. No one elected you to this position, you just assumed the role. Not to mention you’ve only been in charge for what, a month or two? You’re one crazy, power-hungry bitch.”

  Veronica gasped and her eyes widened even more from shock. “How dare you!” she exclaimed, bringing a hand back to slap Tessa.

  Before her hand could collide with her face, Kristian got between them and pushed his sister back. Not hard enough to make her fall, but enough to make her back up a few feet. “This is not going to turn physical, Veronica. You’re just proving her right by acting like this. Now, I don’t know why you originally came. Whether it was just to see why Jared was with me, to try and bust me doing something you didn’t approve of, or what, but you can’t get upset with me for doing what I’ve done. These witches aren’t just here to visit, but they are training Tessa to become a High Priestess. That works out for the best for everyone. She’ll be skilled and able to protect us all in a pinch. If I had told you about their being here, it would have been a security risk. Really, if anyone is endangering us here, it’s you by showing up out of the blue. Are you one hundred percent sure that no one followed you? Is there even a way for you to be so very certain?” Kristian challenged her.

  It made Tessa’s heart soar to see Kristian stick up for her like that. Not that she had expected him to just sit idly by while someone slapped her, but she knew it was an even bigger deal since it was Veronica. Veronica physically deflated a bit, but her face remained heavy with attitude. Tessa was the first to speak. “Look, I’m sorry I called you a bitch. I know you’re just trying to protect the family. I get that. Know that I’m doing everything I can to better myself so that I can contribute more and maybe try and make up for all of the pain my being involved with the family has caused.”

  Finally, her icy eyes thawed. “It’s alright… I know you’ve never tried to cause any harm… it wasn’t fair of me to try and insinuate anything different. I do want you to… to consider asking for their blood. The Calder really could show up at any time, especially during the day if they find out the elders are here, and it’s better to cover all our basis than be at a disadvantage.”

  Tessa still wasn’t sold on the idea, but knew it was the best way to compromise. She just didn’t want anyone to feel obligated to give their blood like Calla had. “I’ll definitely take everything you’ve said into consideration,” she nodded at her.

  “Good,” Veronica nodded once. Her eyes then went to her brother, “May I speak to you outside?”

  Kristian sighed and looked at Tessa, giving her a kiss on the cheek before moving to go outside with Veronica. Tessa realized as they walked through the doorway, that all of that had transpired right in front of the elders. She glanced over to the dining table to find all eyes on her. She gave a nervous smile, “Sorry you guys had to hear all of that…”

  “It’s alright, my dear,” Silvia called over. “It was bound to happen. Sorry we couldn’t step in to defend you. It seemed like a family matter.”

  Tessa sighed, looking to the foyer as Kristian and Veronica made their way out the front door. “It’s alright. I didn’t expect you guys to.”

  “She’s rather scary, isn’t she?” Pearl added on with a light chuckle.

  She gave a leery grin, “Definitely. She means well, though. Excuse me.” Tessa needed some time alone to sit with her thoughts. She was sure if she were still human, she would have a killer migraine right about then. Walking down the hallway, she figured she could find solace in the den. When she sauntered into the room, however, her eyes immediately landed on Calla and Jared cuddled up on one of the couches with their eyes on her.

  “Is everything okay?” Calla called over. They had to have heard the entire conversation between herself, Kristian, and Veronica.

  “Not really,” Tessa muttered, averting her gaze. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you guys. I didn’t realize anyone was in here.”

  “No, it’s okay. You can sit down if you like,” Calla said, gesturing to the armchair adjacent to the couch they were on.

  Tessa’s eyes shuf
fled to Jared, thinking he would have a problem with it. Before, he didn’t seem to like her much, if at all. It was understandable for him, though. Tessa’s well-being had been put before his girlfriend’s time and time again. While it was the way the dynamic was supposed to work, Tessa certainly didn’t feel good about it and understood his frustration. While he wore his usual stoic expression, there was no animosity in his eyes. In fact, they were soft and understanding. Maybe he was familiar with Veronica’s scrutiny as well.

