Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 9

by Tracey Champion

  I take the photo and pull out a cutting board. I scratch lines with a sharp knife to the back of Cara’s head in the photo. I decide that’s not making me feel better and cut the photo.

  In my left hand is Jordan and in my right the bitch.

  I walk over to my junk drawer and pull out a lighter. I flick it till the flame is bright and orange. I light the corner of the photo.

  I giggle when the flame takes to the photo and I toss it in the sink. I watch it burn up to nothing.

  That’s what she is.


  I know it and so will Jordan. I just need to figure out a new plan.

  I mean I know what Jordan told me a few weeks ago was all a lie. He didn’t mean it. I know he didn’t mean it; how could he mean it.

  How could he tell me he doesn’t care for me.

  “I know he cares for me,” I smile to myself and lick my lips. I need more alcohol.

  I mean, what man pays for dinner and then tells you they don’t care. He had to be only telling that lie to himself. He must feel bad for her. I mean I do in some way feel bad for her. She lives with a man that doesn’t love her. He can never love her when he loves me. He told me that years ago that he will only ever love me.

  When I came to the realization that he was telling me “no”, I called Travis. I made sure that Travis left my present for the bitch. I even asked him to make sure he put the flowers in the house. I mean lucky me that he knew how to get into the house and past the security alarm.

  What a smart little puppy. I don’t know how he got something in the system past Amber. That woman is going to be trouble for me. She’s always hated me. She’s going to back up Cara.

  Lucky for me Travis listened about the roses. The bedroom was a great place for them.

  Why not place them in the bedroom? I mean it’s an omen that she will die. Their relationship will die. Jordan will see that she isn’t good enough for him and I will be right there to pick him up. My pussy clenches at the thought. I let out a tiny hum at the though.

  I miss having him in my arms. I really miss having him in my bed. Hell, I miss having him inside me. I go to my room with my new glass of Bourbon. I accidentally step on some more glass.

  “Hmmm.” I pick out a few pieces from the bottom of my foot as I sit on my bed. I toss the pieces into my little trash can.

  I reach into my nightstand and pull out my favorite framed photo of Jordan. I think since I don’t have Travis around I should pull out my toy. But that won’t be good enough.

  I lay on my bed after removing my clothes. I trace Jordan’s face in the photo and kiss it. I finally fall asleep after I fingered my pussy remembering making love to Jordan.

  My Jordan.



  Jordan’s worried about me. I can tell by the way he shifts on the bed. I hate how I feel right now. Why was she here?

  “Pretty girl, what happened? Are you sick from lunch?” I’m not sure how to explain this to him.

  “No, I don’t really know what happened.” I’m not looking at Jordan, but he moves and turns me towards him. I know I shouldn’t, but I want to rub my fingers. “I’m sorry.” I should have chosen something else to say, but those are the only words that come to mind.

  “Cara Mia, you’re breaking my heart. Talk to me,” Jordan took my face in his warm hands and forced me to look at him.

  “I don’t like her Jordan. Niki makes me uncomfortable. I mean…” I tried to swallow the hiccup forming in my throat. I reached up and touched the skin above Jordan’s heart. “I know she has a big place here. I was stupid one day and asked Amber about Niki. I was told you two were together for four straight years. Amber told me that you two dated in high school off and on. She will always have a big place here and I can’t replace that. She has years on me that I will never have.” I swear I spoke in one long breath.

  Jordan places his hand over mine. “Pretty girl, I know you won’t like some of what I’m about to say, but you need to hear it. First off I’m not a saint. Second at one point I thought I did love Niki. That was a motivation for a lot of what I did back then. I don’t really think I ever did love her now, not the same way I love you. When I found out she cheated on me you’d think I would be pissed off and hurt. I was pissed, but I got over it. When you moved your things into my spare room that just about unhinged me. I hated it. I hated that you fought this…us.”

