Heart of Stone

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Heart of Stone Page 5

by Regine Abel

  When a violent climax swept her away, her inner walls clamping down on me forced my own orgasm from me. Holding her tight, I buried my cock deep as my seed shot forth in a blissful flow. We kissed—a practice uncommon for my people but one I greatly enjoyed—and remained in each other’s embrace until our hearts and breaths settled down.

  With much reluctance, I finally pulled out of Brianna and led her by the hand to the bathroom. While we showered together, she took a good look at my privates for the first time. The ridges along its length fascinated her.

  “So that’s what had been torturing me in the most wonderful way,” she whispered, crouching in front of me to get a better look.

  My abdominal muscles contracted and my shaft jerked in response to her fingers carefully rubbing over my ridges. Seconds later, her mouth closed around my cock. Brianna worked me with her divine lips and tongue, stroking me in counterpoint to her mouth’s movements until I climaxed again. Her surprised moan of pleasure reached me through the lustful haze in which I drowned.

  I blinked, looking down at her as she first licked her lips and then the lingering drops of semen on my shaft.

  “Dude… You taste like salted caramel! You are so getting blow jobs often!”

  I gaped at her as she rose to her feet before bursting out laughing. “Well, that’s one promise I certainly will not complain about,” I said drawing her into my arms.

  The shrill sound of the alarm on her phone startled us out of the tender kiss we’d begun exchanging.

  “Fuck! I’m going to be late for work,” Brianna exclaimed. She hurried through the rest of her shower and then rushed through drying herself. “Please tell me you have some kind of shirt I can borrow,” she said. “I can’t go to work wearing that bustier. The skirt and shoes will raise eyebrows, but I can get away with them.”

  I didn’t really have shirts. They didn’t play well with wings and would look odd once I went into stone form. My perception filter spared me the trouble, anyway.

  “Hmm, would your employer frown at a t-shirt from The Darkest Hour?” I asked.

  Brianna chewed her bottom lip for a second. “No. It should be fine. It’s classy, and black always looks nice. The only problem is I have no bra and the damn boardrooms are always chilly.”

  “You have the most perfect breasts,” I said, tweaking one of her nipples. Round and perky, the perfect size to fit in my hands, her breasts were begging for my attention again.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, swatting at my hand.

  I chuckled and reached for my perception filter wrist bracer. Brianna’s stare weighed heavily on me as I put it on. Before I could activate it, her palm rubbed over my wingless back, her fingers lingering on the barely visible slit beneath my shoulder blade. She examined it with an expression of wonder.

  “I still can’t get over the fact that you can make your wings disappear and then grow them back,” she whispered.

  The flabbergasted look on Brianna’s face when I’d tucked away my wings last night after I first brought her to my bed still made me chuckle.

  “I don’t exactly ‘grow’ them back, but yes, it is most practical to be able to tuck them away. They make sleeping in a bed quite uncomfortable. That tail though,” I said, casting a disgruntled glance at it, “there’s no getting rid of it.”

  Brianna laughed as I tucked my tail in my pants and made it wrap around my right leg.

  “I’ll be right back with the t-shirt,” I said, activating my perception filter.

  Her eyes widened as I took on the appearance of the average-looking man she had first met in the catacombs, wearing a black shirt and leather pants. As I raced down the stairs, rather than using the lift, I pondered again the wisdom of revealing so much to Brianna, so quickly—of stomping so recklessly all over the Prime Directive.

  She’s mine. She’s my mate.

  Indeed, she was. Yesterday evening, throughout the night, and this morning again, she had willingly given herself to me. Even now, the taste of her lingered on my tongue. I hadn’t revealed the most important parts, yet. She needed to be eased into the whole truth. For the first time, I felt grateful for rescuing her all those years ago. That encounter had mentally prepared her to accept my existence.

