Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 12

by Tracey Champion

  “What do you need me for?” In an instant, I was on my back and Jordan was on top of me. I definitely could feel why he needed me.

  “I want to love you again.” How can I tell this man no? He always seems to say the right set of words to make me swoon. I knew I had told him no for too long. I just don’t understand what’s bothering me so much.

  “You want to love me, I thought you did love me. I figured you just wanted to fuck me.” I knew I was going to be in trouble for that and I was. Jordan ran a hand across my thigh and moved down. When he reached the middle of my thigh he raised my leg and rounded my butt. I anticipated the smack on my butt this time.

  “Love you, fuck you, all the same, right now as long as my dick is inside you,” Jordan smiled at me and then he slides his dick into me in one sharp thrust. There was no foreplay this time just the connecting of our body. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the little roughness this morning. The sex was short and over fast. Then we both headed for the shower.

  When we were all dressed Jordan checked on emails while I read a book on my kindle. He was going to take me to breakfast before we headed over to Jessica’s. She wanted to spend some time with me before everyone else arrived. As I was reading my phone rang.

  “Hi, dad, what’s up?” It was rare that my father called me.

  “I just wanted to let you know first about the issue at the hospital.” I had forgotten that the director of the hospital was looking into the nurse that basically locked me in that awful room.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked not sure why he called me instead of Jordan.

  “Everything is fine, the nurse that was fired got more than that. She’s on probation and can no longer work in the medical field. The doctor that was over you for those few day is looking at possible jail time for you and other things that are still being uncovered.” I let out a sigh. I’m not sure if I’m relieved. No one really has asked me about those few days, but it’s just another thing I can’t remember.

  “That’s good. Thank you.” I don’t know what more to say.

  “Cara Mia, I’m so sorry I didn’t try harder when I realized you were in that room. Jordan’s a wonderful man and I’m proud to call you my daughter.” Oh no, I can’t get emotional or the tears will start and won’t stop. It’s too late and the first tear falls.

  “Thank you,” I say trying hard not to let him hear me cry. I’m disappointed that I cry so easily.

  “I love you, Cara.”

  “I love you too dad.” I hang up the phone. I think he likes telling me he loves me after spending twenty-one years not getting to say it at all. I mark a spot in my book because I can’t stop my tears and set my IPad to the side. I try to hide the sobbing, but I can’t.

  “Pretty girl.” Jordan has entered the room and I’m sitting on part of the couch. He takes a seat next to me. “Come here.” I scoot closer to Jordan, but he pulls me onto his lap facing him. “What’s wrong?”

  “My dad, he apologized for not helping me sooner in the hospital.” Jordan was searching my eyes and then wiped my tears away. “He told me the nurse was fired.” He smiles at me.

  “I know Peter emailed me the details. I’m glad your father told you. Is this what upset you?” I nod and Jordan pulls me in close and just holds me. He allows me to cry on his shoulder until my tears stop.

  “I ruined your shirt,” I say with a pout. Jordan just leans close to me and kisses my lips.

  “I can change. We should go I’m starving.” I agree and we head downstairs. Jordan changes from his tear stained blue shirt to his nice gray button up shirt. Then we leave for breakfast or lunch now before going over to Jessica’s.


  No one has arrived at Nate’s place by the time we get there. I think Jessica wanted to spend some time alone with Cara before others arrived. This will be the first time in weeks that we’ve been out like this. Cara’s been worried about what happened and what everyone will think.

  Her fear is based on the pity side of the situation, but I know everyone is just worried about her. I get text messages from everyone asking if she’s okay. I’ve been able to simply answer the questions, but I think it’s more about seeing her okay than hearing the words. I go in search of Nate who’s in the backyard.

  “Hey, Nate.” He seems to be working on something.

  “Jordan, dude what do you think.” He holds up a wooden board that he’s sanding.

  “What are you making?” This is one of his hobbies. I swear when he has a question about woodworking he calls my dad on speed dial.

