Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 5

by Tracey Champion

  “You okay Cara.” Hanna stops to ask me.

  “Yeah, just hungry.” I walk over and sit next to Jordan.


  Cara looks stunning in the red nightgown when she came out. I worried about her while she was getting washed up. Bridgette surprised the fuck out of me when she showed up with a bag and food. I watched her place the food down on the tray in front of me and then head to the bathroom. She told me about the nightgown she brought for Cara. It was a nightgown she got from Paris years ago that she had been waiting on. Bridgette said the gown would get better use from Cara.

  I believe the gown on Cara makes her look exceptionally beautiful “Come here, pretty girl.” She sits close to me on my right side. I’m careful when I pull her in closer. We hear the knock at the door and turn to see Nurse Kim.

  “Have you eaten yet Cara.” Cara just shakes her head no. “Good, I will be right back to draw your blood.” The nurse leaves and I feel Cara panic.

  “I don’t want her to take my blood. I’m fine, I don’t want them to make me go back to sleep.” She’s rambling.

  “Pretty girl, she only needs to test your blood to see what the other nurses and doctors gave you. I talked to her about this while you got cleaned up. It’s okay.” I comfort her. I sit back giving Cara enough room for what I’m about to ask her. “Cara Mia, can you sit between my legs for me?”

  She gives me a puzzled look and then moves to where I want her. When she settles between my legs I pull her against my chest. Kim walks back into the room. Again, I can feel Cara, she tensed up.

  “It’s okay Cara Mia, I’m right here. I promise, pretty girl.” I whisper in her ear as I rub my hands up and down her arms.

  Kim decides to check Cara’s left arm first. She flinches and I hold in my pain as she brushed my side.

  “Cara, she needs to look at your arm.” I’m careful of her rope burn and hold out her left arm for the nurse.

  “Look at me.” I force Cara to look at her right side.

  “I don’t want her to do this.” The look on her face about does me in, but I told Kim I would help if needed. This has to be done whether I fucking like it or not. I decided to run my nose along Cara’s and bring my other hand to her face. Kim mouths to me that she found a vein and I kiss Cara. When I go to deepen the kiss I tap on Cara’s left arm.

  Luckily Cara opens for me, and I capture her gasp in my mouth. Fuck. I missed this, tasting her is like my own personal drug that I need to find my own solace from what’s really going on right now.

  Cara twitched a little and I suspect Kim is drawing blood. I just keep Cara focused on kissing me, which isn’t all that hard. I have to hold her arm out tight as I feel Cara get more into the kiss. There’s something behind the fierceness of this kiss. I’m trying to slow her down when I kiss back because there’s no way in hell I can fuck her in this hospital or with my injury.

  “All done. I just need to put a band aid on you.” I don’t want to but slowly break the kiss. “That was easier than I thought.”

  Cara looks from me to the nurse and I let go of her arm. “Oh, can I eat now, my head hurts.” Cara seems to shamefully blurt out. The nurse gives me a strange look.

  “I will let the doctor know. He still needs to come and check on both of you.” I nod and Cara reaches for the tray with the food. Kim helps move it closer and then leaves the room.

  It’s early in the evening and I’m thankful for the food. Bridgette brought sandwiches and chips.

  “They’re both the same, ham and cheese with mayo and lettuce.” Real food. I take the sandwich and Cara moves so she can see me.

  “Thank you, Bridgette,” Cara says softly then opens her food. I begin eating and the food hits my stomach hard. I start to take smaller bites to easy my stomach into the food. Cara eats a quarter of her food and I begin to tell something is wrong.

  She takes a few more bites and stares at her food. “It tastes weird, Jordan.” She tries to whisper to me.

  “What do you mean it tastes weird? Did it taste weird when you began eating?” I’m thinking something is fucked up with her food.

  “No, the sandwich tasted normal, but now it tastes funny.” Bridgette now has gotten up and walks over to Cara as Hanna bursts into laughter.

  “She’s just like you Bridgette.” Hanna tries to get out.

  “Shut up! Cara are you still hungry or are you full?” I try to comprehend what Bridgette is asking Cara, but I’m fucking confused.

