Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 24

by Tracey Champion

  “You excited for this pretty girl?” I had been nervous the last few days.

  “Yes, I am.” Things had settled between me and Jordan. He still seemed a little distant at times, but I never judged him on what he was doing.

  We headed straight downstairs when we arrived. I handed over the gifts to Jessica. She placed them under the tree in the room. There was a large table new to the room full of all kinds of desserts. I was thankful we had dinner before coming or I’m about to head into a sugar coma.

  Jordan seems to be distracted and walks over to Tyler. They have been talking a lot more lately. A lot of what they talk about I’m not allowed to listen in on. I want to ask Jordan about why he’s being so quiet with me, but it’s not my place when it involves his work. If it was something that needed my attention, then he would tell me. I think he would tell me.

  “I think once everyone is here and we can have some desserts then we can open the presents. Are you excited Cara?” Jessica looks very pleased with herself and it makes me happy. From what Nate’s told me the holidays are a big deal for Jessica.

  Neither one of them has a close family. Jessica’s mom moved far away and Nate’s parents are older. So they consider all of us family. I mean I can see where they get that. I have my dad and all of them as a family. I mean real family, but it’s still something to adjust to.

  “Jessica are you still spending Christmas Eve with me and my family?” Her face lit up.

  “I have no other plans than that one. I can’t wait.” I’m glad to be able to invite her to my big family Christmas. It seems most of us here tonight will be attending.

  Ryan’s family is a mystery and from what I can get out of Tyler, I almost don’t want to know about his. I had asked Jordan about it the other night, but he said to invite him and leave any questions out. He said asking him to join would make him happy. So that was what I did when he took me to the gym.

  I still think there’s something going on between Tyler and my sister. She likes to avoid him, but I see how they look at each other. People confuse me.

  I hear footsteps and watch Niki enter the room. She’s not invited to Christmas Eve. No, thank you. I check out what she’s wearing. She has on skinny jeans, and these nice black heels. She happens to take off this leather coat and her shirt stands out to me.

  Her shirt’s white with mistletoe on it. The words under it said kiss me. Great! Why would you wear that shirt to this kind of event? I watch her walk towards the men. She happens to be holding a blue wrapped present that she hands over to Jessica who went to greet her.

  I wonder for a moment who she got. Since everyone has now arrived we all grab a plate and some desserts. We then sit around talking about this and that. I can tell from looking at Jessica that she’s ready to start the exchange. Nate whispers something in her ear and she stands to her feet.

  “Okay. I would like to start the Santa exchange.” Jessica announces that she will begin the exchange and grabs a present under the tree and hands it to Tyler.

  It was fun watching him open the gift. Jessica got him a special leather jacket with his biker name “Blue” on the back. He then grabs the gift he brought and hands it over to Ryan. I watch as Ryan opens this thin box. He pulls out a dagger of some kind with a wooden handle.

  “Did you carve this?” Ryan questions Tyler.

  “Yes, I did. I have some free time and it was something I learned once.” There’s this odd exchange between the two of them. Ryan grabs a small box and hands it over to Amber.

  She seems stunned by the small box as am I. When she opens it her eyes light up. It’s a unique silver band with butterflies on it. I watch her place it on her right ring finger.

  “Why a ring Ryan?” Jordan speaks up. I tense at the way he asked her.

  “Just a small token from one friend to another. She’s like a butterfly with wings and is something beautiful, but hard to catch.” Jordan lets out a smile at Amber, but I see it. Just a moment of sadness.

  Amber then gets up and walks over to me. Her expression has changed and she looks very determined. Why do I feel I’m in trouble?

  “Close your eyes.” She asks me and I comply with her request. Why would I have to close my eyes? I feel my hair move from the back of my neck and then something cold on my chest. “Open your eyes.”

  I look down and sitting right at my heart is one of those open heart angels. I look from it to Amber. My grandmothers watch sits between my boobs. The chain for it is longer. I stand to my feet and hug Amber.