  “But Jordan, you were planning your life with her. You wanted the house, the good job with her. That’s a forever thing. I know you were with Hanna, but she’s told me your relationship never went that deep. Me and her, we don’t talk about it and I’m okay with that because she’s not still after you. Niki still seems to want you. She came back because she assumed you were her daughter’s father. I can’t get that out of my head. I know the truth, but I can picture you being with her like you are with me and I hate that.” I pull my face away from Jordan and drop my head to look at my lap as the tears fall.

  I can’t look at him and not picture them together. It breaks my heart. I may never fill the space she takes up in his heart.

  Jordan doesn’t seem pleased and caresses my cheek. He then puts his hand under my chin, brings my face up and kisses me.

  “Cara Mia, do you remember the day we met.” I nod yes. “All I saw was this short woman in front of me with a long, thick braid. Oh and let’s not forget that nice ass in that dress you were wearing.” He remembered I was wearing a dress. “I had been to Toni’s many times I know the owner. I coughed to get your attention. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting what I got when you turned around. Shit Cara, I thought your backside was sexy, but damn having you check me out was hot as hell.” I tried to turn my face as I felt the blush creep up my neck.

  “Don’t look away from me, I love it when you blush. Pretty girl, that was the first time I called you that and I meant it. I watched you dig in your bag. I thought maybe you were trying to avoid me, but damn when you told me you forgot your wallet I knew I had to keep you there. I wanted you from day one. I chased you, Cara Mia.” He took my left hand in his and ran his finger over my promise ring. Slowly Jordan brought my hand up like he had done many times and kissed my scars.

  “Why do you kiss my scars?” His eyes came up and met mine.

  “These scars gave me you. You have them because of me, but without them, I may not have you.” Tears formed in my eyes and I tried to blink them away only to do the opposite and caused them to fall. Jordan placed his hands on the cheek and ran his thumbs over my face to brush the tears away.

  “I wasn’t intending to make you cry, pretty girl. It’s the truth and I’m thankful for it. Cara Mia, you made me chase you. I’ve never had to chase a woman as bad as you made me, but I enjoyed it because I wanted you. I want what you bring into my life.” I cringe at his words because all I have brought to him was trouble.

  “Whatever you’re thinking stop it. I love your stuff mixed with mine. How you named that empty room the library. The colored pictures from your niece that you decorate the fridge with. I love how you shake that sexy ass of yours when you listen to music and cleaning.” I can’t help it and let out a giggle. “And that giggle. I’m happy and in love with you pretty girl.”

  I lean in and kiss him. The kiss was short as we both heard the knock on the door. Sharon was back. “I need to take care of your arms and legs Cara darling. The doctor will be in shortly to talk with both of you.”

  I moved how I was sitting for Sharon to take a look at my rope burns. While she did her job Jordan ran his hand up and down my back. It brought me some comfort.


  Sharon came in and went right to work with Cara. I hated watching the nurses take care of those marks. Kim told me they shouldn’t scar and I’m glad Cara hasn’t asked. They piss me off. If I could bring Travis back to life just to kill him again I would.

  Then there’s this new issue with Niki. What the fuck was up with her visiting? She should remember I wanted no
thing to do with her. She’s going to be trouble. If I actually talk with her I’m going to tell her off. Her visit was not welcome.

  Cara seems more relaxed now that we have talked. I love her, I really fucking do. Sharon is only done with Cara’s right wrist when Dr. Dave comes in.

  “Evening, I have been going over your MRI Jordan and everything is clear. You’re healing nicely so I think we can send you home tomorrow.” Cara stiffens beside me and I run my hand up and down her back more to comfort her.

  “I don’t want you to leave me.” I hear the crack in her voice but doesn’t look at me.

  “Cara, your blood work came back, I’m glad to hear from Petra that you didn’t fight her. I had asked to have your blood work rushed. You’re doing much better than yesterday. Kim mentioned that you said your head was hurting I want to give you something different.”

  “But I can’t go home.” Cara was looking at Sharon when she asked. I moved just enough to see her.

  “I will know more tomorrow Cara. I have a meeting with Mr. Robbins tomorrow morning and we will go from there.”