  “Well I have one I started and this is the second, but they’re signs for in the house. One will have Jessica’s name on it and another mine. I just need to sand them more before I can carve the names into each piece.”

  I take a better look at the other board and can see more of what he’s talking about. “Nice, are you planning to stain the wood or paint it.”

  “Actually, that’s the nice part. I will only gloss the wood once it has been painted. Hanna is going to brush some different stains on the wood to almost age it. If you want, I can make you and Cara a set.” This is new. He’s been getting craftier, a few months ago he made this wicked looking jewelry box for Jessica.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Dude, I got you. I have extra wood in the shop. You can tell her it’s an early Christmas present from me.” Nate lets out a deep laugh. I like the idea as long as he doesn’t get smart and paint them Christmas colors.

  “Tell me about this drug dealer issue?” I knew enough about the job he’s working on with Ryan.

  “Simple really, this asshole is running cocaine and heroin from over the border into the greater Phoenix area. The only problem is actually catching him in the act. Right now I think he has someone else doing the drug running.” Nate stops working and then begins to clean up his area. “Fucker seems to be one step ahead of us. Courtney, that detective, she wants us to help catch him with a shit load of drugs.”

  “Can that be done?” I ask as Nate wipes his hands on a rag.

  “I think so, but this is going to take some time. We have Tyler helping us when he can. It’s just a time issue and catching the dirtbag red-handed.”

  “Okay, as long as you got this under control I can deal with the other issues coming in.” I help Nate finish clearing his area.

  “Yeah, so the doctor gave you the all clear?” He looks up at me as he sets the wooden boards on his work bench.

  “Yes and no. I’m limited on physical activities. This means I have desk duty until she gives me the all clear, but that’s a good thing. I’m able to get out of the house for a few hours.”

  “Cara still going crazy on cleaning?”

  “The damn house fucking sparkles. I thought that Jessica was a clean freak. Cara stressed drives me fucking crazy. There isn’t anything more she can do to that house, but I’m working with her on it. Tyler wants to take her with him next week.”

  “Dude that’s an awesome idea. I’ve seen what the MC has been up to, she would love it.” I think about this for a second. “She needs people who get her, who can help her. Cara uses you as the security blanket and the cleaning is her outlet. Remember me being stressed.” My eyes just go wide. Hell yes, I do.

  “You were the biggest fucking asshole.” He pissed just about everyone off.

  “Yes, I can now admit I was. I shut out Jessica and snapped at you guys left and right.”

  “Yeah, I remember the day I broke up with Niki, I fucking got in your face about ignoring Jessica.” I watch Nate relax and let out a deep breath.

  “True and I deserved that. Cara needs someone to push her. None of us can do that. Well, we don’t want to because it would break her heart. I think going with Tyler is the best thing for her.” Now that I think about what Nate is telling me. I believe him and Tyler are right. She needs a change and that push. I met Sierra a few time, she’s ballsy, but she’s very level headed. I will just watch and see how this goes for Cara.

>   CARA

  We’ve been just hanging out talking about this and that for the last hour. I know everyone is supposed to arrive soon.

  “How are you doing?” Jessica finally asks me. If it wasn’t for Jordan basically begging me to get out of the house, I wouldn’t be here. I don’t want to be asked over and over how am I doing.

  “I’m okay. I’m still having nightmares.” I tell Jessica the truth. This was something we’ve spent many times talking about.

  “Are they the same?” We’re sitting on the couch in the living room, Jessica gets up to grab a Tupperware container from the kitchen.

  “Yes, the same as always. I keep watching what happened with Travis. Each time I miss the beginning. I always wake in the dream tied to the bed.” I let out a deep breath as she hands me the container. I set the container next to me on the couch.

  “Snickerdoodle cookies I made for you yesterday. I think it’s your subconscious eating at you Cara. You can’t remember how you were taken. Do they still end with Jordan?” She asks me while judging my behavior. I want to rub my fingers and I know she will get upset with me if I do. However, I can’t help it and place my hands in my lap slowly rub the scars.

  “Yes, each time is different. In the last few dreams, Jordan dies.” I don’t hear the guys come into the house.