  I raced back upstairs to find her drying her hair. She slipped on the t-shirt. As she feared, her nipples broadcast the absence of a bra, making me want to tear it right off and toss her back on my bed. I resisted the urge. This wasn’t how I had intended to start off our relationship. No matter how insatiable she made me feel, Brianna needed to know my interest in her wasn’t purely sexual.

  “Will you have dinner with me tonight,” I asked, watching her quickly brush her hair.

  “I would love… Oh,” she said, her face passing from excited to deflated. “I already had plans for tonight. Maybe you could come with me?” Brianna said, hope shining in her eyes.

  “Maybe,” I said cautiously. “What kind of plans?”

  “I have a ticket for the Gardens of Light at the Botanical Garden. My firm gave it to me in preparation for an upcoming project. They had offered me two tickets but since I didn’t have a date to bring along, I passed. But if you’d like to come with… You know, I… I would really enjoy your company.”

  She’d spoken quickly, the slight trembling in her voice and the widening of her eyes, betraying her nervousness and obvious fear of being rejected.

  Silly female.

  I’d been racking my brains trying to come up with some nice activity to do with her as human males did during courtship. She’d just made things easier for me.

  “I would be delighted to accompany you,” I said, a strange warmth spreading through my chest as she beamed at me. “But I do not mind buying my own ticket.”

  Brianna shook her head. “They will be sold out for tonight. And the firm won’t mind.” She picked up her coat and smiled gratefully when I helped her put it on. “I really must go. I have a stupid pitch to make to the big wigs. They won’t be pleased if I’m late.”

  “It will be quite the presentation then,” I said teasingly, glancing at her nipples poking through her t-shirt.

  “I’ll grab a bra at La Senza on my way to the office. There’s one nearby.”

  “If it’s open.”

  She glared at me and gave me a playful tap on the shoulder.

  “Stop being such a prophet of doom!”

  I chuckled and drew her into my arms. “I had a wonderful time with you, Brianna, and can’t wait to get to know you better. I… I hope the feeling is mutual.”

  She smiled, a pretty blush rising on her cheeks. “I like you a lot, Alkor. I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.”

  “Good,” I whispered before kissing her again.

  Brianna leaned in to me and our tongues mingled for a moment before she pulled away.

  “I have to go,” she said softly. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  I nodded and accompanied her downstairs and through the side exit of the club. A strange sense of loss washed over me as I watched her walking briskly away. With a heavy sigh, I returned to my office and called my notary.

  The time had come to put my house in order.



  As Alkor had predicted, the lingerie store had been closed. Of course it would have been. Nothing opened before 10:00 AM. The clerk inside, already there to prepare the store’s opening, had refused to cut me some slack. The boardroom, freezing as always, had my nipples standing at attention for the duration of the meeting. I wanted to believe the brilliance of my pitch had earned me such undivided attention from the attendees, but I knew better.

  Nevertheless, the partners appeared pleased, not only with that presentation, but with the feedback they’d received so far from Lana Dalghren regarding progress at The Darkest Hour. Would they still be pleased if they knew the owner had spent the evening, night, and morning fucking my brains out? What would they say if I told them that I hadn’t drunk my usual morning moc
haccino because I didn’t want it to spoil the lingering taste of salty caramel on my tongue from the most amazing blow job I’d ever given? How shocked would they be if they found out I’d been nipple-flashing them all day as a consequence of my walk of shame?

  My face heated every time I thought of the wanton way in which I’d behaved. How could I have jumped into bed barely ten minutes into our first date? Heck, it hadn’t even officially been a date. After the first round on the bench of his private booth, I’d been horrified to realize people in the VIP booths could have seen us. Although Alkor reassured me that they couldn’t because we’d been too far back, I couldn’t help wondering if him closing his wings around us while he fucked me had been to shelter us from view.

  In spite of all that, I didn’t regret spending the night with Alkor. Mind-blowing didn’t even begin to describe what he’d made me feel. But more than the sex itself, it was the tenderness with which he’d held, touched, and cuddled with me that had truly won me. I had worried he might have thought me an easy girl and kicked me to the curb after getting what he wanted, but nothing in his behavior indicated that he considered me a booty call. That would have crushed me.

