The Lying Mirror

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The Lying Mirror Page 11

by alvinna edwards nwoko


  Fear of what Jack?

  Fear of what I could not do.

  Jackson Dillard, you have done nothing but show everyone on this campus what you could do. Why am I so different?

  Because I think it called love.

  You think? Where’s your mouth? Bring it to me, quickly Jack.

  Jack placed Linda’s hand on his lips and she followed her hand and kissed him without asking.

  Now it’s done, we are officially dating, you good with that?

  I’m good, I’m good, you hungry? You want to nibble on anything? Grapes, strawberries, olives.

  Your lips again would do just find.

  Jack leaned over to Cassy, held her face gently between his hands and gave Cassy a long and desiring kiss that took her breath away. Cassy?


  I think I just crushed the food.

  We can pick at it later. And the kiss was on again, this time longer, stronger and sweeter than the last.

  Jack did not notice that some of the students who knew him and Cassy stop to watch the lovers finally make the connection.

  Well it’s about time, one student said.

  Jack and Cassy released their kiss to find an audience standing and watching. Once the students had Jack and Cassy’s attention they applauded, laughed and gave their agreeable acknowledgements. As the students walked away Cassy and Jack could still hear them saying. Man I thought those two would never get together, I was getting ready to lock them in a room together somewhere. Yeah man I was getting tired of waiting on them. Finally okay who’s next on the list?

  Jack and Cassy fell backward on to the blanket laughing the heads off from the embarrassing display the students exhibited their approval.

  I think everyone knew about us except us, uh?

  Is there any food left on the blanket Jack.

  Some. Jack salvaged a little of this and a little of that and hand fed it to Cassy. His heart was so peaceful so grateful that finally in all these years after the shooting someone truly wanted to be with him.

  Jack this might not be the right time, but I have to let you know Ms. Eevan drop by to see me. She sang your praises and told me of all you have to lose if you lie for Linda. Please Jack don’t do it.

  Cassy the last time I lied was before I got shot. And that lie took away a great deal of what I hold dear. My legs for starters, you will never have to worry about me ever lying to you or anyone else for that matter.

  Dino was passing by again and stopped to tell Jack that Micky from the Engineering Department said to bring the Jack-Mobile in so he can fit it with something you can use to get on and off the ground if you’re going to have more and more picnics with Cassy. Oh yeah I almost forgot, he also told me to tell you it was about time you and Cassy connected and congratulation. You ready to be lifted back into your chair or the two of you need some more me time in bed, I mean on the blanket.


  We better use him while he’s here. We can always relax on one of the benches out here. Thanks Dino.

  Why is all your food on the grass?

  Jack look at Cassy, and as if they were in tune with each other bellowed laughter that might have been heard across campus.

  Dino picked up Jack while Jack was still laughing placed him gently back into his chair. He then led a laughing Cassy to the Jack-Mobile and shook out the blanket of all the squashed food.

  You guys will have to make a decision what you’re going to do first eat or make out, because trying to do both at the same time is not working for you two. Dino finished cleaning up the mess Jack and Cassy made, tossed Jack the blanket and left disgusted. Lovers.

  Jack spotted a cozy comfortable bench for Cassy to sit and they can finish their conversation.

  Cassy, I knew Ms. Eevan went to see Linda but I did not know she paid you a visit also. It seems my decision to save Linda has backfired in my face and I’m not sure if I can get out of this one without someone getting hurt.

  Cassy you did the correct thing by going to the Board of Ethics and reporting the attack. I should have advise you of my intentions and why. I should have taken Linda to the hospital but didn’t. I should have never gotten Ant and all the other care givers involved with my stupidity.

  Jack you have said what you should have done. Now tell me what you’re going to do now.

  Tell the truth, all of it. And pray for Linda’s wellbeing.



  The next day Ant, Ms. Eevan and Jack had a 7:30am appointment with the Phycology Professor, Dr. Lewis Davenport. They are hoping through this appointment Doctor Davenport will be able to give some insight on Linda’s behavior that will help them reach out to Linda and bring some normality into her life.

  Exactly 7:29am Dr. Davenport enter the Office where they were directed by his secretary to wait. The Office, Ms. Eevan notice was bare of any distractions. No pictures on the wall, no phone, no desk, and no plants, no clock, nothing. If I didn’t have a problem coming in I would be afraid I would have one when I leave.

  Good morning, everyone. I understand that this is a special appointment by which none of you will be the person we are discussing, is that correct.

  That is correct, Ms. Eevan answered for their group.

  Then how can I help you?

  Dr. Davenport, I’m Ms. Eevan a physical therapist and sociologist at the Mid- Town rehabilitation Center.

  I’ve heard of your remarkable work at the center. They pronounce your name as Evan but it Eevan. If you have come to me for advice I am flattered.

  Yes, well, the situation before us, is a young Lady in her early twenties, whom have regular conversation with her mirror since she was a child. She is also obsessed with beauty and believe her mirror tell her to do certain things. Her behavior towards other students is condescending, aggressive and near fatal.