  “I think I’m full. But I don’t know.” Bridgette takes the food from Cara and Hanna’s now laughing hysterically.

  “You’re full Cara. I think it’s all the stress you’ve been under these past few days and lack of real food. The sandwich is fine, I had this issue in college when I was stressed and forgot to eat. When I did eat I could only eat little bits at a time before the food became gross and I was done.” Bridgette turns to Hanna. “So yes, you are just like me.”

  “I told you. There’s no way you can deny that she’s your sister.” Hanna still laughs.

  “Bitch. I would never do that.”

  “Well yeah I know that, brat, but the truth is you two are more alike than you care to admit. I think it’s cool. I always wanted a sibling.” Hanna admits as she slowly stops laughing.

  I think I understand what’s going on because even I can’t finish. Cara sits close to me and I enjoy her warmth. Knowing she’s safe and with me is all that matters.

  Hanna then whispers something to Bridgette and they both get up. “I think we should leave you two need to rest. I love you, Cara.” Bridgette mentions as she walks to the door. Cara proceeds to get up.

  “Rest Cara, we will stop by later to check on both of you. Bridgette’s right we both love you.” Hanna kisses Cara on the tops of her head and then smiles at me. Moments later they’re both gone. The silence is peaceful even if we are trapped in the fucking hospital.


  “Cara, can I ask what you remember about your time with Travis.” She’s been laying against my right side and I need to get this information out of her.

  “I remember waking up with my arms tied to a bed. I don’t know how I got there. I made him mad at me.” Cara’s says in a pout and then goes quiet for a second. I’m worried about what she will tell me. “I don’t remember what I did to make him mad. He tied my ankles and I said something about you when he was at the door.” Cara sits up and looks at me.

  “He fired a shot at me.” FUCK! He shot at her. I’m careful when I sit up. My side hurts something fierce, but I control my anger so I don’t scare her. The pain pills that were given to me earlier only helped with my head. I run my hand up and down her arm. I watch Cara rub her fingers.

  “Jordan?” She’s looking over both her hands. She quickly goes to panic. Her moods are all over the place. “They’re gone…my rings are gone.” Cara brings her hands up to her face and begins to cry. This just breaks my fucking heart. I can’t fix this not yet.

  “We will locate them Cara. Someone has to know what happened to our jewelry.” I give her a comforting hug and then ask the tough question. “Do you remember how Travis took you?” Her eyes go wide. My pretty girl’s eyes are a light gray and red from all the crying.

  “I don’t remember.” She whispers. I wipe a few tears from her face.

  “Did you talk to Niki that morning?” I know they were supposed to talk and have coffee. I had a message from her about it.

  “I don’t remember if I did.” I can tell she’s trying to find the answer as her eyes fill with tears. “I can’t remember Jordan; I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry.” Just then the doctor from earlier walks in.

  “Hello Cara and Jordan. We’re waiting on Cara’s blood work to come back. Cara, I need you to sit on the other bed so I can check you out.” He motions for Cara to move and she seems frozen in place.

  “I don’t want to.” There’s panic and fear laced in her voice as she looks from me to the doctor.

  “Cara, I
need to look you over. I can’t do that properly with you sitting next to Jordan. My name is Doctor Dave and I just need to make sure you’re okay before I give you something for your head.” Cara turns to stare at me and I mouth to her that it’s okay, but when her eyes go wide, this time, I know something is horribly wrong.

  “I don’t want you to check on me. I don’t want the medicine. I’m not going back to sleep!” Cara is on her feet quickly and I can’t move to grab her. She’s now on the other side of the room far away from me and the doctor.

  “Cara, you’re going to need something for the headache. I don’t know what they gave you, but if they’ve kept you asleep then you might be having a negative reaction to it. Plus, most heavy depressants will require us to wean you off of them and right now you’re basically cold turkey.” The doctor was not only informing Cara, but me as well.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need anything. I don’t want to go to sleep.” She was rambling again. I carefully tried to stand to my feet.