  For years, I’d dreamt of meeting my savior. Never would I have imagined it would go down this way. Although, growing up, I’d begun fantasizing about him with some pretty vivid wet dreams.

  As I walked back to my car to head home, a million questions raced through my mind. In my lust craze, I hadn’t asked him any of the things I’d wanted to for years. Why had he agreed to see me and reveal himself to me now? His answer had been evasive at best. Something important lay buried inside that room. Something which I feared could jeopardize whatever might be blossoming between us. But I also wanted to know more about him and his people. Where did they come from? Why were there so few of them left? And why were they living scattered, isolated from each other? Did Lana know of his true nature?

  On the way home, I made a detour by the medical clinic to get myself a morning after pill, then by the pharmacy to buy a couple of boxes of condoms. If this relationship would build into something more serious—which I hoped it would—I’d need to get back on the pill. It had been irresponsible of me to think it okay to let whatever happened happen last night. A nagging voice at the back of my head insisted that it was okay to just go with the flow, but I needed to be adult about this.

  As soon as I reached home, I made a beeline for my wardrobe. Before Alkor agreed to come with me, I had planned on wearing some leggings with an oversized sweater. But now, I needed something a bit more flattering, especially since I didn’t know how the evening would end—although I had certain hopes.

  I ended up going with a black, high-waisted, flared skirt, and a sleeveless, black leather top that zipped in front—no bra. Having learned my lesson, though, I shoved a suitable change of clothes—bra included—in a small bag which I would leave in my car, just in case. I threw a frozen pizza in the oven, kicking myself for not accepting an early dinner with Alkor. After a quick shower, I got dressed and primped up, trying not to overdo it.

  As I prepared to leave, my phone rang. My heart sank at my father’s distinctive ringtone.

  “Hello, Dad,” I answered, trying to sound friendly.

  “Hey Brie,” my father’s voice said over the phone with his usual fake enthusiasm. “How is my girl doing?”

  I barely managed not to sigh out loud as I rolled my eyes. Like he actually cared. “I’m doing great, thanks. The partners just gave me a really big project—the kind of church project I’ve been dreaming of for years.”

  “Good, good. That’s really nice, sweetie,” Dad said.

  Meaning: he didn’t give a shit. It shouldn’t upset me anymore, but his indifference still hurt.

  “Any Romeo on the horizon?” he asked—just as lame a change from his usual ‘any beau in sight?’

  “Actually, I have met someone,” I said, suddenly feeling nervous. “It’s only been a few days so it’s too early to tell where that will go. But I like him a lot.”

  “Oh! Good. Very good. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone.”

  I waited for him to ask a few questions about Alkor, even if only his name. Nada. Why did I keep hoping?

  “So, how’s Merryl?” I asked when the silence stretched uncomfortably.

  “Oh, she’s wonderful!” Dad exclaimed, his enthusiasm shooting into overdrive. That, too, hurt. “She’s already packed half the house into her suitcases. I keep reminding her we’re only going on a two-week cruise. She doesn’t need all that stuff, but she’s such a worry wart,” he said affectionately. “She needs to be prepared for every eventuality.”

  “I bet,” I said politely, not really wanting to hear about step-mommy dearest.

  “Our trip ends in St. Martin’s,” Dad said, sounding excited. He cleared his throat, and I immediately knew the real reason for his call would now follow. “We’re going to stay at Merryl’s friend’s place for the next six months. It’s actually a shared vacation home. We’re hoping to have our new home built by then. The contractor and his crew are ready to roll as soon as you send in the final version of the plan. So… I was wondering how that was coming along.”

  I bit my tongue not to respond with some snarky remark and blinked back the tears that pricked my eyes. As always, my father only ever contacted me when he wanted something or if some legal paperwork required it. He didn’t call me for Christmas or Thanksgiving. As the daughter, it was my duty to reach out to him. Once, I’d actually played chicken with him to see who would hold out the longest without calling the other. After a year-and-a-half, I conceded victory to him.

