Prince of Demons

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Prince of Demons Page 83

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

Ranilda Battlemad (Ran-HEEL-da)—Colbey’s late mother.

  Rantire Ulfinsdatter (Ran-TEER-ee)—a member of Béarn’s first envoy.

  Raska “Ravn” Colbeysson (RASS-ka; RAY-vinn)—Colbey’s and Freya’s son.

  Sylva (SILL-va)—Rache Garnsson’s wife. An Erythanian.

  Tarah Randilsdatter (TAIR-a)—wife of Modrey and sister of Tannin.

  Tannin Randilsson (TAN-in)—forefather of the tribe of Tannin. Tarah’s brother and Mitrian’s husband.

  Thialnir (Thee-AHL-neer)—a chieftain.

  Vashi (VASH-ee)—a late warrior.


  Herwin (HER-winn)—Griff’s stepfather.

  Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh)—long-dead general for whom the city was named.


  Alsrusett (Al-RUSS-it)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (see also Daxan).

  Chayl (SHAYL)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Nighthawk sector.

  Curdeis (KER-tuss)—Weile Kahn’s late brother.

  Daxan (DIK-sunn)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (see also Alsrusett).

  Jeffrin (JEFF-rinn)—an informant working for Weile Kahn.

  Kinya (KEN-yah)—a longtime member of Weile Kahn’s organization.

  Leightar (LAY-tar)—a follower of Weile Kahn.

  Midonner (May-DONN-er)—king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands.

  Monika (Moh-NEE-kah)—a fertile woman.

  Nacoma (Nah-KAH-mah)—a follower of Weile Kahn.

  Niko (NAY-koh)—a pregnant woman.

  Shavoor (Shah-VOOR)—an informant working for Weile Kahn.

  Shaxcharal (SHACKS-krawl)—the last king of LaZar.

  Tae Kahn (TIGH KAHN)—Weile Kahn’s son.

  Tichhar (TICH-har)—a LaZarian emissary.

  Tisharo (Ta-SHAR-oh)—a con man working for Weile Kahn.

  Usyris (Yoo-SIGH-russ)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Sparrowhawk sector.

  Weile Kahn (WAY-lee KAHN)—a crime lord.

  Zeldar (ZAYL-dah)—a pregnant woman.


  Olvaerr (OHL-eh-vair)—NORDMIRIAN. Valr Kirin’s son.

  Tyrion (TEER-ee-on)—ASCAI. an inner court guard of Pudar.

  Valr Kirin (Vawl-KEER-in)—NORDMIRIAN. an ancient enemy of Colbey’s, long dead.


  Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor (ahr-OK-bar Too-LAHM-ee-igh ZHOOR)—the eldest of the elves; a.k.a. Captain a.k.a. Lav’rintir.

  Ath-tiran Béonwith Bray’onet Ty’maranth Nh’aytemir (Ath-TEER-inn Bee-ON-with BRAY-on-et Tee-MAR-anth Nigh-A-teh-mayr)—a lysalf.

  Baheth’rin Gh’leneth Wir-talos Dartarian Mithrillan (Ba-HETH-a-rinn Gah-LENN-eth Weer-TAY-lohs Dar-TAR-ee-an Mith-RILL-in)—a young elf.

  Captain—the common name for Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor Chan’rék’ril (Shawn-RAYK-rill)—an artistic lysalf.

  Dess’man Damylith Char’kiroh Va-Naysin Jemarious (DESS-man Dah-MIGH-lith Shar-eh-KEER-oh Vah-NAY-sin Jem-AHR-ee-us)—a svartalf.

  Dh’arlo’mé’aftris’ter Te’meer Braylth’ryn Amareth Fel-Krin (ZHAR-loh-may-aff-triss-ter Teh-MEER Brawl-THRINN Ah-MAR-eth Fell-krinn)—the elves’ leader.

  Dhyano Falkurian L’marithal Gasharyil Domm (ZHAN-oh Fal-KYOOR-ee-an Lah-mah-EETH-all Gah-SHAR-ee-ill DOHM)—a lysalf.

  Eth’morand Kayhiral No’vahntor El-brinith Tahar (Eth-MOOR-and Kah-HEER-all Noh’VAHN-tor El-BRINN-ith Tah-HAR)—a lysalf.