  “Cara, it’s okay, let the doctor do his job.” I want to walk towards her something fierce, but my gut tells me not too.

  “I need to examine her. If she won’t cooperate, I will have to sedate her.” Doctor Dave said as a matter of fact.

  “NO!” Cara quickly moved into the corner away from me. She crouches on the floor like a child bringing up her knees to her chest.

  There was noise at the door to our hospital room and luckily to my surprise in walked Nate and Jessica.

  “I don’t want to go back to sleep!” Cara spoke loudly. I looked to Jessica for help and sat back on the bed.

  “She needs to calm down or I will have to sedate her.” I hated that Doctor Dave repeated himself. This only proved to make things worse. Cara looked terrified.

  “Absolutely not. She has stated her mind quite clearly. Give me a few minutes with her and then you can come back in.” Jessica was now talking to the doctor. She looked pissed off and you don’t mess with Jessica mad. I’ve learned that the hard way over the years. She has this tendency to go all mother bear and even though she’s a woman it’s scary as hell.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m in charge of her care.” Dr. Dave looks frustrated at Jessica’s ballsy behavior.

  “Doctor, she has post-traumatic stress from what occurred before she came to the hospital and that’s an area I’m an expert on. I have training from the VA hospital and a certificate in PTSD counseling. I can handle Cara. In that area, I am in charge of her care.” Jessica seems to stump the doctor who says he will be back in a few minutes. I just watch Jessica walk over to Cara.


  “Cara?” I’m very thankful that Jessica walked in. She’s now on the floor eye level with me.

  “I don’t want to be put to sleep.” I tell her and I mean it as I shake my head, hugging my knees tighter. I’m terrified of being put back to sleep. Jessica moves closer to me and offers me her hand and I give her mine. She helps me stand to my feet and then drags me over to the hospital bed the doctor wanted me to sit on. Jessica places my hand over her heart.

  “Do you remember this?” Yes, she made me do this when I freaked out over Jordan and the text message that said he was done. I nod yes.

  “Okay good… match me.” She takes in a deep breath and I follow. When she lets out the breath I again follow. I’m supposed to match her breathing and the way her heart is beating. We continue this method of deep breathing for a little while until I’ve calmed down.

  “Better?” She asks me searching my eyes.

  “Yes, I lost my jewelry, though. I don’t like the doctor, and I don’t want to go back to sleep.” Jessica lets out a big laugh and I don’t know if I should be mad at her.

  “No, we have them. All of them. I will get the bag out of my purse. All the rings needed to be cleaned and your watch is fine.” I forgot about my pocket watch.

  “Thank you.” I rambled again, but I don’t want to talk about the doctor.

  “You’re welcome. When the doctor comes back in, let him do his job. I will make sure he doesn’t put you to sleep. Cara, you have to be calm and listen okay.” She tells me with her hands on my face. I just nod yes at her. She retrieves a bag out of her purse and hands it to me.

  I put on Mommas ring first and then move over to Jordan. I hand him my promise ring and then take his left hand. I place his ring where it belongs and he does the same for me. We are silent, but really there are no words that need to be said between us. I smile and Jordan gives me a soft kiss on my lips as Doctor Dave reenters the room.

  “If you let me look you over you can stay right there.” He tells me and I don’t move.

  “Okay.” He looks me over, checking out my rope burns. He says an ointment needs to be placed on them and to have them wrapped. I agree to this. I become uneasy when he mentions for me to take something for my headache. I told him it’s at a scale of six.

  “Can I ask what you plan to give her for a headache?” I turn to look at Jessica.

  “Just Motrin, something simple.” This time Nate laughs and I see Jordan trying not to laugh. I don’t get what’s so funny.

  “Grunt Candy. You will be fine Cara. Motrin is what the military gives for everything. That stuff will help the headache, but not put you to sleep.” Nate explains to me as he continues laughing. I tell the doctor I will take the Motrin.

  “I need to check out Jordan now. Cara, I need you to move.” I start to shake; I don’t know anything about Jordan’s injuries other than what I saw when he was first hurt.