  Even though she had set out to be alone, Tessa moved to sit down. “I’m sorry you guys are wrapped up in all this,” Tessa muttered, wringing her hands together. Veronica hadn’t only dug up guilt over the lives lost because of her, but the lives affected. Jared and Calla had sacrificed the most for her. While not always happily, they had loyally stuck by hers and Kristian’s sides.

  “You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” Calla reassured her. “Don’t forget that everyone is being a little selfish in all this. It’s not like their entire world is revolving around you just because they care about your well-being. The vampires and the witches alike don’t want you falling into the Calders’ hands because they know it may very well be the end of them all if you do. Don’t feel like a burden, Tess. You’re more of a liability; one that they care about as much as you do.”

  Though it was never fun to hear yourself labeled as a liability, Calla was right, and her words actually did make her feel better. It was hard for Tessa to remember that all of this wasn’t just for her benefit. “Don’t pay Veronica any mind, either,” Jared chimed in, surprising both Tessa and Calla. “Kristian is her brother as well as her creator. They share a bond that’s like the one you and Kristian hold. Instead of romance, there is brotherly and sisterly love. Anything putting him specifically at risk will provoke an insane reaction from her. It’s a million times worse now that she’s in charge of the family as well. Give it time, and things will hopefully level back out.”

  Tessa was completely taken back by the kindness of the two of them. Out of everyone, they had the right to hate Tessa the most. Yet they didn’t. No matter how much Kristian and Tessa asked of them, they still greeted her with kindness when she was in distress. “You guys are so underappreciated,” she let out in a breath without thinking. “Thank you both. I know that things haven’t been at all ideal for the two of you…”

  “I care about this family as though they are all blood to me. You’re a part of that now. While we might have a bit of a rocky past, it doesn’t mean I want you treated poorly. I don’t want that for anyone,” Jared clarified. Even though his words held so much meaning and sentiment, his voice was very even and matter-of-fact. Tessa would have thought he was being sarcastic with her if she didn’t know that was just how Jared was. Other than with Calla, of course.

  “That means a lot to me… Thank you, Jared,” Tessa spoke to him.

  He nodded and looped his arm around Calla. Tessa relaxed in her chair and rubbed her forehead. A comfortable silence filled the room. It was a short and to the point conversation, but it felt needed. It soothed all the worries Veronica had provoked in her, and opened her eyes to how kind and thoughtful those around her were. Calla opened a book she had in her lap, and the two of them looked down at it. They were reading a novel together? Well, that was cute. Tessa sat and watched them idly with admiration as she slowly simmered down from the interaction with Veronica. She wasn’t really prepared to find out whatever Kristian and Veronica were talking about outside, but she knew she would have to suck it up and get through it. Taking long, calming breaths, she waited patiently for Kristian to return.

  * * *

  Kristian and Veronica ended up talking for a couple of hours outside, having a pure heart to heart. By the time Kristian returned, the elders were already starting Tessa’s lesson for the night. He didn’t disturb them and retired to his and Tessa’s bedroom. After several hours of lessons and practice, Tessa was finally able to retreat to bed. As she made her way up the stairs and down the hall, Tessa found herself taking more calming breaths. She knew that once she walked into the room, eventually, they were going to get onto the topic of Veronica. Maybe she could avoid it for the night. Tessa wasn’t dull, she knew she couldn’t hide from it forever. However, she was tired and really didn’t want to delve into it anymore for the day. She had tortured herself all night with thoughts of what the conversation could have been like between the two of them. There was something about the entire situation that Tessa couldn’t shake. It was driving her mad.

  She paused at the door, contemplating whether or not to use her ability to read minds to see what Kristian was thinking about. It would be nice to have a heads up to what she was about to walk into. At the same time, however, she didn’t want to betray his trust. For the first several months of their relationship, she had a cheat sheet to exactly what he was thinking and feeling. It wasn’t fair to him. He deserved to have his own private thoughts and emotions, and she wanted them to have a normal relationship with normal communication.

