With My Body

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With My Body Page 22

by Jo Briggs

  Elle closed her eyes, as she tried to focus her still confused mind. William's gentle touch on her lower arm made her open them again slightly. "Do you feel that you have improved since you came around?"

  "Slightly, but it seems much slower recovery than any other time before when I have fainted."

  "Can you tell me more about what the earlier doctors have said?" He questioned softly, his warm hand gently gliding up and down her arm, from wrist to elbow, as he absently stared at her, watching her closely.

  She tried to remind him of an earlier occasion of fatigue shortly after her parents' funeral when they were together previously. She went on to explain that it was not until she was under the care of the New York doctor, the discovery of the unknown second baby, and how low my blood count still was, that they discovered the anaemia and felt it had been lingering well before the pregnancy.

  "The blood loss from the miscarriage was kind of a red herring, and ended up exacerbating the condition to a much more severe level."

  "So, a poor sleep pattern, and hardly eating back then has caused all this?"

  "It was the start yes, but with that on top of the miscarriage, followed by stressful pregnancy, and pre-eclampsia has resulted in much heavier bleeding ever since, so the deficiency continued. Despite supplements and a proper diet, I have had relapses when life gets too demanding."

  "So you now need to slow down on the work front." He said firmly.

  "Maybe," She sighed, knowing that she was going to have to resign herself to him being right about this one.

  "No, you need to get strong again."

  "Ok, I have already asked Cate to come in on the business because of the filming and other projects so will accept I need to do that sooner rather than later, but I do still need to work; otherwise my business will fade, due to the nature of my profession. My business is me. No one can simply just step in and do designs in my name."

  "Fair enough, but you just need to find a way to achieve that at a slower pace is all. I will help you any way I can, and I am sure Cate and Jess will too."

  "I will give it some thought and action things when I feel slightly more with it in a couple of days."

  "That is all I can ask," William said, glad that she had not resisted his concerns.

  Richard soon reappeared, and explained that Charlotte remained unconscious, barely clinging to life.

  Elle’s doctor returned, about an hour later, to confirm his earlier thoughts that her red blood count was low, so he would now have her transferred onto the assessment ward, and for the two men to go home and get some rest before returning tomorrow.

  William gave a teary Elle a quick hug, and kiss good-bye, trying to do his best to reassure her, before Richard made quick his good-byes to her.

  It was nearly four am when the two men arrive back at William's London home. They were shattered, from the day’s events, so they headed straight to their beds to deal with what had turned out to be the longest night of all their lives; all for decidedly different reasons the starkness of what happened to them this night brought demons to disturb their sleep.

  Richard's own demons were from seeing Charlotte attached to monitoring machines and drips in her veins that brought memories back of when he had been at the hospital supporting William, through those last days of his mother’s septicaemia, before it overcame the Anne Dexter's famous fighting spirit. William was just haunted by seeing Elle so weak, and discovering second hand, that she had a complex illness.

  Highly strung emotions

  3 May 2010

  The next morning, William awoke up abruptly, feeling disoriented for a moment, when he reached for expected form of Elle sleeping beside him all that he found was a vast space on her usual side of the bed.

  Then the realisation hit him like a punch in the gut that she was not here, but in the hospital. He groaned inwardly, as he started to remember the phone call from Richard, telling them of Charlotte's overdose, and then Elle's subsequent fainting. He knew that he was in for another emotionally draining day.

  He realised that Elle was not in a life-threatening situation, but she was clearly not well either. He could not help but worry about the implications of this anaemia, and the history of pre-eclampsia would have on a future pregnancy they may have. He hoped he could get a quiet word with her doctor to discuss his concerns.

  When William was showered and dressed, he emerged from his rooms and headed for the open planned kitchen/dining area to have some breakfast. Mrs. Button was already busy dealing with the breakfast request for the seated Richard.

  "You look awful," Richard stated as William took a seat at the breakfast bar beside him.

  "Thanks, I feel it," William said sourly. "Jenny, can I have some poached eggs on toast, please." He said tried to smile at his housekeeper.

  "Yes, Mr. Dexter." Jenny had been working for William, and before for his father for many years, and they had quite a friendly relationship, but she always remained formal in her addressing of him.

  While Jenny was removing the breakfast dishes from the counter and placing them in the dishwasher, William asked her to get in contact with Mrs. Reynolds, and have Christian and Lily brought to London with the nanny, Lydia. He hoped the presence of Christian would lift Elle’s spirits if her hospital stay were to be extended.

  Turning back to Richard, he asked if he would be accompanying him to the hospital again.”

  "Of course, I want to get updates on both of them." Richard replied.

  "Ok, well I plan to leave right away."

  "No problem, I am ready."


  Once at the entrance of the main part of the hospital, they went separate ways to see each of the patients. Richard headed off to see Charlotte, leaving William to seek out Elle's doctor for an update. Heading to the nurses' station on the ward that Elle been placed on, he asked if there were any doctor around that he could talk with.