  “Cara Mia, stop that please,” Jordan says my name in a singsong voice that gets my attention, but my nerves are bothering me and I can’t stop. “Up, pretty girl.” I stand to my feet and Jordan sits right where I was. He takes me by my hips and pulls me onto his lap. Jordan then shows me his hands palms up. I know what he’s asking me and I lace my fingers with his.

  “I’m…” I try to say that I was sorry, but I’m terrified I’ll cry again.

  “Hey, pretty girl, you know if you need me come get me. Just please stop irritating those scars.” Jordan talks right next to my ear and the gives me a little kiss.

  “Cara, your dreams are your fears. It’s okay, they should stop when you realize everything is okay.” Jessica smiles at me and I smile back. We sit there talking about little things when others start arriving.

  “Are you kidding me? I can’t believe you. No!” Amber enters the house yelling at someone.

  “Come on Mariposa you just need to stop lying to yourself,” Ryan speak, but I’m more focused on him calling her Mariposa. I will have to ask her later what that means.

  “You’re a fucking pig and I’m not lying. The answer is no. The answer will always be no.” Amber enters the room followed by Ryan. He has a forced smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. I stare at him for a second and catch briefly a sad look in his eyes.

  “I think we should go downstairs,” Nate announces and stands to his feet.

  “You coming pretty girl?” Jordan asks me as I see Jessica and Amber talking in the kitchen.

  “I’m going to see what’s going on and then I will be right behind you.” I stand and when Jordan does he kisses my forehead.

  “If you need me you know where to find me,” I smile, I know he’s worried about me. I wish I could give him something, but right now all I need is time. That’s what Jessica tells me. That time will heal this.

  I walk into the kitchen. Jessica and Amber are whispering.

  “I will not,” Amber says with an angry tone.

  “Will not what?” Amber looks up to me and sighs. I watch her roll her shoulders in defeat.

  “Ryan, he’s become more persistent on the ‘us’ thing.” She actually uses her finger to mimic quotation marks.

  “I really don’t see what the problem is Amber. Jordan isn’t in charge of your love life.” Jessica talks with her hands on her hips.

  “No, but I am and I don’t want to be on his long list of women. All that would happen is a night of fun then Ryan’s off to the next bimbo. I will not be on his bimbo list.” I want to say something to Amber, but I realize she’s out of my league on this.

  “You’re not a bimbo Amber. He really likes you.” Jessica says as Amber just shakes her head.

  “I don’t think so.” It takes almost an hour for Amber to cool off. By then Hanna has arrived along with Tyler. They both went downstairs. Jessica mentioned something about Nate needing to check on stain colors with Hanna.

  We head down into the room after the pizza arrived. I’m shocked that Jessica was the only person to ask me how I was doing. As we are eating Maria and Seth show up. She looks really happy. They went to visit her parents in Vegas and eloped. Seth bought her this really pretty ring. Her engagement ring is a solitaire heart diamond and the band is their birthstones aquamarine and sapphires.

  “Cara, hey I’ve missed you.” Maria walks over to me and I set my plate to the side to stand. I embrace her hug. “You, Chika need to go to dinner with me one night so we can catch up on things.”

  “Actually, that’s a great idea. Next Friday why don’t we all go out, a girl’s night.” I turn to Hanna who’s beaming from her suggestion and smile.

  “I’m so game.” Amber chips in.

  “Okay, I can go,” Jessica says to the group and then everyone looks to me.

  “I don’t really have a choice do I here? If I say no, one of you will be dragging me out anyways.” Both Amber and Hanna laugh and shake their heads yes. “Then I’m going.” I walk away from them laughing to toss my plate in the trash. When I turn around Niki is coming down the stairs. My stomach knots instantly.

  She’s dressed nicely. I like her shoes, but the red lipstick seems to be much for one of these events.

  Niki walks over to guys who are now in a heated game of pool. She comes over to us after I watch Jordan talk with her for a few minutes. For some reason, I really don’t like her talking to Jordan at all. I also didn’t like how she touched his arm. She then takes a seat on the couch to my left, I know that couch has a great view of the pool table.

