An Elf’s Magic Santa’s Elves Book 4

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An Elf’s Magic Santa’s Elves Book 4 Page 3

by Lynn Crain

  She took in a deep breath. Sure, there was nothing for her here but changing everything was scary. “Do I get any time to think about it?”

  Cuinn shook his head. “Not really. They need a decision today as the transportation has already been booked.”

  She swallowed hard. “What about my grandparent’s house? I haven’t had a chance to close it up.”

  “Lacey, my company is prepared to help you. You can leave instructions with Giselle as to what you want to take and what you want to store.” Mr. Paine stated.

  Marion Paine was definitely a generous man, but this was happening all so fast. She knew life was like that sometimes but still, she didn’t have to like it. “Can I at least have five minutes?”

  Janice nodded. “I totally understand. It’s hard to leave everything you know behind even if it’s not much. How about we give you a few minutes of privacy with Giselle?”

  “Okay.” When everyone got up to leave, she looked at Cuinn and a rush of emotion swept through her body. “Cuinn, can you stay too? I mean, just in case I have a question.”

  He glanced at his mother and brother who gave him a slight nod. “Sure. No problem at all.”

  She watched him as he sat down, staying still until the others had left. “All right, would one of you tell me what’s going on?”She looked at Cuinn first then Giselle, the latter who shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’d like to know that as well.”

  Lacey turned to look at the man she felt so drawn to and realized confusion was plain on his face. I understand I don’t know you very well, but there’s—something—I just can’t explain with you. Somehow, I-I know I can trust you. Where as you on the other hand...” She turned to the woman who had gotten her in more hot water over the years than anyone. “You fixed me up with that awful Doctor Andrew. How do I know this one is any better?”

  Giselle threw her an indignant look. “I didn’t know Jason had the hots for you.”

  “It was Justin.” Lacey’s mouth hung open in shock. “You don’t even remember his name now?”

  With a dismissive gesture, the woman continued. “Whatever. This is my family. The really strict side. While they seem all normal and everything…”

  “Giselle,” Cuinn warned.

  She gave him a quick look. “Well it’s true, you all may act normal, but even you have to admit you’re all a little peculiar.”

  “Okay, we’re weird. What about you?”

  Lacey started laughing. “All right. It seems as if every time I have seen you together, you’re arguing or at last, that’s what I remember.” Two sets of blue eyes turned toward her. “Tell me about your home.”

  Cuinn smiled. “Well, it’s white a lot of the year. And quite cold, but we have a main compound one could liken to a movie studio.”

  The last comment piqued her interest. “Really? How so?”

  He sighed as if resigned. “Since we don’t have much regular weather, our boss built an inside atrium where we have weather. It was for my mother because she gets homesick sometime for a long spring, summer rains and the fall colors.”

  She nodded. She knew she’d miss those as well. “What’s the housing situation?”

  “Everyone pretty much has their own home. At least, if you’re old enough you do. It’s a real family affair. All my siblings are there and we only go away for school. Now my older sister, Aingeal, she’ll spend time at the family home as well as in Scotland where her husband is from. You’ll be set up with your own small cottage and, in your case, complete with furniture.”

  “Okay, so housing isn’t an issue.” She studied him up and down again. This man certainly was good looking and she’d never met a Scotsman that wasn’t. With his dark hair and blue eyes, he was as dreamy as they came. Just one touch would send her over the edge. “That’s right, Locklin is Scottish.”

  “Aye,” he said with a touch of the brogue.

  The tingles rushed down her spine. She knew this man. How she did and when she certainly didn’t remember, but this guy turned her on like no one ever did before. She would be a fool to pass up the opportunity even if things didn’t work out.

  “I’ll go.” It came out in an impulsive rush. Surprised expressions gazed back at her. Sighing heavily, she knew she had to explain her reasons now. “Look, Giselle, you were right. I don’t have anything here or anyone except you and the girls from school. I need a change. Even if it just works out for the year of the contract, this will be something new and different. I need new and different.”

  Cuinn nodded once. “I can understand. I’ll go tell my mother and brother. If you’d like, I’ll come to your house and help you get your belongings you want to take with you.”

  She smiled. “That would be nice.” She watched as he left the room and turned back to her friend. “There’s more to that man and I swear you know something.”

  Giselle gave her an innocent look. “I don’t know what you mean in the least.”

  Lacey continued to stare at her until Giselle squirmed. “Quit playing the innocent with me. I’m not as naïve as you think I am.”

  Giselle sighed. “I’ll tell you what I know and the rest you’ll have to find out on your own.”

  She eyed her suspiciously. “Go on.”

  “Before you graduated you had told me you liked Cuinn. Then one day, you didn’t and I’m not sure why.”

  She concentrated for a moment. “I vaguely remember the man, but it’s nothing earth shattering. But-but there’s a point where it’s blank.” She shook her head to clear the cobwebs. “Were we involved?”

  “I think you would have been.” Giselle looked at her, then cast her eyes down. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I introduced you over a year ago because I thought you would be great together. We did a few things together, you, me and Cuinn, then you just faded away from doing anything with me and my family at all.”