  The nurse asked what relationship he had with the patient. He explained that he was Elle Benedict's partner and that he had some concerns. "I can see if the doctor can come, and talk to you both, but he will not be able to divulge any of the patient's information without her present, unless you are her next of kin."

  "Ok, I think she would have put one of her sisters down as next of kin for now, but if the doctor can come and talk to both of us, I would appreciate it." He tried to keep the frustration out of his voice. He was not sure how Elle would react to him trying to ask some questions without asking her first.

  "I will pass the message on to the doctor," The nurse answered, used to dealing with slightly anxious relatives.

  He muttered his thanks. Noting the bed number next to Elle's name on the white board behind the nurse's head, he stepped away from the desk and went off to locate the patient.

  He found her in a small bay that consisted of three other beds, as well as the one Elle, was in. She was sitting up and reading a magazine, her face was still pale, but she managed to greet him with a strong smile when she noticed him approaching her.

  "How are you, darling?" He asked, as he leaned down to kiss her softly on the cheek.

  "Still really tired, but feeling more myself," She said as she closed her magazine and placed it on the side cupboard beside her bed.

  "Do you need anything from the shop?"

  "No thanks, the doctor has said I am only to have fluids they give, for the time being. Before they give me the transfusion later today, I have to take these vitamins enriched food supplement drinks to help give me a boost."

  "Have enough reading material?"

  She smiled. "Yes, I bought five different magazines this morning when they came around this morning with a cart."

  William laughed. "Sounds as you are sorted for a while then."

  "Have you had any word on Charlotte?"

  William shook his head. "Richard has just gone to check on her, then he will be down to see you."

  "Did you speak to Christian yet?” She could not help, but feel concerned
for how bewildered her little boy would be feeling if he knew she was in the hospital.

  "Not myself, but I have asked Jenny to arrange for Lydia and the kids to be driven here today. I thought you would appreciate Christian being near if your stay is extended.”

  Elle’s mouth broke into a proper smile for the first time; she was touched by William’s thoughtfulness.

  "With all the drama, I never had the chance to ask if you had any word about the results yet?"

  "No, I have not, but I imagine the results would be in any post sent to Winster House. To be honest, I did not even give it much thought in the last 24 hours. I may ask them to bring any mail with them, if they have not already left. The doctor said it should be arriving today, so it is only a matter of time now."

  Elle took his hand in hers, and she began to speak, when a man dressed in a suit approached them. Looking down at his papers, "Umm, Miss Benedict and Mr. Dexter, I am Mr. Martin; I am the consultant responsible for your overall care."

  William got up from his chair and shook the man's hand politely.

  "I understand my registrar had begun a course of fluids and supplements before we set up the transfusion." The man continued.

  Elle nodded.

  "Well, it would seem you were lucky we caught this when we did, as your haemoglobin levels were excessively low. I understand you have extremely heavy periods since you had a traumatic fall, and loss of one baby, from a set of twins, early in pregnancy."

  "Yes, that was seven years ago, the remaining child was born premature as it became too risky due to pre-eclampsia. I have had periodic transfusions ever since; probably, one every year or so."

  "Have you ever had them do any pelvic scan to see if there is a particular cause for the heavier bleeding?"

  "Not that I remember, although my continuation of care has been rather erratic due to my profession and moving from country to country." Elle neglected to add that her anxiety about being around hospitals held her back from attending her appointments on anything other than an infrequent basis.

  "Ok, well, I believe there is the possibility you might have some undetected cyst or fibroid that has formed inside your uterus shortly before the pregnancy; it is purely coincidental that it occurred at that time, and nothing to do with the fall, but that is likely to be causing this heavier menstruation and, therefore, anaemia. I notice you are quite slender - have you ever had your diet monitored to see that it is sufficient for nutrients?"

  "I was under a dietician for a time when they initially diagnosed me with iron deficiency, but they put it down to my poor diet over a period of months, while I was grieving for my parents and then the miscarriage. But, I now make sure my diet is better."

  "Ok, we will organise for you to have an ultrasound then, and maybe see if we have to remove something."

  "Removing?" William asked, his face going as pale as Elle's as he drew in a sharp breath.

  "You mean a h-h-hysterectomy?" Elle panicked.

  "No, nothing that drastic I assure you. If you do indeed have some fibroids, then we can do a straightforward procedure through the abdomen, and leave you quite intact to have further children." The doctor smiled gently at the pair.

  William let go of the breath he had been holding, and gently squeezed Elle's hand to encourage her to look at him.

  "Do you have any other questions?"

  Elle shook her head, but William said he did and caught Elle's quizzical gaze as he began to speak.

  "Will this procedure make any future pregnancies high risk, especially in light of the pre-eclampsia?"

  "It should not. Even though Miss Benedict has a history of pre-eclampsia it does not automatically mean that it will reoccur in any other pregnancy. But, as with any pregnancy, she will be monitored more closely due to that history. Are you trying for a child at the moment?"

  Elle shook her head just as William said he would like to soon, causing Elle to throw him a cautioning frown.