  Haleeyan Sh’borith Nimriel T’mori Na-kira (Hah-LEE-yan Sha-BOHR-ith NIM-ree-ell Tah-MOOR-ee Nah-KEER-ah)—a lysalf.

  Hri’shan’taé Y’varos Fitanith Adh’taran (HREE-shan-tigh EE-vahr-ohs Figh-TAN-ith Ad-hah-TAYR-an)—a member of the council of Nine a.k.a. She of Slow Emotions.

  Ke’taros (Key-TAR-ohs)—a lysalf.

  Khy’barreth Y’vrintae Shabeerah El-borin Morbonos (Kigh-BAYR-eth Eev-RINN-tigh Shah-BEER-ah ELL-boor-in Moor-BOH-nohs)—a brain-damaged svartalf.

  Mith’ranir Orian T’laris El’neerith Wherinta (Mith-RAN-eer OR-ee-an Tee-LAR-ihs Ell-ih-NEER-ith Whir-INN-tah)—a svartalf.

  Oa’si Brahirinth Yozwaran Tril’frawn Ren-whar (WAY-see Brah-HEER-inth Yoz-WAHR-an Trill-FRAWN Ren-WAHR)—the youngest elf.

  Petree’shan-ash Tilmir V’harin Korhinal Chareen (PEH-tree-SHAN-ash Till-MEER VAY-har-inn KOR-in-all Shah-REEN)—a member of the council of Nine.

  Pree-hantis Kel’abirik Trill Barithos Nath’taros (PREE-hahntiss KELL-ah-beer-ik TRILL BAR-ih-thohs Nath-TAR-ohs)—a svartalf impersonating King Kohleran.

  Reehanthan Tel’rik Oltanos Leehinith Mir-shanir (Ree-HAHN-than TELL-rik Ohl-TAN-ohs Lee-HIN-ith Meer-SHAN-eer)—a lysalf.

  Tem’aree’ay Donnev’ra Amal-yah Krish-anda Mal-satorian (Teh-MAR-ee-ay Donn-EV-er-a Ah-MAL-yah Kreesh-AND-ah Mahl-sah-TOR-ee-an)—a lysalf healer.

  The Torturer.

  Tresh’iondra She’aric Airanisha Ni-kii Diah (Tresh-ee-ON-dra Shay-AHR-ik Air-ANN-ee-shah Nee-KEE-igh DIGH-a)—a svartalf.

  Vincelina Sa’viannith Esah-tohrika Tar Kin’zoth (Vin-sell-LEE-na Sah-ha-vee-ANN-ith Ess-ah-toor-EE-kah TAR KEEN-zoth)—a svartalf.

  Vrin-thal-ros Obtrinéos Pruthrandius Tel’Amorak (Vrin-THAHL-rohs Ob-trin-AY-os Proo-THRAND-ee-us Tel-am-OOR-ak)—a member of the elfin council of Nine.

  Ysh’andra (Yah-SHAN-drah)—a member of the elfin council of Nine.


  Frost Reaver—Colbey’s white stallion.

  Mior—Matrinka’s calico cat.

  Silver Warrior—Ra-khir’s white stallion.



  Aegir (AHJ-eer)—Northern god of the sea; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Alfheim (ALF-highm)—The world of elves; destroyed during the Ragnarok.

  Asgard (AHSS-gard)—The world of the gods.

  Balder (BALL-der)—Northern god of beauty and gentleness who rose from the dead after the Ragnarok.

  Beyla (BAY-lah)—Frey’s human servant. Wife of Byggvir.

  The Bifrost Bridge (BEE-frost)—The bridge between Asgard and man’s world.

  Bragi (BRAH-gee)—Northern god of poetry; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Byggvir (BEWGG-veer)—Frey’s human servant. Husband of Beyla.

  Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay)—legendary Renshai.

  The Fenris Wolf (FEN-ris)—the Great Wolf. The evil son of Loki. Also called Fenrir (FEN-reer); killed at the Ragnarok.

  Frey (FRAY)—Northern god of rain, sunshine, fortune, and elves.

  Freya (FRAY-a)—Frey’s sister. Northern goddess of battle.

  Frigg (FRIGG)—Odin’s wife. Northern goddess of fate.

  Gladsheim (GLAD-shighm)—“Place of Joy.” Sanctuary of the gods.