  “Cara what are your plans for next week,” Amber asks distracting me.

  “I don’t have any other than for Friday. Oh, I do have to go see the doctor next week and have my blood drawn.”

  “Everything okay?” Hanna asks, but I can tell she wished she hadn’t.

  “I think so, it’s just something that needs to be done for the hospital. They want to make sure my blood is clean.”

  “That’s a good thing. I’m glad your doctor is working with the hospital.” Amber gives me a wink. I know Jordan sent her the email from Mr. Robbins. He told me at lunch.

  “I’ve got a date,” Hanna announces I give her this shocked look. “What he’s a guy from my art class and I plan to keep things simple. Plus, he’s really hot.” We all start laughing.

  “Anyone else got something interesting going on?” Jessica asks to keep the conversation going.

  “I’m going to get a tattoo next week,” Niki states with a smile on her face.

  “Really, what are you getting?” Hanna seems interested in this.

  “A quote about love and sacrifice.” My stomach flips I know what she’s talking about. I follow the direction her head turns and watch as she takes a look at Jordan.

  “Is this your first tattoo and where are you getting it?” Maria questions and I really don’t want to hear any more.

  “On my side.” She rubs her outer right side in the same area Jordan has his. “And it’s my first, this is something I have wanted to get for a very long time. The tattoo means a lot to me and a big love of my life.” This time, I really catch on as she glances at Jordan. I’m angry and want to rub my fingers again. I’m also mad that no one else is getting this.

  I stand without drawing attention to the fact that I’m mad and walk over to the pool table.


  I was annoyed earlier by Niki. She mentioned to me that she wanted to talk. I told her no. It’s not going to happen, then she whispered to me. I hated that she told me she missed me. I knew what she was doing and it wasn’t working. I just hope Cara didn’t catch Niki’s display or it's going to be something else to fix. />
  I stopped playing when I realized Tyler was kicking my ass. I figured I could watch as Ryan keeps score. I glance up to see Cara headed towards me and I can tell she’s upset there’s a slight frown on her face. This could be bad.

  “Cara Mia, what’s wrong?” I ask as she stops in front of me. I’m surprised when she lifts my shirt and pokes my right side.

  “This right here is what’s wrong?” She tries to say quietly, but all the guys hear her.

  “My tattoo, pretty girl, I’ve had that tattoo since I was eighteen.” I try to calm her down, but I having no fucking clue what’s going on in that pretty little head of hers.

  “Niki, she wants to get a tattoo about love and sacrifice, this right here.” I laugh because I think she’s being silly, but the look she gives me says otherwise. Her eyes fill with tears and my heart sinks. She’s serious about this. I stand to my feet and take Cara by her hand. We pass the girls and head up the stairs and I walk Cara outside.

  I don’t care that I catch the look on Niki’s face. What in the world is she up to?

  “Where are we going?” She’s confused, but I’ll take that over her being angry right now.

  I decide in a moment to take her up the street to the Dairy Queen. “For ice cream.” Luckily my truck isn’t blocked. I watch as Cara gets in the truck that she wiped away some tears.

  “Cara Mia, I don’t think Niki’s going to get a tattoo like mine.” I’m trying to talk with her and chance a look her direction to see more silent tears fall. If Niki is planning it, then there isn’t anything I can do.

  “You didn’t see her Jordan. The look she gave your direction or the way she mentioned the tattoo. I don’t like her and I’m trying to be nice because she’s still Jessica’s friend.” I pull into the parking lot for Dairy Queen and quickly jump out to open Cara’s door.

  As she gets out I wrap her in a hug. “Hey pretty girl, I’m sorry this upsets you. I can’t do anything about Niki getting a tattoo and I can’t stop her if she does get one like mine.” Cara looks up at me and I just watch as her heart breaks. Fuck me, there really isn’t anything I can do. If I say something to Niki it will only fuel her to do whatever she has planned.


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