by Rene Roy
Hirshfeld has presented fine portraits of these inventors and eccentrics who have contributed
in unusual and innovative ways to the progress of astronomy.34 These outsiders unsettled
the rather quiet professional astronomers.
While professional astronomers, working mostly in positional astronomy, pushed for
the use of refractors that they found more tractable and precise, the grand amateur wanted
larger instruments and pressed for increased aperture. Further, they improved telescope
mount technology and added a piggyback viewing telescope for sidereal tracking during
hour-long exposures. The innovative William Lassell was an inspirational figure for the
American astronomer George Ellery Hale. Lassell built several reflectors of steadily
increasing size and installed them on equatorial mounts, first using them at his own private
observatory. The largest, a 48-inch reflector, he moved, with family and all, to Malta,
32 D. Klumpke, The Isaac Roberts Atlas of 52 Regions, a Guide to William Herschel’s Fields of Nebulosity. Diffuse nebulosity was detected in only four of the Herschel fields.
33 S. Shapin and S. Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air Pump, Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985, 2011 with a new introduction, pp. 8–9.
34 A. Hirshfeld, Starlight Detectives: How Astronomers, Inventors and Eccentrics Discovered the Modern Universe, New York: Bellevue Literary Press, 2014.
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Part I – Images and the Cosmos
seeking clearer skies, as Hale would later do by moving from Yerkes Observatory in
Wisconsin to Southern California.
One telescope built by grand amateurs has had a particularly astonishing story. Andrew
Common (1841–1903), a plumbing and heating engineer, built “the first of the line of suc-
cessful large metal-film-on-glass modern reflectors,” the Common’s 36-inch reflector.35
Common put this instrument to task for astrophotography at his home in Ealing, a sub-
urb of London. He was quite successful, and he received the gold medal from the Royal
Astronomical Society for his photographs of “nebulae.” This was start of an extraordinary
venture for his 36-inch reflector. As he proceeded to build a 5-ft reflector, Common sold
his 36-inch to Edward Crossley (1841–1905), head of J. P. Crossley and Sons, a family-run
textile mill in Halifax, Yorkshire.36 In late 1885, Crossley transported his newly acquired
telescope to Bermerside where he built a new spherical dome to shelter it better. The very
busy Crossley employed a full-time astronomer and took part in the observations when-
ever possible. Disappointed by the poor English climate, Crossley decided to dispose of the
reflector and dome.
After convoluted negotiations with the Regents of the University of California, finally
completed in 1895, Crossley donated the telescope and dome to Lick Observatory, located
on Mount Hamilton in the Sierra Mountains of California. He had to pay for a fair fraction
of the moving expenses because the university was short of funds for a project it considered
highly risky. By June 1896, the Crossley, as it came to be called, was installed at the Lick
Observatory and made suitable for groundbreaking photographic investigations on “nebu-
lae,” and this opened an amazing new chapter.
As demonstrated by Parsons and Lassell, reflectors could be made big, and hence were
more powerful for detecting and observing faint “nebulae.” They would triumph in the
twentieth century, while the great refractors became “extinct” soon after the arrival of the
mammoth Yerkes Observatory 40-inch in 1895. With foresight, Isaac Roberts had predicted
that great progress would be achieved in probing the sky by photography using big reflect-
ing telescopes, which would bring astrophotography to full maturity. At the dawn of the
twentieth century, the essential tools were in place to solve the thousand-year-old mystery
of “nebulae.”
B – P H OT O G R A P H I N G M Y R I A D S O F G A L A X I E S : T H E G O L D E N
How Astrophotography Revealed the Distance and Nature of Galaxies
The increased use of photography, along with the improved sensitivity of photographic
emulsions at the turn of the twentieth century, contributed to make astronomy a leading
image science. As astronomers adapted to and adopted photography, telescopes were now
35 R. P. S. Stone, The Crossley Reflector: A Centennial Review – I & II, Sky and Telescope, 1979, October issue, pp. 307–311; November issue, pp. 396–400.
36 In 1933, the 5-ft was refurbished and set up as the 1.5-m Boyden–UFS reflector at Boyden Observatory in South Africa.
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3. From Celestial Snapshots to Photographing the Realm of Galaxies
constructed to enable photography. Astrographs were designed to provide a large opti-
cally corrected field of view. During the first decades of the twentieth century, many of
the promises alluded to by George Ritchey for “a broader science” were being realized in
spectacular ways.