  “I want you to know that I love and care about you. Always.” I can’t help but cry when she opens her heart to me. I’ve never had such a loving friend before.

  “I love you too.” I let go of her and grab my gift for Nate. I’m nervous about this. I hand it to him and then take my seat again.

  I watch him slowly open the wrapping. He checks out the funny box I had to place everything into and then opens it. I watch this reaction and for the first time I see a big smile cross his face.

  “Are these what I think they are?”

  “Your home is big enough that you have unused outlets. You plug them in. They are all set up to the same Bluetooth code.”

  “Thank you, Cara. These are pretty cool.”

  “You’re welcome Nate.” Nate gets up and grabs a bag and hands it to Niki. I watch her open the gift. It’s a large throw blanket with a photo of her and her daughter on it. Jessica must have helped him get that.

  Niki then grabs the blue present that she had brought in with her and hands it to Jordan. My stomach sinks as I watch him open it. Once the paper is all removed it looks like a military book.

  Jordan opens the book and looks at the pages. I lean over his shoulder to see pictures of him in his Marine uniform. There are many old photos in this book of him. I also notice other off things in the book.

  Images of concert tickets, movie stubs and all sorts of odd things. I pay attention to another page he flips to and its pictures of him and the guys. Another turn of the pages and it's him kissing Niki. I’m instantly sick to my stomach.

  “What is this Niki?” He asks, she gives him a big smile. Did he not see the photo of them together?

  “It’s a memory book. I collected pictures of you in the military and ones that I still have. I had them turned into a book. See right there are tickets to a movie we saw when you were stationed in Georgia. I thought you would like it. Plus, you all have memories of these times.”

  Everyone seemed to move to gather around Jordan as I got to my feet. I backed away and was able to go up the stairs with no one noticing I was gone. I needed a moment to think.

  I have nothing to do with him at that time in his life. It has nothing to do with me. Why would she give him something so personal?


  I was still flipping through the book. Someone had something to say about a photo. It was weird looking at all these old memories. I handed the book to Nate because there were pictures of him and me when we got back from our last tour.

  It took me a moment to notice that Cara was no longer downstairs. I searched the bathroom and the bedroom with no luck.

  “Jordan come look at this please,” Niki begged me to look at something.

  “Where’s Cara?” I needed to find her.

  “She might have gone upstairs. I can go find her.” Hanna asked me, but this was my job.

  “No, I need to do it.”

  “JT, please let her have her little temper tantrum. I want you to finish looking at your gift.” Niki gave me this small pout.

  “I thank you for the meaningful gift Niki, but I need to find her.” I began to take the stairs two at a time. I searched the entire house and no luck. I then called her and it went to voice mail.

  I decided to go out front first and instantly found her. She was sitting on the sidewalk tracing her fingers over the blood stained cement.

  “Cara?” I wasn’t sure exactly what was wrong.

  “I needed a moment.” She never
once looked at me so I sat next to her. I pulled her into my arms.

  “You want to talk about it.” I hear her let out a soft sigh.

  “I have nothing to do with that part of your life Jordan. I’m barely holding on to this part of your life. I can’t compete with her.” What?

  I shift and she gets off my lap. I stand to my feet and pull her up. I can now see the tear stains on her cheeks. I lean up against Tyler’s truck and force her to look at me.

  “That was my past Cara. Yeah, it made me the man I am today, but you’re my future.” She blinks a few times, letting more tears fall.

  “But I can’t keep a hold of that. I don’t know…”

  “Stop, I know and that’s all that matters.”

  “I feel so confused at times Jordan. Like I’m not myself anymore.” She’s been this way off and on for weeks. I knew about it.

  “We will get through this. I promise you, Cara.” I kissed her forehead. We stayed outside a moment longer. When she shivered I decided it was time to go back inside.