  Hel (HEHL)—Northern goddess of the cold underrealm for those who do not die in valorous combat; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Hel (HEHL)—The underrealm ruled by the goddess Hel.

  Heimdall (HIGHM-dahl)—Northern god of vigilance and father of mankind; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Hlidskjalf (HLID-skyalf)—Odin’s high seat from which he can survey the worlds.

  Hod (HODD)—Blind god, a son of Odin. Returned with Balder after the Ragnarok.

  Honir (HON-eer)—An indecisive god who survived the Ragnarok.

  Idunn (EE-dun)—Bragi’s wife. Keeper of the golden apples of youth.

  Kvasir (KWAH-seer)—A wise god, murdered by dwarves, whose blood was brewed into the mead of poetry.

  Loki (LOH-kee)—Northern god of fire and guile. A traitor to the gods and a champion of chaos; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Magni (MAG-nee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son. Northern god of might.

  Mana-garmr (MAH-nah Garm)—Northern wolf destined to extinguish the sun with the blood of men at the Ragnarok.

  The Midgard Serpent—A massive, poisonous serpent destined to kill and be killed by Thor at the Ragnarok. Loki’s son; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Mimir (MIM-eer)—Wise god who was killed by gods. Odin preserved his head and used it as an adviser.

  Modi (MOE-dee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son. Northe
rn god of blood wrath.

  Njord (NYORR)—Frey’s and Freya’s father.

  Norns—The keepers of past, present, and future.

  Odin (OH-din)—Northern leader of the pantheon. Father of the gods a.k.a. The AllFather; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Odrorir (OD-dror-eer)—The cauldron containing the mead of poetry brewed from Kvasir’s blood.

  Ran (RAHN)—Wife of Aegir.

  Raska Colbeysson (RASS-ka)—son of Freya and Colbey a.k.a. Ravn (RAY-vinn).

  Sif (SIFF)—Thor’s wife. Northern goddess of fertility and fidelity.

  Sigyn (SEE-gihn)—Loki’s wife.

  Skoll (SKOEWL)—Northern wolf who will swallow the sun at the Ragnarok.

  Syn (SIN)—Northern goddess of justice and innocence.

  Surtr (SURT)—The king of fire giants. Destined to kill Frey and destroy the worlds of elves and men with fire at the Ragnarok; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Thor—Northern god of storms, farmers, and law; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Tyr (TEER)—Northern one-handed god of war and faith; killed at the Ragnarok.

  Valhalla (VAWL-holl-a)—The heaven for the souls of dead warriors killed in valiant combat. At the Ragnarok, these souls assisted the gods in battle.

  Vali (VAHL-ee)—Odin’s son. Destined to survive the Ragnarok.

  The Valkyries (VAWL-ker-ees)—The Choosers of the Slain. Warrior women who choose which souls go to Valhalla on the battlefield.

  Vidar (VEE-dar)—Son of Odin. He was destined to avenge his father’s death at the Ragnarok by slaying the Fenris Wolf. Current leader of the gods.

  The Wolf Age—The sequence of events immediately preceding the Ragnarok during which Skoll swallows the sun, Hati mangles the moon, and the Fenris Wolf runs free.


  (gods of this pantheon are rarely worshiped anymore)

  Aphrikelle (Ah-fri-KELL)—Western goddess of spring.

  Cathan (KAY-than)—Western goddess of war, specifically of hand-to-hand combat. Twin to Kadrak.

  Dakoi (Dah-KOY)—Western god of death.

  The Faceless God—Western god of winter.

  Firfan (FEER-fan)—Western god of archers and hunters.

  Itu (EE-too)—Western goddess of knowledge and truth.

  Kadrak (KAD-drak)—Western god of war. Twin to Cathan.

  Ruaidhri (Roo-AY-dree)—Western leader of the pantheon.

  Suman (SOO-mon)—Western god of farmers and peasants.

  Weese (WEESSS)—Western god of winds.

  Yvesen (IV-e-sen)—Western god of steel and women.

  Zera’im (ZAIR-a-eem)—Western god of honor.


  Sheriva (Sha-REE-vah)—omnipotent, only god of the Eastlands.

  Outworld Gods

  Ciacera (See-a-SAIR-a)—The goddess of life on the sea floor who takes the form of an octopus.