The Giant Steps of Astrophotography
A new generation of young astronomers took over Draper’s, Common’s and Roberts’ pio-
neering work in nebular astrophotography in the nascent astronomy community of North
America. James Keeler and Heber Doust Curtis (1872–1942) at the Lick Observatory on
Mount Hamilton, central California employed the refurbished Crossley 36-inch reflector in
most skillful ways.37
Having been shipped over and received at Lick, the 36-inch was in such a poor shape
that it was declared by not just a few of the observatory staff as a “piece of junk,” a “mon-
strosity.” After a difficult transition period involving many repairs, the leading astronomer at
the observatory, James Edward Keeler (1857–1900), successfully put it to work (Fig. 3.3).38
However, it was American astronomer Charles Dillon Perrine (1867–1951) who completely
redesigned and rebuilt the telescope, giving it its familiar look. Due to these diligent efforts,
the telescope mount was rebuilt and the telescope transformed into a powerful astrograph
that started operation in 1898.
The high mountain site also offered fine observing conditions. Thus equipped with
an optically fast, very fine, glass mirror, Keeler and Curtis conducted a systematic pho-
tographic survey of the sky with a new wide-field photographic camera. Following the
untimely death of Keeler at the age of 43 in 1900, Curtis vigorously carried out the Lick
Observatory “nebulae” astrophotography program. The Crossley camera covered 0.9 degree
at any one time, a field with an area almost ten times that of the apparent size of the Moon.
With a survey covering only a few areas of the sky, the deep photographs revealed thousands
of galaxies. Extrapolating from these counts, Curtis estimated in 1918 that one million or
more spirals would be detectable with the Crossley, if the whole sky were photographed to
the same depth.39
In 1918, Curtis published extensive papers accompanied by detailed descriptions of pho-
tographs of “nebulae” and star clusters made with the Crossley from 1898 until 1 February
1918 (Fig. 3.4). The lists contained 762 entries, of
which 513 were classified as spirals. Cur-
tis was quite clear about the nature of the latter objects: “It is my belief that all the many
thousands of nebulae not definitely to be classed as diffuse or planetary are true spirals. . . .
37 Built by Andrew A. Common in Great Britain in 1879, the Crossley was the first large reflector to be equipped with a concave, silver-coated glass mirror. Having been refurbished several times, the telescope is still in use today. For a fine historical review, see Remington P. S. Stone, The Crossley Reflector: A Centennial Review – I & II, Sky and Telescope, 1979, October issue, pp. 307–311; November issue, pp. 396–400.
38 J. Keeler, The Crossley Reflector of the Lick Observatory, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1900, Vol. 12, pp. 146–167.
39 H. D. Curtis, The Number of the Spiral Nebulae, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1918, Vol. 30, pp. 159–161.
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Part I – Images and the Cosmos
Fig. 3.3 The Lick Observatory 36-inch Crossley reflector, still with the original structure from
Crossley. From Keeler (1900). The Astrophysical Journal. C
AAS. Reproduced with permission.
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3. From Celestial Snapshots to Photographing the Realm of Galaxies
Fig. 3.4 Heber Curtis. Credit: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.
Were the Great Nebula in Andromeda itself situated five hundred times as far away as at
present, it would appear as a structureless oval about 0.’2 long, with very bright center, not
to be distinguished from the thousands of very small, round or oval nebulae found wherever
the spirals are found.”40 (Note that 0.’2 means 0.2 arcminute of angular size.)
Curtis’ article provides interesting reading as it followed very much the tabular listing
of objects of the reports of the Birr Castle works published by the Third and Fourth Earls
of Rosse decades earlier. Similarly, Curtis employed short telegraphic descriptors to depict
the various objects: for example NGC 7723 is “A nearly round, rather faint, open spiral of
the -type, 1’.5 long. Bright stellar nucleus. 6 s.n.” (Note that meant that it was classi-
fied as a barred spiral.) However, there was a stark difference with the earlier publications:
Curtis’ article was accompanied by a fine set of photographic plates illustrating the differ-
ent forms of barred spirals. Despite Curtis’ achievements, observing with the refurbished
36-inch remained challenging. American astronomer William Hammond Wright (1871–
1959), director of the Lick Observatory from 1935 to 1942, wrote sarcastically “the only
40 H. D. Curtis, Descriptions of 762 Nebulae and Clusters Photographed with the Crossley Reflector, Publications of the Lick Observatory, 1918, Vol. XIII, Part I, p. 12.
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Part I – Images and the Cosmos
Fig. 3.5 George Ellery Hale. Credit: University of Chicago Photographic Archive, [apf6–00263],
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
comfortable and safe way to work with the Crossley would be to flood the dome with water
and observe from a boat.”41 But another team of American astronomers soon came on the
scene with new revolutionary telescopes and cameras at a fine mountain site.
Trailblazer of Modern Astrophotography
During the first decade of the twentieth century, a gigantic effort in creating a completely
new astronomical facility was taking place at Mount Wilson Observatory, Southern Cali-
fornia. American astronomer George Ellery Hale (1868–1938), who understood the impor-
tance of good sites for astronomical work, was leading the colossal venture (Fig. 3.5).