  She looked at her confused. Just what was it that they had done together? “I don’t want your pity. I just want some explanations.”

  The door creaked open and they both jerked in their seats. Cuinn walked in, coming to stand by the table. “Are you ready, Lacey?”

  She looked at Giselle once again. “I assume there are phones there, right?”

  “There are.” His quiet voice surrounded her in its embrace, calming whatever fears she might have had.

  “Giselle, we’ll continue this conversation later.” She went to get her coat from the rack and turned back to her friend. “And thank you. I know you only want what’s best for me. You just wear the rich kid mantle too well sometimes.”

  Chapter 3

  Lacey got out of the car and stood before her grandparents’ home in one of the historic areas in Boston . She had lived here since her parents died when she was twelve. Lots of memories were between the walls and she still hadn’t made up her mind what she would do with the place. It had been well cared for during its two hundred or so years and her grandparents did a series of renovations when she moved in, which had increased its worth.

  Cuinn came to stand behind her, his very presence calming her nerves at such a big decision.

  “This is a nice place.”

  She glanced at him, giving him a quick smile. “It’s been in my mother’s family for years, passed from mother to daughter. It would have been my mother’s had she lived. Grandma started the papers to transfer ownership to me when she died.”

  He didn’t say anything, but gave her shoulder a comforting rub. “You can put off a decision regarding the house for later. There’s no rush.”

  She nodded. “Giselle said she’d take care of everything in regards to closing the house.” Lacey sighed and thought about her friend. She’d been a little harsh with her and almost immediately regretted her actions. “She’s a good friend even though she can get very irritating at times.”

  “You noticed, huh?”

  “Yeah. I can’t imagine what family events were like.” She gazed into his eyes, watching a little bit of th
eir light wane then return quickly.

  His rich chuckle warmed her insides. “They can be very exciting. I think you’ll see what I mean when you arrive at the family compound.”

  “You’re not coming?” A wave of panic suddenly hit her that the one person she was comfortable with wouldn’t be there. If Cuinn didn’t go, she would be alone with no one to confide in.”

  “I might be able to manage a few days off to help get you settled. I’d need to talk to my uncle.”

  “You work for your uncle? I thought you worked where your family lived.”

  “I did for a while. I came back to finish my masters, which I did the same time you graduated.”

  “Oh.” She hoped her disappointment didn’t show. He was one of the main reasons she had said yes. She wanted the opportunity to get to know the sexy man.

  “I was getting ready to ask my brother if he needed more help. Maybe now is the right time.” He smiled down at her.

  “Thanks. I would like that. You’re the only person I’d know and while I can get on by myself, I know it would be better if I had at least one friend.”

  He took her elbow and directed her toward the stone pathway. “Why don’t we get started in putting your effects together and I’ll tell you why you’ll never be alone where you’re going.”

  They walked inside the house together and soon he had her laughing in hysterics over the antics of his family and life at the compound. She decided to start in her room and looked through her clothes both personal and professional. She was so happy her scrubs would not need to be a certain color or style. She had tons of outfits to choose from and decided to pack at least two weeks worth.

  “I take it there will be a washer and dryer in the house I’ll get.” She turned and got a nod from her companion. “Good. I have lots of clothes but I don’t see the need to take everything. I can have Giselle send it up later. I should take the cold winter clothing though, right?”

  “Since it’s very cold there for nine months of the year, with only a slight temperature rise in the other three months, I would say to load up on your sweaters.”

  “You heard when I told everyone I was a weenie in regards to the cold today, right?”

  “I did and it’s my only real concern about you going there at all. I mean, it’s true we have everything one could ever want in the way of creature comforts but the landscape is usually white all the time.”

  She nodded and continued packing, choosing sweaters and pants and wool socks to brace herself from the cold. Trying to fit everything in two large suitcases would be a trick. She hoped the airlines wouldn’t charge them for the extras. “I don’t think I can fit everything in two suitcases.” She sighed and put her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t worry. My uncle has given us permission to use the corporate jet for most of the way.”

  “And the rest?”

  “Other private transportation. But it still doesn’t matter if you need to take another suitcase, there won’t be a problem.”

  She went into the closet and pulled out another. Lacey put the bag on the bed, opened it without and was surprised to find what looked like a wedding program in it. Please join us in the celebration of marriage between Aingeal Mae Locklin and Fearghus Andrew Brodie… “Wonder where this came from?” She tossed it onto the bed but shivered when she did. There was something about the program, which she should know, she could feel it in her bones.

  Swallowing hard, she knew she didn’t have time to think on it now and pushed it from her thoughts. Seeing a movement out of the corner of her eye, she turned to Cuinn who had turned sheet white. She put her hand on his arm. “What’s wrong?”

  He gave a quick, jerky shake of his head. “Nothing.”

  Maybe she understood what she felt when she found the program. “Ah, someone you fancied?”

  He scowled at her. “You think I fancy…of course, you would…you haven’t met all my family yet. Well, I don’t. One isn’t supposed to fancy one’s siblings.”