  We went back downstairs and Cara went over to the tree grabbing the gift meant for Hanna. I nod to Hanna and as she opened the gift. I’m a little worried how she will take the gift, but Cara said she should like it.

  “Oh…My…God! I love them!” Hanna’s eyes are on mine and I have rested my head on Cara’s shoulder.

  “I had some help picking out the right gift.”

  “I don’t care. I love it. These are hard to get your hands on. I mean you have to use a knife to sharpen them, but wow.”

  “I know you said you like to draw free hand. I wanted to find the best art set.”Cara states and Hanna’s face lights up.

  “I’m happy with them. Thank you both.” She then reaches into her purse and hands something small to Jessica. We all watch her open the present and she looks confused.

  “What is it?” Jessica asks flipping pages in a book.

  “It’s a coupon book.” I laugh, really that’s interesting. “Each one is blank and you can use them as you see fit. If you want to go out to dinner to a fancy restaurant and can’t afford it, then you fill in date night. Then you give it to me with all the details and I take care of it. If you want a girl’s day out at the spa, then it’s just same thing. Fill it out. There are fifteen of them.”

  “Nice, thank you, Hanna,” Nate says. Okay, so it isn’t a silly gift.


  I’m glad that both Hanna and Nate like their gifts. I want to look at the book that Jordan received, but a part of me feels like it will only upset me more. Why would she gift him something so personal? I mean I get it; she still wants him. How is it I’m the only one who sees this.

  I like the necklace that Amber gave me. I’ve never had a friend give me something so personal. I had gone back to the table with all the desserts and collected a plate. I was stress eating as it’s called. I wasn’t even paying attention when Ryan came up behind me.

  “Want to talk about it?” Huh?

  “Excuse me?” I didn’t know what to say. I turned around and see Niki and Jordan having a private little talk. I knew if I asked he wouldn’t tell me what was going on.

  “Cara, talk to me. I know you’re freaking out.” Oh right, Ryan was still here.

  “I don’t like her. She’s trouble.” I really wasn’t voicing my opinion to anyone but Jordan. I turned around and focused on the cookies. Ryan wrapped an arm around me.

  “Let me give you some advice.” I looked up at him. His beard was right next to me. It was still interesting to see him with the beard, but some men, just need to keep their beards.

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “You hate her and don’t trust her. I have always hated her and never trusted her. I like you, Cara, you’re good for Jordan. I don’t say that often. So, if you want to kick her ass. I’ll let you and if anyone wants to stop you then all you have to do is let me know if I’m there. I’d pay to see that shit go down.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “I can’t kick her ass.” I say through a giggle.

  “Actually, you’re still learning with Justin right.” I turn to look at Tyler.

  “Yes.” Now I’m worried who has heard us talking.

  “Then you can kick her ass, hands down.” Ryan now laughs.

  “Yeah if Justin wasn’t scared to death of me, he could kick my ass,” Ryan announced and stunned me. “I have military training. I looked into it, the man could kill me with his bare hands if he wanted to.” Wow.

  “Yeah, but Ryan you did threaten to cut off his balls and light the rest of…oh, wait that’s wrong that was for me…wait let me get his right…oh yes, you would coat him in honey and feed him to fire ants.” I’m laughing harder now.

  “Seriously?” I have to ask.

  “Yeah, you should have been there. It was great. Best thing to witness first hand.” Tyler laughs and Ryan lets go of me and shoves him a little. They both leave me alone at the table.

  We end up spending the next few hours just hanging out. Jordan and I are the last to leave. Jessica was at the bar table cleaning when I flipped through Jordan’s gift. Lucky me he was helping Nate get the table back into their garage.

  I see the few pages that I had seen earlier. Just military photos, Jordan looks so young. I turn a few more pages and then all I see are him and her. There’s one for prom, graduation and a whole page of them kissing.

  I stop on a page of Niki in this black negligee and bright red lipstick. There was a note underneath the photo.