  Finding the strength not to use it, Tessa pushed open the door and stepped inside. Kristian was already laying in bed, but he was on top of the covers with his fingers laced together over his ribs and eyes fixated on the ceiling. What could that body language mean? Could he be upset with her about anything? Tessa realized at that moment that she never had to pay attention to body language before. Having a direct line to peoples’ thoughts completely negated the purpose of observing such a thing. As she began to disrobe at the dresser, she could feel his eyes on her from behind. Tessa slid one of her pajama shirts on and headed over to the bed with his eyes on the ground. When her body met the surface of the bed, Kristian’s arm was over her and pulling her closer to himself. “How was your lesson?” he asked softly.

  “It was good,” Tessa replied simply, starting to chew on the side of her cheek nervously. It had only been a few days since she completely mastered how to block out thoughts. It was becoming more and more apparent that without her ability to read minds, Tessa was extremely self-conscious. Self-esteem had never been a worry of hers at all, knowing everyone’s honest opinion of her. Of course, Tessa didn’t think that Kristian suddenly despised her, but not knowing how he felt was unnerving her.

  “Is everything alright?” Kristian asked, propping up on his side.

  “Yeah, I’m just tired,” Tessa mumbled, turning her cheek to her pillow.

  “Ah,” Kristian muttered. His hand grazed up and down her side as he spooned her from behind. After a few long moments, Kristian gingerly began, “So, when Veronica and I were talking, we got on the—”

  Tessa quickly interrupted him, “Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just want to get to sleep…”

  Kristian deflated a little and nodded. He laid back down and rolled onto his other side. Tessa let out a heavy sigh, relieved that he hadn’t persisted. While it should have comforted her that he was touching her and talking to her kindly, Tessa’s worrisome brain didn’t ease at all. They had been so good for so long, she was afraid that a fight over his sister would make them crumble. While they had been together for months, their love was still new it felt. It made her stomach churn with worry. Tessa felt the blankets move as he finally got underneath them.

  Tessa quickly discovered she was restless. Her mind wouldn’t stop wrestling with the possibilities of what had happened in their conversation. She had no reason to worry, but there was a feeling in her gut that she simply couldn’t shake. Tessa wondered if it was her just being paranoid, or if it was because there was actually a reason to worry. The elders had to explain to her that when you got into higher levels of magic, one of the first ability many witches obtained naturally, was the gift of premonitions. What if this was the first inkling of that gift?

  She had to be overthinking it, so it was silly for her to harbor on it so much. Even though she was aware of that, she laid awake all day, combatting every thought that entered her mind surrounding the issue. By the time the sun started to fal
l, Tessa had risen from bed and showered. When she emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed but still towel drying her hair, Kristian was sitting up on the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes. He glanced up to her and a deep frown set in his face. “You showered without me?”

  They always showered together, but Tessa had wanted the solitude that morning. “Sorry, I was feeling a little gross and didn’t want to wake you up,” she lied.

  “Why were you feeling gross?” Kristian questioned, his brows knitting together.

  Tessa chewed her lip, not having anticipated him asking a question like that. It was understandable, though. It wasn’t like they could sweat, and they hadn’t had sex that day so she couldn’t be uncomfortable in that way. “We did potions last night, and I had gotten some stuff in my hair,” she lied, yet again.

  You’re the one creating problems, you half-wit. Tessa shook the thought off. She couldn’t help it. It wasn’t like it was any more comfortable to tell him she had laid awake all night worried about what he talked about with his sister, and that she needed time to herself, than it was to lie. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You seem off…” Kristian asked her gently, rising from the bed and began pacing over to her.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t sleep well is all,” Tessa grumbled.

  “You were acting weird when you came in last night, though,” Kristian challenged.

  “I was tired then.”

  Kristian cocked a brow, the skepticism clear on his face. She was making excuses for anything. Yet, he didn’t badger her on it. Instead, he remained silent and continued to observe her. “Alright,” was his only response to what she said on the matter. Kristian started to redirect the conversation, “So can we talk about—”


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