  “It’s done,” I said, proud that my voice didn’t betray my raw emotions. “I finished it last night. I’ll be sending it first thing in the morning.”

  That was a lie. I’d finished it last weekend and actually thought I’d already sent it. But I guess my subconscious had held on to it to force him to call me.

  “Wonderful! I knew I could count on my baby girl to come through for me!” Dad exclaimed. “I’ll tell Merryl the good news. She’ll be ecstatic. Listen, when construction is completed, you’ll have to ask your boss for a few days off to come spend time with us. As you know, there will be a guest room with your name on it.”

  “That’s great, Dad. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Maybe I should try my hand at acting. I was putting on an Oscar-worthy performance.

  “All right, then. I’m going to inform the contractor so that he can get ready and maybe even start the work tomorrow,” Dad said, clearly eager to be on his way.

  A malicious part of me thought of coming up with random topics to keep him on the phone longer, out of pure spite. But that would accomplish nothing other than make us both miserable. Plus, I had a sexy date with a garg… Khargal.

  “Okay, Dad. Have a nice trip. Give my regards to Merryl.”

  “I will, sweetie. Take care!”

  He hung up before I could say another word. The distance had steadily increased over the years, but at least he’d still been in Montreal. We didn’t see each other often, but the possibility for it had existed. Now, with him and his new wife making the permanent move to St. Martin’s, we would never see each other again. Father didn’t care much for technology. He’d find an excuse not to get on those countless free video chats to catch up with his only child. I could fall off the face of the Earth tomorrow, he wouldn’t know—or care. Well, unless he suddenly needed my engineer or architect services, or my contacts for some construction work.

  Maybe Alkor will sweep me away into the Underworld or whatever the lair of the Khargals is!

  Shaking off the gloomy feeling that speaking to—or even thinking about—my dad always put me in, I grabbed my purse and left the house, en route to meet with Mister horny, winged, and mysterious.

  We walked hand in hand, traipsing along the path of the Montreal Botanical Garden. As expected on opening night, people had come out in droves. Thankfully, everyone
acted in a civilized manner, no shoving or pushing, showing consideration when someone wanted to take pictures, or allowing them to go first.

  The various displays took my breath away. In each scene, lanterns in the shapes of animals or people presented enchanting, illuminated tableaus. I couldn’t pick a favorite between the Chinese dragon, the panda family, or the fishermen by the pond. I took a million pictures, but hated that I couldn’t take some of Alkor. Although he didn’t fear it would penetrate his technology, he wanted to limit how many images of him—or his disguises—circulated. That didn’t stop him from taking loads of pictures of me.

  As we reached one of the pagodas, the crowd seemed to thin. For a moment, I wondered if we were missing some kind of exciting event that everyone else had gravitated towards. But then, having Alkor all to myself, in the dead of night, only surrounded by the colorful lights of the lanterns didn’t strike me as too bad of a deal.

  He looked around us, a strange expression on his face.

  “What?” I asked. “Who are you looking for?”

  “No one,” he said. “I’m making sure no one sees us.”

  His air of mischief had me both tingling with excitement and tensing with worry. Grabbing my hand, he lured me into the shadows beneath a cluster of trees behind the pagoda. Pressing his chest to my back, he held me tight.

  “Do not move, and do not be afraid,” Alkor whispered in my ear.

  That scared me.

  The air shimmered before my eyes. Worried, I looked at Alkor over my shoulder in time to see his wings spread wide behind him.

  “What are you doing?” I squeaked in a hushed voice.

  “Giving you a better view.”

  And just like that, he flapped his wings, and we lifted off. Although he held me tightly, I clung to his arms, wishing I were facing him instead so that I could wrap my arms around his neck. Panicked, forcing myself not to scream, I closed my eyes, only to reopen them seconds later; the darkness freaked me out even more. Thankfully, it was a very short flight to the roof of the pagoda.


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