  “I want to go home if Jordan can.” Dr. Dave looks over to me.

  “My recommendation is to keep you a few more days Cara. I will be back in the morning to check on both of you. Sharon will come back with what you need for your headache.” Then he left.

  “I don’t want to be left here Jordan. I would like to go home with you.” I hate that Sharon has her turned so I can’t talk to her face to face.

  “Cara Mia, I won’t leave you I promise.” Sharon finishes quickly and leaves me alone with Cara. However, just our luck we are not left alone too long because my wonderful mother enters.

  “Your father is going to kill me if he knows I came by. Then again he probably knows.” My mother has one of those reusable shopping bags with her. “I brought you both food. I don’t know how hungry you are.”

  My mother, of course, she came with food. We had to turn away the lunch and dinner trays. I wasn’t hungry and Cara turned her nose at it.

  “What did you bring mom?” She pulls out two containers and sits them on a tray.

  “Homemade chicken and dumpling soup.” Hell yes! I’m now hungry, it’s one of my favorite meals mom makes.

  “Okay, I can eat. Cara, are you hungry?” I ask since she’s been very quiet. I hear the soft whispered yes. Sharon walks back into the room with a syringe in her hands.

  “Hi, I’m Sharon their nurse. Smells wonderful in here. I may just hide out in the room all night. I need to give this to you really quick Cara.” Cara instantly scoots closer to me. Her whole body is shaking.

  “I don’t want it. I don’t want to be put to sleep.” I try carefully to adjust my body to align myself with Cara. She looks at me with the crazed look. “Please, I don’t want it.” The sadness in her voice and on her face just rips me apart.

  “Pretty girl the doctor said he was getting something for your head.” I try to comfort her. She needs this and I can’t deny her the medicine. I can’t give her what she wants. She turns to Sharon for a moment.

  “Darling, it’s only a pain medication. It will work faster like this.” Cara looks over her shoulder at me. The look of fear is written all over her face.

  “Okay.” Fuck! What did they do to her in that room? Her entire body is shaking from fear. Sharon walks over and quickly pinches Cara’s bicep and injected the medicine. I know there was probably an easier way to do that, but taking in her state I’m okay with this.

  “You should be good darling.” Sharon left after telling us she was sorry. My mother handed us each a bowl and spoon. I was finished before Cara. I was shocked to see that she’s about to eat all the soup.

  “Is there more?” Both mom and I are shocked.

  “You don’t know me that well honey. I always have extra.” My mother gives us both more. Cara seems to relax while she eats.

  “Who gave you the bear and balloons?” Shit, I forgot Niki brought that in for me. Cara’s still eating and turns to see the gift. I fight my anger when she stops eating.

  “Niki brought it, would you mind getting rid of it, mom.” Cara turns her attention back to her almost empty bowl, but I see the tear run down her cheek.

  “I can do that.” My mom gets up to look at the items. “I’ll hand these to a nurse to give to someone in need of cheering up.” Leave it to my mother to see the brighter side of this, but I can tell Cara is still hurt by Niki.

  “Mom, I liked the soup. Did you say you made it?” Cara was talking to my mother about the one thing she loved most, cooking. This conversation can last hours and was a better distraction after my mother handed off the bear and balloons to a nurse. I did, however, catch Cara try to cover her yawn.

  “Yes I did Cara. I made it all from scratch. I also made these cookies for you honey.” She hands Cara a large container. Cara opens it and she smiles, but lets out a bigger yawn.

  “You keep the cookies and container Cara. When you’re out of here let me know when you want me to teach you how to make the soup. I’ll take these home and wash them. You both need your rest.” My mom hugged us both and left.

  As soon as she was gone I got comfortable on the bed. Cara turned and tucked herself into my right side after eating a cookie. I turned the TV back on because I wasn’t tired and covered Cara with her pink blanket. It wasn’t long before I realize my pretty girl had fallen asleep on my chest.

  Sharon came back in after I paged her. I couldn’t figure out how to turn the main light off from where I was.