Originally at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin, Hale was a visionary astronomer with an
unusual ability for promoting science and an incredible instinct for successful fundraising.
He applied these talents to the creation of scientific institutions and the building of big
41 Cited by R. P. S. Stone, The Crossley Reflector: A Centennial Review – I & II, Sky and Telescope, 1979, November issue, p. 400.
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3. From Celestial Snapshots to Photographing the Realm of Galaxies
telescopes.42 Hale also understood well that the size of telescope was not everything. Good
instruments and a creative staff were needed as well. Having raised ample amounts of
money, he swiftly used these funds, hiring researchers at the forefront and constructing
superb astronomical facilities equipped with the best cameras and spectrographs.
Among the newly hired staff was George Willis Ritchey (1864–1945). Ritchey was a
first-class engineer and inventor who saw the enormous advantages of the arrival of large
blank disks of glass that could be configured and polished to an extremely smooth and pre-
cise optical surface. Following the successful techniques developed by French astronomer
Léon Foucault (1819–1868) at Marseille Observatory, he knew that the glassy surface could
also be coated with a thin layer of silver for optimal reflection – as had been done with the
Crossley. Because of their superiority in several physical and technical aspects, glass mir-
rors supplanted metal ones (and glass lenses) as soon as they could be cast at meter size
and larger. In addition, Ritchey redesigned mechanical structures for telescope mounts and
drives appropriate for large reflectors. These innovations resulted in spectacular improve-
ments in the optical quality of telescopes and in the precision of their mechanical movement.
Ritchey had understood the requirements and potential of photography. He spearheaded
the new technology of photography in unique ways. While at Yerkes Observatory, the insti-
tution that then hosted the largest refractor in the world, he designed and constructed a fast
(f/4) 24-inch reflector in 1901 (Fig. 3.6). He conducted illustrative demonstrations high-
lighting his design. Until then, only grand amateurs favored reflectors, if we exclude Léon
Foucault in France. “Ritchey took a spectacular series of photographs of nebulae with it
[the 24-inch], demonstrating to skeptical astronomers just how useful reflecting telescopes
could be.”43 Having moved to Mount Wilson, Ritchey became lead designer for the new
telescopes being built at the new California site. He designed two scientific monuments
optimized for deep photographic work: the 60-inch and in part the 100-inch reflecting tele-
scopes of the Mount Wilson Observatory (Figs. 3.7a and 3.7b). Francis Gladheim Pease
(1881–1938), who had been Ritchey’s assistant, replaced him as project leader on the 100-
inch, for reasons we will see later. The 60-inch was the first great modern reflector. Many
considered it an engineering marvel.
Together, Hale and Ritchey made a powerful scientific tandem that lasted for a few
decades. They left a huge and rich legacy. The fruits of the Hale–Ritchey alliance were
an extraordinary set of new astronomical facilities capable of exploiting the exquisite con-
ditions of the mountain sites of southern California with the added power of astrophoto-
graphy. Due to Hale’s excellent management and diligent work, the 60-inch reflector was
in operation
before the end of 1908. Combining passion with a fanatic sense of preci-
sion, Ritchey came with a background that made him an outstanding astrophotographer.
He used the 60-inch to obtain deep photographs of “nebulae,” spirals in particular. Many
of Ritchey’s photographs were obtained through very long exposures: to reach as deeply
42 J. R. Goodstein, Millikan’s School, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1991, pp. 64–87.
43 D. E. Osterbrock, Yerkes Observatory 1892–1950: The Birth, Near Death, and Resurrection of a Scientific Research Institution, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997, pp. 36–37.
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Fig. 3.6 George Ritchey’s 24-inch reflector (1933). Credit: University of Chicago Photographic
Archive, [apf6–01377], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
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3. From Celestial Snapshots to Photographing the Realm of Galaxies
Fig. 3.7 (a) Century-old modernized 60-inch reflector at Mount Wilson Observatory. Credit: Creative
Commons Attribution/Heven729.
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Part I – Images and the Cosmos
Fig. 3.7 (b) The Mount Wilson 100-inch reflector as seen today. Credit: Creative Commons
Attribution/Ken Spencer.
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3. From Celestial Snapshots to Photographing the Realm of Galaxies
as possible, exposures on the same plate were spread over several nights, in one case total-
ing 60 hours. In their 1935 classic work, Lunettes et télescopes, French astronomers André
Danjon and André Couder wrote that the photographs obtained by Ritchey with the Mount
Wilson Observatory 60-inch reflector 25 years earlier were still the best available.44
Astrophotographer Guru
To highlight the excellence of the 60-inch optical design and its mechanical accuracy,
Ritchey repeated what he had done with the Yerkes 40-inch refractor and his 24-inch reflec-
tor, producing spectacular photographs of the Moon to demonstrate the quality and power