  She threw up her hands at the tone of his voice. “Oh, I assumed by the look on your face it was someone you liked.” She looked at the paper again wondering why she didn’t associate the woman’s name with his. There was something very out of place with the wedding. It nagged at the fringes of her mind and she had to shake herself mentally to move on. “It’s okay. Maybe you took someone you shouldn’t have or something. There have been some people in my past too. “

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. “It’s not like that at all.”

  Every contour of his body was rock solid. Her breath hitched and she tried hard to control her breathing. Licking her lips, she looked up at him and lost herself. She wanted to kiss this man, to touch him like a lover, to have him inside her as quickly as she could. Before her thoughts could get the better of her, she brought to mind images of the president, of Gandhi, of Mother Teresa, but nothing would to stop her passionate feelings. Her very being wanted this man.

  * * * *

  “Ah, hell—” Cuinn swooped down on her and captured her lips with his. He couldn’t help himself. From the moment she walked into the conference room that morning, all he could think about was having her in his arms. He should have told his father at the wedding last year about his desire for her, but her place hadn’t cemented in his heart yet. Now there would be no stopping their bonding.

  Gently, he pulled back and gazed at her. “I’ll stop if you want me to.”

  Lacey quickly shook her head. “No. I’ve never felt something so right.” She pulled his head back to her and his lips captured hers with no tenderness this time, just a hard, raw need.

  Still, he knew she needed tender after what had happened to her this past year. Changing the tone of his onslaught, Cuinn gently sucked her bottom lip and ran his hands softly down her arms. Rewarded with a slight shiver, his body tightened in response to her body’s signals as his caress slipped around to her soft buttocks.

  The rapid beat of her heart drummed against him, showing how aroused she truly was. She would be the core of his world and he wanted everything to be right for their first time, so trying hard to remember all the lessons on sex from his father. First, he put up his shields knowing some people in the city would feel the energy. Then, he snapped the glamour spell more firmly around himself because there were some things she couldn’t know until they had reached the North Pole. Cuinn only hoped she would forgive him once all had been revealed.

  Breaking off the kiss, he breathed hard as he gently cupped her face in his hands. “Tell me to stop right now and I will because you have to be very, very sure you want this to happen.”

  “I am…believe me…I am,” she whispered.

  He pulled her to him again, his mouth descending on hers, seeking entry with his tongue. Trying to convey the promise of all he could offer, he moved closer to the bed, easing his knee between her legs. She trembled around him then began rubbing herself up and down on the rough fabric of his jeans, shivering and whimpering. He hoped she felt the way he did and slowly lowered her to the bed, following down.

  “I want to touch you the way a lover does.” he said, looking into her now flushed face.

  “Me, too,” she whispered and pulled him on top of her.

  Her hands caressed his body through his clothes, each movement a slow torture of pleasure. All he wanted to do was rip her clothes off and do what he should have done months ago. Leaning into her, he pressed his lips against her and with just a bit of pressure, she opened her mouth and allowed him easy access inside as their tongues glided across each other, returning kiss for kiss. He slid his hand under her shirt, her skin warm to his fingertips. He yearned for this, wanted this in a way he had never wanted anything else.

  His nerve endings tingled again as she pulled his bottom lip into her mouth. His body grew hotter with desire with each tug of her lips. Her hands pulled his shirt from his jeans and moved along his hard abdominal muscles then glided even further around him to squeeze his butt. He almos
t lost it.

  “Lacey,” he murmured. “I want to feel your bare skin against mine.”

  Her cheek rubbed against his in agreement.

  He sighed heavily. “I need to make sure one final time that this is what you want.”

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. Can’t you feel how fast my heart is beating?”

  He nodded and grabbed her hair, pulling her back to him again, kissing her fiercely. Cuinn rolled them to the side and began to undo each button on her blouse, opening it slowly to reveal a beautiful lacy bra on her sensual body. Leaning down, he kissed her flat stomach and unfastened her pants. He moved them out of the way then went even lower and she moaned in pleasure.

  “That feels so good. Please-please—” she murmured.

  “I intend to do just that.”

  With a deft movement, he hopped from the bed, pulled off her pants, threw them to the side then nuzzled her through her silky underwear. When she thrust herself against him, he dipped his fingers under the material and rubbed her slick folds. She shuddered in response, her muscles tensing, her hands clenching into tight little fists. Cuinn shivered and continued to stroke her for a few more moments before pulling her underwear completely out of his way. Lingering there, he reached up a hand to caress her breasts through her bra.

  He glanced up to watch her reaction and when she arched into his palm, he dipped his head back down and once again flicked his tongue out to caress the inner recesses of her soft flesh. She groaned with pleasure and touched his head, tugging gently on his hair.

  “It’s only fair if I get to do this as well.” She pulled a little harder and got him to look at her. “I mean it. Lovemaking is meant to be a give and take situation. If you’re going to give me pleasure, I get to give some back as well.”

  “I understand but I want to do this for you first. Please.” Sighing deeply, he was happy when she nodded.

  “All right but just this once.”


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