  Have all three of you had direct contact with this young lady?

  Yes, Ant answered first.

  Then we shall start with you. If you could sir tell me how long you have known her and what you have observed.

  I have known this young Lady only at this university for 2 ½ years. She very beautiful, a loner, arrogant and disrespectful towards other students. There was a short period of time we thought we had reached her in Bible study but when she was alone she reverted back to her old was.

  And you sir, directing his attention to Jack.

  Yes sir. I have known this young lady the longest since high school. She views anything odd as ugly.

  Excuse me sir what do you mean as odd? Dr. Davenport asked.

  If you are black, disable, too short, too tall, fat, skinny, freckled, poor, red hair, and sir the list goes on for miles. But she told me herself that she have talked with her friend since she was a child. After her illness she broke her expensive mirror and said the mirror lied to her.

  And Ms. Eevan, I’ve heard your dissertation.

  If I’m correct, you need to know how to deal with the person, to reach her, to help her. Am I correct?

  Jack answered the doctor quickly with an anxious yes and several nodding of his head.

  This is what it sounds like to me. This young lady is suffering with what we call objectification. It is a perversion of physical appearances. This person had to develop an imaginary friend out of neglect. Something was missing in this person life at an early age, and her behavior was never questioned or dealt with. Objectification affect the human dignity, physical appearances and usually starts chipping away at self-respect.

  Something was missing in this person life for such a long time she carried her friend through every stage of her life. Without speaking to her directly I am unable to go any further with an explanation on the why. But I will tell you this. It sounds like this poor soul have been isolated from regular people for so long she has no true idea of what society has to offer or what she can offer society in exchange. What she need now is lot of friends who understand, none of her action right now is her fault.
If you look at her situation you might compare it to an infant child whenever they cry the mother give them a bottle whether they need it or not, they will always be full but never satisfied. Her mirrored friend have to be remove permanently.

  Doctor, may I ask you a question? Jack was looking hopeful, this might be the answer to all their problems.

  Have you ever had a patient that was also a student?

  All the time. Sure why, the doctor saw where this was going.

  And was that student allowed to finish their studies?

  Yes, and two of them with honors.

  Jack thanked Dr. Davenport and stood to shake his hand before exiting the office.

  Ant followed Jack but Ms. Eevan lag behind to consult with the doctor.

  May I call on you tomorrow at six-o-clock in the evening? I have some information you may want to know before Jack does what I think he’s going to do.

  Six-o-clock will be find. Was that the Jackson Dillard everyone is raving about from the inner-city who’s graduating as a Summa Cum Laude Honoree?

  Yes, I’m afraid so.

  Outside in the parking lot of the psychology building, Jack related to Ant and Ms. Eevan his plan for Linda’s hearing. They both agreed that it just might work and gave me the go ahead to put the plan in motion. But I will need to speak to Linda first to make sure she doesn’t do anything else destructive to her case or her life.

  Jack waited for Linda to come out of her last class for the day so he might have an uninterrupted conversation with her.

  Hey Lin! Come let me give you a ride, I want to talk to you anyway.

  No thanks Jack, I rather walk today, I’ve got a lot to think about.

  Exactly why I want to talk to you. We are still friends aren’t we?

  Why of course. Linda was elated that Jack wasn’t angry at her anymore and agreed to the ride.

  Can we stop at the park for a moment, so I can explain myself?

  Well you can’t climb the steps of the girl’s dorm. Now can you?

  The park will be fine.

  Jack found the perfect spot in the park away from the crowd and out of ear shot if anyone should notice them talking and tell Cassy.

  Ant, Ms. Eevan and myself, have been working diligently trying to find you a way out of this mess. And we think we have a solid plan. Do you want to hear it?

  If it’s going to save my ass, sure.

  First we are all going to tell the truth, all of it. From the beginning until now. Second I want Patricia to represent you at the hearing.

  Which Patricia, Linda asked repulsed at the thought of anyone representing her at the hearing.

  Patricia Bianchi, Cassy’s best friend and she’s studying law.

  No! No! Jack. She can’t, she won’t. She said some really mean things to me, I can’t, I just can’t allow it.

  If you had not been following Cassy and sneaking around asking question about her, Pit would not have had to say whatever she had to say to you.

  What was that?

  Look Linda, Pit is very protective of Cassy or any other under-dog. She latches on to their cause and won’t let go until she is satisfied. We need Cassy’s Pit Bull. You need Casst’s pit Bull. This is going to be a history making case for the university and Pit will take the case for that reason alone. And of course she likes Ant.

  Are you game?

  Yeah, what’s your plan?

  First things, first. You have to take any portable mirrors and the empty frame to Dr. Davenport office at the phycology department. Make an appointment first, he’s anal about those kind of things. He’s going to want to evaluate you...

  What! I’m not crazy!

  No Linda you are not, but what you do have I’m told is objectification, which need to be confirmed. That information and conformation will be given to Pit for your defense.

  What’s objectification, Jack?

  Hop on, I’ll explain everything while I ride you home.