  “She’s out fast. I didn’t want to say this before, but the medicine I gave her could make her tired.” I smiled and shook my head.

  I’m thankful Sharon kept her mouth shut, but Cara did seem exhausted. Today was a good and bad day. “Thank you, she needed it.”

  “You’re welcome and if you need anything for yourself page me. Otherwise, she should sleep well. Oh, and I did give you a warning again about being in the bed together in case someone asks.”



  I have you now Cara. Travis hovered over me with the gun in his hand.

  I woke startled from my dream. The room was cold and Jordan wasn’t next to me. I turned quickly and just about fell off the bed.

  “It’s okay pretty girl, I’m here,” Jordan spoke to me though his lips were pressed tight. I must have bumped him.

  “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “Cara Mia, stop apologizing and I moved wrong when I saw you panic. I’m okay.” I grabbed his face and kissed him.

  “I had a nightmare.” The words came quickly out of my mouth.

  “I figured as much, your safe, you have nothing to worry about.” I kissed Jordan again and then walked into the bathroom. I took my time and tried to freshen up, not that it would do me any good I was stuck here. I heard some noise outside the door. Jordan was talking to a woman. I walked out to see who was in the room.

  “Cara, hey girl I brought breakfast and this.” Amber tossed a bag at me. I peek inside and it’s another nightgown. Jordan was able to change his clothes after his shower yesterday, but I had nothing. I walked back into the bathroom and put it on. I knew this one was new because the tag was still attached to it. The price on the tag shocked me. I don’t even put the gown on.

  “Amber, I can’t take this. The gown is too expensive.” She began to laugh at me.

  “Oh, I wish I could say I got you that, but nope. Hanna brought it to me last night. It was late and we were talking, I had told her that I was stopping by this morning. She asked me to give you the gown.” I wanted to walk back into the bathroom, but I really don’t want to be alone and I’m not worried about Amber.

  I close the door to the room all the way and walk to the bed that I was supposed to be using. I slip the red gown over my head and remove the tag from the new one. The gown is hot pink and I’m instantly in love with it. I turn slightly not on purpose, but to adjust the gown as I bring it over my head. I hear the light gr
owl from Jordan and my body heats up. Then I let go of the gown and allow the material to naturally fall down my body.

  When I’m all done I turn fully around. Amber is grinning from ear to ear and shaking her head. She knows I changed right there on purpose for Jordan. I don’t even care that she knows. He’s mine and I wanted him to see me. I wanted to hear him, to know that I still grabbed his attention even with my bandages.

  We ate breakfast and Amber hung around for most of the morning. Dr. Dave came in to check on us and mentioned to Jordan that his discharge papers were being written up. As for me nothing. Kim even came in and checked on me and Jordan. She reapplied ointment to my wrists.

  Things were nice until Amber left. The room was very quiet and I hated the idea of being left here alone. Amber mentioned that she would come back this evening to get Jordan. I tried not to respond to her because I hated the idea. My dad stopped in for a little while. He mentioned something about needing to talk with some guy named Peter Robbins. Jordan seemed to understand who he was talking about.

  Time seemed to go by extremely slow. I hated that he was leaving, actually leaving. “You understand pretty girl; I’ll be right back.” I know, he kept reminding me over and over again. Just then Tyler shows up.

  “Hey, dude, beautiful, Amber asked me to come and get you.” Great rub in that Jordan’s leaving. I walked to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. Kim was supposed to be coming back with something for my headache. I wasn’t in the bathroom long when I heard a bunch of voices in the room.

  “So you’re telling me that the nurse who locked up Cara has been fired.” There was a man in the room that I had never meet before. I went to walk around him and he turns to me and offers me his hand.

  “Peter Robbins, you must be Cara.” I politely shook his hand.

  “I wanted to actually talk with both of you. In light of what we’ve discovered over the past few days, the hospital would like to cover your medical bills. As well as any after care needed. The nurse and doctor have been relieved of their duty immediately and there’s still a pending investigation on charges.” I take a seat next to Jordan on the bed.


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