  The doctor noted their varying answers and carefully replied. "Bearing in mind that Miss Benedict is quite weak at the moment, I would say even once any procedure is done she would need some time to recover her strength. I would suggest you wait at least three months before you start trying."

  William nodded, willing to defer to the consultant's opinion.

  "Ok well let's see what the ultrasound shows." With that, the doctor departed.

  "What on earth were all those questions about?" Elle hissed. "Don’t you think we have enough to deal with at the moment with moving in together, settling Christian into a new environment, and then not to mention the Lily situation?"

  William shrugged "I simply just wanted to know our options."

  "Our options!" Elle said rather exasperatedly. "This is about my body." The thought of trying for another baby frightened the hell out of her. She could not bear the possibility of another miscarriage, or having to spend weeks into neonatal.

  William stared at her blankly. "I know, but I only wanted to understand what might happen so I can be supportive."

  "That's fair enough, but I just don't appreciate you being overzealous in questioning a doctor about my care."

  "Fine, I won't bother again." He said flatly. "I think I need some fresh air." With that, he walked out of the ward to go and find Richard. Why is she acting this way, I was only trying to understand the possibilities, so I can make sure she has the best outcome! He fumed.

  Sighing, Elle simply watched William's retreating figure turn the corner, and out of sight. Why does he always insist on everything on his terms?! Does he not consider what I have been through? Irritating man!

  William decided to take a breath of air, before he went in search of Richard. He took the opportunity to ring Mrs. Reynolds. "Hi Ellen, has Jenny been in touch with you yet?"

  "Oh yes, they are already on their way."

  "Oh, that's great. I don't suppose David is around?" David was his estate manager, that in his absence would look over any correspondence.

  "Let me go see if he is in the office."

  The phone went silent for a few minutes.

  "William, what can I do for you?"

  "David, I don't suppose a registered letter had arrived today. It should be addressed to me rather than the estate, from a company called something health labs."

  "Umm, let me check." He could hear the ruffling of paper. "Yes, it is here. Do you need me to read it?"

  "No, but can you get it couriered to the house, urgently. Then get Lydia or Jenny to meet me at the hospital with it." He certainly needed to know the answer today. He hoped this might take some of the anxiety sparking between him and Elle.

  "Ok, no problem."

  "Thanks. Also, have you received Evan's report back?"

  "Yes, it has been circulated by all the relevant directors now, and they have sent back their updates to how the move is going in their areas."

  "Ok, can you collate all that and send it in one email to me? Also, how are we looking at getting all the stored furniture back into Pemberley?”

  “Every office has been redecorated and furnished as of this morning. All that remains to be done is to have the family suites updated.

  "Ok, when I am away, can you do an inventory on what old furniture we have for the family wing, and I will be asking Gina to get involved with that."

  "Ok, boss.”

  "Has that location manager been over to Pemberley yet?”

  “Yes, I am expecting a contract from them within the next week, that you will need to sign if you agree with it all.”

  "Thanks David, I am not sure, how long I will be down in London for, but you should be able to email me when necessary, and I will try to get back to you ASAP."

  "That’s fine. I will make sure things continue smoothly in your absence."

  After clearing that call, he wandered around, and found a deserted bench to sit on. He finally decided to face the situation and phone someone he did not particularly want to talk to, but it had to be done.

p; It rang for ages, such that he almost thought it was not going to be answered.

  "William." The voice was stiff and formal.

  "Georgiana, I need you to make arrangements to come back here. There is some family business that I need you to deal with as I have some personal stuff to see to."

  "What personal stuff? I have my own family stuff to deal with."

  "If you must know, Elle is hospital awaiting some treatment and also Charlotte is in intensive care…"

  "Did your two girlfriends have a fight or something?" She replied rudely.

  "Gina, that is out of order. Actually, your ex, Wickham is somehow involved in Charlotte having a heroin overdose, she is close to death, and Elle has a blood disorder." He knew he should not have brought up that Wickham was her ex, but he found her rudeness so unnecessary, that he wanted to bring her down a peg or two.

  There was silence for a few moments, and he thought she was going to hang up on him.

  "Ok, I will be there by Friday. Can you arrange for me to stay in a hotel or something."

  "Yes, I can."

  "What do you need me to oversee?"

  "If you liaise with David and Evan, they will fill you in. But, basically, we are nearly in the final stages of having all the operational headquarters based out of Pemberley. All that is left to do is the family wing refurbishment. I would like you to deal with selecting some of the old furniture, and ordering new where appropriate."

  "Fine," Her voice remaining unyielding

  "I will email you the hotel arrangements."



  Clearing the call, he walked back into the hospital to catch up with Richard, hoping he had not missed him leaving Charlotte's ward. Well-timed, he caught sight of Richard walking towards him, as he headed down the final corridor, to the entrance of the intensive care unit.

  Surprised to see him not waiting by Elle's side, Richard met William with a questioning look. "Is the pressure getting to you?" Richard knew William too well.


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