  “Doctor, I don’t think right now that’s a good idea for Cara to see it. Can I take her to the cafeteria?” Jessica’s asking the doctor. He smiles and looks at me.

  “Yes, but are both of you going with her and she needs to be in a wheelchair. Hospital rules.” Nate stands to his feet and tells the doctor he would go with us to the cafeteria. The doctor is quick to get a wheelchair and I’m off with Nate and Jessica.

  “Thank you for helping me,” I mention to Jessica as we enter the elevator. Nate is kind and wheels me all the way to the cafeteria. Once we get there we realize I’m not allowed into the actual cafeteria. There’s a rule that states patients are not allowed inside due to possible dietary restrictions. I try to hold in my tears. I still don’t understand why I keep wanting to cry.

  “That sucks. Nate can you stay with Cara and I will go inside?” I look from Nate, who’s beside the chair, to Jessica. He just gives her this megawatt smile. “Cara, what do you want?’ I never thought about that.

  “Something sweet, but I don’t have money on me.” I frown and Jessica shakes her head at me.

  “My treat, I’ll be right back.” Jessica goes inside and the next thing I know I’m face to face with Nate. I don’t think I have ever been this close to him. I’ve never really given him much thought until now. He has short brown hair and very sweet, chocolate brown, eyes.

  “How are you really doing Cara?” He asks me with a smile. I can’t help myself, but I feel I can be honest with him. I trust Nate.

  “I don’t feel like myself. I can’t control my tears and I feel shaky. I don’t like how I feel. I’m comfortable around Jordan.” I stare into his eyes and he smiles from ear to ear.

  “Thank you for being honest with me. Do you feel shaky now away from Jordan and calm next to him?”

  “Yes, I don’t understand why, but I feel safe with him even though I got him hurt. I’m really sorry about that part.” I place my hand over my mouth in shock. I wasn’t supposed to say I was sorry. “I forgot…um Jordan…he told me not to say.” I drop my voice to a whisper. “I’m sorry.” Nate laughs at my words.

  “Your secret is safe with me. Do you feel shaky and uncomfortable now?” He’s searching my eyes.

  “A little, I trust you and Jessica. It’s weird how I feel about you two in a calming effect and Jordan. With him its instant.” Jessica comes walking out of the cafeteria with a plastic bag. Nate kisses my forehead as he proceeds to stand.

  Jessica re
aches inside the bag and hands me two little containers of ice cream and a spoon. I take the ice cream after she opens one for me. I almost broke down when I could not open the stupid little container.

  I’m thankful she grabbed vanilla ice cream. I can see my hands shake the spoon. Before we head back to the room I catch Nate whisper something to Jessica. I’m to occupied with my ice cream to care about what was said.

  I’m a little sad about the peace that the treat gives me. I make sure that neither of them see me wipe the tear from my eye. I don’t like how I feel anymore.

  “Thank you Jessica,” I say a little above a whisper. “What else is in the bag?” I ask as I take a bite. The ice cream seems to comfort me more.

  “You’re welcome Cara and the rest of the goodies are for later silly girl.” I pout and get a giggle out of Jessica. I can’t help, but giggle with her. The action causes my heart to swell.

  I take my time with the first ice cream so I could share the other with Jordan. When we get to the room Jordan pats a spot next to him and I take it.

  “I saved you an ice cream.” I smile at Jordan.

  “I think those might be for you. Pretty girl, I know how much you love your ice cream. Go ahead and eat it for me.” I just nod and try to open the container. My shaking hands make opening the simple container so hard. I’m very disappointed with myself. Jordan takes the small issue from me and quickly opens it. We sit there for a few minutes when a new nurse walks into the room.

  The nurse reminds me of the maid from the movie The Help. There’s just a happy, carefree presence from her when she enters the room. I instantly feel more comfortable with her than the doctor. She walks into the room with a cart of items.

  “You darling, must be Cara. I need to take care of your injuries and I have some Motrin for you to take.” I like the way her voice is sweet and calm.

  I don’t want to move from Jordan and am surprised she never asks me to. “Sweetheart, do you have something to drink or should I get you some water.” She asks me, her voice is still very calming.


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