  Mahaj (Ma-HAJ)—The god of dolphins.

  Morista (Moor-EES-tah)—The god of swimming creatures who takes the form of a seahorse.


  A (AH)—EASTERN. “from.”

  ailar (IGH-LAR)—EASTERN. “to bring.”

  al (AIL)—EASTERN. the first person singular pronoun.

  alfen (ALF-in)—BÉARNESE. “elves;” new term created by elves to refer to themselves.

  anem (ON-um)—BARBARIAN. “enemy;” usually used in reference to a specific race or tribe with whom the barbarian’s tribe is at war.

  aristiri (ah-riss-TEER-ee)—TRADING. a breed of singing hawks.

  aårvaåkir (AWR-van-keer)—NORTHERN. “vigilant one.”

  baronshei (ba-RON-shigh)—TRADING. “bald.”

  bein (bayn)—NORTHERN. “legs.”

  bha’fraktii (bhah-FROK-tee-igh)—ELFIN. “those who court their doom.” A lysalf term for svartalf.

  binyal (BIN-yall)—TRADING. type of spindly tree.

  bleffy (BLEFF-ee)—WESTERN/TRADING. a child’s euphemism for nauseating.

  bolboda (bawl-BOE-da)—NORTHERN. “evilbringer.”

  brishigsa weed (brih-SHIG-sah)—WESTERN. a specific leafy weed with a translucent, red stem. A universal antidote to several common poisons.

  brorin (BROAR-in)—RENSHAI. “brother.”

  brunstil (BRUNN-steel)—NORTHERN. a stealth maneuver learned from barbarians by the Renshai. Literally: “brown and still.”

  chroams (krohms)—WESTERN. specific coinage of copper, silver, or gold.

  corpa (KOR-pa)—WESTERN. “brotherhood, town.” Literally: “body.”

  cringers—EASTERN. gang slang for people who show fear.

  daimo (DIGH-moh)—EASTERN. slang term for Renshai.

  demon (DEE-mun)—ANCIENT TONGUE. a creature of magic.

  dero (DAYR-oh)—EASTERN. a type of winter fruit.

  djem (dee-YEM)—NORTHERN. demon.

  doranga (door-ANG-a)—TRADING. a type of tropical tree with serrated leaves and jutting rings of bark.

  drilstin (DRILL-stinn)—TRADING. an herb used by healers.

  dwar’freytii (dwar-FRAY-tee-igh)—ELFIN. “the chosen ones of Frey;” svartalf name for themselves.

  Einherjar (IGHN-herr-yar)—NORTHERN. “the dead warriors in Valhalla.”

  eksil (EHK-seel)—NORTHERN. “exile.”

  erenspice (EH-ren-spighs)—EASTERN. a type of hot spice used in cooking.

  fafra (FAH-fra)—TRADING. “to eat.”

  feflin (FEF-linn)—TRADING. “to hunt.”

  formynder (for-MEWN-derr)—NORTHERN. “guardian,” “teacher.”

  forrader (foh-RAY-der)—NORTHERN. “traitor.”

  forraderi (foh-reh-derr-EE)—NORTHERN. “treason.”

  Forsvarir (Fours-var-EER)—RENSHAI. a specific disarming maneuver.

  frey (FRAY)—NORTHERN. “lord.”

  freya (FRAY-a)—NORTHERN. “lady.”

  frichen-karboh (FRATCH-inn kayr-BOH)—EASTERN. widow. Literally: “manless woman, past usefulness.”

  frilka (FRAIL-kah)—EASTERN. the most formal title for a woman, elevating her nearly to the level of a man.

  fussling (FUSS-ling)—TRADING. slang for bothering.

  gain (gahln)—NORTHERN. “ferociously crazy.”

  ganim (GAH-neem)—RENSHAI. “a non-Renshai.”

  garlet (GAR-let)—WESTERN. a type of wildflower believed to have healing properties.

  garn (garn)—NORTHERN. “yarn.”

  Gerlinr (Gerr-LEEN)—RENSHAI. a specific aesthetic and difficult sword maneuver.

  granshy (GRANN-shigh)—WESTERN. “plump.”

  gullin (GULL-in)—NORTHERN. “golden.”

  gynurith (ga-NAR-ayth)—EASTERN. “excrement.”

  hacantha (ha-CAN-thah)—TRADING. a type of cultivated flower that comes in various hues.

  hadongo (hah-DONG-oh)—WESTERN. a twisted, hardwood tree.