  Remember the night you asked me to keep on the red lipstick. You asked me to show you why men liked a woman to suck on them with their lips painted red. The same night you took this photo.

  I slammed the book closed and Jordan came walking down the stairs. I was pissed. I picked up the book and stormed over to him.

  “This is a terrible gift.”

  “Cara, it’s just old photos.” Jordan laughs and now I’ve had it.

  “It’s not old photo’s when you get to the back of the book there are naughty pictures of Niki. She’s trying to get you to remember your time with her.”

  “Pretty girl, I don’t want Niki and I don’t care about the book.” The look on his face doesn’t reflect what he’s saying.

  “You like this book?” I need to know.

  “I like some of the photos in it, but come on its old memories.”

  “Old memories my ass. You still have fucking feelings for her.”


  Cara has lost it. I didn’t get past a few pages in that damn book. Yeah okay, the old military photos mean a lot to me, but the rest I could care less about.

  “Cara, it’s not a big deal. Don’t let Niki get to you. I don’t have feelings for her.” Her eyes go wide.

  “Really! Telling me you don’t have any fucking feelings for her should have been your first answer. Why do I feel like it’s a one sided issue with her? I hate her, but then everyone loves her when you’re around. But when you’re not I hear they don’t.”

  What the hell is she rambling about? Was this about her talking with Tyler and Ryan.

  “Cara, I don’t care about Niki.” I will have an issue with her in private over her mouth.

  “Then what did you talk to her about earlier.” I catch Jessica moving closer to Cara. I’m not sure if that’s a good idea right now.

  “I just told her thank you and that the twins needed some more information on her stalker case.” I see the hate in her eyes.

  “You must think I’m fucking crazy. That I’m losing it. I can’t deal with this.” I tried to be nice about the gift, but this reaction is uncalled for. I might have to talk with Niki after dealing with Cara.

  “Cara?” Jessica speaks up and I’m worried about this.

  “What!” She turns to Jessica.

  “I forgot to talk to you about the book I borrowed. I’ve never given it back.” What is Jessica doing?

  “Bright Side, what about it?” I see Cara cross her arms over her chest.
/>   “Um…well I kind of dog-eared a few pages without thinking.” Jessica looks nervous, but that’s weird because she’s one of the strongest women I know besides Amber.

  “You did what to my book?” Cara sticks her hand up as Jessica opens her mouth. “I asked you to take care of my book and you dog-eared the pages. How could you?”

  “I really like the book Cara, but I found something that you might like.” I can almost see the anger coming off Cara. This is going to be bad.

  “Do tell me what you found that could replace my fucking book?” Jessica walks over to the Christmas tree and grabs a bag.

  “Cara be nice and watch your mouth,” I tell her in warning.

  “You plan on spanking me later for it. We aren’t done talking about your present.” She looks over to Jessica.

  “I will spank your ass until you can’t sit.” Again another warning.

  “Bring it the fuck on.” Really. She looks to Jessica again.

  Cara seems hesitant to take the bag from her, but I’m happy when she does. I’m really upset about her language. Cara reaches into the bag and pulls out a book. I don’t know what it is, but it has an orange cover. Cara opens the book and lets out a little scream.

  “It’s signed to me. How?”

  “I ordered it. Keep looking.” Cara reaches in and pulls out another book. This one has a black cover.

  “Oh my God! It's Gus. I wanted this in paperback, but I haven’t gotten around to getting it.” I can tell her mood is somewhat better.

  “I know I looked in your library room and didn’t see it. Keep looking into the bottom of the bag.” Once Cara reaches the bottom she pulls out two different shirts.

  “Jessica, I love it thank you.”

  “You still mad about the book?” I hear Cara laugh.

  “It’s not my book so I don’t care. It’s yours now.” They hugged, but something told me this wasn’t over with yet between us.

  When we finally leave Cara doesn’t say a word to me. She doesn’t even talk to me once we get into the house. I’m cornered about her being so quiet.


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