  Linda had made her appointment with Dr. Davenport at 3:30pm after her last class for the day. Under duress she manage to gather and have ready all her portable mirrors including the empty six foot tall mahogany mirror frame.

  Ms. Eevan appointment with Dr. Davenport was at 2:30 to discuss in detail Linda’s situation and the plan Jack feels will make everyone happy with the outcome.

  Linda was surprised when she ran into Ms. Eevan as she was leaving Dr. Davenport Office. Ms. Eevan! How nice to see you. Still working on my case? Could you do me the biggest favor Ms. Eevan and come in with me into the doctor office?

  That would not be appropriate under the circumstance. But if you would like to have dinner with me later, my treat, I would be glad to discuss your findings with you. Does 6:30 sound good?

  Sure, I’ll like that.

  Then meet me at the Dinner Bell at 6:30, see you then, I’m running late, gotta go.

  Hi, I’m Linda Laakenworth, I have a 3:30 appointment with Dr. Davenport.

  Yes Ms. Laakenworth the doctor told me to show you right in to his office, he’s already waiting for you, come this way please.

  Hello Dr. davenport?

  Yes, the doctor stood as he greeted Linda to come in. please have a seat and you are?

  Linda Laakenworth sir, friends to Ms. Eevan, Jack and Ant. She answered while taking the suggested chair.

  Why, to?

  I afraid I don’t understand your question.

  Why did you say friends to and not friends of?

  I never gave it any thought Dr. Davenport. Could you please enlighten me?

  To say you are friends to someone indicates a direction, somewhere you would like to be. But if you say I am friends of someone that indicate a possession already established.

  How interesting.

  Now let’s get back to why you are here. I see you have brought some friends.

  No sir. Not some, just one.

  Which one would that be?

  Linda brought forward for the doctor to see her six foot mahogany mirror frame.

  It’s empty Ms. Laakenworth. Where’s the mirror.

  I smashed it when I was depress, but I bought this one to replace the broken one.

  Then why is that mirror so much smaller than the frame?

  It was the only one I could get to in such a short period of time. Where is this leading doctor? You seem awfully concerned about my mirrors. I was asked by Jack to bring them. Why do you need them?

  Before I answer those questions let me ask you one more. How often do you rely on your mirror friend?

  Twice some time three times a …

  Now I’m going to answer your questions.

  So far, I believe you are suffering with what is known as objectification, which is…

  I’m sorry Ms. Laakenworth one more question. Did your parents allow you to play with other children or did they keep you inside the house with them.

  What a strange question to ask me. Do you mind telling me why you would ask me such a question?

  I would be more than happy to tell you Ms. Laakenworth why I am asking these series of questions. But not until you have answered the question put before you.

  Okay, I stayed inside the house mostly. I can’t remember playing with anyone when I was little. And I didn’t really associate with any other student in middle school or … high school… Linda’s now understanding of the nature of the doctor’s questions through her own answer, allow a tears of shame to drop from her eyes. She looked directly into the doctor’s eyes and simply said tearfully, I see.

  Now I shall answer all of your questions Ms. Laakenworth.

  As I said before, I think you are suffering from objectification, which is a consumption without thought of consequence. It is treating a person as a thing without regards to dignity. Someone treated you like an object, at a very early age. This is why I think you brought your imaginary friend in the mirror with you through three stages of your life. It is perfectly normal for a child to have imaginary friends, but at some point that friend is suppos
ed to disappear. Yours did not. And not only did it not disappear it started given you advice, which is highly ill regular.

  The way you are obsessed with beauty, I would say, someone in your household used you as an object of beauty, a thing. But never gave you the love a child craves, either by a parent or through friends. This is why you have a problem socializing. Your mirror have been your best friend, I’m going to say since you were about five years old. Am I correct?

  Now most people don’t know they are using objectification on a person, nor does the person who they identify as an object realize their being abused. The person applying objectification has a perversion for human dignity, physical appearances and self-respect. And it usually start working on self-respect.

  Ms. Laakenworth are you following me so far?

  Sadly, yes.

  This is where you come in. depending on what a person see and how they react to their reflection in a mirror will vary. In your case since you have taken your mirror with you all these years, I going to call your case severe.

  Now because you were taught to worship vanity you relied on your reflection to substitute for your unhappiness, confusion, your misery and possibly your insecurities.

  This is what I’m going to tell you to get us started on your way to recovering your true identity.

  Beauty is an idea.

  Can you say that Ms. Laakenworth?

  Yes. Beauty can be an idea.

  That’s not correct, try it again. Beauty is an idea.

  Beauty is an idea.

  That’s correct Ms. Laakenworth. Now try this.

  Beauty is an idea, not an absolute.

  Sure you made it easy, Linda smiled at the doctor.

  Beauty is an idea, not an absolute. I got it, I mean I get it.

  Excellent! The doctor related to Linda after having a good start towards her recovery.

  Would you like to continue your recovery process? Don’t worry about fees your tuition will take care of that.

  Please can I.

  Yes and there’s one more first step that must be made today.

  Anything, what is it.

  You must leave your friends behind in this office.


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