  Harval (Harr-VALL)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “the gray blade.”

  Hastivillr (Has-tih-VEEL)—RENSHAI. a sword maneuver.

  jovinay arythanik (joh-VIN-ay ar-ih-THAN-ik)—ELFIN. “a joining of magic.” A gathering of elves for the purpose of amplifying and casting spells.

  jufinar (JOO-finn-ar)—TRADING. a type of bushlike tree that produces berries.

  kadlach (KOD-lok; the ch has a guttural sound)—TRADING. a vulgar term for a disobedient child; akin to brat.

  kathkral (KATH-krall)—ELFIN. a type of broad-leafed tree.

  kenya (KEN-ya)—WESTERN. “bird.”

  khohlar (KOH-lar)—ELFIN. a mental magical concept that involves transmitting several words in an instantaneous concept.

  kjaelnabnir (kyahl-NAHB-neer)—RENSHAI. temporary name for a child until a hero’s name becomes available.

  kinesthe (Kin-ESS-teh)—NORTHERN. “strength.”

  kolbladnir (kol-BLAW-neer)—NORTHERN. “the cold-bladed.”

  kraell (kray-ELL)—ANCIENT TONGUE. a type of demon dwelling in the deepest region of chaos’ realm.

  kyndig (KAWN-dee)—NORTHERN. “skilled one.”

  lav’rintir (lahv-rinn-TEER)—ELFIN. “destroye
r of the peace.”

  lav’rintii (lahv-RINN-tee-igh)—ELFIN. “the followers of Lav’rintir.”

  lessakit (LAYS-eh-kight)—EASTERN. a message.

  leuk (LUKE)—WESTERN. “white.”

  loki (LOH-kee)—NORTHERN. “fire.”

  lonriset (LON-ri-set)—WESTERN. a ten-stringed musical instrument.

  Lynstreik (LEEN-strayk)—RENSHAI. A sword maneuver.

  lysalf (LEES-alf)—ELFIN. “light elf.”

  magni (MAG-nee)—NORTHERN. “might.”

  meirtrin (MAYR-trinn)—TRADING. a specific breed of nocturnal rodent.

  minkelik (min-KEL-ik)—ELFIN. “human.”

  mirack (merr-AK)—WESTERN. a specific type of hardwood tree with white bark.

  missy beetle—TRADING. a type of harmless, black beetle.

  mjollnar (MYOLL-neer)—NORTHERN. mullicrusher.

  modi (MOE-dee)—NORTHERN. “wrath.”

  Morshoch (MORE-shock)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “sword of darkness.”

  mynten (MIN-tin)—NORTHERN. a specific type of coin.

  naådenal (naw-deh-NAHL)—RENSHAI. Literally: “needle of mercy.” A silver, guardless, needle-shaped dagger constructed during a meticulous religious ceremony and used to end the life of an honored, suffering ally or enemy, then melted in the victim’s pyre.

  nålogtråd (naw-LOG-trawd)—RENSHAI. “needle and thread;” a Renshai sword maneuver.

  noca (NOE-ka)—BÉARNESE. “grandfather.”

  Odelhurtig (OD-ehl-HEWT-ih)—RENSHAI. A sword maneuver.

  oopey (OO-pee)—WESTERN/TRADING. A child’s euphemism for an injury.

  orlorner (oor-LEERN-ar)—EASTERN. “to deliver to.”

  perfrans (PURR-franz)—a scarlet wildflower.

  pike—NORTHERN. “mountain.”

  prins (PRINS)—NORTHERN. “prince.”

  ranweed—WESTERN. a specific type of wild plant.

  raynshee (RAYN-shee)—TRADING. “elder.”

  rexin (RAYKS-inn)—EASTERN. “king.”

  rhinsheh (ran-SHAY)—EASTERN. “morning.”

  richi (REE-chee)—WESTERN. a specific breed of songbird.

  rintsha (RINT-shah)—WESTERN. “cat.”

  Ristoril (RISS-tor-ril)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “sword of tranquillity.”

  sangrit (SAN-grit)—BARBARIAN. “to form a blood bond.”

  shucara (shoo-KAHR-a)—TRADING. a specific medicinal root.


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